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Exodus a biblical tale of mysteries

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  3. Chapter Sixteen The Exodus From London 1 страница
  4. Chapter Sixteen The Exodus From London 2 страница
  5. Chapter Sixteen The Exodus From London 3 страница
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  7. Chapter Sixteen The Exodus From London 5 страница



Exodus a biblical tale miracles catastrophes history changed and gone from the burning bush to the death of the firstborn scholars enthusiasts pursue natural explanations for supernatural events in laboratories desert sands an on-ball casinos with these theories provide proof that the miracles actually happened. What’s the real story Texas is it possible that never happened at all.

Exodus a three thousand-year-old biblical story, terrible plavix (plagues), parting the Red Sea. The Israelites freed from slavery in Egypt. The book of Exodus is central to Judaism. Christianity in his life defeat the buildings. A story endlessly retold around ancient campfires in sacred texts and on film. The question is Did Exodus really happen as the Old Testament describes. I believe the offense according to the book of Exodus are true events; there is no scientific proof for the story of the Exodus; I don’t have proof but I do have evidence. The stakes are high. The conflict over lands in the idle East can be traced all the way back to the Old Testament. For centuries the epic events of Exodus have driven people to search for explanations for evidence. Scientists and enthusiasts have attempted to decipher miracles using techniques from the traditional to the bazaar. But the evidence remains tantalizingly slim. Ruins unearthed in Egypt revealed ancestors at the Isreal lights may have lived there before the time of Exodus. Then an Egyptian in grieving from 12 07 BC placed the Israelites in Canaan (kingdom) present-day Isreal. What happened in between is unclear except in the Old Testament. Three thousand years ago Egypt is at the height of its power. Ferro has and sleep these reliance now they must build Egypt’s cities and great monuments. The fears the growing Isreal population. The decrees that their firstborn sons shall be put to death. A desperate mother tries to save her child. The drift in the river the infant is rescued by Pharaoh s daughter. The child Moses grows up in royal household. One day Moses defense a slave from various beating by killing his overseer. Now he must flee for his life. Use pass and then alone in the desert he witnesses a wonderful event: a bush burns but it is not consumed. From the bush comes the voice of God. God commands Moses to confront Pharaoh and demand freedom for the slaves. Moses walks through the desert alone to challenge Pharaoh, the most powerful person on earth. Moses demands freedom for his people. Pharaoh says “NO”. In the response the God of the Israelites unleashes an apocalypse natural disasters and disease upon the Egyptians. To save Egypt there was forced to free the slaves. God guides the Israelites out of Egypt parting the Red Sea, green manna from heaven and delivering them to the promised land. Changing the course of the history could be this mentioned epic historically accurate, could these miracles be real? There is a long tradition of investigators searching for scientific explanations for biblical miracles. Combridge physicist Colin Humphreys among them. He thinks he can demystify the burning bush. Bible describes Moses saw a bush that was burning and the bush wasn’t consumed. So then must’ve been some external source of energy. I have a theory this might be due to a natural gas leak underneath the burning bush because we know natural gas is common in the Middle East. We can safely reproduce the burning bush that Moses saw with this natural gas experiments I’m going to turn on the natural gas. - Humphreys begins the demonstration art – We see the flames have this up on the barbecue and their leaping through the bush already the most complicated as it is the Keisha Bush how we know if you burn a Keisha Bush to get charcoal rather then crumbling. Charcoal retains its shape. This is really good, even though the flames and leaping rounded that the branches are still completing a shape I think that gradually turned to charcoal and so if this pushtuns to charcoal when you burn it that it retains its shape for a long time and so I believe that was the burning bush Moses sort. We produced scientifically what Moses may have seen well as a bold perhaps but hardly proof when it comes to the miracles of the Exodus explanations abound from the sublime to the ridiculous / perhaps one of the most daunting tasks for physical investigators finding natural causes for the plagues that fell upon the Egyptians like hammer blows when Pharaoh refused to fee the Israelites the Heaven’s warth descended the ten plagues began. The water shall turn to blood and the fish that are in the river шалт аут. The description sounds familiar to the epidemiologist John Mark, he seemed millions a fish die in red water from a profusion of microscopic algae called red tide. And when you look at iy you don’t see the individual couch which are microscopic but collectively they turn the water red they occur today around the globe but almost always associated with salt water. Mark had no leads then in 1995 something strange happened in a coastal river in north Carolina a billion fish dead the water red because unknown but then researchers found the culprit. A deadly microorganism called фістіріе. Фістіріе was labeled the sound from health because it kills millions if not billions fish. If that occurred in north Carolina the nineteen nineties like a networker 2-d two to three thousand years ago. For some who believe that science can explain the plagues the red waters marked the beginning the seemingly logical change events. Behold, I will smite all the borders with France into thine house in tonight that chamber unto 90 minutes. One explanation could there be for this population explosion. The natural track on on frog populations are fish now in fish were to die frogs would’ve come onto the land at the same time millions. The Bible says the frogs were everywhere. And they died. And they gathered them together upon heaps and the land stank. God had just begun to unleash his fury. More plagues were yet to come. Did each one set the stage for the next the chain have misery illness and death. The red Nile leading to the death the fish and frogs did not convince Pharaoh to free the Israelites. It was a decision he would live to regret. And then outbreak 76 descended on the Egyptians. The first in the insect plagues was lice the infested man and beasts. All the dust to the land became lights throughout all the land of Egypt. Lice and men and beasts… but something is wrong here no one species have lice attacks both humans and animals and two simultaneous апбрейкс would be unlikely the biblical times the word for “lice” described any blood-sucking insect. What tiny insect a smaller slice feed on humans and animals. For entomologists Jeff Lockwood one particular insects stands out more money Mitch these guys to accordance killer qualities are blood thinners. Their mouthparts like tiny source that slice open to show calls a pool of blood that they feed on. Thousands and thousands millions of these would have driven the Egyptians absolutely crazy who was playing wasn’t even nastier insect pest. There came a grieves swarm of flies into the house of Pharaoh and into his servants house its and into all the land of Egypt. The land was corrupted by reason of the swarm of flies. For Lockwood two consecutive insect outbreaks have to be more than a coincidence. Think back to the second flag what we have is a bunch heaps of dead frogs discovered difference while per the third dead they’re not even the flaws and after dead there certainly producing have a type that’s good for flaws. In this scenario red toxic water could have led to dead fish and frogs was rotting bodies braided cord seven sacks. And then the Egyptians watch their livestock die all around them: cattle, horses, camels, oxen and sheep. All were destroyed. There is no disease or very few disease I could afford all those livestock simultaneously so we have to look for some common cause. It’s not a common disease we suspect. That’s a common carrier of deasese. Lockwood’s prime suspect the biting midges the third plank. A common carrier of many animal diseases. A midge outbreak could have spread gruesome animal diseases like blue Tom and African horse sickness in epidemic proportions. The majors iust absolutely ideal explanation one common message that’s capable of transmitting diseases are sufficient to second basically all of the Egyptians livestock. Lockwood sees a pattern emerging. The plagues may be connected. Dead fish, then frogs in sacks and now dead livestock. Each plank may have emerged from the previous ones. Ecological pieces are now falling into place. Lockwood looks to the six plague. The disease that affects both humans and animals to see if it too was triggered by an earlier plague. It should be a boil breaking forth with planes upon man and upon beast. There are several bacteria such as anthrax that can cause lesions and boils. Something had to spread the bacteria among the victims and do it quickly and efficiently. What would have turned to both humans and animals state back to the fourth plague. Its house flies versus stable flies in a test to find the best disease transmitter. We gonna use this yellow dye to mark the house flies. You are installing stable flies. Guys (flies) gonna substitute on our case for the bacteria. Lockwood sacrifices his arm to science testing to see if either flies will transmit the die(fly) to skin. In moments the first stale fly attacks “yup” yeah he started to feed (feeding) their.. And you can imagine what injections (Egyptians) or I can imagine what injections (Egyptians) would be suffering. They were covered in these flies. The stable flies leave the most power and break the skin and left powder all over the place they’re all over me and biting. Stable flies are probably the guilty party. What we have is an ecological domino effect. Something goes wrong the river it drives the frogs on to land, outbreak offense sucks majors (midge) which them carry diseases to the livestock, we have an outbreak flies which caries boils to man and beast. Some scholars think the first six plagues from a series of interconnected natural events. What about the rest? At this point in the story God severely punished Egypt. Still Pharaoh refused to free the slaves. God was not done. The next four plagues formed another chain devastation. Prop destroying hail gave way to wrap a nice locusts. And the locusts went up all over the land of Egypt. The land was darkened and they did every curve of the land. Would’ve been more focused on the Swans in the works humans on Earth at the time of the Exodus… Мэйджен фоукес иджипшен not only does it begin by the weed what’s in the locus Monza holes motherhood basket anything that’s organic and not moving becomes food for these for these insights. They devour in a sense the countyside each. The locusts consume the last the food supply starvation … The ninth played darkness some speculate it was a terrifying sandstorm block the Sun then 10th and final plague. At midnight the Lord smoked all the firstborn in the land of Egypt from the firstborn Pharaoh under the firstborn at the captives. That was in the dungeon. Hugh was death parsed out in a way that seem to defy scientific explanation. How could something have killed the Egyptians on a massive scale spared the Israelite. Epidemiologist Martin Blasser has a gram suspicion about what happened. When you have a disease that affects both humans and animals short time a lot of people affected lethal disease. The list of possibilities is very small. Bluebonnet plague fits everything. Blubonnet plague is spread by the bite the fleas carried in the human homes by rats. In the 14th century Black Death wiped out one-fourth of the population of Europe. Blazer examined all death records. He founded in some European cities. Plague killed Jews at only half the rain the rest of the population. He suspects the Jews have been doing something that protected them, something that also protected them in biblical times and Egypt. Some custom that prevented disease like the dietary laws against eating pork. Pigs can carry a 30-foot tapeworm call Tina can end up in humans causing disability and death. Blazer(laser) focused on another ancient Jewish tradition. Every spring Jews were required to clean out their stored grain. This law was so strict that even non-Jews living among them had to observe it. The Jews were empirical thinkers and a long time ago they figured out the relationship between grain and plague. Eliminate grain keep rats under control by minimizing rats and fleas E pleasing believes the Isrealites may have protected themselves from plague. The Eguptians however had no such rituals. Blazer(laser) thinks this was their(they) undoing the stage was set for Egypt’s only black death or was it. There is nothing in the Black Death scenario that would account for such selective killing. The death of the firstborn only there is no disease that we know of dead just affects the firstborns. So I take that it’s a metaphor for disease that kills one at every three or four people. John Mar believes the biblical account may have been ліроу He сєн to track down a more selective killer. The 10th plague was almost inexplicable I was stopped then more hard about a contemporary case children dying suddenly investigators at first suspected a mold killed the children. This gave more an idea about the 10th plague. It was due to a toxic mood. His theory grain saturated by hail storms and stored in darkness would have been susceptible to mall(more) where molds wreak havoc on human health and can even cause internal hemorrhaging with little else to eat the Egyptians may have resorted to moldy toxin least grain. Death would come suddenly with no visible cause as if the victims were touched by an angel of death and still white(why) the firstborn more found his answer. The final piece to the puzzle an Egyptian tradition. During the times famine the eldest the oldest Egyptian child would be given a double portion of food in order to stave off starvation incentive saving them he’d killed. The Bible пенсне gruesome picture firstborn Egyptian children died. The rest of population start (stirred) and was ravaged by disease. Pharaoh was defeated. He wanted the Isrealite and their God out if Egypt. He told Moses to take his people and leased. The plagues came to an end. Using science imaginatively does produce some possible if slightly far-fetched natural scenarios for supernatural plagues. But did they happen at all? Why do Egyptian sources never mention? Could something else have weakened Egypt, something that have encouraged Exodus? On this point Egyptians are not silent at all. They say the death came from across the sea. Powerful empire’s decline for many reasons. The Bible tells us the plagues ravaged Egypt and gave the Isrealite the chance to escape. Archaeologist еэрклайм is not persuade rather than the plague I would look more to human intervention. Climb looks at the archaeological record to see what might have weakened Egypt. Scholars have deciphered powerful evidence that Egypt was attacked by mysterious invaders from across the Mediterranean. They call them the Sea Peoples. The attackers of the Sea People was probably the Egyptians’ nightmare. They are the fiercest warriors that the Egyptians have faced and the Egyptians tell us that everybody went down in the face of the Sea People. Only the Egyptians were able to stand and even that was a pyrrhic victory because the Egyptians were so weakened they never the same everywhere. Although the Egyptians never mention the plagues they did have documents these attacks in pictographs on which worry temple love ramsey’s the third. Archaeological finds match these writings. I see no need for divine intervention when human intervention can explain you just as well if not better. We can buy (by) these attacks Egypt might have lost control the Isrealites but did they flee itself where is the evidence for that we need to retrace the steps of their escape. The Bible says that 600,000 men and their families traveled through the desert for forty years. Achaeologist would expect to find traces of such a large group. If a biblical numbers are correct and you’ve got two and a half million people wandering around for forty people I wanna find tire landscapes denuded, I’d wanna find hundreds of sheep and goat carcasses the bones. And even if they didn’t ask for directions no wondering for forty years there would be something. The search for tracing this epic migration has turned up nothing. Archaeologists Jim Hoffmeyer believes the reason is that there are far few from the Isrealites than the Bible says and much smaller groups would have left behind much less evidence to be found later. One of the enduring images serve the movie the Commandments as these millions of people coming out of Egypt rushing into the desert to Sinai. Hoffmeyer attributes this misleading image to misunderstanding at the Hebrew word елеф. The Bible says the number of men with their families who left Egypt is 600 елеф the word елеф can be translated three different ways be translated thousand елеф can be also translated as a calm, third option is that it’s a military unit which I think is a more plausible scenario according to Hoffmeyer interpretation instead of six hundred thousand men and their families they were as few as five thousand. We’re talking about a few tens of thousands so not (certainly not) hundreds of thousands adding women and children make millions whether tens of thousands or millions no evidence their passage of the Egypt has been found. What we’re trying to get out as fast as they could they were carving monuments along the way saying follow our trail. That rapid movement of people is not gonna leave kinda tangible archaeological evidence that one might expect. Whether millions or thousands the fleeing Isrealites were about to encounter seemingly impassable barrier the Res Sea. Pharaoh had changed his mind about letting the Isrealite go. Pharaoh’s army descended on the Isrealites and tracked them by the sure the sea across the water was freed but they had no way to get there. Again Moses heard the voice of God lift thou … and stretch out on (by) hand over the sea and divided (defied) and the children of Isreal shall go on dry ground to the midst of the sea. The Egyptians pursued and went into the sea after and the waters returned and cover the chariots and all the horses of Pharaoh they remained. Not even one there may be no image of God’s intervention in the affairs a man more powerful than this one. And could it have happened? Perhaps more than any other miracle in the Old Testament. The parting the Red Sea has intrigued scientists. Back in Cambridge Colin Humphreys thinks he knows how the Red Sea parted. I believe the parting the Red Sea occurred as described in the Bible and I believe there’s a natural explanation how it happened and we set up an experiment here to show how this works. The Bible says that Moses stretched out his hand the Red Sea and a strong eastwind force the waters the Red Sea back is right went across with water on the right hand side and that left hand side and I walked across dry land. The biblical description the parting the Red Sea is just a very precise description mechanism called winds set down wins (winds) set down occurs when a strong steady wind literally blows waterside if there’s a which I’ve landed in the water they can expose at Woodland. Sometimes new theories require unconventional experiments. This is the parting of the Red Sea experiment this leaf blower represents a strong eastwind with the Red Sea back. This water trough represents the Red Sea itself and the stones represent the land bridge the Isrealites cross. Let’s see if it works. If that’s just amazing that was fantastic I think it work even better than I thought it would. Now that we stopped you can see the water completely covers a land bridge. This corresponds to drowning Pharaoh’s army chariots and horses just as it described in the Bible. Humphry’s theory is hardly the only explanation of how nature could have split the waters. Jheel archaeologist Floyd mccoys thinking bigger, much bigger. Floyd researches tsunami’s at the Universuty of Hawaii. Pieces the tsunami might have created a land passage for the Isrealites across a lagoon. Although we think the tsunami as a lot of water what comes before is the disappearance of water. Sometimes you are warning that s tsunami is coming. Sometimes at Ocean disappears and that’s called trial down remember a way looks like sinusoidal bottom haha trough and press. Just as a trial comes in first that straw down the ocean disappears years the ocean into fraud левуу this giant wave coming ashore has a crust Trost to the left. This is the waer receding from here to here the lagoon is more no more and provides ground that the Jews perhaps a few … in Exodus how in Egypt and then will be followed cross come again to watch to wipe out anybody presumed the Jews. Their (there is) straw down picture 100, 100 time speaker and the wave coming much bigger their comes the crests on the way. For all this to happen science there’s time for this group of people to get across the Solent. It’s gonna be a prefix tsunami. A big tsunami means a gigantic event to set it off an earthquake an asteroid impact a volcanic eruption so we’re wave like this come from well percent rainy whether giant interruptions in human antiquity seem to renew ripped it with a forcible for twenty four thousand millions okay here century North us this way heading down this way discrete in that direction Egypt. This was an island there was a large island that’s set here right right here so here’s the corruption right rising up here 40 50 k i lometers on the collapses with debris fallin g hitting the slopes here shuts down the slopes into the world into the water pyroclastic flows whenever some water summer exactly pyroclastic flows sudden huge lines were volcanic эшь debris falling into the water. It been shown to trigger tsunami’s. Computer modeling reveals that the same to сентеріні (сентнвини) tsunami would have headed directly towards the Nile Delta a possible location of the Exodus journey issues is the data when the Exodus happened and when disruption happened we don’t know and there’s a time issue here how wonderful that the suddenly happens just when you’re there to allow you to cross and them across the tsunami comes washing and to take out the bad guys behind you that’s that’s stretching and other. As an explanation for the parting the Res Sea a tsunami is a long shot but could another volcanic affect provide a more compelling answer a smoking gun so to speak. When it comes to the parting the Red Sea volcanologist Steve Ballmer has spent a lot of time thinking about MoPa. For him Hawaii’s whale volcano is a window into the biblical past when an underwater volcano may have been the source of the Isrealites escape across the sea “Imagine the Jews, reaching this massive land bridge, formed by lava. Here we have earth being created before our eyes. You see the lava flow going into the ocean on a new bench of land. This is a very highly unstable platform of land. The bench will not last for long. This whole area can fall in just a matter of minutes. Massive collapses have occurred here in Hawaii almost in the blink of an eye.” The Res Sea forms part of the great African Rift system. The entire region has an explosive volcanic history. Although we see a very small lava flow you have to be in your mind scale of to(too) massive volcanic eruption thirty two hundred years ago. It changes the water the water boils, it disappears it’s enough to show valleys and cons land bridges. You know there was scenario an underwater eruption could have created a temporary unstable lava bridge, the surface layer lava cools quickly when it hits the water. The Isrealites could have crossed over this new land filled with amazing lava even though it’s so hot that I have to keep looking wave right at this moment that if I’d had to and save my life I can walk this lava in 10 minutes. This new unsupported land could have quickly disintegrating and when the Egyptians running chariots so very hot it’s the Egyptians bring the chariats they tried to cross the same bed the lava cave(gave) way. The collapse in this land bridge would have plunged Pharaoh’s army into the sea. It make sense to see on volcanoes the only thing that makes sense. The Bible is just tales (sales) with mechanic references and especially Exodus from the plagues to the parting of the Red Sea and seen killers a fire and mountains quaking and the voice of God and burning bushes and all of this just an Exodus just imagine you cannot hear you see this you went to the site as when a scientist at 10 listen to it it’s … It’s written in the Bible God says I am the rock if a volcano a tsunami ar gale force winds save the Isrealites it would still required more particulars timing and it still left no evidence. For some who read the Bible is (as) the literal word of God the lack of evidence could simply mean we’ve been looking in the wrong place, they point out that there is no agreement on the route the Isrealites took out of Egypt. The Bible’s description of the journey is вейґ. God let the people about to the wave the wilderness up the Red Sea. It does state the Isrealites started in Egypt and ended up in Canaan present-day Isreal. Different theories about how the Isrealites cross the sea require different routs(groups) Wind set down requires a shallow body of water. Colin Humphreys proposes a route across central Sinai. The tsunami theory only make sense if the Isrealites took the northern route along the coast. The lava bridge could have formed across the Red Sea at the Gulf of Aqaba the most likely place for volcanic activity in the region if there are clues hidden in the desert it would help to pin down the Isrealites route. Jiff Hoffmeyer believes most researches are looking in the wrong place because something got lost in the translation literally. The Hebrew yum suf literally means сі ов рідз when the Greek translators took the Hebrew yum suf and translated into Greek they translated as Red Sea et cetera reads so we’ve been stock with a faulty translation for over two thousand years. Finding this Red Sea no easy task. Nile Delta was a very different place three thousand years ago. Seas become land and land seas marches and dry desert. The new cities and farms are now racing history. A geologist Dteve Mujer has discovered a window onto the past. Fast tool we have for looking at the ground in ages past is imagery from the nineteen sixties recently the government declassified spy satellite imagery so these negatives were were shot back in the cold war-era. These high resolution images taken to spy on the Egyptian army in the 1960s show the desert before the recent onslaught of development stipped of ots modern veneer the undisturbed land reveals its secrets. The dark areas suggest the locations ін інчент (beach) in bodies of water. One of them could have been the scene reeds to confirm his suspicions mosier test soil samples from the area I want to try to figure out by looking at the possible content the shelves that are in it what kind of environment was it a swap was little was a stream was at a lake bed or was it some kind of a our marine lagoon. Mosier has been collaborating with Jim Hoffmeyer from the satellite photos in the soil teat they discovered traces in ancient body of water called Lakebama. Hoffmeyer suspects this is the Bible sea ріідз (breeze). This is our Bala Hari Om sue for hypothetically sue for (I’m so falling here’s) all this dark area the lake itself may not be any older than 5,000 years not old enough for our position or sure. Although Hoffmeyer has unearthed remains too (to) Egyptian forts knew (new) this lake bed is found no Isrealites artifacts. Is it conceivable the three thousand years later evidence remains hidden in the desert. Most archaeologist think that one man thinks he’s found something sort of Holy Grail of Exodus archaeology evidence of Pharaoh’s army and miracles showered down upon the Isrealites. When it comes to Exodus Bob Cornyn thinks he might have found that elusive Holy Grail actual artifacts his investigative techniques and driven by his detective skills and his faith. I’ve been researching and investigating the Exodus route (round) for about 20 years now searching for the real Mount Sinai in Egypt searching for in the arc in Covenant the crossing site (cited) the Red Sea. When I was a police investigator the crime scene spoke to me little pieces of evidence would tell me what happened there and now I look at the Bible and I try to figure out what happened thousands of years ago at the dawn of history and based on the evidence I’ve seen I believe that it happened exactly as the Bible says. We use the Bible as a compass as a road map in guide and that gave us a pretty good indication where the route probably was like the investigators before Cornal Censes has own idea about the routine the Isrealites traveled: along the white beach sign it and it’s like to hear train back crossing right here God says in Isaiah 51 I will bill(build) a roadway through the sea that’s another column right here at this location there wasn’t underwater land bridge they went right to the sea there are shots a ships (the Isrealites of ship) that have gone to ground out there (up there). Corner believes the shallow reeves here are the most likely place for the waters to have parted and this is the beach I took a picture where they would have been on the shore you can see the children of Isreal wouldn’t all bunched up in the mountains cup around getting nowhere to go except in the ocean by here (here) if Corner is right this is where Pharaon’s army would have been destroyed and here we had what for him is the ultimate borders. We went there and started digging into the side at the cliffs hoping to find something and how the cliff started following hundreds pieces of bronze let’s say that the Egyptian army did round here this is a man-made subject (injured; object) its together in shape can you can see risk an around it could be here in shape (in a rush after) some other class but was on soldiers uniform or even on face. Things very provocative think that this is wrong the Egyptian army Pharaoh ex-colleagues also explore the desert where they believed the Isrealites wondered. They discovered what they believe to be handcrafted stone. Not just a couple but hundredsalmost thousands of these were found laying all over the ground. What could it be? The Bible talks about mana being ground on stones according to the Bible mana is food from God, it rained down from the sky to feed the Isrealites in the desert. Could these be the very stones the ground mana for the children of Isreal during their journey in the desert it’s hard possible. As he found the holy grail of Exodus archaeology actual evidence the new scientists are extremely skeptical. Corner hasn’t released these fines (founds) to the larger scientific community so there’s no way to judges assertions. Car Corny an expert an ancient Egypt has seen extraordinary claims come and go I don’t think there’s much validity to people finding a piece of bronze the Red Sea claiming this is a piece of bronze that came from the army during Exodus and right away. How are you going to test this piece of bronze not organic piece material, how are you going to date it? How are you going to tie it to Ramsey’s army anytime you have a new discovery some new information it takes a long time for people to shift … and start looking at an even longer for them to accept it. If anybody actually found Pharaoh’s army or bits and pieces of the Isrealite’ s camp it would be front-page news across the world. The fact is not a single airfact has been found that could be definitively linked to the biblical Exodus. If the parting Sea, the burning bush the plagues did happen they appear to have left no trace, there’s no way to confirm even that the Isrealites were slaves in Egypt. There is only one source for the story of Exodus – the Bible. For many scholars the silence of the Egyptian sources is telling: I want two or three separate sources before I will believe what any one source says and frankly there is no Egyptian written text saying anything about the Exodus. Some argue that the Eyptians simply wouldn’t record such an epic embarrassment. I wouldn’t expect crap sees two in any historical records to say oh by the way I let these Hebrew slaves get away because I was having some troubles. Perhaps not monuments for public display but the Egyptians were meticulous bureaucrats and did keep unflattering paperwork you do have an Egyptian documentation as bad things happening have civil war unrest for an increase in people coming in and taking Egypt over and yet you (we) have no evidence for this massive upheaval affair and the distraction his entire army. You would expect. Looking at the Exodus solely through the lens of science we know only a few hard fax. Ruins suggest that people have some medical origin may have lived in Egypt around 1600 BC about four hundred years later an Egyptian tablet States a people called Isreal lived in Canaan present-day Isreal. What happened in between the time of Exodus is supposedly took place is a mystery. Scientific explanations offered for many miracles of the Exodus. The intriguing takers (takes) no closer to proving it happen and the archaeological and historical records remain resolutely silent about these epic events. We do not have his single shred of evidence to date. There is nothing archaeological to a test anything from the biblical story, no place, no parting the Red Sea, no man if no wonder for forty years. The most likely reason they’re not finding any evidence for the Exodus in Egypt is that it didn’t happen the way did the Bible said it did with or it didn’t happen at all. But even skeptics admit precious grains of truth might lie at the heart of the narrative. Perhaps it was born among the small group of nomadic people who travel between Egypt in the land of Canaan. I think there’s a very good chance then what actually took place was a series of migrations waves immigrations if you will over three or four hundread years of people leaving in Egypt making way up cane and ones twos threes maybe even tens hundreds at the most. The story the nomads journeys was perhaps told and retold passed down from generation to generation until it became an epic. Dispite the lack of evidence the story of Exodus indoors it helps shape the modern world. The tale of the liberation of the people and the Tramp there one God over many has resonated through the ages revealed word (world) revealing mythology the truth to this story can only be answered in the heads and hearts of each individual but surely the questions are worth asking. We have yet to find any indication from any ling of archaeological source that it actually took place. For people who have religious convictions they’ d only proof it all boils down to this is a supernatural events and you can’t explain it in any other way ultimately the power of Exodus lies more in failed in science. There’s no real scientific proof that the Exodus took place but as a Christian or as a Jew you shouldn’t need scientific proof to be a person of faith. Faith doesn’t need to be scientific proven nor its favored. Perhaps someday the wilderness will reveal some bit incontrovertible evidence that Exodus happened but for now the desert keeps its secrets.


stake – ставка, to decipher – розшифровувати, bazaar - 1) (східний) базар3) універсальний магазин, tantalizingly - в значній мірі, винятково (to tantalize - torment or tease (someone) with the sight or promise of something that is unobtainable), slim – 1)стрункий 2)несуттєвий, to consume – знищувати ((Of a fire) completely destroy), to confront – протистояти, to unleash - розв'язати (to release (a dog) from a leash), physicist – фізик, to demystify – прояснити (to make (a difficult subject) clearer and easier to understand), external - 1) зовнішній 2) зовнішній, іноземний 3) сторонній; який не стосується даного питання, суті справи, leak – витік (утечка), charcoal – деревне вугілля (древесный уголь), to abound – изобиловать (to exist in large numbers or amounts), sublime - піднесений, величний; високий; грандіозний, louse (lice) – воша, blood thinners - розріджувачі крові, swarm – рій (рой), to afford - позволить себе, carrier – носій, midge – мошка, gruesome – жахливий ( causing repulsion or horror; grisly), plank – дошка, to trigger – вызывать, спускать гачок (to cause (a device) to function), dye – барвник (краситель), to substitute – замінити (A person or thing acting or serving in place of another), lethal – летальний, blazer – блейзер, tapeworm – золотник, паразит, солітер, empirical – емпіричний, вузькопрактичний, досвідний, inexplicable – незрозумілий (unable to be explained or accounted for), susceptible – сприйнятливий (likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing), to wreak – мститися, давати вихід (to cause (a large amount of damage or harm), havoc – спустошення (widespread destruction), hemorrhaging – крововилив, incentive – заохочувальний, to ravage – to cause severe and extensive damage to, intervention – втручання, to denude – оголяти, eruption – виверження (An act or instance of erupting), to plunge – занурювати, elusive – невловимий, validity – вагомість (the quality of being logically or factually sound; soundness or cogency), meticulous – допитливий (дотошный), upheaval – переворот, solely - тільки

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 39 | Нарушение авторских прав

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