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B. The Hanging gardens of Babylon

Читайте также:
  1. A Babylonian Sand Watch
  2. As sectarian divisions deepen, the war is changing the country beyond recognition
  3. Change these sentences by changing certain adjectives into verbs.
  4. Changing Direction of Light
  5. Changing States of Matter

The Hanging Gardens... (1) Babylon were considered... (2) the ancient world to be... (3) the wonders.. (4) the world. Their construction is usually ascribed... (5) Nebuchadnezzar (Навуходоносор), the king... (6) Chaldea. According... (7) the legend the gardens were built... (8) his favourite wife who had come... (9) the flat plains.. (10) Babylon... (11) a hilly land. The gardens formed a square... (12) an area... (13) nearly four acres, and rose... (14) terraces, supported.. (15) arches,... (16) the height... (17) 75 feet. They were irrigated... (18) a reservoir, built... (19) the top,... (20) which the water was lifted... (21) the Euphrates. Groves... (22) palm trees and tree-ferns were planted there, and the gardens were filled... (23) the finest flowers... (24) the land.


9. Make the sentences Passive. Give two Passive constructions wherever possible. Mention the agent where necessary.

1. A drunken motorist knocked her down. 2. They feed the seals at the Zoo twice a day. 3. Who wrote it? 4. He expected us to offer him the job. 5. They showed us the easiest way to do it. 6. Lightning struck the old oak. 7. What did he write it with? 8. Did the idea interest you? 9. The lawyer gave him the details of his aunt’s will. 10. Most people opposed this. 11. A rainstorm flooded the gypsies' camp. 12. The postman clears this box three times a day. 13. Someone turned on the light in the hall and opened the door. 14. We never saw him in the dining-room. A maid took all his meals to his bedroom. 15. Someone left this purse in a classroom yesterday; the cleaner found it. 16. We build over 1, 000 new houses a year. Last year we built 1, 500. 17. Passengers leave all sorts of things in buses. The conductor collects them and sends them to the Lost Property Office. 18. The police arrested the man. 19. They invited Jack, but they didn't invite Tom. 20. The guests ate all the sandwiches and drank all the beer. They left nothing. 21. Why did no one inform me of the change of plan? 22. Tom Smith wrote the book and Brown and Co. published it. 23. They didn't pay me for my work; they expected me to do it for nothing. 24. She didn't introduce me to her mother. 25. An earthquake destroyed the town.


10. Retell the following text using the Passive Voice wherever possible.

NOTE: The prepositional object cannot become the subject in the Passive Voice. E.g.: He suggested an interesting plan to us. – An interesting plan was suggested to us. (“We were suggested an interesting plan” is impossible.)

Our students began learning the Passive Voice last week. First Mrs. Smith explained the main rules to us. Then she demonstrated to us how to use the Passive Voice with different classes of verbs. She described to us typical situations which require the use of the Passive constructions. She also mentioned some difficulties which we might have with phrasal verbs. Then she dictated several sentences to us, and we translated them to the teacher. Mrs. Smith pointed out to us all the mistakes we had made. At the end of the lesson she recommended some reference books to us and announced the marks which each of us had got.


11. Translate the following into English.

Моя свекровь отказывалась видеть во мне самостоятельную мать семейства и считала меня глуповатой маленькой девочкой, которая ничего не умеет и нуждается в ее советах. Мне объяснялось, как правильно готовить суп и регулярно диктовались какие-то фамильные рецепты. Мне демонстрировалось, как правильно стирать носки и как гладить рубашки. При мне обязательно упоминалось о какой-то исключительно талантливой девице, которая все делает лучше, чем я. Мне рекомендовалось несколько сериалов, в которых были показаны примеры правильных семейных отношений. Мне предлагалось сразу несколько идей по поводу того, как сделать мужа счастливым. Скажите, пожалуйста, есть ли такая женщина, которой все это могло бы понравиться?


12. Retell the following text using the Active Voice wherever possible.

An old man had many sons who were always quarrelling. One day the sons were called before their father. A bundle of sticks was given to them and they were ordered to break it. Each of the sons tried with all his strength but the bundle wasn’t broken. At last it was untied by the old man and each son was given one stick. Of course, the sticks were broken easily. “My sons,” said the old man, “if you are together, live in friendship and help one another, you can always be strong and needn’t be afraid of any enemies.”


14. Translate the stories into English.

A. Выражение “двуликий Янус” (two-faced Janus) связано с именем одного из римских богов. В Риме Янус считался богом входов и выходов. Изображение Януса помещалось у дверей и в переходах. Янус изображался с двумя лицами, обращенными в противоположные стороны: одно лицо смотрело вперед, а другое назад. Янус также считался богом любого начинания: поутру он открывал ворота Олимпа, а вечером запирал их. Им решались и вопросы войны и мира. Храм Януса, обращенный одной стороной на восток, а другой - на запад, открывался только в дни войны. Интересно, что в течение семи веков, пока существовал храм, его ворота закрывались только три раза.

Двуликим Янусом называют двуличного, лицемерного человека.

B. Единственным строением, возведенным на фундаменте из золота, являются ворота храма Пурандхар (Purandhar) в Индии. Радже (rajah), который приказал построить их, сказали, что выбранное им место - трясина, и возвести там ворота невозможно. Вскоре он увидел сон, в котором ему был дан совет построить ворота на основании из золота. Были вырыты две большие ямы 12 футов глубиной. 50 000 золотых кирпичей были положены в землю, и на этом фундаменте были построены ворота. Эти ворота существуют и поныне и охраняются монахами, живущими в монастыре.




1. Read the following joke and translate it into Russian.

During an opera a spectator turns to his friend: “That tenor is driving me mad.” “Shall we leave then?” “Certainly not. In the third act he will be killed and I can’t deny myself the pleasure of seeing it.”


2. You are planning to create your own TV program for students of English. Tell your friends about your project.

1. How often will your program be broadcast? 2. Who will it be designed for? 3. Will the listeners be offered a wide choice of information? 4. What information will be used there? 5. What form will the program be given in? 6. What problems will be discussed in it? 7. Who will be invited to take part in the program? 8. Will movies and interviews with movie-stars be shown in your program? 9. Will special reference books be advertised in your program? 10. Will suggestions for further programs be welcomed?


3. Open the brackets using the appropriate tense and voice form. All the actions refer to the future.

1. You (inform) as soon as the telegram (receive). 2. The children (give) their dinner before their father (come) home. 3. They (astonish) when they (see) how slowly he (work). 4. I (go on) doing it until I (tell) to stop. 5. The refrigerator (go on) making that noise till it (repair). 6. The car (not move) till the brake (take off). 7. When all his newspapers (sell) he (go) home. 8. You (not let out) till you (finish) your homework. 9. When everybody (leave) the park the gates (lock). 10. The goods (send) to you as soon as your cheque (receive). 11. The room doesn’t look particularly attractive now but when it (clean) and (paint), it (look) quite different. 12. Tom (start) as soon as the invitation (get). 13. When I (work) here for fifteen years I (entitle) to a pension. 14. What (happen) if this button (press)? 15. Unless that radio (turn off) I (go) mad. 16. If that bottle of port (shake) it (not be) fit to drink. 17. If you (wear) a false beard you (not recognize). 18. If he (not pay) the fine he (send) to prison. 19. I don’t think he (refuse) if he (offer) a good job. 20. He (arrest) if the police (catch) him. 21. Your car (steal) if it (leave) unlocked. 22. Ice (turn) to water if it (heat). 23. If Tom (help) us the work (finish) in half an hour. 24. Unless you (put) the passport into the inside pocket it (lose). 25. If the project (finish) by Monday you (give) a bonus.


4. Join the sentences making all the necessary changes. Use the Passive Voice wherever possible.

Example: Something extraordinary will happen. They will inform you. - If anything extraordinary happens you will be informed.

1. They will pass the examination. They will go to the seaside. 2. They will send you abroad. You will have to prepare all the necessary documents beforehand. 3. You will exceed the speed limit. They will fine you. 4. They will ask me for help. I won’t refuse to come. 5. They will forget this rule. They won’t be able to translate the sentences. 6. You will return from your trip. They will ask you a lot of questions. 7. He will finish his speech. A discussion will take place. 8. They will discuss the problem. They will take the final decision. 9. He will injure his arm. They will take him to hospital. 10. You will break your car. They will repair it. 11. She will blackmail her boss. They will arrest her. 12. Everything will be ready. They will invite you.


6. Put the following into Reported Speech.

1. “The students will be asked a lot of questions at the exam”. 2. “The computers will be installed in our office as soon as they are delivered”. 3. “Tickets for this play will be sold next week”. 4. “This machine will be put in motion by solar energy”. 5. “If anything unexpected happens some extra measures will be taken”. 6. “The construction will begin as soon as the project is adopted”. 7. “If he exceeds the speed limit again he will be sent to prison”. 8. “If you disobey you will be punished”. 9. “The work will be finished on time if the weather doesn’t change”. 10. “I don’t know if I will be invited to the party”. 11. “I am not sure if this soap opea will be shown next year”. 12. “Who will be sent to the Conference?” 13. “Will the lecture be followed by a discussion?” 14. “What equipment will be used for this experiment?” 15. “How will the elephant be transported to the Zoo?” 16. “Will the article be translated into French?” 17. “Will he be warned about it in time?” 18. “What job will he be offered at this office?” 19. “What language will the lecture be delivered in?” 20. “When will the champion be interviewed?”


7. Translate the following text.

Однажды Марка Твена спросили, помнит ли он, как заработал свои первые деньги.

“Да, - сказал он, - это было в школе. Мальчишки часто рисовали на партах и вырезали на них надписи. Наконец было решено ввести жесткое правило: каждый, кто портит парты, будет публично высечен перед всей школой, или ему придется заплатить штраф в размере 5 долларов.

Однажды я нарушил запрет, и мне пришлось сказать об этом отцу. Отец сказал: ”Сэм, будет очень плохо, если имя Клеменс (Clemens) будет опозорено перед всей школой, поэтому мы уж лучше заплатим штраф. Но ты все же будешь наказан, поднимайся наверх”. Я поднялся наверх и был выпорот. Но наказание не показалось мне таким уж суровым, и я решил, что не будет ничего страшного, если меня еще раз высекут в школе. Меня действительно высекли, и мои 5 долларов остались целыми. Это были первые заработанные мной деньги”.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 104 | Нарушение авторских прав

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