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The Background of the Problem

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The Project Statement


1. The project statement…………………………………………………………..  
2. References……………………………………………………………………..  
3. Literature………………………………………………………………………  
4. Abstract………………………………………………………………………...  
5. Glossary………………………………………………………………………..  

The title of the thesis is “Ecological principles of reorganizing architectural & spatial environment of the urbanized city”.


The subject of the research is ecological principles of reorganizing architectural & spatial urbanized environment based on harmony and humanism. These principles need to be elucidated in the system of relations "city-nature." In this case, the natural component is the focus of attention. Moreover, the paper researches modern means of healing the ecological, psychological & aesthetic environment of the city, creating an optimally formed urban system. Thus solving the main issue of modern design by forming the architectural planning solutions of buildings & complexes in harmonious unity with the natural environment and humanity


The Background of the Problem

Ecological architecture is a response to sharp deterioration of the natural environment, characterizing the second half of the last and beginning of the XXI century. Ecological Architecture (Eco-Architecture) – a new direction of modern architecture, united architecture and ecology. It takes into account (considers) the ecological needs of the human while creating buildings and the interests of nature. Eco-architecture is associated with many concepts (architecture and urban planning, ecology, sociology, philosophy, economics, biology, geography, etc.) as well as there arose awareness of the need for joint efforts of architects and scientists, with the active participation of the entire population, in the era of global environmental modern city problems.

The term is not a precise definition, because this direction includes development in several areas. Firstly, is the problem of energy conservation and self-sufficiency. Secondly, is the issue of using materials not to damage the environment in production or maintenance. And, finally, it is the embodiment of "natural" ideas in the building construction. Modern building must be part of the existing landscape, not oppose itself to the logic of the surrounding space, moreover, it is to "blend" in the environment, maintaining its integrity and harmony. It uses the latest technologies and developments, using modern materials, to provide the complex opportunity to improve the environmental situation, as a city, and a small area of its structure.

For such a short existence of the concept, there is a possibility to trace the history of the ecological architecture development.

The roots of ecological architecture are to be found in the beginning of the last century, in the theory of "management of renewable resources", to address issues of replacing conventional energy sources of alternative energy. [2]

Another source of ecological architecture is of interest to national construction, to push in the 1950s. Professional designers are to search for economical solutions for mass building. The search for a more humane architecture and appropriate natural analogues & forms has led to the total industrial reconstruction of cities in developed countries. From an ecological point of view, interest is the settlement that existed in harsh environments such as the Arctic or Africa. The folk architecture devoted to the monograph of Paul Oliver and Amos Rapoport. The paper by Hassan Feti on environmental planning in the construction of villages Egyptian peasants, employing available resources and implementing traditional construction methods.

At the same time, in some countries, independently of each other and having the idea of ​​creating eco-cities, submitted sustainable ecosystem, where most energy part for the existence is supplied (comes) from natural energy sources, particularly solar energy. In addition, the eco-city is a human habitat and creature, where everything is interconnected. The energy needs are covered wind, water and biomass degradation processes.

Currently, part of the projects aimed at maintaining the ecological balance of the environment has been implemented. These objects include the settlement Solar Park in Germany, consisting of houses employing solar panels to save energy up to 10 times.

Over time, there are new trends in the formation of green space. The most important means of development of urban ecosystems and improvement is the employment of the vegetable world. Therefore, highlight has been paid to non-traditional design (landscaping flat roofs, including in architecture and interior building elements of the biotic environment - living plants, water, stone, materials simulating the texture of wood, fragments of certain natural areas with a supporting microclimate, etc.). That kind of design was practiced by French Architect Jean Nouvel. This direction in the projects was supported by the French botanist Patrick Blanc, creating unique "living" walls around the world.

In the following decade, there was the theory of "sustainable architecture." The architecture is considered as the ecosystem element. Thus, the building is perceived as a certain intellectual ecosystem. The alternative energy sources employed in the buildings are a sample of ecological design. In general, the architectural object becomes a viable entity and is in ecological balance with the natural environment and the human [1].

A striking example of a viable facility is the City Hall building in London, designed by the famous British architect Norman Foster, in which everything is calculated according to the requirements of energy efficiency with the employment of computer technologies that respond to the slightest change in the state structure. A magnificent demonstration of ecological skyscraper is «Torre Akbar», built by Jean Nouvel in Barcelona with the highest technology, including electronics, supporting the internal condition of the premises, climate and environmental safety. In the suburbs of Stuttgart, the German architect Werner Sobek built house "R 128", which can be seen as an example of the ecological and energy-efficient architecture with the inclusion of intelligent controlled systems. An alternative to the unusual and grandiose bionic forms a "Forest House" by Scottish architect Steven Johnson, which is a miniature ecosystem processing waste, dependent only on the wind power to produce electricity.


The aim of the treatment is aimed at developing strategic methods for forming architectural & planning solutions integrated into the natural environment, as well as techniques of modeling for the reorganization of the city urban environment, at various levels of urban planning based on the ecological and harmonious principles.



The following tasks have been advanced:

* To analyze the historical development of ecological approaches forming the architectural & spatial environment of modern metropolis and to generalize contemporary international design experience of the architectural and spatial environment within the framework of Eko approach.

** To analyze the current state of the treatment on the employment of Eko approaches forming the architectural & spatial environment of a modern metropolis, to identify universal and specific design features of the architectural & spatial environment.

*** Тo develop principles for the implement of Eko approaches forming the architectural & spatial environment of a modern metropolis.

**** To develop theoretical model of Eko approaches forming the architectural & spatial environment of the modern metropolis of various urban levels.


The following methods are to be applied:

(i) the historical & typological methods;

(ii) methods of system analysis and synthesis;

(iii) the deductive method;

(iv) treatment of the psychological impact on the environment;

(v) evaluation of the adaptation of environmental quality;

(vi) experimental design (planning).



Since the space – the main element of the architectural environment and its ecological problems are becoming independent and escalating nature that assumes the possibility of a scientific direction, considering the space as an ecological phenomenon. This direction is expected to develop on the basis of a conceptual approach to the study of architectural space ecology.



The empirical value of the achieved outcomes of the research is to proposeprinciples of reorganizing the environment based on the analysis and systematization of materials forming architectural and spatial environment in the urban structure. These principles contribute to (enhance) the ecopsychological qualities of the architectural environment.




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Christopher Day., Places of the Soul: Architecture and Environmental Design as a Healing Art. Aquarian /Thorsons/ London: Oxford, Architectural Press, 2004. –323 р.





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