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Text B. Blood

Читайте также:
  1. ABO Blood Grouping System
  2. Blood flowing
  3. Blood Passover by Ariel Toaff 1 страница
  4. Blood Passover by Ariel Toaff 10 страница
  5. Blood Passover by Ariel Toaff 11 страница
  6. Blood Passover by Ariel Toaff 12 страница
  7. Blood Passover by Ariel Toaff 13 страница


Exercise 1. Active Vocabulary

To oxygenate – [’ tə ɑksɪdʒə,neɪt] – збагачувати киснем

To dissolve – [’ tə dɪ’zɑlv] – розчиняти

Carbon dioxide – [’ kɑrbən daɪˈɑk,saɪd] – вуглекислий газ

To deliver – [’ tə dɪ’lɪvər] – доставляти

Nutrient – [’ nutriənt] – поживна речовина

Waste products – [’ weɪst ‘prɑdəkts] – продукти життєдіяльності, відходи

Trace amount – [’treɪs ə’mæʊnt] – сліди (дуже незначна кількість)

To refer (to) – [tə rɪ’fər] – відноситись до

Clotting – [’ klɑtɪŋ] – зсідання (крові), коагуляція

Platelet – [’ pleɪtlət] – пластинка

Iron – [’ aɪrn] – залізо

To facilitate – [tə fə’sɪlə,teɪt] – сприяти, полегшувати

To resist – [tə rɪ’zɪst] – протистояти

Insufficient – [,ɪnsə’fɪʃənt] – недостатній

Bleeding – [’ blidɪŋ] – кровотеча

Vector – [’ vektər] – вектор, носій (інфекції)

To transmit – [tə træns’mɪt] – передавати

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) – [‘hjumən ɪ’mjunoʊdɪ’fɪʃənsi ‘vaɪrəs] – ВІЛ

AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) – [ə’kwaɪrd ɪ’mjun dɪ’fɪʃənsi ‘sɪndroʊm] – СНІД


Exercise 2. Translate into Ukrainian:

Bodily fluid, waste products, whole blood, aqueous solution, iron-containing protein, to facilitate transportation of oxygen, the most numerous cellular elements, the clotting of blood, bleeding disorders, an important vector of infection, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, to be transmitted through contact of blood.



Negative prefix in-(im-, ir-, il-) ____________________________________________

Sufficient ≠ insufficient

Possible ≠ impossible (im-+ B,M,P)

Regular ≠ irregular (ir- +R)

Legal ≠ illegal (il- +L)


Exercise 3. Make up the words with the opposite meaning by means of suffix in- (im-, ir-, il) and translate them.

1. Effective --> _______________________

2. Perfect--> _______________________

3. Sufficient--> _______________________

4. Real--> _______________________

5. Responsible--> _______________________

6. Adequate--> _______________________

7. Reversible--> _______________________

8. Moral--> _______________________

9. Logical--> _______________________

10. Personal--> _______________________

11. Movable--> _______________________

12. Frequent--> _______________________

13. Resistant--> _______________________



Text B. Blood


Blood is a bodily fluid that delivers necessary substances to the body’s cells – such as oxygen and nutrients – and transports waste products away from the cells.

It is composed of blood cells and blood plasma.

About 55% of whole blood is plasma. The blood plasma volume is 2.7-3.0 liters in an average human. It is essentially an aqueous solution containing 92% of water, 8% of proteins, and trace amount of other materials. The term serum refers to plasma from which the clotting proteins have been removed.

The blood cells are red blood cells (also called RBCs or erythrocytes) and white blood cells (leukocytes) and platelet.

Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, an iron-containing protein, which facilitates transportation of oxygen. Red blood cells are the most numerous cellular elements.

White blood cells are part of the immune system. They help to resist infections and parasites.

Platelets (thrombocytes) are important in the clotting of blood. Ineffective or insufficient platelets can result in bleeding disorders. Hypercoagulation can cause thrombosis.

Blood is an important vector of infection. HIV, the virus, which causes AIDS, is transmitted through contact with blood, semen or other body secretions of an infected person. Hepatitis B and C are transmitted primarily through blood contact.

Bacterial infection of the blood is bacteremia or sepsis.

Medical terms related to blood often begin with hemo - or hemato - (also spelled haemo - and haemato -).



Exercise 4. Complete the questions to the text and answer them:

1. What elements …?

2. What amount of proteins …?

3. Is hemoglobin …?

4. Do leukocytes help …?

5. What blood cells are important in …?

6. What viruses are…?

7. What terms often begin with …?

8. What does plasma…?

9. Are white blood cells…?

10. Is sepsis a…?


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