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Course outline

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  1. The function of the Central Intelligence Agency is to assist the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency in carrying out the responsibilities outlined above.
Topics Seminar questions / readings
  The study of Psychology
  1. Define psychology
  2. Identify the four basic goals of psychology
  3. Outline the five major schools of thought which developed into modern psychology
  4. Name and describe in brief different methods used in psychology
R.L. Atkinson Ch.1 pp 4-27
  Personality I Theories   Psychoanalytic/psychodynamic approach
  1. What is personality?
  2. 3 goals of personality.
  3. Personality according to S. Freud.
  4. Compare 3 major concepts of psychoanalytic theory: id, superego, ego.
R. Atkinson Ch/ 14 pp 525-550   Eysenk’s Temperament test
  Personality II Theories   Psychoanalytic/psychodynamic approach
  1. Define collective unconscious and archetypes as Jung saw them
  2. What is the aim of a healthy personality according to Jung?
  3. Describe the difference between extraverts/introverts, thinking/feeling types, sensing/intuitive,judging/perceiving
  4. Describe Adler’s concept of personality – a drive for superiority.
  5. Identify neurotic needs according to Horney’s Cultural Psychology.
  6. What is the problem with the psychoanalytic approach?
R. Atkinson Ch/ 14 pp 525-550 Презентация: 1. Типология личности преступника и классификация преступников (2) Personality test –C.Jung (MBTI) www.humanmetrics.com)
  Personality III Theories   Humanistic and behavioral approach
  1. Representatives of Humanistic theories and their view and approach to a human being.
  2. Roger’s Theory of Self.Describe the concepts: real self, perceived self, and ideal self.
  3. Name 3 characteristics of the process of the developing and good life.
  4. Describe a hierarchy of needs (Maslow’s Self Actualization Theory)
  5. Characterize self-actualized people.
  6. Skinner’s behavioral theory of personality.What should be done to change a person’s behavior according to Skinner.
  7. How important reinforcement and punishment in behavioristic approach to a human being?
  8. Describe an internal –external locus of control.Social –learning theory of Julian Rotter.
R. Atkinson Ch/ 14 pp 525-550   Quiz 1-personality theories Презентация: Психологические особенности отдельных категорий преступников.(2)   J.Rotter’s Locus of Control test
  Cognitive psychology:   Memory 1. Define memory 2. Describe encoding, storage, retrieval 3. Iconic/echoic sensory memory 4. Characteristics of STM 5. Compare 3 types of long-term memory 6. 3 theories of forgetting 7. Techniques to improve memory R. Atkinson Ch 7pp 253-278
  Cognitive psychology   Learning 1. Definition and characteristics of learning 2. Basic principles of classical conditioning (examples, the names of psychologists, involved, description of experiments) 3. Applications of classical conditioning (examples) 4. Examples of shaping of behavior (operant conditioning according to Skinner) 5. Law of effect (according to Thorndike) 6. Name and explain types of reinforcement: examples of positive and negative punishment 7. Definition and types of cognitive learning 8. How important is observational learning? R. Atkinson Ch 9 pp 328-368 Презентация: Криминально-психологические особенности преступности несовершеннолетних.(2)
  Cognitive psychology   Intelligence
  1. Explain the links among intelligence/ thinking/ language/ problem solving.
  2. Why do you perceive the same world differently?
  3. What should you do to solve a problem?
  4. Are you analytical or global thinker? Describe the difference
  5. Compare right/brain and left/brain dominance in thinking.
  6. Compare convergent and divergent thinkers.
  7. Give a characteristics of an intelligent person (broadly)
  8. Name several mental abilities that are tested in IQ tests.
  9. How can we increase creativeness in people?
R. Atkinson Ch 9 pp 328-368   Quiz 2 – cognitive psychology Left-right brain dominance test Multiple intelligence test (H. Gardner)
  Motivation I
  1. Why do we do the things we do?
  2. Why do you eat and drink?
  3. Why are you wearing these clothes now?
  4. Why do you have friends?
  5. Why do you study?
  6. Why do you study here?
  7. Why do you do home tasks?
  8. Why do you want good grades?
  9. Why do you sleep?
R. Atkinson Ch 10 pp 373-410   Maslow’s motivation test Презентация: 1.Структура процесса мотивации преступного поведения 2. Формирование мотива преступления
  Motivation II
  1. Why do you entertain yourself?
  2. Why would you study for an exam rather than go to the movie?
  3. Why do some people eat more and become overweight?
  4. Why do you get married?
  5. Why do some people love adventures more than other?
  6. Why are some people more independent than other?
  7. Why do some people have problems to establish close relationship with other people?
  8. Why do people explore the environment?
R. Atkinson Ch 10 pp 373-410   Quiz 3 - motivation   Презентация: Психология преступника-убийцы
  1. Define and characterize emotions
  2. Compare the major theories of emotions;
  3. Plutchik theory of Emotions
  4. The James-Lange Theory
  5. Arousal –Cognition Theory
  6. The Opponent-Process Theory
R. Atkinson Ch 11 pp 417-440   Презентация: Схема психологического механизма убийства  
  Love and Attraction
  1. Define and explain interpersonal attraction.
  2. Describe 3 major influences on interpersonal attraction.
  3. Theories of interpersonal relationships
  4. Theories of love.
R. Atkinson Ch 11 pp 417-440   Презентация: Тревожность - психологическая основа преступного поведения
  Stress and adjustment
  1. Define stress
  2. Describe a well-adjusted person
  3. Name major psychological causes of stress.
  4. Describe internal and external pressure.
  5. Explain conflict situations (according to the diagram
R. Atkinson Ch 15 pp 578-612   Презентация: Отчуждение личности как психологическая предпосылка преступного поведения  
  Stress coping techniques
  1. When does frustration occur?
  2. Describe most common reactions to stress
  3. Illustrate most common types of frustrations.
  4. Explain how people respond to stress according GAS (general adaptation syndrome)
  5. Describe the causes and symptoms of burnout and possible solutions.
R. Atkinson Ch 15 pp 578-612   Quiz 4 – emotions and stress Презентация: Портрет личности студента –юриста (4)-исследование  


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