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dollars. See that the certificates of loan which this represents are put
in the sinking-fund to-day'? And why not? What a ridiculous supposition
any other supposition is! As a matter of course and as had always been
the case, Mr. Cowperwood had a system. When the time came, this check
and these certificates would be automatically taken care of. He handed
his bookkeeper the check and forgot all about it. Would you imagine a
banker with a vast business of this kind doing anything else?"
Mr. Steger paused for breath and inquiry, and then, having satisfied
himself that his point had been sufficiently made, he continued:
"Of course the answer is that he knew he was going to fail. Well, Mr.
Cowperwood's reply is that he didn't know anything of the sort. He has
personally testified here that it was only at the last moment before it
actually happened that he either thought or knew of such an occurrence.
Why, then, this alleged refusal to let him have the check to which he
was legally entitled? I think I know. I think I can give a reason if you
will hear me out."
Steger shifted his position and came at the jury from another
intellectual angle:
"It was simply because Mr. George W. Stener at that time, owing to
a recent notable fire and a panic, imagined for some reason--perhaps
because Mr. Cowperwood cautioned him not to become frightened over
local developments generally--that Mr. Cowperwood was going to close his
doors; and having considerable money on deposit with him at a low rate
of interest, Mr. Stener decided that Mr. Cowperwood must not have any
more money--not even the money that was actually due him for services
rendered, and that had nothing whatsoever to do with the money loaned
him by Mr. Stener at two and one-half per cent. Now isn't that a
ridiculous situation? But it was because Mr. George W. Stener was filled
with his own fears, based on a fire and a panic which had absolutely
nothing to do with Mr. Cowperwood's solvency in the beginning that he
decided not to let Frank A. Cowperwood have the money that was actually
due him, because he, Stener, was criminally using the city's money to
further his own private interests (through Mr. Cowperwood as a broker),
and in danger of being exposed and possibly punished. Now where, I ask
you, does the good sense of that decision come in? Is it apparent to
you, gentlemen? Was Mr. Cowperwood still an agent for the city at the
time he bought the loan certificates as here testified? He certainly
was. If so, was he entitled to that money? Who is going to stand up here
and deny it? Where is the question then, as to his right or his honesty
in this matter? How does it come in here at all? I can tell you. It
sprang solely from one source and from nowhere else, and that is the
desire of the politicians of this city to find a scapegoat for the
Republican party.
"Now you may think I am going rather far afield for an explanation of
this very peculiar decision to prosecute Mr. Cowperwood, an agent of the
city, for demanding and receiving what actually belonged to him. But
I'm not. Consider the position of the Republican party at that time.
Consider the fact that an exposure of the truth in regard to the
details of a large defalcation in the city treasury would have a very
unsatisfactory effect on the election about to be held. The Republican
party had a new city treasurer to elect, a new district attorney. It
had been in the habit of allowing its city treasurers the privilege of
investing the funds in their possession at a low rate of interest for
the benefit of themselves and their friends. Their salaries were small.
They had to have some way of eking out a reasonable existence. Was Mr.
George Stener responsible for this custom of loaning out the city money?
Not at all. Was Mr. Cowperwood? Not at all. The custom had been in vogue
long before either Mr. Cowperwood or Mr. Stener came on the scene. Why,
then, this great hue and cry about it now? The entire uproar sprang
solely from the fear of Mr. Stener at this juncture, the fear of the
politicians at this juncture, of public exposure. No city treasurer had
ever been exposed before. It was a new thing to face exposure, to face
the risk of having the public's attention called to a rather nefarious
practice of which Mr. Stener was taking advantage, that was all. A great
fire and a panic were endangering the security and well-being of many
a financial organization in the city--Mr. Cowperwood's among others.
It meant many possible failures, and many possible failures meant one
possible failure. If Frank A. Cowperwood failed, he would fail owing the
city of Philadelphia five hundred thousand dollars, borrowed from the
city treasurer at the very low rate of interest of two and one-half per
cent. Anything very detrimental to Mr. Cowperwood in that? Had he gone
to the city treasurer and asked to be loaned money at two and one-half
per cent.? If he had, was there anything criminal in it from a business
point of view? Isn't a man entitled to borrow money from any source he
can at the lowest possible rate of interest? Did Mr. Stener have to loan
it to Mr. Cowperwood if he did not want to? As a matter of fact didn't
he testify here to-day that he personally had sent for Mr. Cowperwood
in the first place? Why, then, in Heaven's name, this excited charge of
larceny, larceny as bailee, embezzlement, embezzlement on a check, etc.,
"Once more, gentlemen, listen. I'll tell you why. The men who stood
behind Stener, and whose bidding he was doing, wanted to make a
political scapegoat of some one--of Frank Algernon Cowperwood, if they
couldn't get any one else. That's why. No other reason under God's blue
sky, not one. Why, if Mr. Cowperwood needed more money just at that time
to tide him over, it would have been good policy for them to have given
it to him and hushed this matter up. It would have been illegal--though
not any more illegal than anything else that has ever been done in this
connection--but it would have been safer. Fear, gentlemen, fear, lack of
courage, inability to meet a great crisis when a great crisis appears,
was all that really prevented them from doing this. They were afraid to
place confidence in a man who had never heretofore betrayed their trust
and from whose loyalty and great financial ability they and the city
had been reaping large profits. The reigning city treasurer of the time
didn't have the courage to go on in the face of fire and panic and the
rumors of possible failure, and stick by his illegal guns; and so
he decided to draw in his horns as testified here to-day--to ask Mr.
Cowperwood to return all or at least a big part of the five hundred
thousand dollars he had loaned him, and which Cowperwood had been
actually using for his, Stener's benefit, and to refuse him in addition
the money that was actually due him for an authorized purchase of city
loan. Was Cowperwood guilty as an agent in any of these transactions?
Not in the least. Was there any suit pending to make him return the five
hundred thousand dollars of city money involved in his present failure?
Not at all. It was simply a case of wild, silly panic on the part of
George W. Stener, and a strong desire on the part of the Republican
party leaders, once they discovered what the situation was, to find some
one outside of Stener, the party treasurer, upon whom they could blame
the shortage in the treasury. You heard what Mr. Cowperwood testified to
here in this case to-day--that he went to Mr. Stener to forfend against
any possible action of this kind in the first place. And it was because
of this very warning that Mr. Stener became wildly excited, lost his
head, and wanted Mr. Cowperwood to return him all his money, all the
five hundred thousand dollars he had loaned him at two and one-half per
cent. Isn't that silly financial business at the best? Wasn't that a
fine time to try to call a perfectly legal loan?
"But now to return to this particular check of sixty thousand dollars.
When Mr. Cowperwood called that last afternoon before he failed, Mr.
Stener testified that he told him that he couldn't have any more money,
that it was impossible, and that then Mr. Cowperwood went out into his
general office and without his knowledge or consent persuaded his chief
clerk and secretary, Mr. Albert Stires, to give him a check for sixty
thousand dollars, to which he was not entitled and on which he, Stener,
would have stopped payment if he had known.
"What nonsense! Why didn't he know? The books were there, open to him.
Mr. Stires told him the first thing the next morning. Mr. Cowperwood
thought nothing of it, for he was entitled to it, and could collect it
in any court of law having jurisdiction in such cases, failure or
no failure. It is silly for Mr. Stener to say he would have stopped
payment. Such a claim was probably an after-thought of the next morning
after he had talked with his friends, the politicians, and was all a
part, a trick, a trap, to provide the Republican party with a scapegoat
at this time. Nothing more and nothing less; and you may be sure no
one knew it better than the people who were most anxious to see Mr.
Cowperwood convicted."
Steger paused and looked significantly at Shannon.
"Gentlemen of the jury [he finally concluded, quietly and earnestly],
you are going to find, when you think it over in the jury-room this
evening, that this charge of larceny and larceny as bailee, and
embezzlement of a check for sixty thousand dollars, which are contained
in this indictment, and which represent nothing more than the eager
effort of the district attorney to word this one act in such a way that
it will look like a crime, represents nothing more than the excited
imagination of a lot of political refugees who are anxious to protect
their own skirts at the expense of Mr. Cowperwood, and who care for
nothing--honor, fair play, or anything else, so long as they are let off
scot-free. They don't want the Republicans of Pennsylvania to think too
ill of the Republican party management and control in this city. They
want to protect George W. Stener as much as possible and to make a
political scapegoat of my client. It can't be done, and it won't be
done. As honorable, intelligent men you won't permit it to be done. And
I think with that thought I can safely leave you."
Steger suddenly turned from the jury-box and walked to his seat beside
Cowperwood, while Shannon arose, calm, forceful, vigorous, much younger.
As between man and man, Shannon was not particularly opposed to the case
Steger had made out for Cowperwood, nor was he opposed to Cowperwood's
having made money as he did. As a matter of fact, Shannon actually
thought that if he had been in Cowperwood's position he would have
done exactly the same thing. However, he was the newly elected district
attorney. He had a record to make; and, besides, the political powers
who were above him were satisfied that Cowperwood ought to be convicted
for the looks of the thing. Therefore he laid his hands firmly on the
rail at first, looked the jurors steadily in the eyes for a time, and,
having framed a few thoughts in his mind began:
"Now, gentlemen of the jury, it seems to me that if we all pay strict
attention to what has transpired here to-day, we will have no difficulty
in reaching a conclusion; and it will be a very satisfactory one, if
we all try to interpret the facts correctly. This defendant, Mr.
Cowperwood, comes into this court to-day charged, as I have stated to
you before, with larceny, with larceny as bailee, with embezzlement,
and with embezzlement of a specific check--namely, one dated October 9,
1871, drawn to the order of Frank A. Cowperwood & Company for the sum
of sixty thousand dollars by the secretary of the city treasurer for the
city treasurer, and by him signed, as he had a perfect right to sign it,
and delivered to the said Frank A. Cowperwood, who claims that he was
not only properly solvent at the time, but had previously purchased
certificates of city loan to the value of sixty thousand dollars, and
had at that time or would shortly thereafter, as was his custom, deposit
them to the credit of the city in the city sinking-fund, and thus close
what would ordinarily be an ordinary transaction--namely, that of Frank
A. Cowperwood & Company as bankers and brokers for the city buying city
loan for the city, depositing it in the sinking-fund, and being promptly
and properly reimbursed. Now, gentlemen, what are the actual facts
in this case? Was the said Frank A. Cowperwood & Company--there is no
company, as you well know, as you have heard testified here to-day, only
Frank A. Cowperwood--was the said Frank A. Cowperwood a fit person to
receive the check at this time in the manner he received it--that is,
was he authorized agent of the city at the time, or was he not? Was he
solvent? Did he actually himself think he was going to fail, and was
this sixty-thousand-dollar check a last thin straw which he was grabbing
at to save his financial life regardless of what it involved legally,
morally, or otherwise; or had he actually purchased certificates of city
loan to the amount he said he had in the way he said he had, at the
time he said he had, and was he merely collecting his honest due? Did he
intend to deposit these certificates of loans in the city sinking-fund,
as he said he would--as it was understood naturally and normally that
he would--or did he not? Were his relations with the city treasurer as
broker and agent the same as they had always been on the day that he
secured this particular check for sixty thousand dollars, or were they
not? Had they been terminated by a conversation fifteen minutes before
or two days before or two weeks before--it makes no difference when, so
long as they had been properly terminated--or had they not? A business
man has a right to abrogate an agreement at any time where there is
no specific form of contract and no fixed period of operation entered
into--as you all must know. You must not forget that in considering the
evidence in this case. Did George W. Stener, knowing or suspecting that
Frank A. Cowperwood was in a tight place financially, unable to fulfill
any longer properly and honestly the duties supposedly devolving on
him by this agreement, terminate it then and there on October 9, 1871,
before this check for sixty thousand dollars was given, or did he not?
Did Mr. Frank A. Cowperwood then and there, knowing that he was no
longer an agent of the city treasurer and the city, and knowing also
that he was insolvent (having, as Mr. Stener contends, admitted to him
that he was so), and having no intention of placing the certificates
which he subsequently declared he had purchased in the sinking-fund, go
out into Mr. Stener's general office, meet his secretary, tell him he
had purchased sixty thousand dollars' worth of city loan, ask for the
check, get it, put it in his pocket, walk off, and never make any
return of any kind in any manner, shape, or form to the city, and then,
subsequently, twenty-four hours later, fail, owing this and five hundred
thousand dollars more to the city treasury, or did he not? What are
the facts in this case? What have the witnesses testified to? What has
George W. Stener testified to, Albert Stires, President Davison, Mr.
Cowperwood himself? What are the interesting, subtle facts in this case,
anyhow? Gentlemen, you have a very curious problem to decide."
He paused and gazed at the jury, adjusting his sleeves as he did so,
and looking as though he knew for certain that he was on the trail of a
slippery, elusive criminal who was in a fair way to foist himself upon
an honorable and decent community and an honorable and innocent jury as
an honest man.
Then he continued:
"Now, gentlemen, what are the facts? You can see for yourselves exactly
how this whole situation has come about. You are sensible men. I don't
need to tell you. Here are two men, one elected treasurer of the city of
Philadelphia, sworn to guard the interests of the city and to manipulate
its finances to the best advantage, and the other called in at a time
of uncertain financial cogitation to assist in unraveling a possibly
difficult financial problem; and then you have a case of a quiet,
private financial understanding being reached, and of subsequent illegal
dealings in which one man who is shrewder, wiser, more versed in
the subtle ways of Third Street leads the other along over seemingly
charming paths of fortunate investment into an accidental but none the
less criminal mire of failure and exposure and public calumny and what
not. And then they get to the place where the more vulnerable individual
of the two--the man in the most dangerous position, the city treasurer
of Philadelphia, no less--can no longer reasonably or, let us say,
courageously, follow the other fellow; and then you have such a
spectacle as was described here this afternoon in the witness-chair by
Mr. Stener--that is, you have a vicious, greedy, unmerciful financial
wolf standing over a cowering, unsophisticated commercial lamb, and
saying to him, his white, shiny teeth glittering all the while, 'If you
don't advance me the money I ask for--the three hundred thousand dollars
I now demand--you will be a convict, your children will be thrown in the
street, you and your wife and your family will be in poverty again, and
there will be no one to turn a hand for you.' That is what Mr. Stener
says Mr. Cowperwood said to him. I, for my part, haven't a doubt in the
world that he did. Mr. Steger, in his very guarded references to his
client, describes him as a nice, kind, gentlemanly agent, a broker
merely on whom was practically forced the use of five hundred thousand
dollars at two and a half per cent. when money was bringing from ten to
fifteen per cent. in Third Street on call loans, and even more. But I
for one don't choose to believe it. The thing that strikes me as
strange in all of this is that if he was so nice and kind and gentle and
remote--a mere hired and therefore subservient agent--how is it that
he could have gone to Mr. Stener's office two or three days before the
matter of this sixty-thousand-dollar check came up and say to him, as
Mr. Stener testifies under oath that he did say to him, 'If you don't
give me three hundred thousand dollars' worth more of the city's money
at once, to-day, I will fail, and you will be a convict. You will go
to the penitentiary.'? That's what he said to him. 'I will fail and you
will be a convict. They can't touch me, but they will arrest you. I
am an agent merely.' Does that sound like a nice, mild, innocent,
well-mannered agent, a hired broker, or doesn't it sound like a hard,
defiant, contemptuous master--a man in control and ready to rule and win
by fair means or foul?
"Gentlemen, I hold no brief for George W. Stener. In my judgment he is
as guilty as his smug co-partner in crime--if not more so--this oily
financier who came smiling and in sheep's clothing, pointing out subtle
ways by which the city's money could be made profitable for both; but
when I hear Mr. Cowperwood described as I have just heard him described,
as a nice, mild, innocent agent, my gorge rises. Why, gentlemen, if you
want to get a right point of view on this whole proposition you will
have to go back about ten or twelve years and see Mr. George W. Stener
as he was then, a rather poverty-stricken beginner in politics, and
before this very subtle and capable broker and agent came along and
pointed out ways and means by which the city's money could be made
profitable; George W. Stener wasn't very much of a personage then, and
neither was Frank A. Cowperwood when he found Stener newly elected to
the office of city treasurer. Can't you see him arriving at that time
nice and fresh and young and well dressed, as shrewd as a fox, and
saying: 'Come to me. Let me handle city loan. Loan me the city's money
at two per cent. or less.' Can't you hear him suggesting this? Can't you
see him?
"George W. Stener was a poor man, comparatively a very poor man, when
he first became city treasurer. All he had was a small real-estate
and insurance business which brought him in, say, twenty-five hundred
dollars a year. He had a wife and four children to support, and he had
never had the slightest taste of what for him might be called luxury or
comfort. Then comes Mr. Cowperwood--at his request, to be sure, but on
an errand which held no theory of evil gains in Mr. Stener's mind at the
time--and proposes his grand scheme of manipulating all the city loan
to their mutual advantage. Do you yourselves think, gentlemen, from what
you have seen of George W. Stener here on the witness-stand, that it was
he who proposed this plan of ill-gotten wealth to that gentleman over
He pointed to Cowperwood.
"Does he look to you like a man who would be able to tell that gentleman
anything about finance or this wonderful manipulation that followed?
I ask you, does he look clever enough to suggest all the subtleties by
which these two subsequently made so much money? Why, the statement of
this man Cowperwood made to his creditors at the time of his failure
here a few weeks ago showed that he considered himself to be worth over
one million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and he is only a
little over thirty-four years old to-day. How much was he worth at the
time he first entered business relations with the ex-city treasurer?
Have you any idea? I can tell. I had the matter looked up almost a month
ago on my accession to office. Just a little over two hundred thousand
dollars, gentlemen--just a little over two hundred thousand dollars.
Here is an abstract from the files of Dun & Company for that year. Now
you can see how rapidly our Caesar has grown in wealth since then.
You can see how profitable these few short years have been to him. Was
George W. Stener worth any such sum up to the time he was removed from
his office and indicted for embezzlement? Was he? I have here a schedule
of his liabilities and assets made out at the time. You can see it for
yourselves, gentlemen. Just two hundred and twenty thousand dollars
measured the sum of all his property three weeks ago; and it is an
accurate estimate, as I have reason to know. Why was it, do you suppose,
that Mr. Cowperwood grew so fast in wealth and Mr. Stener so slowly?
They were partners in crime. Mr. Stener was loaning Mr. Cowperwood vast
sums of the city's money at two per cent. when call-rates for money in
Third Street were sometimes as high as sixteen and seventeen per cent.
Don't you suppose that Mr. Cowperwood sitting there knew how to use this
very cheaply come-by money to the very best advantage? Does he look to
you as though he didn't? You have seen him on the witness-stand. You
have heard him testify. Very suave, very straightforward-seeming, very
innocent, doing everything as a favor to Mr. Stener and his friends, of
course, and yet making a million in a little over six years and allowing
Mr. Stener to make one hundred and sixty thousand dollars or less,
for Mr. Stener had some little money at the time this partnership was
entered into--a few thousand dollars."
Shannon now came to the vital transaction of October 9th, when
Cowperwood called on Stener and secured the check for sixty thousand
dollars from Albert Stires. His scorn for this (as he appeared to think)
subtle and criminal transaction was unbounded. It was plain larceny,
stealing, and Cowperwood knew it when he asked Stires for the check.
"Think of it! [Shannon exclaimed, turning and looking squarely at
Cowperwood, who faced him quite calmly, undisturbed and unashamed.]
Think of it! Think of the colossal nerve of the man--the Machiavellian
subtlety of his brain. He knew he was going to fail. He knew after
two days of financial work--after two days of struggle to offset the
providential disaster which upset his nefarious schemes--that he had
exhausted every possible resource save one, the city treasury, and that
unless he could compel aid there he was going to fail. He already owed
the city treasury five hundred thousand dollars. He had already used the
city treasurer as a cat's-paw so much, had involved him so deeply, that
the latter, because of the staggering size of the debt, was becoming
frightened. Did that deter Mr. Cowperwood? Not at all."
He shook his finger ominously in Cowperwood's face, and the latter
turned irritably away. "He is showing off for the benefit of his
future," he whispered to Steger. "I wish you could tell the jury that."
"I wish I could," replied Steger, smiling scornfully, "but my hour is
"Why [continued Mr. Shannon, turning once more to the jury], think of
the colossal, wolfish nerve that would permit a man to say to Albert
Stires that he had just purchased sixty thousand dollars' worth
additional of city loan, and that he would then and there take the check
for it! Had he actually purchased this city loan as he said he had?
Who can tell? Could any human being wind through all the mazes of the
complicated bookkeeping system which he ran, and actually tell? The best
answer to that is that if he did purchase the certificates he intended
that it should make no difference to the city, for he made no effort
to put the certificates in the sinking-fund, where they belonged. His
counsel says, and he says, that he didn't have to until the first of
the month, although the law says that he must do it at once, and he knew
well enough that legally he was bound to do it. His counsel says, and he
says, that he didn't know he was going to fail. Hence there was no need
of worrying about it. I wonder if any of you gentlemen really believed
that? Had he ever asked for a check like that so quick before in his
life? In all the history of these nefarious transactions was there
another incident like that? You know there wasn't. He had never before,
on any occasion, asked personally for a check for anything in this
office, and yet on this occasion he did it. Why? Why should he ask for
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