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Bonding prayer

Призыв о пламени воскресения 60.05 | Молитва СвЯтого Франциска 60.08 | I AM the Violet Flame | Я ЕСМЬ Фиолетовое ПламЯ 70.11 | VIOLET FLAME FROM THE HEART OF GOD | ФИОЛЕТОВОЕ ПЛАМЯ ИЗ СЕРДЦА БОГА 70.13 | ЗАКОН ПРОЩЕНИЯ 70.16 | VIOLET-PURPLE-PINK | Arcturus, Blessed Being Bright | АРКТУР, БЛАГОСЛОВЕННЫЙ СВЕТЛЫЙ 70.18 |

Читайте также:
  2. The Prayer before the Ambo
  3. The Prayer of the Entry
  4. The Prayer of the Third Antiphon

Know this, beloved, that you must greet adversity and adversary, welcoming the initiation and intensifying into it from your heart of sacred fire whereby you say:

Where I stand, there is Morya!

And in his name I say:

Thus far and no farther!

You shall not pass!

You shall not tread on Holy Ground!

You shall not enter this hallowed place!

You shall not come between me and my God!

My God is happiness this day.

My God is holiness.

My God is the divine wholeness of the Living One.

I and my Father Morya are one!

PoPE’S Prayer

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in Armageddon, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, bind the forces of Death and Hell, the seed of Satan, the false hier­archy of Antichrist, and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls, and remand them to the Court of the Sacred Fire for their Final Judgment [including___________________

Stop tape and Insert optional personal prayer here.•»

Cast out the dark ones and their darkness, the evildoers and their evil words and works, cause, effect, record and memory, into the lake of sacred fire «prepared for the devil and his angels».

In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and the Mother, Amen.

Copyright © 1994 Summit Lighthouse, Inc.

Богородица Дева, радуйсЯ

Богородица Дева, радуйся,

благодатная Мария, Господь с тобою.

Благословенна ты в женах

и благословен плод чрева твоего, Иисус.

Пресвятая Мария, Матерь Божья,

молись о нас, сыновьях и дочерях Божьих,

ныне и в час нашей победы

над грехом, болезнью и смертью.

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