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Environmental Issues

Achievements and Awards | Exercise 2. Make up questions to the following answers. | Getting Through Customs | VOCABULARY PRACTICE | COMPREHENSION CHECK | Choosing a Hotel | A Business Appointment | VOCABULARY PRACTICE | Business Appointment Success or Failure | Overview |

Читайте также:
  1. Box 6: The ТCairns groupУ, offensive on agriculture issues
  2. Environmental Pollution
  3. Environmental protection
  4. Fiscal Issues Are a Growing Concern of the IMF
  5. Mining environmental Issues i
  6. Text 1. The problem of environmental protection

Ukraine is interested in cooperating on regional environmental issues. Conservation of natural resources is a stated high priority, although implementation suffers from a lack of financial resources. Ukraine established its first nature preserve, Askania - Nova, in 1921 and has programs to breed endangered species.

The country has significant environmental problems, especially those resulting from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster in 1986 and from industrial pollution. In accordance with its previously announced plans, Ukraine permanently closed the Chernobyl Atomic Energy Station in December of 2000. In November of 2001, Ukraine withdrew an application it had made to the EBRD for funding to complete two new reactor units to compensate for the energy once produced by Chernobyl. Ukrainian concern over reform conditions attached to the loan particularly tariff increases needed to ensure loan repayment-led the Ukrainian government to withdraw the application on the day the EBRD Board was to have considered final approval. Work on the so-called "object shelter" to permanently entomb the reactor where the world's worst nuclear accident occurred has been slower than anticipated but continues. Design work as well as structural improvements to the "sarcophagus" erected by the Soviet Union were largely complete, and construction on the new shelter are scheduled to begin in 2004.

Ukraine also has established a Ministry of Environment and has introduced a pollution fee system that levies taxes on air and water emissions and solid waste disposal. The resulting revenues are channelled to environmental protection activities, but enforcement of this pollution fee system is lax.

Source: http://tour2kiev.com/en/economy.html

Word list:

Emerging [ɪ'mɜːʤɪŋ] развивающийся, начинающий существование;

Gross domestic product [grəus] валовый внутренний продукт;

Recession [rɪ'seʃ(ə)n] эк. регресс, спад; снижение, падение (производства, спроса на товары, цен и т.п.)

Drastic ['dræstɪk] решительный, резкий, крутой;

Labour ['leɪbə] – труд; рабочий класс, рабочая сила;

Decline [dɪ'klaɪn] – упадок; ухудшаться, снижаться;

Tame [teɪm] приручённый, одомашненный; безвольный, робкий;

Moderate ['mɔd(ə)rət] умеренный, посредственный (о качестве), приемлемый;

Faltering ['fɔːlt(ə)rɪŋ] запинающийся, нерешительный, нетвёрдый, неуверенный;

Gird [gɜːd] рывок, бросок; резкое движение;

Domestic demand [dɪ'mɑːnd] внутренний спрос;

Solid ['sɔlɪd] надёжный, солидный; единодушный, единогласный;

Consumer [kən'sju:mə] – потребитель;

Sturdy ['stɜːdɪ] прочный, крепкий;

Raw material [rɔː] – сырьё;

Ferrous metals ['ferəs] чёрные металлы;

Cast iron [,kɑːst'aɪən] – чугун;

Coke [kəuk] – кокс;

Fertilizer ['fɜːtɪlaɪzə] удобрение;

Sulfur ['sʌlfə] – сера, sulfuric acid серная кислота;

Pledge [pleʤ] отдавать в залог, закладывать; обещать, клясться;

Streamline ['stri:mlaɪn] – упрощать, рационализировать;

Entrepreneur [,ɔntrəprə'nɜː] бизнесмен, делец, предприниматель;

Enact [ɪ'nækt], [en' ] юр. определять, устанавливать в законодательном порядке;

Overhaul [,əuvə'hɔːl] тщательно исследовать, произвести проверку, совершенствовать;

Pace [peɪs] шаг; темп;

Scope [skəup] границы, рамки, предел;

Withdraw [wɪð'drɔː] гл.прош. вр. withdrew, отнимать, забирать, отказываться;

Lagging ['lægɪŋ] – запаздывание;

Revenue ['rev(ə)nju:] выручка, государственные доходы;

Shareholder ['ʃɛə,həuldə] акционер;

Per capita [pə'kæpɪtə] на человека, на душу населения;

Overall ['əuvərɔːl] полный, всеобщий;

Rank [ræŋk] амер. превосходить по чину, званию;

Refine [rɪ'faɪn] очищать (от примесей), рафинировать; повышать качество;

Capacity [kə'pæsətɪ] – возможность, мощность, производительность;

Opaque [ə'peɪk ] – непрозрачный, тёмный;

Stall [stɔːl] останавливаться, стопориться;

Soar [sɔː] подъём вверх;


Дата добавления: 2015-07-25; просмотров: 76 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Ukraine is a major producer of grain, sugar, meat and milk products| VOCABULARY PRACTICE

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