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Developed by: Maulenov K.S. professor, Doctor of law

SIW in a class - 10 hours | Head_of chair___________ G.Berdykulova | MINISTRY OF EUCATION AND SCIENCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN | Lecture 1. Fundamental definitions about State, Law and State-legal phenomenon | Lecture 2. Constitutional Law | Lecture 5. Administrative Law | Lecture 7. Financial law. | Lecture 8. Criminal Law | Legal procedure. | Lecture 9. Ecological law |

Читайте также:
  1. A. Substantive Clauses developed from the Volitive.
  2. Ali is a doctor. He is a player.
  4. Ask questions about what these people are going to be. Use these words: musician / actor / secretary / businesswoman / doctor / journalist
  5. At the doctor's
  7. C).The rule of law is developed from the writings of the nineteenth-century writer Dicey.


Chair of “Economics and business”






Major 5B050700 Management

5B050900 Finance 050704 CSSE, 050703 Information Systems, 050602 Computer Science, 05b070400 Computer Science and Software engineer

5B050400 Journalism


(form of study: full-time)





Designed by __Maulenov K.S. professor, Doctor of law

(name, position)

The methodological complex of the discipline is based on the RK National Standards for «Law in Kazakhstan» and the Model program of the

(subject, code)

discipline «Law in Kazakhstan».

The methodological complex has been approved by the IITU Department of «Economics and business»



Minutes No. __ dated «__ » August 2014.


Head of the Department _____________________________

(signature, name)


The methodological complex has been approved by the IITU Scientific Methodological Council


Minutes No. ____ “Date”, 2014__



Head of the IITU SMC _____________________________

(signature, name)



Chair of “Economics and business”




IITU Rector



Shynybekov D.A.

«___» ____________ 2014




Major 5B050700 Management

5B050900 Finance 050704 CSSE, 050703 Information Systems, 050602 Computer Science, 05b070400 Computer Science and Software engineer

5B050400 Journalism


(form of study: full-time)

Credits - 2






Academic program of the discipline «Law in Kazakhstan»

(discipline name)

has been designed on the basis of the Model academic program for the discipline

«Law in Kazakhstan», approved «___» _____month_____ __year.


Developed by: Maulenov K.S. professor, Doctor of law


(name, position, degree)



The academic program has been approved by the IITU Department of “Economics and business”



Minutes No. __ dated «__ » _______ 2014


Head of the Department _____________________________

(signature, name)


The academic program has been approved by the IITU SMC


Minutes No. ____ “Date”, 2014


Head of the IITU SMC _____________________________

(signature, name)

Head of the Academic Affairs Dept ______________________

(signature, name)

Instructor’s information:

Name: Maulenov Kasym Syrbaevich, Professor, Doctor of law

Department of Management and Social-Humanitarian Sciences

Room: 202

Phone: 330 85 66, ext. 2014

E-mail: k.maulenov@iitu.kz


Prerequisite: -


Post requisites: Business law


Course description:

The course aims to acquaint students with the origins and sources of law, key legal concepts and the framework of functioning law in the Republic of Kazakhstan based on national and international legislation. The objectives of the course are: to develop analytical and critical capability of legal thinking, to introduce basic research methods, to give an idea of rights and obligations each person should follow in Kazakhstan, to foster skills in negotiating main contract provisions.

This course introduces students to the methodology of reading legal texts: extending from articles to treaties, constitutions, legislation and cases. It also provides an overview of the structure and hierarchical form of most domestic legal systems and their relation to international law and organizations. The course covers the basic techniques of legal research, writing and analysis. Students learn to brief cases, perhaps synthesize cases from related fields, and write legal documents.


Theme Hours
Lecture Practical lesson SIW SIWT
  Fundamental definitions about State, Law and State-legal phenomenon        
  Constitutional Law        
  Law enforcement bodies and Court of Republic of Kazakhstan        
  Public administration in the Republic of Kazakhstan        
  Administrative Law        
  Civil, family law and civil legal procedure        
  Financial law. Labor law and Law of social providing        
  Criminal Law and criminal legal procedure        
  Ecological law and Land law        


For2014 - 2015 academic year

Law in Kazakhstan

1. Basic information
Major 5B050700 Management 5B050900 Finance 050704 CSSE, 050703 Information Systems, 050602 Computer Science, 05b070400 Computer Science and Software engineer, 5B050400 Journalism    
Year,semester 1 year, 1-2 semester
Discipline cycle Basic
Place of lectures delivery In accord with time-table
Lector Maulenov Kasym Syrbaevich, Professor, Doctor of law Department of Management and Social-Humanitarian Sciences Room: Phone: 330 85 66, ext. 2014 E-mail: k.maulenov@iitu.kz  
2. Prerequisites and Post requisites
Prerequisites: -
Post requisites:   Business law
3. Purpose and objectives
Purpose: The Law in Kazakhstan urged to study and explain processes and the legal phenomena, and for this purpose it should get into an essence of deep processes, explain laws and predict ways of their use attempts to provide comprehensive coverage of all the key elements in the discipline of Law in Kazakhstan.
Objectives:Students will be able to do the following by the end of the class: 1. Discuss the basic legal problems faced by law in Kazakhstan and in the world. 2. Discuss how to make legal decisions in several cases. 3.Discuss how legal policy affects the individual, state.  
4. Working hours of students
Total In Class OH
Lectures Laboratory Practical lessons SIW SIWT Office-Hours
  2 credits hours min/ lesson. - min/ lesson min/ lesson min/ cont 15 hours  
Lessons - lessons contacts contacts


5. Contents of discipline:  
Week # Topics Lecture Seminar
  Theme 1: Fundamental definitions about State, Law and State-legal phenomenon 1. Introduction to discipline: System of the discipline. 2. Definition of the state. Different types of states. Correlation society and state. Signs of state. 3. Definition of law. Law nature. Law branch. Classification of law. Comparative legal systems: continental and common-law systems. Fundamental principles of Law: political power, property ship, democratism, internationalism, humanism. Law and morality. Sources of Law: definition, hierarchy    
  Theme 2: Constitutional Law Constitutional Law: definition of Constitutional law, fundamentals of public structure, national-state structure    
  Theme 3. Law enforcement bodies and Court of Republic of Kazakhstan Definition of law enforcement bodies. System of law enforcement bodies. Court system and justice in the Republic of Kazakhstan.    
  Theme 4. Public administration in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Definition of state management in the Republic of Kazakhstan. System and organization and forms of the state management in the Republic of Kazakhstan. State control.    
  Theme 5: Administrative Law State: nature, features, territory and borders.      
  Theme 6: Civil and family Law Foundations of Kazakhstan civil law.Concepts of private and public law. Sources of civil law.Civil-law relations. Kazakhstan civil law – persons.Natural persons.Concepts of juridical persons. Legal entities under Kazakhstan civil law. Economic societies and partnerships.Family law nature.    
  Theme 7: Financial law.Definition, subject and method of financial law. System and sources of financial law. Budget law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Tax law. Labour Law and social providing law Labour legislation. Labour relations. Personal labour contract.    
  Theme 9: Criminal Law Criminal legislation. What is crime? Types of crimes. Punishment. Types of punishments. Corrective works (labor). Limitation of liberty. Deprivation of liberty. Death penalty. Corruption. Bribes and commercial bribery. Legal procedure.Constitutional base of legal procedure.Sources of legal procedures. Legal procedure branch. Criminal legal procedure. Civil legal procedure.    
  Ecological and land law.Definition of ecological law. Subject, object and method of ecological law. Sources of land law. Property law. Land types. Liability for land legislation offence.    
  Total: 15 15



6. TEACHING STRATEGY Academic Honesty: Dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating on tests and plagiarism, is taken seriously. The minimum penalty is an "F" in this course and referral to Disciplinary Committee. Cell Phones: Any student cell phone that rings during class will result in an automatic 5 % reduction in grade. Computer Utilization: Students are encouraged to use IITU computer facilities to complete their assignments. Library Utilization: Students may study in IITU's Library and take books home under normal library rules. ASSIGNMENTS GUIDELINES Assessment Criteria and Weight Content (Knowledge and Understanding (25%) Critical Analysis (25%) Conclusion (25%) Research Skills (25%) PROJECT GUIDELINES ALL written assignments should be of the following format:
    1. double spaced;
    2. Justified;
    3. One inch margins (top, bottom, left and right);
    4. Bold or underlined section headers where appropriate;
    5. Normal font sizes (12 points);
    6. Endnotes and References compulsory; and
7. No more than 15 pages (not including cover sheet, table of contents, appendix and reference section) Written assignments MUST include a cover page with your name, section number, instructor's name, and your ID number. You should not identify yourself anywhere else in this paper. Also, all papers should follow an accepted and consistent style. GRADING CRITERIA All written assignments will be graded on: Content; (50%) The project outlines listed below are the MINIMUM requirements for the project. Simply completing the minimum amount of work for the project will result in and "average" grade. "A" grades will be reserved for those groups that go "above the beyond" the minimum requirements. Be creative in solving the problem given. Writing style; (25%)The manner in which something is presented is often as important as the content of the presentation. If a paper or presentation is written poorly, the message is often lost. Pay attention to formal writing styles - no contractions; minimize pronouns and other relevant stylistic necessities. Professional Presentation. (25%) These are professional projects for real business situations. Presentations should be conducted in a professional manner. Each project will be conducted by a group of up to 8 students. Students will be assigned by groups based on each having a unique and necessary skill to contribute toward the completion of the project. Any or all students may choose to complete the project on their own. It is the responsibility of the group leader to set meetings, agendas for the meetings, minutes of the meetings, assignments to other members, overall completion of his/her part of the project, and the thoughtful and honest evaluation of other group members. Any group leader who fails to complete these will receive an automatic zero (this includes inflating or deflating your group members grades beyond what is reasonable).
7 General References: 1. The Constitution Republic of Kazakhstan Almaty, 2010. 2. Civil Codeof the Republic of Kazakhstan.Almaty, 2010. 3. Civil code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Commentary. Editor. M.К.Suleymenov, U.G. Basin. Almaty, 2000, 2007. 4. Civil law. Volume I -3. Editor. M.К.Suleymenov, U.G. Basin. Almaty, 2000, 2006. 5.Civil law (General part). Editor. A.G.Didenko. Almaty. 2003. 6. Civil law (General part). Editor. G.I.Tuleugaliev, K.S.Maulenov. Almaty. 1999. 7. William E. Butler, Russian Law 2nd ed (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003), William E. Butler, Russian Company and Commercial Legislation (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003), William E. Butler, Civil Code of the Russian Federation: Parts One, Two and Three (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003). 8. Maulenov K.S. Law in Kazakhstan Text-book   Additional: Constitutional law Constitutional Law on the Judicial System and the Status of Judges Constitutional Law on the Judicial System and the Status of Judges (December 2000) Law on the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan Electoral Law Constitutional Law on Elections in the Republic of Kazakhstan Constitutional Law on Elections in the Republic of Kazakhstan (1999 with amendments of 2004) Law on Political Parties Administrative / Public Law Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Administrative Violations No. 155-II dated 30 January 2001 (zip) Law 1017-XII on Citizenship (1991) Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Languages (Russian) Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Public Purchase Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on languages Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Citizenship Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Citizenship Law on Culture Law on Local Public Administration in the Republic of Kazakhstan Law on Population migration (1997, amended 2002) Law on State Border (1993) Law on State Statistics Law on State Statistics Law on the Legal Status of foreigners in the Republic of Kazakhstan #2337 as of June 19, 1995 The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan 453-I dated July 23, 1999 On public service The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan about the National Emblems Criminal Law Corrupt Practices Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan? 267-I as of July 2, 1998 Criminal Code Criminal Code (Russian) Criminal Code (excerpts) Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 167-1 dated 16 July 1997 (excerpts) Criminal Procedural Code (Russian) Criminal Procedural Code (Russian) Law on Anti corruption efforts Law on Fight Against Corruption Law on counteraction to legalization (laundering) of illegally obtained incomes and financing of terrorism Civil Law Civil Code (1992) Civil Code (Russian) Civil Procedural Code (Russian) Law on Investments Law concerning competition and restriction of monopoly activities Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2198, dated April 17, 1995 On state registration of the legal entities and record registration of branches and representative offices Law on Amendments to the Law on Natural Monopolies (in Russian) Law on Competition and Limitation of Monopolistic Activity (in Russian) Law on Competition and Restriction of Monopoly Activity 19 January 2001 N 144-II Law on Natural Monopolies (in Russian) Law on Non-Profit Organisations Law on Private Entrepreneurship Law on Social Associations (1996) Law on Unfair Competition (in Russian) Law on Unfair Competition 9 June 1998 N 232-1. Law on joint-stock companies (Russian) Law on non-profit organizations Labor Law Labour Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan Labour Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 10 December 1999. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on employment of population Law on Pension Provision in the Republic of Kazakhstan Law on pensions Health Law Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Health Protection of Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan Preventing AIDS Tax Law Tax Code (2011) Banking Law Law Concerning payments and remittances Law On Currency Regulation and Currency Control Law On banks and banking activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Currency Regulation and Currency Control No. 57, June 13, 2005 Law on Banks Law on Investment Funds Law on Islamic Finance Law on Securitization Law on amendments to certain legislative acts #224-III, dated January 12, 2007 Law on the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan Law on the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan Rules for non-cash payments and remittances on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan without opening a banking account The Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Establishment of the Specialized Financial Court in the city of Almaty Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Currency Regulation and Currency Control (Russian) Insurance Law Law on Mutual Insurance Law on insurance activity Communications And Media Law Law on Mass Media Law on Mass Media Law on protection of state secrets Law on Mediation Transport And Maritime Law Law on Transport (Russian) Law on the railway transportation (Russian) Environmental Law Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 21, 1993, N 2463-XII On Conservation, Reproduction and Use of Wildlife Intellectual Property Law Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Trademarks, Service Marks and Apellations of Origin Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Protection of Selection Achievements Law on Copyright and Neighboring Rights (of 1996). Law on Trademarks, Service Marks and Apellations of Origin (enacted July 26, 1999). Patent Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan Patent Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (of July 1999). Energy Law Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan About support of use of renewable sources of energy Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 9, 2004 No. 588-II “On Power Industry” Law on Concessions Law on Electricity (in Russian) Law on Electricity (in Russian) Law on Energy Saving 1997 Other Law Sources (links) Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation of activities of the regional financial centre of Almata City Anti Corruption gateway for Europe and Eurasia Anti-Corruption centre Central Elections Commission Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan Internews Legislation online Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of Justice Ministry of Labor and social protection of Republic of Kazakhstan National Bank
8. Schedule for SIW
Types of work Position Scores
On positions Total
Total, including:  
Lecture Attendance   For any attendance-    
Practical lesson   Activity Tasks For any lesson А -90 В - 80 С - 70 Д - 60 scores  
* Total for rating, including:  
Form (deadline) А -90 В - 80 С - 70 Д - 60 scores    
* Total for SIW, including:  
  Type of SIW Schedule (week) Scores distribution   Total scores
  Assignment   Presentation Completed paper Presentation
Essay abstract     term paper     term work   2 week 4 week     2nd,7th,10th week   6th week 3d week 5th, 10th,15th week   4th, 9th 14th week   7th, 14th week А -90 В - 80 С - 70 Д - 60 scores   А -90 В - 80 С - 70 Д - 60 scores          
Final exam Computer test    


(position, signature, name)


Head of Chair Economics and business

__________ _________________

«___» ____________ 2014


Scores distribution on types of lessons and works

On discipline «Law in Kazakhstan»

for students of 5B050700 Management

5B050900 Finance 050704 CSSE, 050703 Information Systems, 050602 Computer Science, 05b070400 Computer Science and Software engineer 5B050400 Journalism majors

Year - 1, semester –1, credits - 2, total hours – 90 часов.


Lectures - 15 h

Practical lessons - 15 h

SIW total- 10h, SIWT, including Office hours – 15h

Final exam - 1 semester

  Types of lessons and works of students Scores
  Lectures and practical lessons -synopsis -attendance - mini test -tasks -reading  
  Student’s independent work (SIW) -essay -abstract -term paper -term paper  
  Midterm control -test #1-multiple choice -test #2-open questions    
  Final attestation (final exam)  



Professor K.S.Maulenov



Discussed at the Chair sitting Minutes №1, “ 31. 08” 2014



Head of Chair Economics and business

__________ _________________

(signature) (name)

«___» ____________ 2014

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 80 | Нарушение авторских прав

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To be read after text 6.| Lectures - 15 hours

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