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List of Dissertations

Читайте также:
  1. Kassabian, D. (2014). Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) at elite, early-adopter universities: Goals, progress, and value proposition. ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing.
  2. Outland, J. C. (2014). Examining the Market Positioning of Massive Open Online Courses to Maximize Employer Acceptance. ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing.
  3. Stefanic, N. M. (2014). Creativity-Based Music Learning: Modeling the Process and Learning Outcomes in a Massive Open Online Course. ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing.

Фразеология в аналитических языках



магистрант кафедры общего языкознания

Иванова Ольга Ивановна


Научный руководитель:

кандидат филологических наук, доцент

Петров Иван Иванович



старший преподаватель

Вдовичев Алексей Владимирович



Минск 2012

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus


Educational Institution

“Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank”

Department of Foreign Languages

“Western Philology in the XXI Century”

(Source: English Philology Journal, Vol. 41, 2011)

Presented (composed, made, performed) by:

Elena Ivanova, graduate student of the department of general linguistics


Scientific Supervisor:

Ivan I. (Ivanovich) Ivanov

Associate Professor – доцент,

Professor – профессор,

Candidate of Philological Sciences = PhD (Philology)

Doctor of Philological Sciences = Doctor of Philology



English Supervisor:

Alexei Vdovichev,

senior lecturer, department of foreign languages


Minsk 2012


Introduction ……………………………………..3

Chapter 1. Western Phonology……………………………………..4

Conclusion ………………………………………………………..25




My Master’s (PhD) Thesis (Dissertation)

1. Key words:

2. Objective = Goal:

3. Tasks:

4. Subject of research:

5. Object of research:

6. Methods of research (methods, employed in my (our) research):

7. Scientific novelty:

8. Practical significance:

9. Sources:

List of Dissertations

1. Формирование ценностного отношения подростков к репродуктивному здоровью = Formation of Value Attitude in Adolescents to Reproductive Health

2. Театрализация календарно-фольклорных праздников в образовательных учреждениях = Theatre Staging of Folklore Calendar Festivals in Educational Institutions

3. Вобраз летапісны і мастацкі: праблема аўтарскай інтэпрэтацыі = Epic and Artistic Image: the Problem of Author’s Interpretation

4. Прыметнікі-кампазіты ў беларускай прозе 20-30-х гадоў 20 стагоддзя = Composite Adjectives in the Belarusian Prose of the 20-30-ies of the 20th Century

5. Языковые средства интертекстуальности в творчестве В. Ерофеева = Linguistic Tools of Intertextuality in the Works by V. Erofeev

6. Концепт душа в русской и белорусской фразеологии = The Concept Soul in the Russian and Belarusian Phraseology

7. Фразеологические единицы в христианскими и языческими компонентами в русском, белорусском и украинском языках = Phraseological Units with Christian and Pagan Components in Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian

8. Мифологема Фауста в мировой литературе (на материале произведений В. Гете, Т. Манна и М. Булгакова) = Mythologeme of Faust in the World Literature (based on the works by W. Goethe, Th. Mann and M. Bulgakov)

9. Формирование элементарных геометрических представлений в процессе изобразительной деятельности = Formation of Elementary Geometrical Knowledge in the Process of Visual Arts

10. Гендерные особенности формирования ценности семьи в воспитании учащейся молодежи = Gender Characteristics of Family Value Formation in Upbringing of Students and Cadets

11. Фарміраванне правільнасці маўлення школьнікаў пры вывучэнні марфалогіі на ўроках беларускай мовы ў 6-7 класах = Formation of Correct Speech when Studying Morphology at Belarusian Classes in the 6-7th Forms

12. Мультимедийная презентация как средство формирования префиксального образования глаголов у старших дошкольников с общим недоразвитием речи = Multimedia Presentation as an Aid to Form Prefix Verb-Formation in Senior Pre-School Children with General Speech Underdevelopment

13. Формирование представлений о природе родного края у младших школьников с легкой интеллектуальной недостаточностью на основе межпредметных связей = Formation of Knowledge about Nature of Native Land in Junior Schoolchildren with Light Mental Retardation on the Basis of Interdisciplinary Relations

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