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V. Укажите номера предложений, в которых глагол-сказуемое стоит в страдательном залоге

XIV. Укажите номера предложений, в которых инфинитив переводится на русский язык именем существительным или неопределенной формой глагола. | XVII. Укажите номера предложений в которых –ing-форма переводится на русский язык с помощью слова «будучи» и страдательного причастия. | Раздел III. Укажите соответствия | A. в повествовательном предложении | Укажите номер правильного ответа |

Читайте также:
  1. II. Укажите номера предложений, в которых глагол-сказуемое стоит в группе длительных времен
  2. IV. Укажите буквой соответствующий английский эквивалент
  3. IV. Укажите буквой соответствующий английский эквивалент
  4. On-line трансляция Фестиваля состоится на портале artukraine.tv
  5. On-line трансляция Чемпионата Украины состоится на портале artukraine.tv
  6. On-line трансляция Чемпионата Украины состоится на портале artukraine.tv

1. This nurse had to be on duty two days ago.

2. The patient is being looked after by an experienced nurse.

3. Blood and urine tests will be made at the clinical laboratory of the surgical department.

4. Weakness, sweating and fatigue may be symptoms of several diseases.

5. The patient will have been operated on by 12 o’clock tomorrow.

7. It was found that nucleus is the control center of eukaryotes.

8. The drug had to be taken 2 times a day.

9. The experiment had been finished before the head of the laboratory came.

10. I wanted my patient to be examined by a surgeon.

11. Several students are known to take part in this work.

12. In man, food entering the mouth is broken down by teeth.

13. The lecture on muscles will be delivered to the students of our group next week.

14. This nurse was on duty two days ago.

15. The patient was being operated for 2 hours.

16. The symptoms of many infectious diseases may be mild at the beginning.

17. This method is widely used in surgical practice.

18. The operation is being performed by the best of our surgeons.

19. The pain has been getting much worse since the morning.

20. The patient was being read a book when the visitor came.

21. The problem to be studied is very important for clinical medicine.

22. The actual cause of tuberculosis was discovered by Robert Koch.

23. The diagnosis of influenza will be made clinically.

24. Being completely treated the patient left the hospital.

25. The operation will be performed by the best of our surgeons.

26. The professor supposed the drug to be effective.

27. The doctor examined the patient, felt his pulse and took his temperature.

28. The chief physician was making daily round of wards when he was called on the phone.

29. My brother has been learning English for 3 years already.

30. The drug was being produced in our laboratory for the last two years.

31. Nothing is to be done.

32. The patient admitted to the clinic early in the morning is being examined now by the doctor on duty.

33. The drug used by the doctor produced a very beneficial effect.

34. The student was examined by the doctor for stomach ache.

35. Knowing him well I did not believe this information.

36. The reorganization of this department will have been finished by the end of the year.

37. The lecture on muscles will be delivered to the students of our group next week.

38. The patient was being operated for 2 hours.

39. The results of the analysis will be ready tomorrow.

40. The problem studied is very important for clinical medicine.


VI. Укажите номера предложений, в которых инфинитив переводится на русский язык определительным придаточным предложением, вводимым союзом «который»

1. The main function of the cell is to preserve a suitable environment for itself and neighboring cells.

2. The patient to be operated in the morning has serious gastrointestinal disorder.

3. The senior nurse was asked to help the doctor in charge with the new patient.

4. The injection to be made must reduce pains in the patient with the broken leg.

5. The amount of fluid to be given to the patients with the wounds of the abdomen, varied in each case.

6. I know the drug which will help you immediately.

7. The patient to be standing at the procedure room is expected in the ward by his doctor.

8. The patient to visit the doctor that day has broken his leg.

9. The disease is to be eliminated as soon as possible.

10. In addition to penicillin another drug should be given to a patient.

11. The patient to be examined at the hospital suffers diabetes.

12. The first disinfectant that was used in practice is carbolic acid.

13. The nurse to make the injection has entered the ward.

14. The professor supposed the drug to be effective.

15. The girl to be operated next week was repeatedly hospitalized 2 days ago.

16. If you want to be a good specialist you are to study hard.

17. The patient to be examined will come in an hour.

18. Having done all the necessary examinations the doctor diagnosed an ulcer.

19. The injection is to be made in the evening.

20. The student to make a report hasn’t come yet.

21. The method to be used in this investigation was recently developed in our laboratory.

22. The drug to be used in this case is very efficient.

23. This nurse had to be on duty two days ago.

24. The patient is known to be examined by this doctor.

25. Antibiotics may harm your body when used without consultation with your family doctor.

26. The surgeon to operate on the patient is already in the operating theatre.

27. The results to be reported at the conference have not been confirmed by clinical tests.

28. Nutrition should include all the elements which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

29. Penicillin is the drug of choice to treat many infectious diseases.

30. Urine examination to be done in all cases is an important part of the medical examination.


VII. Укажите номера предложений, в которых инфинитив переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением цели, вводимым союзами «чтобы», «для того чтобы»

1. The patient reacted to treatment by improved appetite.

2. To avoid complications it is necessary to follow doctor’s prescriptions.

3. To begin the experiment this week is quite necessary.

4. The drug was shown to be effective only under certain conditions.

5. The surgeon entered the ward to examine the recently admitted patients.

6. It is always interesting to learn something new either from books or experiment.

7. Many of the conditions that simulate influenza are referred to as “grippe”.

8. The doctor came to examine the patient delivered to the hospital last night.

9. Having finished his daily round the doctor went to the chief-physician to discuss the patient from ward 10.

10. He worked hard to find the source of infection.

11. One must know English well to understand this book without dictionary.

12. To avoid infection in a hospital it is necessary to keep high standard of sanitation.

13. The new medical equipment to be delivered to our hospital was bought in the USA.

14. New drugs are to be developed to fight infectious diseases.

15. To make the diagnosis the doctor recommended the patient USI.

16. To purify the polluted air biological methods were used.

17. She went to the polyclinic to get medical aid.

18. To enter higher medical school one has to pass entrance examinations.

19. To be a doctor it is necessary to graduate from the higher medical school.

20. It is impossible to inject gamma globulin for a period of many years.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 115 | Нарушение авторских прав

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II. Укажите номера предложений, в которых глагол-сказуемое стоит в группе длительных времен| XII. Укажите номера предложений, в которых причастие II выступает в роли определения

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