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World Cancer Day 2013

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  6. An Englishman Looks at the World 12 страница
  7. An Englishman Looks at the World 13 страница


Read the following words, translate them and use in the sentences of your own.

1. Cancer

2. Aetiology

3. Metastasis

4. Susceptibility

5. Malignant

6. Benign

7. To enclose

8. Heavy smoker

9. Incidence

10. Significantly

Analyze the structure of the following terms and translate them.

Cancerlike, cancerism, cancerous, carcinogenic, metastasize, metastable, metastatic.

Match the words with their definitions.

Metastasis a type of X-ray, using a special dye, that helps show blood vessels and blood flow. It's also used to identify certain kinds of tumors.
Radiologist a procedure where a bone that has cancer is removed and the limb (usually an arm or leg) is saved from amputation by filling the gap with a bone graft or special metal rod.
Ultrasound (also called sonography): a procedure in which the doctor opens the skin to remove an entire lump, tumor, or suspicious area for purposes of diagnosis.
Oncogenes a special type of care for people who are in the last phase of an illness. This type of care can be either inpatient or outpatient.
Dyspnea a term used to describe tumors that are slow-growing, noncancerous, and do not spread to surrounding tissue.
Limb-salvage surgery radiation therapy that usually requires a stay in the hospital for several days for careful monitoring. The radioactive material may be placed in small tubes that are implanted into the cancerous tumor or a body cavity, or swallowed or injected into the bloodstream.
Excisional biopsy difficulty breathing in which a person feels short of breath.
Malignant another word for cancerous.
Hospice a group of different medical specialists and health care professionals who help a patient through the challenges of dealing with cancer.
Internal radiation the spread of disease (in this case, cancer) from the original site to other parts of the body.
Angiogram genes that cause cells to grow and duplicate. Under certain circumstances, oncogenes can mutate and cause cells to grow abnormally, leading to cancer.
Benign a doctor who specializes in reading and interpreting X-rays and scans.
Cancer care team ultrasound, or ultrasonography, is another way doctors can take a look inside the body. Instead of X-rays, sound waves are bounced off the kidneys, the heart, or other areas of the body.

Read and translate the text.


The problem of cancer is being discussed in innumerable papers from all parts of the world because cancer still continues to be the first among human diseases.

The term “cancer” was first used by Gallen (231-201) a famous Roman physician who had described the disease of a mammary gland under this term. Cancer was mentioned about 3500 years ago in the ancient Egyptian Ebers papyrus. In the era of Greek medicine it was regarded as an unnatural growth caused by black bile, and was called "carcinoma".

Cancer or carcinoma, as it is often called, is a malignant tumour that arises from epithelial cells. A tumour is a mass of new tissue that grows independently from its surrounding structures. A malignant tumour is made up of connective tissue enclosing epithelial cells. Some tumours remain localized, others rapidly invade healthy tissue and metastasize leading to early death. The incidence of carcinomas comprises 90% of all malignant tumours, the rest are sarcomas.

The development of certain types is connected with the so called carcinogenic substances and rays.

It has been proved that cancer may develop due to contact with certain chemical substances, such as aromatic amines, chromic acids, arsenic acids, anilines and others. Cigarette smoking plays a major part in the aetiology of lung cancer. 96 % of patients with lung cancer were heavy cigarette smokers. Certain viruses are also considered to be carcinogenic.

The distribution of various types of cancer vary geographically. The incidence of lung cancer is much higher among Europeans. The incidence of lung cancer is much higher among Europeans. In South Africa 50 % of all types of cancer comprise carcinomas of the liver, while in Europe liver-cell carcinomas comprise only 1 %.The high frequency of liver cancers in certain tropical countries could be related to the incidence of viral diseases of the liver in the same countries. Many investigators suggest that viral hepatitis could represent a precancerous disease.

The age significantly affects the incidence of cancer. Susceptibility of cancer increases with age. The most important thing in prognosis of patients with carcinoma is the grade of malignancy, and therefore, the sooner the diagnosis is made, the better the prognosis. Each type of cancer is curable if it is timely recognized and proper treatment is administered.


Answer the questions.

1. What kind of disease is cancer?

2. Where does cancer arise from?

3. What plays a major part in the etiology of lung cancer?

4. When was the term "cancer" first used?

5. When did the term "carcinoma" appear?

6. What is the malignant tumour composed of?

7. What carcinogenic substances do you know?

8. Why is smoking a harmful habit?

9. Why does the distribution of different types of cancer vary?


Translate the following words and word combinations

Широке дослідження, етіологія раку, успішне лікування, рак молочної залози, здорова тканина, сполучна тканина, вірусний гепатит, рак печінки,

сприйнятливість до раку, відсоток вірусних захворювань.

Fill in the cells of the table where it is possible.

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

Read and translate the case report. Use the verbs in parentheses in the correct form, fill in the gaps with prepositions, put questions to the underlined parts of the text.

Case report

A 38-year-old woman (to admit) … the treatment of menorrhagia and fibroid uterus. … the course of hysterectomy, a solitary, solid, pediculated tumour 4 cm. … diameter was found to be attached to the inferior margin … the right lobe of the liver by peritoneal folds. This pedicle was excised, and the base (to be sutured) … chromic catgut.


Read the text, fill in the gaps with the words given in the table below. Express your opinion on the contents of the article.

World Cancer Day 2013

February 4th is World Cancer Day, a time when organizations and individuals around the world send a message: ………….. should be a global health priority.

One of the most visible events marking the occasion in the United States will be in …………., where the Empire State Building was lit blue and orange on Monday, February 4, for the third year in a row. The colors are those of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), which organizes World Cancer Day.

Every year, 7.6 million lives are lost to cancer worldwide – more than AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined – according to the ……………..

This year the UICC focused on dispelling damaging myths and misconceptions about cancer, under the tagline “Cancer - Did you know?” The organization used World Cancer Day to improve …………… about cancer and dismiss these 4 myths:

UICC   New York wide-reaching   global  
strategies knowledge death sentence   ending cancer  

Read the description of the situations and answer the questions.

a) Your doctor examined you, did the tests, and recommended a treatment for a medical problem you have. You understand the doctor's instructions but you don't really understand what is wrong with you and what the treatment is all about. Would you ask for an explanation or would you simply trust the doctor's training and experience?

b) Your aunt has been sick for some time and has undergone a lot of tests to find out what is wrong with her. Her doctor sees the test results and feels that the patient has a disease that will probably be fatal. Your aunt is an emotional person and the doctor isn't sure whether to tell her the real diagnosis or simply to treat her symptoms and try to make her comfortable. What would you advise?


In the sentences below, fill in the correct participles of the verbs in parentheses.

1. People who constantly complain are very __________ (annoy) to me.

2. Whenever Adrian gets __________ (bore), he goes fishing.

3. The students were __________ (confuse) by the Professor’s lecture.

4. Most of the news on television is __________ (depress).

5. The Ruttles were very ________ (excite) to learn that their concert was

sold out.

6. Babysitting young children can be __________ (exhaust) for many people.

7. Steve was so __________ (fascinate) by the book that he finished it in one


8. Would you be __________ (frighten) if you saw a vampire?

9. After eating a __________ (satisfy) meal, the cat washed her face.

10. When Dagmar looked in the mirror, she was __________ (surprise) to

see that she had a leaf in her hair.


1. Where does cancer arise from?

a) from the healthy tissue; b) from the surrounding structures;

c) from the connective tissue; d) from the epithelial cells

2. What plays a major part in the etiology of lung cancer?

a) drinking alcohol; b) exposure to dust;

c) cigarette smoking; d) inflammatory diseases

3. Among which group of people is lung cancer higher?

a) among Africans; b) among Americans;

c) among Asians; d) among Europeans.

4. Who was the term “cancer” first used by?

a) Gallen; b) Hippocrates;

c) R. Koch d) A. Fleming.

5. What is the most important thing in the prognosis of patients with carcinoma?

a) age of the patient; b) grade of malignancy;

c) geographical factors; d) family history.



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