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THEME 3 Components of masticatory system. Their description.

Читайте также:
  1. Rewrite the following sentences in more natural English with contractions where appropriate. Underline the words which are in their weak and strong forms.
  2. THEME 1. Initial level of knowledge assessment. Examination of patient in prosthodontics clinic. Clinical methods of examination
  3. THEME 10. Indications and steps of plastic crown fabrication.
  4. Theme 11. Indications and steps of temporary crown fabrication.
  5. THEME 12. Indications and steps of cast crown fabrication.
  6. THEME 13. Troubleshooting while crowns fabricating.
  7. THEME 14. Clinical aspect for using bridge dentures.

1. What muscles protrude lower jaw?

A) *two-side contraction of lateral pterygoid muscles;

B) one-side contraction of lateral pterygoid muscles;

C) two-side contraction of digastric muscle;

D) two-side contraction of medial pterygoid muscles;

E) one-side contraction of medial pterygoid muscle;


2. What muscles upward lower jaw?

A) *temporalis muscle, masseter muscle, lateral pterygoid muscle;

B) temporalis muscle, masseter muscle, medial pterygoid muscle;

C) mylohyoid, digastric, temporalis;

D) temporalis, medial pterygoid, geniohyoid, mylohyoid;

E) masseter, digastric, lateral pterygoid.


3. Name the main masticatory muscles:

A) *temporalis, masseter, medial pterygoid, lateral pterygoid;

B) temporalis, masseter, medial pterygoid;

C) digastric, temporalis, masseter;

D) temporalis, masseter, lateral pterygoid.

E) m.masseter and m.temporalis.


4. What movements of lower jaw does temporomandibular joint (TMJ) perform?

A) *vertical, lateral and forward;

B) vertical and horizontal;

C) vertical, lateral

D) horizontal and lateral;

E) forward, lateral.


5. TMJ incongruence is supported by:

A) *inconsistency between articular surfaces;

B) correspondence of condyles;

C) by the articular disc;

D) by the synovial fluid;

E) by the synovial cell.


6. Determine the component parts of masticatory system:

A) *upper and lower jaws, teeth, masticatory muscles, TMJ, dental arches;

B) upper and lower jaws, periodontium, mimic muscles, masticatory muscles;

C) teeth, upper and lower jaws, glands;

D) muscles, TMJ, teeth, tongue;

E) tongue, cheeks, hard and soft palate, teeth, upper and lower jaws.


7. Name muscles which move lower jaw downward:

A) *geniohyoid, mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric.

B) sternocleidomastoid, omohyoid, temporalis;

C) genioglossal, greater zygomatic, genoid, mylohyoid muscle;

D) orbicularis oris, medial pterygoid, stylohyoid muscle;

E) posterior belly of digastric, glossopharyngeal, sternohyoid;


8. Name main components of TMJ:

A) *condyle of mandible, glenoid fossa of temporalis muscle, articular disc;

B) coronoid process of mandible, glenoid fossa of temporalis muscle, articular disc;

C) condyle of mandible, TMJ capsule, articular disc;

D) pterygopalatine fossula, coronoid process of mandible, articular disc;

E) articular eminence of coronal bone, articular disc, articular capsule, glenoid fossa of temporalis muscle.


9. Visible part of tooth crown is called:

A) *clinical;

B) biological;

C) anatomic;

D) physiological;

E) anatomo-phisiological.


10. What is relation of dental arches?

A) *upper is wider than lower;

B) lower is wider than upper;

C) identical;

D) right side of upper is wider;

E) left side of lower is wider.


11. Unity of dental row is NOT provided by:

A) *masticatory muscles;

B) interdental contacts;

C) alveolar process;

D) parodontium;

E) periodontium.


12. The occlusal surface of dental arches is:

A) *surface which passes through masticatory cusps and cutting edge of teeth;

B) surface which passes through the masticatory cusps of teeth;

C) plane which was passes from the buccal cusp of first premolar to the distal buccal cusp of third molar;

D) prothetic plane;

E) teeth masticatory surface.


13. What muscle is palpated while patient’s teeth are clenched, the front side of superficial belly of muscle is palpated between zigomatic arch and mandible angle. The thumb is pointed to the frontal side of this muscle, other fingers on the posterior side – the width of muscle is determined. Forefinger of the other hand palpates muscle from skin or mucosa.

A. *muscle masseter

B. muscle temporalis

C. lateral pterygoid muscle

D. muscle digastrics (posterior belly)

E. internal pterygoid muscle;


14. At palpation of what muscle one hand lies on m.masseter. Index finger of other hand is placed on mucosa of mouth against a center of m. masseter, the head of examined must be a bit down and turned toward a doctor?

A. *internal pterygoid muscle.

B. temporal muscle.

C. external pterygoid muscle.

D. digastric (back belly).

E. m. masseter.


15. What muscle is palpated extraorally and intraorally: palpation its forehand in area of temple and corner of eye; middle - above an ear and back-end above an ear and behind the ear?

A. *temporal muscle.

B. m.masseter.

C. external pterygoid muscle.

D. digastric (back belly).

E. internal pterygoid muscle.


16. What muscle is palpated between the branch of lower jaw and sternocleidomastoid muscle?

A. *digastric (back belly).

B. temporal muscle.

C. external pterygoid muscle.

D. m. masseter.

E. internal pterygoid muscle.


17. There is no such element on occlusal surfaces of molars:

A. *Cingulum

B. Cusp

C. Fossa

D. Groove

E. Ridge


18. There is no such element on lingual aspect of anterior tooth:

A. *Cusp

B. Cingulum

C. Fossa

D. Ridge

E. Pit


19. The fold of tissue that attaches the lip to the oral mucosa above the maxillary central incisors is the

A. *Labial frenum

B. Lingual frenum

C. Mucobuccal fold

D. Incisive papilla

E. –


20.If a tooth is numbered 34 in the Federal Dentaire Internationale (FDI) system, what is the same tooth numbered in the opposite quadrant of the same arch?

A. *44

B. 14

C. 28

D. 24

E. –


21. The most important function of saliva is its

A. *Lubrication that facilitates swallowing

B. Action on fats

C. Action on proteins

D. Ability to break down sugars


22. Which main artery supplies the teeth?

A. *External carotid

B. Brachial

C. Occipital

D. Superior vena cava

E. –


23. Which of the following is not a function of the buccinators muscle?

A. *Protrude the mandible

B. Open the jaw

C. Aid in mastication

D. Aid in facial expression

E. Close the mandible


24. The nerve innervates the muscles of mastication.

A. *Trigeminal

B. Ocular

C. Trachlear

D. Temporal


25. The tissue of the mouth categorized as parakeratinized stratified squamous epithelium is:

A. *Mucosa

B. Vermilion

C. Frenum tissue only

D. Gingival tissue only

E. –



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