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Washington Post,

Читайте также:
  1. A Look at Washington University
  2. By Amanda Ripley / Washington
  3. Exercise 3. Here is the article from the Washington Times. Write a short essay based on its main points.
  4. George Washington
  5. George Washington and comment on it.
  6. Now read the explanation given by Randall K. Packer, a professor of biology at George Washington University, and check if your answer was correct.
  7. Olympic National Park, Washington State

U. s. neighbors turn away


Much has been made of the split that developed in Europe over whether to join the United States in its war with Iraq. Almost unnoticed, though, has been the split that has developed in the Americas leaving the United States virtually isolated in its own backyard.

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Both of the United States’ partners in the North American Free Trade Agreement, Canada and Mexico, have broken with Washington over Iraq. Elsewhere in Latin America, the only sizable nation whose leadership backs Washington is Colombia, a war-torn nation that is the third-highest recipient of U.S. foreign aid after Israel and Egypt.

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Prime Minister Jean Chrétien of Canada says he will not back the military effort in any way. His natural resources minister openly criticized President George W. Bush, saying "I think he’s let down not only Americans, but the world, by not being a statesman."

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Mexico gained a two-year seat on the United Nations Security Council in October 2001, so support was crucial to passage of the Bush-Blair resolution authorizing use of force against Iraq. But the country said No to the resolution.

The other Latin American country with a seat on the Security Council, Chile, likewise said No, even though it is the only other Latin American country to have concluded negotiations for a free trade agreement with the United States.

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With the exception of Colombia, the other major countries of the region – Brazil, Argentina, Peru and Venezuela – opposed the resolution. Besides Colombia, only the tiny Central American nations of Nicaragua and El Salvador lined upwith Washington.

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"Anti-Americanism" has been signaled as a primary source of concern in the post-Sept. 11 world. As "anti-Americanism" rises throu­g­hout the Americas, it is clear that Washington’s indifference to the concerns of its continental neighbors is beginning to compromise its own interests.

Washington Post,

April 4, 2003

1. Почти 60 лет назад главы стран – победителей во Второй мировой войне Франклин Рузвельт, Иосиф Сталин и Уинстон Черчилль собрались в Крыму на финальную встречу, чтобы определить судьбу мира.

(victorious countries, the ' Crimea)

2. Одной из главных задач стало создание Организации Объединенных Наций. Ее замысел, задачи, структура отвечали реалиям того времени – предотвратить новую мировую войну в Европе после двух опустошительных войн.

(to meet the reality of, devastating war)

3. В то время главным инструментом спасения от ядерной катастрофы стало наличие ядерного оружия у двух систем, возглавляемых США и СССР.

Это предсказывал Черчилль в Фултоне в 1946 году. Он назвал это равновесием страха. И страх сработал.

(balance of fear, the main mechanism)

4. К сожалению, ООН сыграла в этом совсем небольшую роль: Совет Безопасности оказался не у дел во время Карибского кризиса 1961 года. Кризис был урегулирован самими руководителями стран – Хрущевым и Кеннеди.

(to settle a crisis)

5. Не сыграла ООН существенной роли ни во время войны во Вьетнаме, ни в одной из последних войн – от Югославии до Ирака.

И это не вина ООН. Таковы до сих пор конституция и возможности этой организации.

6. Война в Ираке, начавшаяся без одобрения Организации Объединенных Наций, заставила задуматься о реформировании ООН, с тем чтобы она отвечала реалиям нынешнего времени.

(to begin a war without the Council’s explicit blessing)

7. Коллективный орган международного сотрудничества должен разобраться, какие из механизмов ООН дают свой эффект и отдачу, а какие уже выполнили свою миссию или оказались невостребованными.

8. Нужно посмотреть, достаточно ли оперативно и адекватно реагирует ООН на террористические угрозы, региональные конфликты и угрозу распространения оружия массового распространения.

9. Стране оставалось только подчиниться резолюции Совбеза ООН.

10. Поддавшись давлению со стороны, страна дала добро на размещение войск блока на ее территории.

11. Система сдержек и противовесов – это основа конституции страны. С ее помощью, ни одна из ветвей власти не обладает максимальными полномочиями.

12. Правительство обеспечило инспекторам ООН и наблюдателям ОБСЕ беспрепятственный доступ к месту трагедии.

13. Договор обязывает обе стороны немедленно прекратить военные действия, вывести войска с территории конфликта.

14. Президент ТНК обладал огромной властью.

15. ООН всецело осудила попытку убийства высокого должностного лица.

16. Years of war in Syria have killed thousands of people, displaced millions from their homes and contributed to the rise of ISIS.

17. It was the central focus of the opening day at the United Nations General Assembly.

18. President Obama said that he was prepared to work with any nation – including Russia – to solve the conflict.

19. Vladimir Putin of Russia defended his country’s support of the Syrian government. It was his first address here in more than a decade.

20. We think it is an enormous mistake to refuse to cooperate with the Syrian government and its armed forces. No one but President Assad’s armed forces and Kurds militia are truly fighting the IS and other terrorist organizations.

21. Russia, Syria and Iran have just agreed to share intelligence about ISIS. The announcement was a surprise to the USA.

22. We propose that the fight against terrorism be incorporated into a binding international document and no country be allowed to use terrorism for the purpose of intervention in the affairs of another country.

23. In Jordan, Syrian refugees make up ten per cent of the population. King of Jordan: We have been taking on a significant part of the burden of this humanitarian disaster off the international community’s shoulders since the beginning. It is high time that the international community acted collectively in facing this unprecedented challenge.

24. We must recognise that there cannot be - after so much bloodshed, so much carnage - a return to the pre-war status quo.

How Bashar al-Assad Destroyed Syria

1. When and how did Assad’s father begin to govern Syria? (dynastic authoritarian regime)

2. When did Bashar al-Assad come to power? (nepotistic)

3. What crackdowns did Bashar al-Assad instigate?

4. What is Arab Spring? How did it affect Syria and ISIS?

5. What did the UN accuse Bashar al-Assad of?

6. How many political prisoners have been jailed by 2015?

7. What did Assad become president for the 3rd time?

8. How was his victory perceived?

9. How many people were forced to leave their homes?

10. What does ‘decimate the economy’ mean?

11. How long will it take Syria to recover?

12. What are his two biggest ‘sins’?

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 37 | Нарушение авторских прав

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