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Speak on a company's structure, its areas of activities and management. What do you think makes the company successful?

Every company has its own structure. It depends on the size of company: it can be large and tangled or small and simple. In general company divides into managing and working parts: Board of Directors and labourers. The main part of every company is management, because the productivity of company directly depends on its decision. Board of Directors has its Chairman, Managing Director, CEO, Finance Manager and others. What concerns areas of activity they can be various. In another words areas of activity are specializations of company. Some companies produce cars, mobiles, computers and other electronics, others - clothes, food, toys, furniture, etc. Today it's very profitable for companies to have several specializations, for instance, computers, video players, TV-sets and mobiles. Examples of such companies are LG, SAMSUNG, and Sony. Speaking about successfulness, to my mind, company is successful, when its parts (managing and working) are in harmony and honestly collaborate. In that case company will be successful.

18. Complete a SWOT analysis about your progress in your English studies. SWOT analysis consists of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. I want to complete a SWOT analisis about my progress in my English studies.To my mind Strengths is that I have now^tudying at the university.l think that teachers are high-qualificated,our university has a lot of audio and video materials,i think it helps for us to improve our knowledge.Next point is weaknesses.To my mind the main my weakness is that i have a lot of another subjects and i have a little time for doing my English studies,but i try to allocate ray time in right way.Next point is Opportunities,to my mind Opportunities is what it gives to us.As J have a lot of studies and in future i'll know English perfectly,and after this i will be able to go abroad to improve my knowledge again and again.The last point is Threats.I think the main threat for me is my laziness and absence of time.

19. Speak on advantages and disadvantages of catalogue shopping.internet shopping and 24 hour shopping.Why is home shopping gaining popularity nowadays? Nowadays time is the most precious thing in the world for business ppl.that is why they try to save their time and money buying goods in a virtual shop.Every kind of virtual shop is good but i want to say some words about internet shopping-Internet shopping like all other kinds of shopping has its advantages and disadantages.First of all i want to say a bit about advantages.The main advantage.to my mind is that u can buy evrth sitting in your chair,prices in Internet are much smaller,and you needn't to stay for a long time in queues.The prices in internet shops are refreshing every day while in catalogue shopping they refresh once a week.U can order the product u need from all over the world.And i think that the main advantage of internet shopping is simplicity,evrtn u need is to press the bottom 'order',and input ur adress and the product will be delivered as soon as it possible.And also sometimes ppl are very lazy to go to a shop.that's why they try to use internet shops.But internet shopping has disadvantages.The main i think,it is that u can't touch the thing u've ordered.But in such occasions i always go to the real shcp and look and touch the thing what i want and after this i go to internet shop and order this.As internet shopping has more advantages than disadvantages it is gaining popularity nowadays.

20. You have 2 friends: a retailer and a wholesaler.Whom would you join? Why? What is more profitable? If i have two friends I'll join a wholesaler, because it is more profitable.Now I'll explain my alternative. Retailing is selling goods and services to the ultimate consumer. Thus, the retailer is the most expensive link in the chain of distribution. Being middlemen, they make their profit by charging the customer 25 to 100 per cent more than the price they paid for the item.The retailers operate through stores, mail-order houses, vending machine operators. There are different types of retail stores: department stores, discount houses, cooperatives, single line retailers. The major part (over 95 per cent) of retail establishments concentrate on a single line of merchandise for example, food, hardware, etc. But nowadays there is a trend for many single line stores to take on a greater variety of supplies.The retailer performs many necessary functions. First, he may provide a convenient location. Second, he often guarantees and services the merchandise he sells. Third, the retailer helps to promote the product through displays, advertising or sales people. Fourth, the retailer can finance the customer by extending credit Also the retailer stores the goods in his outlet by having goods availabIe.Wholesaling.lt provides channels of distribution which help to bring goods to the market Generally indirect channels are used to market manufactured consumer goods. It could be from the manufacturer to the wholesaler, from the retailer to die consumer or through more complicated channels. A direct channel moves goods from the manufacturer or producer to the consumer. Wholesaling is often a field of small business. About a quarter of wholesaling units account for one-third of total sales.Two-third of the wholesaling middleman are merchant wholesalers who take title to the goods they deal in. There are also agent middlemen who negotiate purchases or sales or both. They don't take title to the goods they deal in. Sometimes they take possession thougn,these agents don't earn salaries. They receive commissions. This is a percentage of the value of the goods they sell. Wholesalers simplify the process of distribution. As a wholesaler handles a large assortment of items from numerous manufacturers he reduces the problem of Both manufacturer and retailer. The store-keeper does not have to deal directly with thousands of different people. He usually has a well-stocked store and deals with only a few wholesalers.

21. Explain the notion of a SWOT analisis using examples of well-known companies. SWOT analysis it is analisis of the company's strength, weaknesses,opportunities and threats.SWOT analisis shows how company's business is going on,what company should improve in the nearest future.should they invest money or should they reduce the staff or something like that. Strengths.

A firm's strengths are its resources and capabilities that can be used as a basis for developing a competitive advantage. Examples of such strengths include: patents,strong brand names.good reputation among customers. Weaknesses. In some cases, a weakness may be the flip side of strength. Take the case in which a firm has a large amount of manufacturing capacity. While this capacity may be considered a strength that competitors do not share, it also may be a considered a weakness if the large investment in manufacturing capacity prevents the firm from reacting quickly to changes in die strategic environmentThe absence of certain strengths may be viewed as a weakness. For example, each of the following may be considered weaknesses:lack of patent protection,a weak brand name,poor reputation among customers,high cost structure.lack of access to the best natural resources. Opportunities.The external environmental analysis may revea certain new opportunities for profit and growth. Some examples of such opportunities mclude:an unfulfilled customer need, arrival of new technologies, loosening of regulations,removal of international trade barriers.Threats.Changes in the external environmental also may present threats to the firm. Some examples of such threats include: Shifts in consumer tastes away from the firm's products,emergence of substitute products,new regulations increased trade barriers. **look L'Oreal.doc **


Yon are the CEO of a company producing consumer durables. Your profits start to get down. What steps will you take in order to make your products more competitive? What will your advertising campaign be like?

First of all I'd find why my profits start to get down. It can be because of bad quality of my products, or because of uncompetitivness of them with disposals. It's a big mistake to solve this problem alone. Much clever to do it with your staff, as the work will be divided and the result will be better. Well when the reasons for losing money were found, I'd start to solve the problem. There are many ways of troubleshooting. In mis case I'd make my durables better, cut their price and start an advertising campaign. In this campaign I'd try to explain people the damage of disposals, their harm to nature. Of course I'd include in my campaign the information about my products, their advantages: they are durables, not harmful to nature and have lesser price. I'm sure if the campaign think over rationally, my profits will rise again.

25. Speak on direct and indirect methods of selling which are available in Ur country. Which ones do you prefer? Have u ever tried the Internet shopping? The world is constantly changing. People create new ways of life because the tempo of modem life is too fast so people don't want to waste their precious time on such things as shopping. So now there is a wide choice of ways to do the shopping. You can choose any according to your willing, money and time. If you don't want to stay in queues, if you don't like crowds of people, if you have no time to find the product tou need or just don't want to carry your products you can choose direct way of shopping that doesn't require retail outlets. The easiest way of such shopping is using the Internet There is a computer almost in every house so you just visit some websites, choose the goods you need and click on the "Buy" button.

TV sales are the similar way of shopping: you just watch some ads and phone the number shown on the screen. Then you can buy something by mail, a company will send goods by post from its warehouse. You only need a catalogue to look for the price and item number. There are such unusual ways of shopping as door-to-door sales (an agent of the company sells the product at the customer's home) and cash-and-carry (when customers have to buy goods directly from the warehouse). But indirect shopping is more habital for people. A retail outlet is the place where customers can purchase goods, for example, a supermarket (a large self-service shop selling food, drinks and also some household items), a hypermarket Departament stores offer a wide range of products. Exceptional things you can find in specialized retailers (a shop which offers only one type of product usually of high quality). Some retailers create even chain stores. At the end I want to mention a shoppnig mall. It's a collection of independent retail stores, banks, restaurants.

26. Why do you think troubleshooting or solving problems, is so important in business? Do you think that everyone has a role in troubleshooting and anticipating problems, or do you see it as only a managerial skill? What's the one most important strategy to avoid problems These days business is extremely competitive especially in terms of time and in terms of money. Whenever a company tries to compete with another company, it tries to get a new product out quickly and it tries to do it without spending too much money.
Problems, when they arise, cost money and waste time. So in this situation it's extremely important to solve problems as soon as possible. 1 think it can quite often happen that managers start a project, think it's going very well, walk away from it and then are very surprised some months later when it's going wrong. Everybody at whatever level, should make sure that they ask the right questions and indeed try to anticipate problems and raise those problems with their managers and with their colleagues at regular review intervals. Everyone should be interested in the results of their work. In order to avoid happening problems you should be realistic.
You should be realistic in the number of ppl working on the project, the cost of the project and the size of the project When you put pressure on a project because you don't have enough ppl working on it, or you are spending too money, you create problems. Pressure means problems, so to avoid problems, reduce the pressure.

29. Do you think there is a difference in style between men and women or is any difference usually because of personality? Do you know any men who have a "female" style of working or women who have a "male" style of working? Give examples. Do yon find it easier to work with men or women? Why?
I agree with the fact that there is a difference in style between men and women. Practically every businessman is a con frontationa l, competitive, forceful, self-protective, challenging and direct person. He is always eager for personal achievements and likes to be in control. Most of businesswomen are collaborative; they share credit for success, welcome contributions and they like to talk about personal matters. When the problem arises, the male goes to the heart of it, the female prefer to look at various options. But it doesn’t matter that in today cruet business only men can flourish; women can also be successful in business, as women's characteristics are valued too. Besides many males have a female style of working, and in one's turn many female have male one. Example of such females can be Margaret Thatcher, who is called "an Iron Lady". I don't think it's not important who you work with, a man or a woman, because you can't say anything about the abilities of person, knowing only its sex. It's necessary to accustom to your candidates and make rational choice.

33. Think of a job you would like to have in the future. Speak on the responsibilities; the perks or extra benefits; skills you need to develop; qualifications you need; where you need to look for information and job advertisement, etc. I would like to run my own business, and it doesn't matter in what field. Responsibilities: as a CEO I will be responsible for everything in the company - for the personnel, for the income, equipment Skills I need to develop- managerial skills, communicational skills. Qualifications I need: I should be a very qualified specialist in the field I work in order to control the things going on in the company and the staff Perks and extra benefits: I will earn a lot if everything in the company goes right I'll have to travel on business. I'll have an opportunity to visit different countries and learn a lot about different culturies.

37. Speak on how business are affected by the business environment in which they operate? All businesses are affected by their immediate environment. Many factors influence on them, for example, availability of labour (how easy it is to find employees), its costs (how much it costs to employ people) and availability of raw materials. The amount of money the company has to pay in taxes is another factor. In a period of economic recession many businesses suffer, their profuts fall and they have to make cuts. Environmentalism is closely connected with business. Unfortunately nowadays businessmen.concern only about their profit but not about the environment they live in. I think that environmental statements should be planned. Our government should planto build various facilities, including dams, highways and power plants. A level of pollution that manufacturers produce should be limited.I can't say that nothing is done in this way. Some companies reduce the flow of pollutants into the environment and lowering their clean-up bilk by using alternative materials. The usage of some harmful materials has been stopped without major problems resulting. For instance the usage of the dangerous pesticide DDT was banned and fanners have found other less harmful pesticides to erplace DDT.New technological developments also do much to control pollution caused by technology. For instance many new developments have improved the effectiveness of water treatment facilities and provided new ways to dispose of solid waste. Besides many kinds of waste can be recycled. Cans can be melted down and used to make new ones. Other materials such as glass bottles and car tires can be reused for other purposes. If a prosuct is recycled or it can be recycled a special sign is placed on the packing.

These approaches may result higher costs however.


35. You're the Marketing Director of a company. Who are your company's main customers or clients? Why do your customers or clients buy from you rather than one of your competitors? Make up the list of points and decide how important they are for your customers? I'm a Marketing Director of the company, which produces electronics. Our main customers are simple people with an average salary. Of course our products are bought by the rich, but income from these sales isn't as high as the income from the main clients. I think that our customers buy our products rather than one of our competitor (we have a lot of them), because our products are of a high quality, reliable, well-made and durable. And they have comparatively low cost, what is very important for our customers. Besides we have helpful professional and co-operative personnel, which help us avoid many problems, and if they arise to solve them quickly without any consequences. Considerable reason for customer loyalty to us is our advertising campaign. Using it we can freely supply our clients with basic information about our products, about their characteristics. So we can agitate people for buying our products and enjoying them. Due to advertising campaign a number of our customers rising not only on the domestic market, but on the foreign one too.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 34 | Нарушение авторских прав

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What points would u include while writing a company profiIe? Why each of items is so important? Give your reasos.| Explain in English the following business terms

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