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II. Read the verbs used with this topic. Pay attention to the word-combinations.

Ex. 4. Here are some words connected with law and crime. Then divide them into three groups, in the most logical way. | Read the text and translate it into Russian. | Ex. 1. Answer the questions. | Ex. 1. Read and memorize English proverbs. Find the appropriate Russian equivalents. Use them in the dialogues or in the situations of your own. | DOUBLE RAPIST ___ | NIGHT INTRUDER ___ | ВЕРХОВНЫЙ СУД И СУДЫ ВЫСШЕЙ ИНСТАНЦИИ |

Читайте также:
  1. A) The use of the Past Indefinite becomes obligatory with stative verbs.
  2. A. Put the verbs into correct past form
  3. A. Put the verbs into correct past form
  4. A. Translate the terms in the table below paying attention to their contextual meaning.
  5. A. two past continuous verbs
  6. Active to passive with phrasal verbs PEG 302-6
  7. Adjectives and Adverbs

To arrest: 1. To stop or check (a process or movement): arrested development - замедленное развитие; to arrest (about an inflation, etc.) -приостановить инфляцию. 2. To attract: (fig.) to arrest s.o.’s attention - приковывать, чьё-н. внимание. 3. To seize by authority of the law.

To assault: to make a violent attack on s.o.

To ban: to forbid officially.

To blackmail: to demand payment or action from a person by threats especially of revealing a discreditable secret.

To bribe: to persuade by a bribe: to bribe s.o. to silence - взяткой заставлять кого-н. молчать; to bribe s.o. to do sth. - подкупом добиваться чего-н. от кого-н.

To burgle: to rob as a burglar.

To break in: 1. To force one’s way into a building: to break in a door – вламываться в дверь; to break in a horse - выездить лошадь. 2. To interrupt: to break in on a conversation - вмешиваться в разговор. 3. To accustom to a new routine: to break in a new employee - приучать нового служащего к работе. To break out: 1. To begin suddenly: to break out (about fire, etc.) - разразиться (о пожаре, т.д.); to break out in pimples (about a face, etc.) - на его лице высыпали прыщи. 2. To exclaim. 3. To force one’s way: to break out (about a prisoner, etc.) - сбежать (о заключённом). 4. To develop (a rush, etc.): to break out (about a flag, etc.) -развёртывать знамя; to break out into abuse - разразиться руганью.

To charge: 1. To ask as a price: to charge $5 for the book - запросить 5 долларов за эту книгу. 2. To record as a debt: to charge the amount/goods to s.o. - записать сумму/товары на чей-л. счёт; his estate was charged with the debt - за его имением числился долг; tax is charged on the proceeds of the sale - доходы с продажи подлежат обложению налогом. 3. To load or fill: charge your glasses! - Наполните свои стаканы! 4. To give an electric charge to (elec.) - заряжать; (fig.) to charge one’s memory with facts - перегружать свою память фактами. 5. To give as a task or duty: to be charged with an important mission - быть порученным выполнить важное задание; not to be able to charge oneself with this - не мочь взять на себя ответственность за это. 6. To accuse formally: to be charged with murder - обвиняться в убийстве. 7. To move widely and rapidly, to rush: to charge about all over the place - носиться везде. 8. To rush forward in attack: to charge the enemy (about the troops, etc.) - атаковать неприятеля; to charge at s.o. - наброситься на кого-то. 9. To instruct: to charge s.o. to obey s.o. - требовать, чтобы кто-то повиновался кому-то; the judge charged the jury - судья напутстовал присяжных.

To chase: to go quickly after in order to capture, overtake, or drive away.

To commit: 1. To do, to perform: to commit troops to battle - вводить, войска в бой; a committed writer - идейный писатель. 2. To entrust for safe keeping and treatment: to commit s.o. for trial - предавать кого-н. суду; to commit to paper - излагать на бумаге; to commit to memory -заучивать. 3. To pledge, to bind with an obligation: to commit oneself to helping s.o. - взяться помочь кому-л.; he would not commit himself он уклонился от чёткого ответа.

To convict: to prove or declare a person to be guilty of a crime: to be convicted of error - изоблачить ошибку.

To escape: 1. To get oneself free from confinement or control: to escape from its cage (about animals, etc.) - выпорхнуть из клетки, вырваться на волю. 2. To get out of a container leak: to be escaping (about gas, etc.) - происходит утечка газа. 3. To succeed in avoiding (capture, punishment, etc.): to escape being laughed at - избежать насмешек; to escape death - остаться в живых; to escape with a scratch - отделаться царапиной. 5. To be forgotten or unnoticed by: not to be able to escape the feeling that - не мочь отделаться от чувства, что; his name escapes me - не могу припомнить его фамилии. 6. To be uttered unintentionally: to escape one’s lips (about the words) - сорваться с языка.

To filch: to pilfer, steal something in small value (стянуть).

To get away: to escape, to leave: to get s.o. away to the seaside - увезти кого-л. к морю; to get away (about a prisoner) - сбежать (о заключённом); you cannot get away from this fact - от этого факта не уйдёшь. To get away with: to escape blame or punishment for: the thieves got away with the money - воры удрали с деньгами; to get away with cheating - удаваться сжульничать.

To hijack: to seize control of a vehicle in order to steal its goods, take its passengers hostage, or force it to a new destination.

To hold up: 1. To hinder, to stop by the use of threats or force for the purpose of robbery: the robbers held them up at pistol point - бандиты ограбили их, угрожая пистолетом; the censor held up the play - цензура задержала пьесу. 3. To delay: to be held up on the way by fog - быть задержанным на дороге из-за тумана; to hold up the decision - медлить с решением. 4. To lift, hold, erect, (fig.) to display, to expose: to be held up as an example - быть поставленным в пример; to be held up to ridicule - быть выставленным на посмешище. 5. To keep, to withstand: do you think the table will hold up under the weight? - вы думаете, стол выдержит такой вес?; (fig.): if the weather holds up …- если такая погода продержится ….

To investigate: 1. To make a careful study of a thing in order to discover the facts about it. 2. To make a search or systematic inquiry.

To kidnap: to carry off a person by force or fraud to obtain a random.

To libel: to utter or to publish a false statement against s.o. that damages a person’s reputation.

To loot: 1. To plunder, to take as a loot (уносить награбленное добро). 2. To steal goods or to rob premises left unprotected, especially after rioting.

To mug: to attack and rob a person especially in a public place.

To pilfer: to steal small items or in small quantities (воровать, таскать).

To plunder: to rob a place or a person forcibly or systematically, to steal or embezzle (грабить, расхищать).

To purloin: formal or humorous of to steal (присваивать, похищать).

To pursue: to follow, to chase, to afflict continually (преследовать, добиваться чего-т.).

To rob: 1. To steal from a person or place, to commit robbery: to rob s.o. of smth. - украсть у кого-л. что-л. 2. To deprive of what is due or normal.

To smuggle: 1. To convey secretly: (fig.) to smuggle into the house - тайком попасть в дом. 2. To bring goods into or out of the country illegally especially without paying customs duties.

To steal: 1. To take another person’s property without rights or permission: it is wrong to steal - воровать нехорошо: to be caught stealing - поймать с поличным. 2. To obtain by surprise or a trick or surreptitiously: to steal a glance at s.o. - взглянуть украдкой на кого-н.; to steal s.o.’s heart (away) - похитить чьё-н. сердце; to steal the show - затмить всех остальных; to steal a march on - опередить кого-л. в чём-л.; to steal s.o.’s thunder - перехватить чью-н. славу. 3. To move secretly or without being noticed: to steal round to the back door - прокрасться к задней двери; to steal up to s.o. - подкрасться к кому-л.; a sense of peace stole over him - чувство покоя овладело им.

To thieve: to steal, especially secretly.

To trace: to follow or to discover by observing marks, tracks, etc.

To trespass: to enter a person’s land or property unlawfully: no trespassing - вход воспрещён. 2. To intrude or make use of unreasonably: (fig.): to have no wish to trespass on one’s hospitality - не хотеть злоупотреблять гостеприимством. 3 To sin or to do wrong (old use): as we forgive them that trespass against us - да простим мы тех, кто против нас согрешают.

To vandalize: to damage property, etc.


III. Read the following word combinations, translate them into Russian and use them in the sentences of your own. Note that many of them have particular prepositions associated with them.


To commit a crime or an offence: to do something illegal; to hold identification parade (evidence): the procedure of making recognition of the suspect by the witness, etc.; to back the case: to support, to stand for the case; t o break the law: to violate the law; to resort to violence: to have resource of strong force; to accuse s.o. of a crime: to say s.o is guilty; to charge s.o. with (murder): to bring s.o. to court; to plead guilty or not guilty: to swear in court that one is guilty or otherwise; to defend/prosecute s.o. in court: to argue for or against s.o. in a trial; to pass verdict on an accused person: to decide whether they are guilty or not; to protest one’s innocence: to declare that s.o. is not guilty; to sentence s.o. to a punishment: what the judge does after a verdict of guilty; to acquit an accused person of a charge = to be cleared of a crime: to decide in court that s.o. is not guilty (the opposite of to convict someone); to fine s.o. a sum of money: to punish s.o. by making them pay; to send s.o. to prison: to punish s.o. by putting them in prison; to release s.o. from prison/jail: to set s.o. free after a prison sentence; to be tried: to have a case judged in court.


IV. Read the explanation of some useful nouns.


Trial: the legal process in court whereby an accused person is investigated, or tried, and then found guilty or not guilty; case: a crime that is being investigated; evidence: information used in a court of law to decide whether the accused is guilty or not; alibi: the plea that the suspect was not in the place of the crime when it was committed; siege: an attempt to capture s.o. by surrounding their hiding place until they give themselves up; proof: evidence that shows conclusively whether something is a fact or not; verdict: the decision: guilty or not guilty; judge: the person who leads a trial and decides on the sentence; jury: group of twelve citizens who decide whether the accused is guilty or not; guilt: the fact of having committed some offence; a feeling that one is to blame for something (to prove one’s guilt); blame: responsibility for a fault; criticism for doing wrong (to lay the blame on s.o.); fault: 1) an offence something wrongly done; 2) the responsibility for something wrong (to happen through one’s fault).


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