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Vocabulary notes

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  7. Active Vocabulary

§ 6. apprentice [ə'prentis] n уче­ник, подмастерье; to be apprenticed to smb. быть отданным ко­му-л. в ученье; apprenticeship n учение, обучение, учениче­ство; to serve (оne’s) ~ (with smb.) находиться в уче­нии, проходить обучение

to come down to us из доходить до нас. Sуп. to survive

varnish п лак, фиксаж; varnish vt покрывать лаком (Varnish serves as a protective layer over the painted surface.)

an aura ['o:rə] of poetic sentiment атмосфера поэтичности, на­строение поэтичности

plasticity [plæs'tisiti] п зд. рель­ефность: visual ~ зримая (почти осязаемая) рельефность; plastic а рельефный, похожий на скульптуру; ~ images скульп­турные изображения; ~ art искусство ваяния, пластичес­кое искусство

from his hand зд. написанное его рукой. Sуп. from one’s brush, е.g. Very few works from Masaccio’s hand have come down to us.

workship п мастерская, студия. Sуп. studio

canvas п 1) холст, полотно; 2) по­лотно, картина (маслом), е.g. Some very fine canvases by Renaissance Florentine painters were brought to the exhibition.

pigment п краска, краситель, пигмент

Note: Pigments usually come in the form of powders, the result of grinding various materials, mainly of mineral origin. A variety of ingredients are used to bind pigments together. Among the oldest is a combination of beaten egg-yolk and water which when mixed with pigments, is called tempera. Starting in the 15th century, a new vehicle for coloured pigments appeared: oil. This has been justifiably considered one of the major advances in painting of all time. Pigments are bound together with oil and diluted at will by either oil or spirits (usually with a mixture of both)

oil п зд. масляная краска, масло; to paint in ~(s); ~-painting живопись масляными краска­ми; an ~- painting (or an oil) картина маслом

underpainting n подмалевок (the painting and modeling of form in a picture in one tone before colour is applied). Sуп. undercoat

1ау on накладывать: to ~ paints, colours; to ~ the underpainting

conception п замысел, идея (зд. также видение, трактовка). Sуп. concept (bold, individual, imaginative); conceive vt, vi пред­ставлять себе, задумывать, за­мышлять

render vt передавать, изображать: to ~ light, atmosphere, е.g. He rendered the scene before him truthfully.

stand out выделяться, выступать «объемно», е.g. His figures are so perfectly modeled that they seem to stand out from the background. e.g. The figure of the man stands out against the high blue sky. ~ (аs) in high relief выступать как в горельефе.

bathed (in) зд. залитый: ~ in sunlight; ~ in moonlight; ~ in twilight glow

command smb’s attention завладе­вать чьим-л. вниманием

convey vt передавать, выражать: to ~ an idea, a message, one’s feelings, observations, etc. e.g. in this portrait the artist tried to convey the aura of romance that seemed to surround the woman.

message п идея, мысль, взгляды, идейное содержание, е.g. All the works of that artist have a deep social message.

sfumato (ит.) п «сфумато» «дым-чатость», т.е. смягченность формы, плавность перехода от света к тени. е.g. Leonardo’s sfumato (or “smoky technique”) blends contours and volumes into the atmosphere, creating a vague sense of mystery while at the same time toning down the brilliance of his colours.

portraiture п портретная живопись. Sуп. portrait painting

landscape п 1) пейзаж: rural ~ деревенский пейзаж; 2) пейзаж­ная живопись, also ~ painting, е.g. He was a great master of landscape); 3) пейзаж (картина), е.g. His landscapes were the most delightful ones at the exhibition.

town (city)-scape городской пейзаж

background п задний план, фон. Апt. Foreground; in the ~ на заднем плане; to be, stand, be painted, drawn, etc. in the ~; against a ~ на фоне; to stand out, be posed, painted, represented against a dark (light, etc.) ~; against the ~ of a wall, forest, etc. (also against a wall, a landscape, etc.); on a background (also, ground) на фоне (in decorative art), as a flowery pattern on a black (back) ground, pink spots on a brown background, etc.; to melt into the ~ сливать­ся с фоном; аttr. иsе background (foreground) figures in a picture.

execute vt исполнять, выполнять: to ~ а picture, а painting, а statue, еtc.; execution п исполне­ние, выполнение; the perfection of ~; the facility of ~

authentic [o:'θеntik] а подлинный, достоверный: an ~ work, painting, signature, еtc.; authenticity [,o:θən’tisiti] п подлинность, достоверность


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