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Here are the examples of the use of some stance adverbs

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  1. A) translate the illustrative examples into Russian;
  2. Examples
  3. Examples: 1. Bob and Gloria have just come back from the park. They have been
  4. Exercise 5. More about word-building: Adverbs.
  5. IX. Study Vocabulary Notes and translate the illustrative examples into Russian.
  6. Numbers (Cardinal, Ordinal, Exceptions). Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs. Exceptions.

It’s been threatening for years, but now it seems it’s actually happening. The country is finally driving into a gridlock. Is it really true? – Apparently so.

Presumably he will also oversee state and local agencies dealing with the Ebola outbreak.


The nurse presumably was infected while caring for Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person to becme sick with Ebola while in the United States.

Presumably, they are paid their fabulous salaries to spot errors such as these.


Part-time work seems to be a prerogative of women presumably as a consequence of their central role in the home.


Who knows how they were able to book such a notorious camera-shy recluse — hypnotism/witchcraft, presumably.

High-population-density suburbs spill into one another, presumably blurring residential lines.

Paradoxically, in this impoverished period, car parking became a serious problem.



Sadly, the charismatic president did not know how many enemies he had.

Sadly, I tend to think it will ultimately be much ado about relatively little.

Sadly, there are few votes to be won with measures that are painful or spending that may not bring results in our lifetimes.

Sadly, this year’s campaign has been dull and disheartening.

The situation with other diseases, sadly, mirrors that with Ebola.

Sadly, Ebola will only push Africa backwards economically and make it less able to deal with a large-scale health crisis that could spread internationally.

Sadly, our culture is seduced into thinking things like learning can be reduced to numbers and statistics.

Sadly for the world’s astronomers, it quickly became apparent that what would actually happen was a near miss.

Sadly, any optimism was dashed on Tuesday morning, with the news that Britain’s public finances are at their messiest in decades.

Sadly, the primary way to change that has been, catastrophically, shut off by the blinkered stubbornness of our policymakers.


But, sadly, given current circumstances, it doesn’t look like we have to worry about that.


I used the money to buy an electric train set, but frustratingly enough, it didn't work very well.


This is both regrettably limited and frustratingly hard to interpret.


In particular, TV buying has come in recent years to be regarded as something of a separate skill — arguably to the detriment of the media operations of agencies as a whole.


The key to podcasting's success is, arguably, its simplicity.


Arguably, there is less of a need for formal warnings where senior employees are concerned.


Republicans should be careful about the lessons they learn from arguably the best election night in a decade.


It sounds simplistic, and in a way it is, but it’s also arguably the best puzzle game a Nintendo studio’s ever made.


Arguably, applicants who seek American citizenship are more knowledgeable about our system than those of us born in the U.S.


Stock buybacks are, arguably, a smart strategy in predictable times.


Alabama’s ability to stop the run is arguably second to none, considering the exceptional running backs playing in the SEC.


Countless brilliant academics harbor hopes of someday winning a Nobel Prize, arguably the world’s most prestigious award.


That’s four different tax regimes arguably within commuting distance of this office.

Not every actor tackling the heftiest, most poetic and arguably most challenging role in William Shakespeare’s canon heeds to that sound advice.


Amazingly, their 2014 team was arguably the best–and certainly the most athletic and deepest–of their five champions.


But there were few clear-cut chances, and arguably the best opportunity of the opening half-hour came from a Leicester error.


“Doing their job” means that their achievements are rarely made public; their failings magnified, scrutinized and, arguably, overhyped by those looking to score political points.

After all, this is the company that gave the Big Mac to the world, arguably the most popular and memorable fast food product in history.


This should arguably be one of the year’s most important quotes. Kansas slashed taxes, failed to produce the promised results, and left his state’s finances in shambles.


They are insights that I arguably would not have learned, had I not knocked a second time at the door of this “bear.”

She is arguably the most famous female scientist in history, revered as much for her work as for inspiring generations of girls and women.

Let’s also not forget that the Democrats’ options are dwindling, arguably making Kentucky more of a necessity than a luxury.

The more rigorous monitoring comes amid growing and arguably exaggerated concerns over the potential for Ebola to spread within the United States.



But arguably the biggest challenge facing any company entering the market for rail based transport system is obtaining the necessary planning permissions.


A good example is where someone may question you about a situation ostensibly to become clearer about the facts.


The occasion was ostensibly to mark the birthday of his wife, Barbara, and was an excuse to mix business with pleasure.


Ostensibly, it’s not surprising that an old country with an old economy would be home to so many old businesses.


The rules that are ostensibly designed to make it safer and thus less stressful are confusing, capricious, and poorly explained.


But the problem may not be the skills that workers ostensibly lack.


Whoever replaces Erdogan as prime minister would hold the position ostensibly until next year, when a general election is scheduled.


While the law ostensibly protects employed women who get pregnant, it is a lot harder to prove that your boss has discriminated against you.


Many ostensibly genuine drugs bought online have been found to be counterfeit or tainted.


He left university, ostensibly to join his father's gas fitting firm, but in reality to spend more time as an activist.


Ostensibly, the reason was to prevent the tapes from somehow falling into the hands of al-Qaeda.


Ostensibly, the film is science fiction – directed by the Israeli animator Ari Folman and spotlighting issues of intellectual property, internet avatars and the withering flesh.

“Hedge funds” which ostensibly protect against risk, actually create risk.


Despite Google's best efforts to convince the relevant officials, the fire risk was apparently too high for the project to continue.


I had deleted the photos from my phone, but apparently they had remained on some server somewhere, unbeknownst to me, where hackers could find them.


Few predicted the power of the Republican wave, including incumbents who apparently were caught off guard.

So why would presumably smart political professionals think that’s a good message to get out on the eve of Election Day?

Even those who know marriage is on the skids — presumably, most of us — may be surprised by the extent of its decline.

That team will presumably be in charge of helping to decide whether—and where—the patient should be transferred to a better-prepared facility.

Eventually, she came to believe that he was scheming to have her killed, presumably because she’d discovered his deception.

More crucially, though, the grudging acceptance of the deal did not signal an imminent end to the deeper political dispute over eastern Ukraine.

Most crucially, we can re-evaluate whether we need those shiny new devices quite so often.

Most crucially, the entire process is designed to be veiled in secrecy until a decision is reached.

Crucially, it is unrealistic to expect a significant further increase given the outlook for wages and interest rates.

And, crucially, private mode doesn’t stop social networks from tracking you and collecting your data.

All those things sound subtly – but crucially – different to me.

The method, developed by the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, is deceptively simple – and crucially, it allows volunteers to take part remotely.

By then, crucially, there should be more fairly allocated advertising time to whoever her opponent is - but please, no more ridiculously late debates.

Perhaps most crucially, however, the Patriots have proven themselves masters of acquiring players whose value has depreciated due to non-football reasons.

Crucially, the program promises a scholarship not just for one year but for four.

Bewilderingly, the fear didn't magically subside as I thought it would.

The combination is singular — an enterprise that is epic, pristine and in many places bewilderingly flawed.

It is a bewilderingly complex situation whose overall democratic credentials can seem fragile.

Trying to extend the “Live” from Xbox to Windows, with a bewilderingly diverse set of unrelated products and services was a mistake, in his view.


Bewilderingly, most of the villagers treat Arthur with unexplained hostility, glowering and slamming doors.


Our past warnings of likely outcomes both in Iraq and Syria regrettably fell on deaf ears.


So, regrettably, we are going to have to reduce costs in the newsroom.


Regrettably, as history has taught us, bad journalism has made truth the first casualty of war.


Regrettably, these data paint a fairly compelling picture of the United States as the world’s primary trade scofflaw.


But, regrettably, political agreement on such an approach remains elusive," the fund said.


Regrettably for everyone involved, they chose a more ridiculous path.


Regrettably, the many have been tarnished by the few, which is why this trend must be reversed, and fast.


Regrettably, competing companies on both sides of this issue refused to come to agreement on how to achieve that goal.”


“Aspects of U.S. policy toward Iraq during its conflict with Iran appear now to have been regrettably shortsighted,” Albright said in 2000.


The fallacy in this regrettably common approach has been exposed with wonderful clarity in many writings by Nobel laureate Professor Paul Krugman.


Perhaps regrettably, he looks an awful lot like Tony Blair.


“As a precaution, all official engagements for this week will regrettably be either postponed or cancelled,” the palace said in a statement.


Regrettably, such cases have meant dismal outcomes for the employees.

"The tragic and heartbreaking information you received is, regrettably, true," he wrote.


Curiously enough, Beethoven never goes out of style. His stream of sheer energy and inventiveness gets to you somehow," said Wagner, 69.


Curiously, there is no dedicated VIP space — odd for a brand that has a deep bench of celebrity clientele.


Curiously enough, they went on believing this even after the mislaid key was found under a sack of meal.

Curiously enough this did not strike her as an impossibly rash thing to do.


Curiously, with H1N1, mortality has been highest in pregnancy, obesity, young adults, and indigenous peoples.


Most curiously, Yanukovych said he would still go to Vilnius, which suggests some kind of bargaining was under way.



Дата добавления: 2015-07-25; просмотров: 64 | Нарушение авторских прав

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