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THEME 8. Indications and steps of swaged metal crown fabrication.

Читайте также:
  1. Indications and steps of cast bridges.
  2. Read and translate the text. Write out all the words concerning the properties and characteristics of this metal.
  3. THEME 1. Initial level of knowledge assessment. Examination of patient in prosthodontics clinic. Clinical methods of examination
  4. THEME 10. Indications and steps of plastic crown fabrication.
  5. Theme 11. Indications and steps of temporary crown fabrication.
  6. THEME 12. Indications and steps of cast crown fabrication.
  7. THEME 13. Troubleshooting while crowns fabricating.

1. While single swaged crown fabrication it is necessary for impression to be taken from:

A. *Both jaws

B. Part of jaw with the prepared tooth

C. Jaw where the crown would be made

D. Prepared tooth (using ring)

E. Prepared tooth (using demountable spoon)


2. For the fitting test of a swaged crown doctor receives a crown on:

A. *Gypsum die

B. Metal die

C. Gypsum model

D. Without any die

E. In occluder


3. For swaged crown fabricating it is necessary to make:

A. *one gypsum die and two metal dies

B. two gypsum dies and one metal die

C. two gypsum dies and two metal dies

D. one gypsum die and one metal die

E. two gypsum dies and three metal dies


4. At preparing of tooth for the swaged metal crown margin of preparation is made:

A. *Without ledge

B. At gingival level

C. Subgingivally on a vestibular surface

D. Subgingivally on an oral surface

E. Supragingivally


5. While performing wax pattern for the swaged crown cusps need to be:

A.*of moderate size

B. the same size as other natural crowns

C. without cusps

D. higher than natural

E. like cusps of antagonist tooth


6. Wax pattern for the swaged crown is performed on:

A. *Gypsum model

B. Metal die

C. Gypsum die

D. Sectional model

E. Fireproof model


7. What from the following is true statement about indications for a swaged metal crown:. Caries (A), change of tooth color (B), crown part destruction (C), as abutment for a removable partial denture (D), as abutment for a bridge denture.

А.* A, D, E

В. A,B,C,D,E

С. C,E

Д. C,E,D

Е. A,C,D,E


8. What alloys are applied for swaged crowns making: stainless steel (A), 750 gold, (B), CoCr (C), 800 gold (D), silver-palladium alloy (E)?

А. *A,D

В. A,B

С. C,E

Д. A,B,D

Е. B,C,D


9. Dies that used for swaged crown making by method of external pressing are made of:

A. *Low fusible alloy

B. Cobalt-chrome alloy

C. Palladium-silver alloy

D. Stainless steel

E. “Lipec” alloy


10. Patient needs to remove swaged metal crown which was made several years before. What is better to use to take off the crown?

A. *Crown saw

B. Carborundum head

C. Vulcanite disk

D. Miller

E. Diamond head

11. Occlusal surface of metal swaged crown made of 900 part gold could be thickened with:

A. *Gold 75% solder

B. Gold 90%

C. Gold-platinum solder

D. Silver solder (PSR-37)

E. Titanium solder


12. Preparation for the swaged crown is correct if:

À) *neck of tooth is the widest area;

B) vertical size of tooth doesn’t change;

C) cutting edge of tooth remains the widest area;

D) hard dental tissues are cut off only in the area of equator;

E) the equator of tooth is the biggest size.



13. Swaged metal crown is made on a 46 tooth for the patient. What impression material can be used?

À) *gypsum;

B) zinc-oxide eugenol;

C) thermoplastic;

D) alginate;

E) impression compound


14. _______________ is used for metal swaged crown cementation.

A. *Zinc-phosphate cement

B. Aqua-dentin paste

C. Acrylics

D. Repeen

E. Composite cement


15. What group of auxiliary materials does «Melot» behave to?

A. *low fusible alloys

B. abrasive

C. cements

D. forming

E. isolating


16. What is the thickness of gold alloy disk for making gold swaged crown?

A. *0.25-0.28 mm

B. 0.20-0.24 mm

C. 0.29-0.32 mm

D. 0.33-0.35 mm

E. 0.36-0.40 mm


17. What brand of stainless steel are capped blanks made of?

A. *Cr18Ni9T

B. Cr18Ni9

C. Cr18Ni8T;

D. EYa95;

E. N91-T;


18. Annealing of steel capped blank is produced at a temperature of (degrees per Celsius):

A. *1000-1100

B. 900-1000

C. 1100-1200

D. 1200-1300

E. 1300-1400


19. What does relate to the laboratory stages of making metal swaged crown? A)* making gypsum die;

B) fitting a crown; C) making impression;

D) fixing a crown; E) choosing crown construction;


20. There is NO such technique of crown swaging?

A. *indirect

B. internal

C. external

D. combined


21. While making wax pattern of a swaged metal crown a technician should:

A) *cover a core with wax, leaving 1-1,5 mm before neck

B) cover vestibular surface with wax

C) cover a core by wax, leaving 1.5-2 mm before occlusal surface

D) cover vestibular and oral surfaces with wax

E) cover all surfaces of the prepared crown with wax


22. Process of swaging is:

A. *plastic deformation of metal with change of shape and size of an object

B. cutting of metal

C. getting of rigid connection by developing interatomic joints between parts of an object

D. squeezing of metal between two or three swinging rollers

E. pouring of molten metal into initially made form


23. Why do we use the first metal die for the final swaging?

À) *first die is the most precise;

B) first die is smaller;

C) first die is bigger;

D) first die is made from better material;

E) first die is more durable;


24. What is the purpose of swaged metal crown bleaching?

A) *removal of oxide;

B) prophylaxis of corrosion;

C) change of metal color;

D) removal of internal tension of metal;

E) for durability of metal


25. A 43 year old man applied to the dental clinic for tooth prosthetics. Objectively: the crown

of the 37th tooth is decayed by 2/3, buccal and lingual walls are thin. Occlusion picture

shows strong contact with antagonists. How thick should be the layer of tooth surface that

must be ground off during preparation for metallic stamped crown?

A *0,28-0,3 mm

B 0,1-0,2 mm

C 0,5-0,6 mm

D 0,6-0,7 mm

E 0,7-0,8 mm


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