To Investigate the Effect of Water, Oxygen and Temperature on Seed Germination
To Investigate the Influence of Light Intensity on the Rate of Photosynthesis | Bioprocessing Procedure | Applications of DNA Profiling | Mode of Nutrition | Function of Leaves | Functions of Blood System |
Textbook Diagram: set up of the apparatus
- Four small clear glass jars kept in darkness.
- Jar A: water-soaked seeds on soaked cotton wool, open to air at 20ºC.
- Jar B: dry seeds on dry cotton wool, open to the air at 20ºC.
- Jar C: 4°C – water-soaked seeds on soaked cotton wool (in a fridge) open to the air.
- Jar D: water-soaked seeds at 20°C in a sealed jar that does not have oxygen in the air – oxygen removed by pyrogallol or wet iron filings on filter paper.
- One week later check the results.
- A: water, oxygen and suitable temperature together present / germination.
- B: no water / no germination.
- C: low temperature / no germination.
- D: no oxygen / no germination.
Conclusion: water, suitable temperature and oxygen are together required for seed germination.
To Show Digestive Activity During Seed Germination
Textbook Diagram: set up of apparatus
- Soak maize seeds in water for two at 20°C – stimulates germination.
- Place half of the seeds in boiling water to kill them.
- Cut the seeds in half so the entire plant embryo is only in one half.
- Sterilise the seed halves in disinfectant solution – no digestive activity of micro-organisms.
- Rinse seed haves in sterilised water.
- Sterilise forceps by flaming.
- Use forceps to place seed halves with live embryos into the sterile starch agar in a petri dish.
- Repeat for seed halves with dead embryo in a second sterile starch agar plate – control plate.
- A third unopened starch agar plate is used as a second control.
- Minimum opening of plates when placing the seed halves.
- Sterilise the forceps after transferring the seed halves.
- Incubate all plates upside down for 3 days at 20°C.
- Open plates and remove the seed halves.
- ‘Flood’ the plates with iodine solution.
- Let soak for 2 minutes and pour off the iodine solution.
- Unopened plate: uniformly blue-black – no starch breakdown.
- Dead Embryos: uniformly blue-black – no starch breakdown.
- Live Embryos: yellow-brown areas at seed sites – starch breakdown.
Conclusion: starch digestion occurs during germination.
- Repeat to verify the results.
The Syllabus Also Requires You To Know:
Definition and advantages of “dormancy”.
- Mention of dormancy in agricultural and horticultural practices.
- Germination: definition, factors necessary, role of digestion and respiration.
- Stages of seedling growth.
- Vegetative reproduction.
Practical Activities:
1. Investigate the effect of water, oxygen and temperature on germination.
2. Use of starch agar or skimmed milk plates to show digestive activity during germination.
Seeds - Dispersal and Germination
Seed Dispersal
Seed dispersal is the scattering of offspring away from each other and from the parent plant.
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