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  1. ODBC-источники
  2. Quot;Статья 79. Источники формирования накопительной системы пенсионного страхования и использования ее средств
  4. Альтернативные источники материально-технических ресурсов для села
  5. Важнейшие источники по истории раннего средневековья.
  6. Внешние источники угрозы безопасности национальной экономики
  7. Внутренние источники угрозы безопасности национальной экономики
1. Chaudhary, V., "Experts urge sleeping pill ban be lifted", Guardian (London), 15 Apr 1993, p2.
2. Fitzsimons, C., "Addicts to sue over "happy pill" misery", Observer (London), 14 Feb 1988.
3. FIND/SVP, The Market for Psychotropic Drugs, New York, FIND/SVP, 1992, cited in: Anon., "Psychotropic sales $7.6 bill by 1996?", Scrip, No 1720, 22 May 1992, p26.
4. Management and Marketing Corporation, US Psychotherapeutic Agents Rx Strategies: Trends, Strategies, Threats and Opportunities, Stamford, СТ., Management and Marketing Corporation, 1992.
5. Medawar, С., Power and Dependence, London, Social Audit, 1992, pp8-25.
6. Ibid, p58.
7. Ibid, p69.
8. Lacey, R., The Complete Guide to Psychiatric Drugs, London, Ebury, 1991, p37.
9. Parish, P., Medicines: a guide for everybody, London, Penguin (6th edn, revised), 1989, p68.
10. Peely, J. (ed.), New Drugs, London, British Medical Journal, 1991, pp297-8.
10a. Hartog, R. Barbiturate Combinations: Risks without Benefits, Bielefeld, BUKO Pharma-Kampagne and Health Action International, 1993.
11. Parish, op cit, p68.
12. Medawar, op cit, p73.
13. BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, British National Formulary, London, BMA and The Pharmaceutical Press, No 23, Mar 1992, p139.
14. Gaudreault, P., Guay, J., et al, "Benzodiazepine poisoning: Clinical and pharmacological considerations and treatment", Drug Safety, Vol 6, No 4, 1991, pp247-65.
15. Winger, G., Tranquillizers: The Cost of Calmness, London, Burke, 1988, p27.
16. Hollister, L.E., Mortzenbecker, P.P., et al, "Withdrawal reactions from chlordiaze-poxide (Librium), Psychopharmacologia, Vol 2, 1961, pp63-8.
17. Blenkinsopp, A. and Panton, R., Health Promotion for Pharmacists, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1991, pl83.
18. Votey, S.R., Bosse, G.M., et al, "Flumazenil: a new benzodiazepine antagonist", Annals of Emergency Medicine, Vol 20, Feb 1991, ppl81-8.
19. Parish, op cit, p65.
20. Wolfe, S.M., Fugate, L., et al, Worst Pills Best Pills, Washington, Public Citizen Health Research Group, 1988, pl49.
21. Cumming, R.G., Miller, J.P., et al, "Medications and multiple falls in elderly people: the St Louis OASIS Study", Age and Ageing, Vol 20, 1991, pp455-61.
22. Jerram, Т.С., "Hypnotics and sedatives", in: Dukes, M.N.G. and Beeley, L., (eds), Side Effects of Drugs Annual 14, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1990, p35-44.
23. Quoted in Medawar, op cit, p201.
24. Steinberg, J., quoted in Breggin, P. Toxic Psychiatry, London, Fontana, 1993, p305.
25. Andrews, G., "The management of anxiety", Australian Prescriber, Vol 14, No 1, 1991, ppl7-19.
26. Cohen, S.I., "Are benzodiazepines useful in anxiety?", Lancet, 7 Nov 1978, pl080.
27. Winger, op cit, p27.
28. Lacey, op cit, p22.
29. Medawar, op cit, p113.
30. BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, op cit, pl33.
31. Anon, "Media attention for council statement on BZDs", Pharmaceutical Journal, Vol 243, 1989, p209.
32. Anon., "Psychotropic drug prescribing in children", Scrip, No 1590, 13 Feb 1991, p23.
33. Summers, R.S., Schutte, A., Summers, В., "Benzodiazepine use in a small community hospital", South African Medical Journal, Vol 78, 15 Dec 1990, p724.
34. Anon., "French benzodiazepine report calls for change", Scrip, No 1587, 1 Feb 1991, p4.
35. Anon., "Psychotropic misprescribing in Spain", Scrip, No 1618, 22 May 1991, p9.
36. Gaudreault, et al, op cit.
37. Lacey, op cit, p19.
38. Ashton, H., "Psychotropic drug prescribing for women", British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 158 (Suppl. 10), 1991, ррЗО-5.
39. Medawar, op cit, pll2
40. Anon., "Upjohn's CNS sales down", Scrip, No 1776, 4 Dec 1992, p11.
41. Anon., "Buspirone and gepirone - an expanding role in psychiatry?", Scrip, No 1482, 24 Jan 1990, p24.
42. Parish, op cit, p64.
43. Physicians’ Desk Reference, Oradell, NJ, Medical Economics Company, 44th edn, 1990, pl308.
44. Breggin, op cit, p311.
45. Anon., "Zopiclone: another carriage on the tranquilliser train", Lancet, Vol 335, 3 Mar 1990, pp507-8.
46. Anon., "Zopiclone (Zimovane) and neuro-psychiatric reactions", Current Problems, No 30, Dec 1990, p2.
47. Anon., "No serious adverse reactions?", Utusan Konsumer, Jan 1993, pl5.
48. Ghodse, H., and Khan, I. (eds), Psychoactive Drugs: Improving Prescribing Practices, Geneva, WHO, 1988, p15.
49. Birley, J.L.T., "Drug advertisements in developing countries", Lancet, 28 Jan 1989, p220.
50. López Linares, R. and Phang Romero, C., Promoviendo la Salud о los Negocios?, Chimbote, Acción para la Salud, 1992, p11.
51. Anon., Scrip, No 1587, op cit, p4.
52. Breggin, op cit, p330.
53. Feely, op cit, p300.
54. Joldal, В. "Selecting drugs on the basis of need", World Health Forum, Vol 6, 1985, pp67-9.
55. Bruun, К., (ed.), Controlling Psycho tropic Drugs - The Nordic Experience, London, Croom Helm, 1983, p255.
56. Collier, J., The Health Conspiracy, London, Century Hutchinson, 1989, p20.
57. Medawar, op cit, ppl76-80.
58. Ridley, H., Drugs of Choice, London, Social Audit, 1986, p8.
59. Ramster, D., Barber, A.J., et al, "A policy on benzodiazepines", Lancet, 12 Dec 1987, pl406.
60. Brahams, D., "Benzodiazepine overprescribing: successful initiative in New York State", Lancet, Vol 336, 1 Dec 1990, pp1372-3.
61. Shader, R.I., Greenblatt, D.J., et al, "Appropriate use and regulatory control of benzodiazepines", Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Vol 31, 1991, pp781-4.
62. Feely, op cit, p301.
63. Parish, op cit, p74.
64. Matthews, K. and Eagles, J.M., "Which antidepressant?", British Journal of General Practice, Vol 41, Mar 1991, pp123-5.
65. Breggin, op cit, p194.
66. Ibid, pl86.
67. Matthews and Eagles, op cit.
68. Rand, E.H., "Choosing an antidepressant to treat depression", A merican Family Physician, Mar 1991, pp847-54.
69. Feely, op cit, p306.
70. Breggin, op cit, p188.
71. Gilman, A.G., Rail, T.W., Nies, A.S., and Taylor, P., Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, New York, Pergamon Press, (8th edn) 1990, p416.
72. BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, op cit, p156.
73. Gilman, et al, op cit, p416.
74. BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, op cit, p151.
75. Henry, J. (ed.), The British Medical Association Gu ide to Medicines & Drugs, London, Dorling Kindersley, (2nd edn) 1991, p80.
76. Feely, op cit, p307.
77. Breggin, op cit, p199.
78. Anon., "US group warnings on Prozac", Scrip, No 1533, 20 Jul 1990, p26.
79. Anon., "Top 20 products in 1992", Scrip, No 1812/13, 16/20 Apr 1993, p29.
80. Anon., "US FDA panel on Prozac - effect on litigation", Scrip, No 1656, 2 Oct 1991, p21.
81. Potter, W.Z., Rudorfer, M.V., et al, "The pharmacological treatment of depression", New England Journal of Medicine, Vol 325, 29 Augl991, pp633-42.
82. Breggin, op cit, p200.
83. Levinson, M.L., Lipsy, R.J. and Fuller, D.K., "Adverse effects and drug interactions associated with fluoxetine therapy", DICP, The Annals of Pharmacotherapy, Vol 125, Jun 1991, pp657-61.
84. Teicher, M.H., Glod, C., et al, "Emergence of intense suicidal preoccupation during fluoxetine treatment", American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 147, 1990, pp206-10.
85. Anon., "Prozac claims", Lancet, Vol 338, 3 Aug 1991, p307.
86. Ahmad, S.R., "USA: fluoxetine 'not linked to suicide'", Lancet, Vol 338, 5 Oct 1991, pp875-6.
87. Anon., Scrip, No 1656, op cit, p21.
88. Breggin, op cit, p208.
89. Anon., "Dr Moebius attacks Prozac enthusiasm", Scrip, No 1517, 25 May 1990, p27.
90. Potter, et al, op cit.
91. Feely, op cit, p303.
92. Breggin, op cit, p211.
93. Ibid, pp57-83.
94. Monon, I., Hall, J. and Halliday, J., Tranquillisers: The comprehensive guide, London, Bloomsbury, 1992, ppxvi-xvii.
95. Laurence, D.R. and Bennett, P.N., Clinical Pharmacology, Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone, (6th edn), 1987, p362.
96. Gilman, et al, op cit, p402.
97. Wolfe, et al, op cit, p159.



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