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Collectivization in Kazakhstan.


History of Kazakhstan I year students

Lecture 22 All departments

Instructor: 2007-2008 academic year

Taichikova K.T. Fall trimester

Collectivization in Kazakhstan.

The objective of the lecture: To show the main features of the collectivization in Kazakhstan. Forms, methods, rates of this process in Kazakhstan. Uprisings against this program. Consequences of the collectivization.

Outline of the lecture:


  1. XV Congress of All-Union CP(b).
  2. The peasant resistance to the collectivization.
  3. Consequences of the collectivization.



I. The course to the mass collectivization was determined by the XV Congress of the All-Union CP(b) (December,1927). The task of the realizing of the “transition of individual peasant farms to the way of the large production” was put. The forms, methods, rates of that process in the resolution of that Congress weren’t fixed.

According to the perspective plan, it was provided to involve into collective farms 1.1 mln peasant farms, about 4% of all farms of the country. Later under the pressure of Stalin those figures were changed to the side of sharp increasing.

5144 collective farms were organized in Kazakhstan to the 1 of October 1929. They consisted of 92 th. peasant farms or 7.2 of their total number.

From the beginning the idea of the collectivization of agriculture was realized in the form of the violence and terror.

It was formed not taking into account the local conditions, type of the economy, the nessary preliminary preparation.

On the initiative of F.Goloshchekin, the collectivization in Kazakhstan was revised in that way, that by autumn 1930 not less than 350 th. farms, or 80% of their total number in the grain zones “will have been involved by collective farms”.

Kazkraicom took instruction to “collectivize” the cattle as a whole, and agricultural implements.

In aul the collectivization was added by forced settling of the nomadic and semi-nomadic farms. In 1930 - 87136 farms were settled, in 1933 – 242208.

Meanwhile the necessary material conditions for the settling – the industrial base, dwellings, the necessary supplies, the cultural-social objects were absent.

The forced settling and collectivization razed the age-old style of the aul life, it’s traditions, many elements of the national culture to the ground.

In the plans of the Stalin’s leadership Kazakhstan was put down to that regional groups, where it was intended the collectivization to be completed in spring 1932 (expecting the nomadic and semi-nomadic region). The regions and okrugs of the Republic competed with each other for gaining the victory on the “collective farm’s front”. So, in 1928 – 2% of farms were collectivized, in April 1930 – 50.5%, in October 1931 – 65%. The peasants, refusing to join to the collective farm were threatened with the eviction or arrest, announced the “podculachnik”.

The end of the 20-s was characterized by the liquidation of the bais and kulaks (the most enterprising, independence, initiating peasants). On August 27, 1928 CEK and SPC adopted decree “About confiscation and eviction of bais and semifeudals” According this document in 1930-1931 only inside of Kazakhstan 6765 families or about 32 th. people were dispossessed as kulaks. 5500 families were moved out of Kazakhstan. In the same years Kazakhstan became the place of the “deportation of kulaks”. 44164 families or about 200 th. people were settled in a new place, in 1932-1933 the number of the deported kulaks was increased.


II. The Bolshevik methods of the collectivization of agriculture were the reasons of the active peasants resistance. It was showing in the different forms: the refuse to join to the collective farms; the liquidation of their farms and moving to towns and settlers; roaming from place to the other regions of the country and abroad; killing of the activists of the collective farm movement and workers of the Party-Soviet organs; the creation of the armed detachments of the self-defense and the armed uprising.

If in 1929 the peasant uprisings mainly looked like the local armed opposition, but in winter and spring 1930 the uprising had more wide and general character. The most large incidents occurred in Semipalatinsk okrug. From February till May 1930 the Zyrianovski, Ust-Kamenogorski regions were taken in the strong disturbance4s. The sharp conflicts took place in Balkhashski region of Alma-Atinski okrug and Irgizski region of the Aktubinski okrug. As a whole, according to the reports of the OGPU in Kazakhstan there were 372 peasant revolts in 1929-1931 and more than 80 th. peasants took part in it.

The peasant protest were provoked by antireligious policy of the VKP(b) and the Soviet state. Proclaiming the freedom of conscience and religion the atheism militant was supported and encouraged by the state. For the short period in Kazakhstan all mosques, the prayer house and churches, situated in rural regions, were destroyed. In the result, the Republic was taken into uncontrolled revolts.

According to the information of the OGPU, the punitive organs of those years, for period of 1929 till 1933 in Kazakhstan from the number of participants of uprising 3386 were sentenced to be shot and 13151 people were condemned to be imprisoned and to be sent to concetration camps within 3-10 years. The families and clans were subjected to the repressions.


III. - In 1931-1932 in the Republic the starvation was broken out. Losses from starvation, epidemics and other deprivations numbered 1750 th. people or 40% of the total number of the Kazakh population of the Republic.

- The cattle-breeding in Republic had the unprecedented casualties. By the 1 of January 1933 in the Republic there were about 4.5 mln heads of cattle instead of 40.5 mln. Heads on the eve of collectivization.

- Above 1 mln. People roamed outside the Republic. 616 th. of the total number didn’t return and 414 th. returned to Kazakhstan. The previous number of Kazakh population was restored after 40 years, in 1969.

That was the price of the collectivization for the Kazakh people.





Determine устанавливать

Rate норма, темп

Preliminary предварительный

Revise пересматривать, исправлять

Implement орудие, инструмент

Raze to the ground нарушать до основания, сравнивать с землей

Dispossessed лишать собственности

Disturbance волнения, восстания

Militant atheism воинствующий атеизм

Condemn приговаривать

Deprivation лишения

Casualty жертва, потери

Previous прежний

CEK ЦИК (Центральный Исполнительный Комитет)

SPC СНК (Совет Народных Комиссаров)



Дата добавления: 2015-11-13; просмотров: 189 | Нарушение авторских прав

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