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  7. Глава 52. Виды актантов в различных языках мира

492. Abel R. L. Comparative Law and Social Theory.— The American Journal of Comparative Law. Berkeley. 1978, vol. 26, № 2.

493. Afchar H. The Muslim Conception of Law.— International Encyclopaedia of Comparative Law. Vol. 2. The Legal Systems of the World. Their Comparison and Unification. Chap. 1. The Different Conceptions of the Law. Tubingen — Mouton — The Hague — Paris, 1975.

494. Aghnides N. P. Mohammedan Theories of Finance. Pt. 1. An Introduction to Mohammedan Law and a Bibliography. N. Y.— L., 1916.

495. Anderson J. N. D. The Adaptation of Muslim Law in Sub-Saharan Africa.— African Law. Adaptation and Development. Berkeley — Los Angeles, 1965.

496. Anderson J. N. D. Codification in the Muslim World.— Rabel's Zeitschrift fur Auslandisches und Internationales Privatrecht. Tubingen, 1966. Bd. 30*~

497. Anderson J. N. D. The Future of Islamic Law in British Commonwealth Territories in Africa.— African Law. New Law for New Nations. N. Y., 1963.

498. Anderson J. N. D. Islamic Law in Africa. L., 1970.

499. Anderson J. N. D. Islamic Law in Africa: Problems of Today and Tomorrow.— Changing Law in Developing Countries. Eg by J. N. D. Anderson. L., 1963.

500. Anderson J. N. D. Islamic Law in the Modern World. N. Y., 1959.

501. Anderson J. N. D. Law as a Social Force in Islamic Culture and History.— Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. L., 1957, vol. 20.

502. Anderson J. N. D. Law Reform in Egypt. 1850—1950.—Political and Social Change in Modern Egypt. Historical Studies from the Ottoman Conquest to the UAR. L., 1968.

503. Anderson J. N. D. Law Reform in the Muslim World. L., 1976.

504. Anderson J. N. D. Modern Trends in Islam: Legal Reform and Modernisation in the Middle East.— International and Comparative Law Quarterly. L., 1971, Vol. 20.

505. Anderson J. N. D. Recent Developments in the Sharia.— Muslim World, Vol. 40—42. Hartford, 1950—1952.

506. Anderson J. N. D. The Sharia Today.— The Journal of Comparative Leg-is-lation and International Law. 3rd Series. Vol. 31, pt. Ill—IV. L., 1949.

507. Anderson J. N. D. The Significance Islamic Law in the World Today.— The American Journal of Comparative Law. Baltimore. 1960, Vol. 9, № 9

508. Badr G. M. Islamic Law: Its Relation to Other Legal Systems.— The American Journal of Comparative Law. Berkeley. 1978, Vol. 26, № 2.

509. Badr G. M. La Relance du Droit Islamique dans la -Jurisprudence Algerian-ne depuis 1962.—Revue International de Droit Compare. P. 1970, Vol. 22* № 1.

510. Bielawski /. Islam — religia panstwa i prawa. Warszawa, 1973.

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519. Chehata Ch. Logique Juridique et Droit Musulman.— Studia Islamica. Vol. 23. P., 1965.

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521. Cohen H. The Economic Background and the Secular Occupations of Muslim Jurisprudents and Traditionalists in the Classical Period of Islam.— Journal of the Economic and Social History of Orient. Vol. 13. Leiden, 1970.

522. Contini P. Integration of Legal System in the Somali Republic.— International and Comparative Law Quarterly. Vol. 16, Pt. IV. L., 1967.

523. Contini P. The Somali Republic: An Experiment in Legal Integration. L., 1969.

524. Coulson N. J. Conflicts and Tensions in Islamic Jurisprudence. Chicago, 1969.

525. Coulson N. J. Doctrine and Practice in Islamic Law: One Aspect of the Problem.— Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. Vol. 18. L., 1956.

526. Coulson N. J. A History of Islamic Law. Edinburgh, 1954.

527. Coulson N. J. The State and the Individual in Islamic Law.— Integrational and Comparative Law Quarterly. Vol. 6, pt 1. L., 1957.

528. Damian E. and Hornick R. N. Indonesia's Formal Legal System. An Introduction.— The American Journal of Comparative Law. Vol. 20. № 1. Berkeley, 1972.

529. David R. Sources of Law.— International Encyclopaedia of Comparative Law. Vol. 2. The Legal Systems of the World. Their Comparison and Unification. Chap. 3. Sources of Law. Tubingen — Mouton — The Hague — Paris, 1984.

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532. Doi A. Rahman I. The Cardinal Principles of Islam (according to the Maliki Systems). Ibadan, 1981.

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534. Dulout F. Traite de Droit Musulman et Algerien. Vol. 1—3. Alger, 1947.

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539. Fyzee A. A. A. Aspects of Fatimid Law.—Studia Islamica. Vol. 33. P., 1971.

540. Fyzee A. A. A. Cases in the Muhammedan Law of India and Pakistan. Ox., 1965.

541. Fyzee A. A. A. Outlines of Muhammedan Law. L.—N. Y.—Bombay, 1955.

542. Fyzee A. A. A. Shii Legal Theories.— Law in the Middle East. Ed. by Majid Khadduri and Herbert Liebesny. Vol. 1 Origin and Development of Islamic Law. Wash., 1955.

543. Gibb H. A. R. The Structure of Religious Thought in Islam. III. Law and Theology.—The Muslim World. Hartford. 1948, Vol. 38, № 3.

544. Gluckman M. Adat Law in Indonesia.— The Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law. Vol. 31, pt III—IV. L., 1949.

.545. Goitein S. Studies in Islamic History and Institutions. Leiden, 1966.

546. Goldziher I. La Dogme et la Loi de L'Islam. Histoire du developpement dogmatique et Juridique de la Religion Musulman. P., 1920.

547. Goldziher L Introduction to Islamic Theology and Law. Princeton, 1981.

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548. Goldziher L Muslim Studies. Vol 1—2. L., 1967—1971.

549. Goldziher L The Principles of Law in Islam.— The Historians' History of the World. Ed. by Williams H. S. Vol. 8. N. Y.—L., 1907.

550. Goldziher L, Schacht J. Fikh.— The Encyclopaedia of Islam. New ed. Vol. 2. Fasc. 36. Leiden —L., 1964.

551. Gruner R. Place de 1'islam dans les constitutions du Maghreb.— L'Afrique et 1'Asie Modernes. P., 1981, № 130.

552. Hague S. Imam Ibn Taimiya and his Projects of Reform. Dhaka, 1982.

553. Hart P. T. Application of Hanbalite and Decree Law to Foreigners in Saudi Arabia.— George Washington Law Review. Vol. 22, pt IV. Wash., 1953.

554. Hasan A. Early Modes of Ijtihad: Ray, Qiyas and Istihsan.— Islamic Studies. Rawalpindi. 1967, Vol. VI, № 1.

555. Hassan F. The Concept of State and Law in Islam. Wash., 1981.

556. Heyd U. Studies in Old Ottoman Criminal Law. Ox., 1973.

557. Hill E. Comparative and Historical Study of Modern Middle Eastern Law.— The American Journal of Comparative Law. Berkeley. 1978, Vol. 26, № 2.

558. Himmich Ben Salem. De la Formation Ideologique en Islam: Ijtihadat et histoire. P., 1980.

559. Hooker M. B. Adat Law in Modern Malaya. Kuala Lumpur — Ox., 1972.

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561. Humphreys R. S. Islam and Political Values in Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Syria.—The Middle East Journal. Wash., 1979. Vol. 33, № 1.

562. Husein W. Administration of Justice During the Muslim Rule in India with a History of the Origin of the Islamic Legal Institutions. Calcutta, 1934.

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564. Itscherenska L, Narouzi D. Zur Islamisierung des Iranischen Rechtswe-sens —Staat und Recht. Potsdam — Babelsberg. 1983, № 9.

565. Judicial and Legal Systems in Africa. Ed. by A. N. Allott. L., 1970.

566. O'Kane J. P. Islam in the New Egyptian Constitution: Some Discussions in al-Ahram.—The Middle East Journal. Wash., 1972, Vol. 26, № 2.

567. Kerr M. H. Islamic Reform. The Political and Legal Theories of Muhammad Abduh and Rashid Rida. Berkely — Los Angeles — London, 1966.

568. Khadduri M. Nature and Source of the Sharia.— George Washington Law Review. Vol. 22, pt IV. Wash., 1953.

569. Khadduri M. Shafii's Treatise on Islamic Jurisprudence.— Труды двадцать пятого международного конгресса востоковедов. Москва. 1960. Т. 2. М., 1963.

570. Khalil M. L The Legal System of the Sudan — The International and Comparative Law Quarterly. Vol. 20, pt IV. L., 1971.

571. Khoury A.-Th. Un Modele d'Etat Islamique: L'Arabie Saoudite. Munchen — Mainz, 1983.

572. Klingmuller E. Revival of the Sharia. Some Considerations on the Legal Developments in Islamic Countries.— Law and State. Vol. 31. New Delhi, 1985.

573. Knox-Maver R. Islamic Domestic Law in the Colony of Aden.— The International and Comparative Law Quarterly. Vol. V, pt IV. L., 1956.

574. Kourides N. Traditionalism and Modernism in Islamic Law: A Review.— The Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. N. Y., 1972, Vol. 11, № 3.

575. Layish Ah. «Ulama» and Politics in Saudi Arabia.— Islam and Politics in the Modern Middle East. Ed. by Metin Heper and Raphael Israeli. L.— Sidney, 1984.

576. Levi R. The Social Structure of Islam. Cambridge, 1957.

577. Leyser J. Legal Development in Indonesia.— The American Journal of Comparative Law. Vol. 3. Baltimore, 1954.

578. Liebesny H. J. Comparative Legal History: its Role in the Analysis of Islamic and Modern Near Eastern Legal Institutions.— The American Journal of Comparative Law. Berkeley. 1972. Vol. 20, № 1.

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579. Liebesny H. /. The Development of Western Judicial Privileges.— Law in the Middle East. Ed. by Majid Khadduri and Herbert Liebesny. Vol. 1. Origin and Development of Islamic Law. Wash., 1955.

580. Liebebnu H. J. Impact of Western Law in the Countries of the Near East.—George Washington Law Review. Vol. 22, pt IV. Wash., 1953.

581. Liebesny H. J. Religious Law and Westernisation in the Moslem Near East.— The American Journal of Comparative Law. Baltimore, 1953. Vol. 2, № 4.

582. Liebesny H. J. Stability and Change in Islamic Law.— The Middle East Journal. Wash., 1967, Vol. 21, № 1.

583. Linant de Bellefonds I. Immutabilite du Droit Musulman et Reformes Legislatives en Egypte.— Revue Internationale de Droit Compare. P., 1955.

584. Linant de Bellefonds I. Traite de Droit Musulman Compare. Vol. 1—3. P., 1965—1973.

585. Macdonald D. B. Development of Muslim Theology, Jurisprudence and Constitutional Theory. N. Y., 1903.

586. Maclntyre R. R. Saudi Arabia.— The Politics of Islamic Reassertion. Ed. by Mohammed Ayoob. L., 1981.

587. Mackeen A. M. M. Contemporary Islamic Legal Organisation in Malaya. New-Haven, 1969.

588. Mahmassani S. Muslims: Decadence and Renaissance — Adaption of Islamic Jurisprudence to Modern Social Needs.— The Muslim World. Vol. 44. Hartford, 1954.

589. Mahmood T. The Muslim Law of India. Allahabad, 1980.

590. Mardin E. Development of the Sharia under the Ottoman Impire.— Law the Middle East. Ed. by Majid Khaddury and Herbert Liebesny. Vol. 1. Origin and Development of Islamic Law. Wash., 1955.

591. Masud M. Kh. Islamic Legal Philosophy. A Study of Abu Ishag al-Shatibi's Life and Thought. Islamabad, 1977.

592. Mayer A. E. Le Droit Musulman en Libye a Tage du «Livre vert».— Maghreb—Machrek. P., 1981, № 93.

593. Milliot L. Coutume et Jurisprudence Musulmane (Orf et Amal).— Rapports Generaux au V Congres International de Droit Compare. Bruxelles, 1960.

594. Milliot L. Introduction a 1'etude du Droit Musulman. P., 1953.

595. Milliot L. La Pensee Juridique de 1'Islam.— Revue Internationale de Droit Compare. P., 1954.

596. Mogannam E. T. The Practical Application of the Law in Certain Arab States.—George Washington Law Review. Vol.'22, pt. IV. Wash., 1953.

597. Mortimer Ed. Faith and Power. The Politics of Islam. N. Y., 1982.

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611. Schacht J. Droit Byzantin et Droit Musulman. Rome, 1956.

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613. Schacht J. Foreign Elements in Ancient Islamic Law.—The Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law. 3rd Series. Vol. XXXII. L., 1950.

614. Schacht J. An Introduction to Islamic Law. Ox., 1966.

615. Schacht /. Islamic Law in Contemporary States.— The American Journal of Comparative Law. Baltimore. 1959, Vol. 8, № 2.

616. Schacht J. Islamic Religious Law.— The Legacy of Islam. 2nd ed. Ox., 1979.

617. Schacht J. The Law.— Unity and Variety in Muslim Civilization. Chicago, 1955.

618. Schacht /. Notes sur la Sociologie du Droit Musulman.— Revue Africaine. Vol. 56. Alger, 1952.

619. Schacht J. The Origins of Muhammadan Jurisprudence. Ox., 1950.

620. Schacht J. Pre-Islamic Background and Early Development of Jurisprudence.— Law in the Middle East. Ed. by Majid Khadduri and Herbert Liebesny. Vol. 1. Origin and Development of Islamic Law. Wash., 1955.

621. Schacht J. Problems of Modern Islamic Legislation.— Studia Islamica. Vol. 12. P., 1960.

622. Schacht J. The Schools of Law and Later Development of Jurisprudence.— Law in the Middle East. Ed. by Majid Khadduri and Herbert Liebesny. Vol. 1. Origin and Development of Islamic Law. Wash., 1955.

623. Schacht J. Sharia.— Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam. Leiden, 1953.

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627. Shehaby N. Ilia and Qiyas in Early Islamic Legal Theory.—The Journal of American Oriental Society. New-Haven, 1982. Vol. 102, № 1.

628. Singer N. J. Islamic Law and the Development of the Ethiopian Legal System.—Howard Law Journal. Vol. 17. Wash., 1971.

629. Sirat A. S. The Modern Legal System of Afganistan.— The American Journal of Comparative Law. Baltimore. 1968, Vol. 16, № 4.

630. Snouck Hurgronje C. Selected Works. Ed. by G.-H. Bousquet and J. Schacht. Leiden, 1957.

631. Solaim S. A. Saudi Arabia's Judicial System.— The Middle East Journal. Wash., 1971, Vol. 25, № 3.

632. Subandrio H. Adat Law in Indonesia.— The Islamic Review. Woking, 1962, № 6—8.

633. Sudargo G., Hornick P. An Introduction to Indonesian Law: Unity in Diversity. Bandung, 1978.

634. Talabani N. Les Tendences Modernes dans le Droit Musulman.— Revue de Droit Compare. Vol. 4—5. Baghdad, 1972.

635. Theology and Law in Islam. Ed. by G. E. von Grunebaum. Wiesbaden, 1971.

636. Travaux de la Semaine Internationale de Droit Musulman. P., 1953.

637. Tyan E. Methodologie et Sources du Droit en Islam.— Studia Islamica. Vol. 10. г., 1959.

638. Varga C. Modernization of Law and Its Codificational Trends in the Afro-Asiatic Legal Development. Budapest, 1976.

639. Velidedeoglu H. V. Le Mouvement de Codification dans les Pays Musul-mans. Les Rapports avec les Systemes Juridiques Occidentaux.— Rapports Generaux au V-e Congres International de Droit Compare. Vol. 1. Bru-xelles, 1958.

640. Velidedeoglu H. V. The Reception of the Swiss Civil Code in Turkey.— The Reception of Foreign Law in Turkey. Internatoinal Social Science Bulletin/ P., 1957, Vol. 9, № 1.

641. Vesey-Fitzgerald S. The Alleged Debt of Islamic to Roman Law.—The Law Quarterly Review. L. 1951, Vol. 67, № 265.

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642. Vesey-Fitzgerald S. Muhammadan Law. An Abridgment According to Its Various Schools. Ox., 1931.

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