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Read and retell the text.

Читайте также:
  1. Http://text.ru/antiplagiat/55fa639d4085c
  2. Read and translate the text.
  3. Read and translate the text. Write out all the words concerning the properties and characteristics of this metal.
  4. Read the text. While translating pay special attention to the Participles.

Read the dialogues in pairs and act them.


— Where are our seats?

— In the twelfth row.

— It's very nice. I like this row.

— So do I. Especially when the seat is in the middle of the row.



— Did you enjoy the newsreel?

— Very much. More than I thought I would.

— The close-ups were very good.

— As for me the slow-motion shots were very good.

— Hush! The film is beginning.



— Did you enjoy the film.

— Very much. It was the best film I have seen lately.

— So did I. I enjoyed the film more than I thought I would.

Read and retell the text.


When English people go to the cinema, they do not do it in quite the same way as we do.

First of all, they do not buy tickets beforehand. When they want to see a film, they go to the cinema and buy tickets at-the box-office. It is not difficult to get a ticket because more and more people prefer to stay at home and watch TV.

The other difference is that people do not enter the cinema hall and come out of it at the fixed time. They may come in the middle of the show and then stay to see it in full.

It is, of course, very unpleasant when people rise from their seats at any time they like and push past you, sometimes treading on your toes.

they do not do it in quite the same way as we do — вони не роблять це так, як ми; in full — повністю; push past you — пробираються повз вас; treading on your toes — наступаючи вам на ноги (toe [tou] палець на нозі)

Find out in the text sentences which correspond to the following Ukrainian ones and write them down. 1. Англійці не купують квитки заздалегідь. 2. Вони йдуть до кінотеатру і купують квитки в касі. 3. Все більше людей віддають перевагу тому, щоб залишатися вдома і дивитися телевізор. 4. Люди не заходять до кінозали у визначений час. 5. Дуже неприємно, коли люди пробираються повз вас, наступаючи вам на ноги.

Lesson 55

Tell your classmates about your last visiting the cinema. Use the questions of exercise as a plan.

Read and retell the text.


In Great Britain the cinema is usually called "the pictures". The American name "the movies" is sometimes used. The first performance, or "showing" as it is called, begins at about two o'clock in the afternoon and the show goes on from then until about half past ten. You can go in at any time and leave at any time. There is usually one main film, a shorter one, a news film, some advertisements and a "trailer" telling about the film for the next week.

Cinemas were more popular in the past than they are now. Many people went to the cinema two or three times a week, but today people like to stay at home to watch television, especially if it is cold and wet outside. The prices of cinema seats outside London are lower than the prices in London. Cinemas in Great Britain are usually larger and more comfortable than the theat­res. Often there is a restaurant, so that it is possible to spend a pleasant afternoon and evening there. There is a stage behind the cinema screen, so that the building can be used for concerts and other performances. In some British towns the cinemas are closed on Sundays.

advertisement — оголошення, реклама; trailer ['treila] —анонс; performance —вистава

Дата добавления: 2015-11-30; просмотров: 39 | Нарушение авторских прав

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