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English Language Department

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General Education Faculty


Course title: Business English (ENG 123)


Year of study: 2nd


Faculty: FOGI


Group: B2

Class time: 12:00


Student names:

1. Mukatov Altynbek

2. Mutkarim Sayat


Almaty, 2013



Nowadays one of the most pressing environmental problems is the environmental pollution,waste production and consumption, in the first place hazardous waste. Waste is a source of air pollution, groundwater, surface water, soil and vegetation.

That's why the most effective and most importantly - environmentally friendly technology of industrial waste processing becomes " heroes of the day ".

Throughout the world, processing and recycling of household waste are becoming more pressing issue. This is mainly for large densely populated cities, where every year piles up millions of cubic meters of accumulated debris of all kinds.

The increased interest in the use of recycled materials in the developed world is determined, along with economic considerations also stringent environmental legislation regarding waste production and consumption. The main role played international agreement for the protection of nature, especially in those areas that coordinate the relationship of waste management. For example, for the countries - members of the EU requires mandatory plans for secondary raw materials market, the introduction of rationing the use of the most common waste (paper, glass, plastic packaging).

Firstly, we would like to outline the problem of municipal waste or municipal solid waste as they are called experts. We'll start, as usual with these American environmentalists, whose experience is always placed in the sample, sometimes so deservedly. New Yorkers throw away for a total of about 24,000 tons of all kinds of materials daily. This mixture, consisting mainly of various trash contains valuable metals, glass containers, suitable for further use, as well as waste paper, plastic and food waste, which is an irreplaceable for fertilization. But along with them in this mixture has an even greater amount of hazardous waste: mercury from batteries, phosphorus - carbonates of fluorescent lamps and toxic chemicals from household solvents, paints, wood coatings and preservatives.

Local authorities of all countries around the world are trying to find a better way to waste their citizens. Particularly, the problem becomes acutely in industrialized countries, because the environment does not allow the use of traditional dumpsites. More and more garbage is transported over long distances in the sanitary discharge zone, where it is sorted to recover valuable materials for further processing and burned in special furnaces, for production of energy.

Waste treatment provides society everywhere to "cheat " the problem of their disposal and, therefore, due to the costs of processing ease environmental stresses. Recycling of metal, paper, glass, plastic and organic waste reduces the demand for energy and raw materials. Thus, the production of aluminum from scrap instead bauxite energy costs, and air pollution are reduced by 95%. Getting paper from recycled paper instead of wood not only saves valuable forests from being cut down, but three-quarters of reducing energy consumption for the production of 1 ton of paper requires only half the volume of water consumed by the use of wood raw material. Costs of energy and materials, the total pollution can be drastically reduced if the reduction of waste by promoting the full use of raw materials and processing, by turning waste into new products.

In many places in the world waste management strategy does not receive support because of prejudice against the already used materials and products containing them. Because the waste collection campaign began as a measure to protect the health, many people mistakenly believe that were dangerous and dirty. Conversely, many materials are used because of their durability and reliability.Disposal of waste by recycling the world will lead to the fact that in the future already used metal to be applied more than there is in the richest oil fields, paper production - as much as one would get from millions of hectares of forest and plastics containing highly processed chemicals.And the fact that these products are very expensive on the content of raw materials and energy intensive, often considered useless, shows the perversity of the economic system. We just throw away our future.

A growing population, increasing incomes and changing consumption patterns complicate the solution of the problem of waste disposal. The amount of trash increases, cities grow, so-called consumers earn more money, increase the intake of food, water and so-called durable goods, while rising demand and promotes a greater availability of products that are easy to handle, but - with more specific content of the packages. In most regions of the world the ability to effectively address the problem of waste is far behind the pace of their growth.

Before the era of agglomerations waste management was facilitated by the suction capacity of the environment: land and water. The peasants, sending their products from the field to the table at once, without needing processing, packaging, advertising, and sales network brings little waste. Vegetable cleaning and the like was fed or used in the form of manure as a soil fertilizer for the crop next year. Getting around in the city led to the structure of the consumer. Products are exchanged and, therefore, the packaging for greater convenience.

Industrial society with a low percentage of the rural population and high income gives birth to more waste than developing countries. New Yorkers, for example, emit waste into 9 times its weight. One of the reasons is that the products are delivered to New York because of the hundreds and even thousands of kilometers, and because the proportion of packaging that preserves the freshness and appeal of products, much more than in the rural market. About one out of ten dollars making up the cost of food, Americans pay for their packaging.

Beverage industry, showing the change of packaging components and increase the availability of their products, more " inflates " trash cans in the house. Prior to 1975 bottle containers dominated the global market for beverage containers. Accounted for the remainder of the aluminum and steel cans and disposable bottles. By 1981 the ratio had changed in favor of disposable containers. Aluminum is very rare metal, and it is very difficult to clean from contaminants. Only when in the 1820s, Danish and German scientists have learned how to recycle, it has become a valuable material.

The introduction of cheap petrochemical products and new technologies heralded the coming of age of plastic. Two-liter bottles, presented for the first time in 1978, now account for 22 % of total sales of soft drinks in the U.S., we have the very same bottle " PET " only a half - liter version and does the most popular packaging. If we compare by weight, the plastic now available in several times greater than aluminum and any other metal uncolored combined. Bottles of ketchup packets of soup and ice cream packing should be light, unbreakable and biologically inactive.

While the ignorant man thinks that there is only one type of plastic that has a different application, in fact distinguish about 46 different types of plastics that are in daily use. A squeeze bottle of ketchup from a member of the 6 types of plastic, having a different purpose: to shape, density, elasticity and tightness. Unfortunately, few treatment processes can be applied to more than one type of plastic at a time. And with those that are suitable for this purpose, plastic produced lower quality than that obtained as raw material recycling.

Another environmental hazard is a process that is used to produce the material used in order to maintain in hot form so-called "fast" food. About half of all such packaging contains chlorine compounds. Chlorine is able to destroy the ozone layer that protects the earth from ultraviolet radiation. If allowed to mass release into the atmosphere, the radiation of ultraviolet rays will help to skin cancer, lower yields and a weakening of the human immune system.

In the future, be used plastic biodegradable. In the UK and in Betlande (Switzerland), subsidized by private companies, scientists have come to the formula of so-called "smart plastic", which decomposes naturally or through the use of special reagents. Pilot production of the plastic has already started, but so far it is constrained by high production costs and low production volumes, which permits its use only for the needs of high-tech and medical needs, but, according to the manufacturers in the near future, it will reach the average consumer. Manufacture of decomposing plastic containing starch is also one of the search directions.

Numerous firms, mainly in the United States, Japan, European countries are developing new types of plastics that can self-destruct in water and soil. Already in the 70s, researchers have another plastic by sequential impregnation of starch in the polymer chain. This type of plastic used for bags, containers, mail packages and for other purposes. In 1989, the Italian chemical company " Ferruzi " announced the world's first fully biodegradable plastic and received a patent for its commercial production in 1990. Plastic fabric made ​​of polyethylene which comprises voids filled with corn starch in an amount of from 10 to 50 %. Microorganisms break down the new plastic to carbon monoxide and water for at least six months. Another unique innovation company, is a mixture of plastic polymers, converted into " single alloy." This means that structurally starch polymer chains of the polymer and oil are mixed in the developing agent with novel properties. This innovation has enabled the company to increase the amount of starch to 20 %, but in spite of this. Plastic is strong enough to create, for example, the shopping bags. The development of self-destructive plastic material is one of the main projects of "green chemistry ", carried out by the firm.

This type of plastics based on starch, developed in Austria for the production of biodegradable cups, towels, containers for eggs, cooking utensils, etc., in the UK for the production of biopolymer introduced biodegradable plates, trays, cups. In one of the laboratories obtained Frankfurt biodegradable polymer based on vegetable oil, which is completely safe for the environment. Its cost is not higher than the cost polymers produced from oil.

Let's go back to the increasing share of non-degradable waste: it is now a household wastes contain increasing amounts of hazardous waste. Residents of the average American city emit about 23 kg of hazardous materials. Batteries, paint, solvents, oils and pesticides - among the most problematic. Mercury from batteries and fluorescent lamps phosphorus elements threaten the health of people. Of course, the growing risks associated with organic chemicals contained in the varnish, which is usually covered furniture, solvents, paints, pesticides and cosmetics - these products will also be studied with great care. Being just thrown in the trash, these hazardous wastes can cause an explosion in incinerators, pollution of groundwater in storage and a threat to human health.

In terms of urban growth and volume now exceeds the organizational structure and the physical possibilities of their utilization. The authorities in Beijing, Shanghai and 24 other major cities in China are struggling to cope with the waste dump, which grow by 10 % a year. Besides the traditional ways of waste disposal is becoming smaller as farmers, for fear of yield reduction due to pollution, are very reluctant to give up their land for Burrow debris. And in Mexico City, more than 10,000 tons of garbage until today were dropped on the exposed surface, which contributed to the growth of colonies of rats and fleas that hit the whole neighborhood.

In fact, there is no real way out of this situation, as officials of cities as in industrialized and in developing countries can only watch the growth of the amount of waste. In some regions, the infrastructure for waste disposal are overloaded while others did not even exist.

For residents of the 288 municipalities in Sweden is becoming quite commonplace sort garbage at home, under the kitchen sink. Family living in a house, pay half fare for garbage collection if the signs obligation to sort plastic, tin, glass and paper, as well as composted organic waste. Hazardous wastes are carried in a special red container just before garbage collection. Garbage collection is done once every two weeks with the truck engine, so that the workers do not even need to leave the cab. In apartment buildings garbage collection occurs as follows. In the garbage containers thrown everything except what is necessary to bear in special containers for tin, plastic, etc. Hazardous wastes are included in the special ecological stations, which can be, for example, at a gas station. At the station, place container with green and red for the batteries. In containers or cabinets light blue loose paint, aerosol cans, used motor oil, solvents and fluorescent lamps.

Old newspapers are collected once a week. They are collected in bags and put the door. In some places are special " newspaper’s collection." Aluminum cans are returned to supermarkets, for them there is paid mortgage value.

In Switzerland on the streets of Geneva Municipal Service has placed recycling containers for metal and non- broken bottles, and glass is sorted by color: white, green, brown. To do this, on the containers have proper labels. For used batteries around major shopping and schools put " bird houses " - small boxes. It is estimated that 80% of the batteries sold in the country once again returning residents. Residents of Geneva collect and household aluminum: the cover of milk bottles, wrapping foil from chocolate. The city has set up an initiative group " Do not waste aluminum ", which printed and distributed leaflets calling on citizens to join in this action.

It is obvious that one of the major problems of our time is the disposal and recycling of household waste. Humanity is not helpless in the face to face with it. There are plenty of modern, efficient ways of recycling and waste management. But it is still difficult to talk about any major changes taking place in this field in our country. As for the European countries and the U.S., where people have long come to the conclusion that the resource potential of solid waste must not destroy, but to use. All progressive humanity realizes that it is impossible to approach the problem of solid waste to the fight with the garbage, putting the task at any cost to get rid of him.The environmental and economic feasibility of and need for repeated and repeated use of natural resources through the involvement of industrial and consumer waste into the economy as a secondary raw material proved by long practice in many countries of the world. Individual countries along the way have achieved impressive successes. We still ahead.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 53 | Нарушение авторских прав

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