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Code Food Name Quantity Grams

Читайте также:
  1. A shortage is the excess of quantity demanded over quantity supplied when the price is below equilibrium.
  2. B. Quantity of Syllables.
  3. Basic features of database programs
  4. Change in quantity supplied and Change in supply
  5. Code Food Name Quantity Grams
  6. Compiling Programs

13440 Peas, frozen, boiled in unsalted water 50.0 g

11443 Brown rice, boiled 70.0 g

17485 Butter 37.5 g

17038 Olive oil 22.5 g

5-772 Garlic, raw 7.5 g

5-846 Parsley, fresh 7.5 g

18323 Chicken, breast, grilled without skin, meat only 150.0 g

11611 Wholemeal bread, toasted 112.5 g

14277 Lemon juice, fresh 22.5 g

5-845 Paprika 3.0 g

11439 Wheat flour, white, plain 75.0 g

5-291 Eggs, chicken, white, raw 45.0 g


Grams Total 603.0 g



Nutrient totals

Nutrient Amount

Protein 78.85 g

Fat 62.92 g

Carbohydrate 153.63 g

Energy kcal 1457.75

Energy kJ 6120.72

Fibre (Southgate) 0.64 g #

Calcium 307.40 mg

Iron 8.15 mg


*: Approximate nutrient values used for some food(s)

#: Unknown values for some food(s) treated as zero


Nutrient Spreadsheet

Code Quant(g) Grp Food Name Protn Fat CHO kcal

G g g

1 13440 50.00 DF Peas, frozen, boiled in unsalted water 3.00 0.45 4.85 34.50

2 11443 70.00 AC Brown rice, boiled 1.82 0.77 22.47 98.70

3 17485 37.50 OA Butter 0.22 30.83 0.22 279.00

4 17038 22.50 OC Olive oil T 22.48 0.00 202.28

5 5-772 7.50 DG Garlic, raw 0.59 0.04 1.22 7.35

6 5-846 7.50 H Parsley, fresh 0.23 0.10 0.20 2.55

7 18323 150.00 MCA Chicken, breast, grilled without skin, m 48.00 3.30 0.00 222.00

8 11611 112.50 AF Wholemeal bread, toasted 12.60 3.26 55.35 286.88

9 14277 22.50 PE Lemon juice, fresh 0.07 T 0.36 1.58

10 5-845 3.00 H Paprika 0.44 0.39 1.05 8.67

11 11439 75.00 AA Wheat flour, white, plain 7.05 0.98 58.28 255.75

12 5-291 45.00 CA Eggs, chicken, white, raw 4.05 T T 16.20

13 11443 30.00 AC Brown rice, boiled 0.78 0.33 9.63 42.30


List Total 633.00 78.85 62.92 153.63 1457.75



Code kJ SFibre Ca Iron

G mg mg

1 13440 145.50 N 17.50 0.80

2 11443 417.90 N 2.80 0.35

3 17485 1147.13 N 6.75 T

4 17038 831.60 0.00 T 0.09

5 5-772 30.83 N 1.43 0.14

6 5-846 10.58 0.61 15.00 0.58

7 18323 939.00 0.00 9.00 0.60

8 11611 1219.50 N 139.50 3.16

9 14277 6.98 0.02 1.58 0.02

10 5-845 36.27 N 5.40 0.71

11 11439 1087.50 N 105.00 1.50

12 5-291 68.85 0.00 2.25 0.05

13 11443 179.10 N 1.20 0.15


List Total 6120.72 0.64 307.40 8.15


List 2.5 Desert:

Food List

Code Food Name Quantity Grams

5-856 Apples, eating, average, raw 63.0 g

5-869 Blackberries, raw 15.0 g

5-959 Raspberries, raw 15.0 g

5-967 Strawberries, raw 15.0 g

17061 Sugar, Demerara 20.0 g

17485 Butter 19.0 g

5-839 Cinnamon, ground 2.0 g

11439 Wheat flour, white, plain 50.0 g


Grams Total 199.0 g



Nutrient totals

Nutrient Amount

Protein 5.71 g

Fat 16.48 g

Carbohydrate 69.65 g #

Energy kcal 431.82 #

Energy kJ 1816.68 #

Fibre (Southgate) 3.55 g *#

Calcium 118.64 mg

Iron 2.28 mg


*: Approximate nutrient values used for some food(s)

#: Unknown values for some food(s) treated as zero


Nutrient Spreadsheet

Code Quant(g) Grp Food Name Protn Fat CHO kcal

G g g

1 5-856 63.00 FA Apples, eating, average, raw 0.25 0.06 7.43 29.61

2 5-869 15.00 FA Blackberries, raw 0.14 0.03 0.76 3.75

3 5-959 15.00 FA Raspberries, raw 0.21 0.04 0.69 3.75

4 5-967 15.00 FA Strawberries, raw 0.12 0.02 0.90 4.05

5 17061 20.00 SC Sugar, Demerara 0.10 0.00 20.90 78.80

6 17485 19.00 OA Butter 0.11 15.62 0.11 141.36

7 5-839 2.00 H Cinnamon, ground 0.08 0.06 N N

8 11439 50.00 AA Wheat flour, white, plain 4.70 0.65 38.85 170.50


List Total 199.00 5.71 16.48 69.65 431.82



Code kJ SFibre Ca Iron

G mg mg

1 5-856 125.37 (1.26) 2.52 0.06

2 5-869 15.60 0.99 6.15 0.10

3 5-959 16.35 1.00 3.75 0.10

4 5-967 16.95 0.30 2.40 0.06

5 17061 336.20 0.00 5.80 0.18

6 17485 581.21 N 3.42 T

7 5-839 N N 24.60 0.76

8 11439 725.00 N 70.00 1.00


List Total 1816.68 3.55 118.64 2.28



List 2.5 Desert improved:



List 2.7 Overall:

Reference list


Food.gov.uk, 2014. 'Food Information Regulations 2014: Guidance Scotland, Wales And Northern Ireland [online]. Food Standards Agency. Available at: http://www.food.gov.uk/sites/default/files/top-allergy-types.pdf [Accessed 19 Oct. 2015].

GOV.UK, 2014 'Public Health England: Your Guide To The Eatwell Plate Booklet'. [online]. Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/340869/2014-250_-_eatwell_plate_Final_version_2014.pdf [Accessed: 24 Oct. 2015.].

Nhs.uk, 2015. 'Why Most Of Us Should Eat Fewer Calories - Live Well - NHS Choices' [online]. Available at: http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Goodfood/Pages/eat-less.aspx [Accessed: 25 Oct. 2015.]

1.Sortedfood.com, 2015. 'Sortedfood: ROASTED GARLIC CHICKEN KIEV’ [online]. Available at: https://sortedfood.com/ [Accessed: 25 Oct. 2015.]

2. Sortedfood.com, 2015. 'Sortedfood: APPLE AND BERRY CHARLOTTE PUDDINGS’ [online]. Available at: https://sortedfood.com/ [Accessed: 25 Oct. 2015.]

Stanfield P. S., 2010 ‘ Nutrition And Diet Therapy: Self-Instructional Approaches’. 5th ed. Sudbury, Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.





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