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Samples to study “Law in Kazakhstan” discipline

Head_of chair___________ G.Berdykulova | MINISTRY OF EUCATION AND SCIENCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN | Lecture 1. Fundamental definitions about State, Law and State-legal phenomenon | Lecture 2. Constitutional Law | Lecture 5. Administrative Law | Lecture 7. Financial law. | Lecture 8. Criminal Law | Legal procedure. | Lecture 9. Ecological law | Mitderm #1 and #2. |

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What came before: the morality or law?
a) standards of morality
b) The law

c) they have at the same time
d) does not know history
Established and guaranteed by the State obligatory rule of conduct is called:
a) The norm of morality
b) the norm of morality
c) the rule of law
d) legal practice
Execution of the law provides:
a) the influence of culture
b) the influence of religion
c) public opinion
d) State
Part of the rule of law that reflects its essence and content, said:
a) hypothesis
b) the disposition of
c) definition
d) sanction
Part of the law specifies the circumstances in which this rule of law operates, is called:
a) hypothesis
b) the disposition of
a) definition
d) sanction
Legislative power belongs to

a) President
b) Government
c) Security Council
d) the Federal Assembly
Among the laws the supreme legal force has:
a) The Civil Code
b) Penal Code
c) Constitution
What is the second title of the Constitutional Law:
a) the fundamental right
b) The state law
c) managerial right
When was the current Constitution:
a) in August 1995.
b) in December 1993.
c) in April 1994.
10.Who that is the bearer of sovereignty and the sole source of power in Kazakhstan:
a) Parliament
b) people

c) President
11.What by the Constitution, is the highest value in Kazakhstan:
a) The industrial potential
b) State
c) Economy
d) a person of his rights and freedoms
12.Constitution of RK take precedence:
a) only in areas with a predominance of the population
b) only in the regions
c) on the whole territory of Kazakhstan

d) nowhere
13. Who is head of state:
a) The Prime Minister
b) President
c) The Parliament

4. What are the two chambers of the parliament?

a) The Council of the Union
b) The Council of Nationalities
c) The State Council
d) The Majilis and Senat
15. What is the highest executive authority:
a) The Council of Ministers
b) The Cabinet of Ministers
c) The Government
16. Which court is in the supreme judicial body for civil, criminal, administrative and other cases:
a) The Supreme Court
b) The Chief State Court
c) The Constitutional Court
17. Which court is the highest court of Economic Disputes:
a) The Supreme Economic Court
b) The Supreme Arbitration Court
c) The Supreme Court property

d) no one
18. Popular vote on the laws in force is called:
a) consultation
b) no one
c) The referendum
19. Specify the executive authority:
a) The Parliament
b) The Government
c) President
d) The Constitution Council
20. Who is the guarantor of the Constitution:
a) The Constitutional Council
b) People
c) Security Council
d) The President
21. Are of sound mind fully capable citizens over the age (years):
a) 18
b) 16
c) 14
d) 12
22. Civil law regulates relations:
a) cash only
b) the only non-
c) the only property
d) property and non-
23. The capacity of citizens depend on:
a) age
b) the age and mental state
c) health
d) Environment
24. Who is the subject of civil rights:
a) individuals
b) State
c) public authorities
d) legal persons
25.What organs of the state may limit the ability of the citizen:
a) The court
b) notaries
c) health facility
d) the prosecutor's office
26.What general limitation period set the Civil Code:
a) one year
b) two years
c) three years
27. Choose from the following documents required for the initial reception of a citizen to work:
a) a passport
b) work book
c) a medical book
d) a statement about the absence of HIV infection
28.Name age working capacity as a general rule:
a) 14 years
b) 15 years
c) 16 years
d) with 18
29.What minimum duration of paid leave, employees of private business organizations:
a) 18 days
b) 20 days
c) 28 days
d) 36 days
30.Kakie types of penalties may apply to the administration of the employee violated labor discipline:
a) observation
b) reprimand
c) fine
d) Dismissal
31. At what time are the labor contracts?
a) for an indefinite period
b) for a certain period
c) the duration of the specific job description
32. An employee at will is going to terminate the employment contract. He must notify the least:
a) one month
b) two weeks
c) One week
33. Upon the expiration of a period of time after a job may be granted a leave a person older than 18 years:
a) after 6 months
b) after 12 months
c) after 11 months
34. Overtime work shall not exceed two consecutive days (hours):
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 6
35. Normal weekly working time is (h):
a) 36
b) 39
c) 40
d) 41
36. Duration of night shift is reduced by (hours):
a) Three
b) two
c) one
d) Four
37. Term test for the rank and file employees can not exceed (months):
a) two
b) three
c) four
d) five
38. Duration of overtime per year may not exceed (hours):
a) 80
b) 100
c) 120
d) 140
39. In the negative result of the subject must be notified of termination no later than:
a) 2 days
b) 3 days
c) 5 days
d) 1 day
40. Sane person over the age of 14 years who has committed a criminal act is called:
a) The object of the crime
b) the subject of crime
c) the subject of crime
d) the offender
41. The maximum term of imprisonment for minor offenses are as follows:
a) 2 years
b) 3 years
c) 4 years
d) 5 years
42. The maximum term of imprisonment for serious crimes is as follows:
a) 5 years
b) up to 10 years
c) more than 10 years
d) more than 15 years
43. Public relations and interests to which the offender attempted are called:
a) The object of the crime
b) the subject of crime
c) the subject of crime
d) Objective of the offense
44. At what age should a person subject to administrative liability:
a) from 21
b) with 18
c) 16 years
d) with 14 years
45. The marriage contract specifies:
a) non-property relations between spouses
b) Property rights and obligations of spouses
a) the rights and duties of parents
d) capacity and capacity of spouses
46. The rights and obligations of spouses arising from the day:
a) Engagement
b) apply to the registrar
c) the date of marriage registration
d) the date on which applicants will indicate.
47. Patients in accordance with Art. "Principles..." have the right to:
a) to any free medical care
b) for information about their rights
c) the choice of any health facility
d) were treated outside the state
48. Euthanasia - meeting the requests of the acceleration of the death of a patient to medical personnel:
a) is permitted in exceptional cases
b) is permitted upon written request of the patient
c) is prohibited
49. Removal of organs and tissues for transplantation:
a) is permitted in accordance with the law
b) Criminal Code prohibited
c) is permitted if necessary
50.Patalogo - anatomical dissection is carried out:
a) the purpose of organ transplantation
b) to provide data on cause of death
c) to study the human anatomy



Parliament - the Supreme representative body of state power. In many countries, the parliament has a special name (eg, the U.S. Congress, the Federal Assembly, the Norwegian Storting). It was first established in England in the XIII century. as an organ of representation.

primitive tribal community - the basic unit of organization of primitive society, united by blood, joint collective work, the common property of the fruits of production and the consequences resulting from these conditions, the equality of social status, common interests and solidarity of the clan members

tribe - the type of ethnic community and social organization of primitive society. Characterized by: blood ties between members of the i division into genus and phratry, common territory, some elements of the economy, identity, customs and cults of the late stages - self-government, consisting of the tribal council, military and civilian leaders. Education of tribal alliances, conquest and resettlement have led to confusion between the tribes and the emergence of larger ethnic communities.

Pluralism (from Lat. pluralis - plural) - 1) a philosophical doctrine that there are several (or many) independent life began or knowledge bases, and 2) characteristic of a democratic political system of the society in which social groups are organic (institutional) opportunities to express their interests through their representatives (political parties, trade unions, churches and other organizations).

subordinate legislation - is taken by the competent authority the legal acts establishing the rule of law based on the law and not contradict him.

sub-sector law - whole composition and the subject of regulation of education, which regulate the special sphere of relations within a broader set of relations regulated by the same or another branch of the law.

politics (Greek politika - state or public affairs, from polls - state) - the sphere of activities connected with the relations between social groups, the essence of which is the definition of the forms, tasks, content of the state.

political power is the ability of the individual, class or social group to implement the political line in accordance with their economic, ideological and political interests.

political culture - a set of values ​​and behavior patterns that are adequate to the needs of developing this type of political system, involving the participation of citizens in governance, approval and support of their forms of political activity, approval of public order.

political party - a very formalized political organization with its own structure (governing bodies, regional offices, the rank and file members), which expresses the interests of certain social classes, social strata and groups, bringing together the most active of their representatives, assigns, as a rule, the task of gaining and retaining authorities to implement a specific program, social, economic and political reforms to achieve certain goals and ideals as well as the implementation of direct and inverse relationships between society and state.

political system of society - a system of social institutions, state-organized society, exercising certain political functions, includes State, political parties, trade unions, organizations and movements, political purposes. Significant role in the political development of society is the church.

political regime of the state - a set of techniques and methods by which public authorities belonging to them the power.

political public association - a public association, the charter is among the main goals should be anchored in the political life of society through the influence on the political will of citizens participate in elections to bodies of state authority and local self-government by nominating candidates and their campaign organizations, participation in the organization and activities of these bodies.

political science - the science that studies the diversity of political processes, issues of state structure, political power, the mechanisms and modalities for its implementation. The main object of policy research is the political development of society and human interaction within the political system and political processes.

human rights - inherent properties and the possibility of determining the extent of his freedom, enshrined in the law, moral and political rules, religious dogmas, the possibility of using a person the most important benefits, protecting its vital interests, the limits of state power, a way to free development of personality of its abilities and talent; way to protect humanity from the global threats to its existence.

government - the highest executive and administrative organ of state power, which is involved in the management of the country. In various countries, governments have different names: for example, the cabinet, the Council of Ministers.

right - in the narrow sense - the system of mandatory social standards established or authorized by the State, in a broader sense also covers legal relations and fundamental rights of citizens, dockable, guaranteed and protected by the state.

legal ideology - a set of ideas, creations, attitudes, beliefs, principles that are generally concentrated reflect and evaluate the legal validity.

legal culture - a form of socially significant creative activity of people in state-legal relations, expressed in legal norms, institutions, and the ability to assess these phenomena.

Legal psychology - a set of feelings, habits, moods, behaviors that express the emotional and psychological attitude of social groups, collectives and individuals for law in general and its specific rules, law and order, to the legal institutions and the foundations of their work.

legal education - a special form of the state, its agencies and officials, public associations, labor groups, aimed at forming in the minds of respect for the law, positive experience, knowledge, attitudes and behavioral orientations, attitudes, skills and habits to ensure good behavior, proactive stance in the performance and use of legal norms.

rule of law - a democratic state, organization and operations, all its bodies and officials based on law and related to it.

legal idealism - a form of legal consciousness of the deformation, expressed in absolute role of law and legal institutions to regulate social relations.

legal nihilism - it is an element of social consciousness, which manifests itself in indifference, disbelief, disdain for the law, law, rule of law, the state, its symbols, or even complete rejection of their social value.

legal practice - a rule of conduct, which has developed historically because of the constant repetition over time, and sanctioned by the state as an obligatory rule.

the legal limit - there are legal deterrence of unlawful acts, creating the conditions to meet the specific subject of interest and public interest in conservation and protection.

legal status of an individual - a set of rights and freedoms, duties and responsibilities of the individual, establishing its legal status in society. legal status - is the legal facts (facts having legal consequences), does not depend on the actions of a specific individual, ie, occurring beyond his control: birth, marriage, etc.).

offense - it is the behavior (actions) of people, which is contrary to legal regulations and harm social relations.

legal relationship - strong-willed public relations regulated by legal norms.

rule of law - a state governed by law ordering of social relations, resulting from the consistent implementation of the rule of law and is characterized by the actual software, implementation and protection of rights and freedoms, and strict compliance with legal obligations, the legitimate activities of all individual and collective entities.

sense of justice - the sphere of public, group and individual consciousness, associated with the reflection of legal phenomena and the resulting pravoznachimymi values ​​of law, proper representation of the rule of law, a system of knowledge about the law as their total communication in the form of sensible or rational (scientific) understanding of it.

capacity - the ability to have subjective rights and bear legal responsibilities.

lawmaking - a form of state activity aimed at the creation of legal norms, as well as for their further improvement, modification or repeal.

pragmatism (from the Greek. pragma, genus. n. pragmatos - business, action) - a philosophical doctrine, treats philosophy as a general method for solving the problems that face people in different situations.

subject of legal regulation - - qualitatively homogeneous form of social relations, which are governed by the relevant branch of law, their identities.

subject theory of law as a science - a system of laws governing the formation, development and operation of state and law.

presumption of innocence - the innocence of the assumption of a citizen, legal responsibility, a consequence of the general presumption of good citizen and, as such - one of the guarantees of individual rights and freedoms.

offense - guilty of a socially dangerous act that is prohibited by criminal law. Such acts infringe on the social system of the country, its security and fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens, as well as other objects protected by the state.

application of the law - authoritative work of the State (or other bodies under the authority of the state) who, using his special powers, issue acts of individual values ​​based on the rule of law, deciding on the merits or that the specific issues of a multi-faceted society.

gap in the law - a complete or partial absence of legal regulation of the sphere of relations which objectively requires regulation and without binding legal rules can not function normally.

prosecutor's office - a system of state bodies authorized to exercise supervision over the execution of laws by all agencies and individuals, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, criminal prosecution, etc.

trade unions (trade unions) - voluntary organization, uniting workers in manufacturing and vneproizvod - governmental sectors to protect the socio-economic rights and interests of its members.

public law (jus publieum - Lat.) - that part of the existing law, rules which are aimed at protecting the common good, public interest, related to powers and organizational activities of the state power, with the implementation of public goals and objectives.

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