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Rules of Syntagmatic Division

Читайте также:
  2. Agreement of the predicate with the subject (general notion, rules of agreement).
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  4. Article 419. Violation of statutory rules of border guard duty
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  6. As sectarian divisions deepen, the war is changing the country beyond recognition

When we speak we make pauses necessary for understanding. These pauses can be made only

after certain groups of words called sense-groups or syntagms.

1. The subject-group, consisting of more than one word, forms a separate syntagm and usually

takes Low-Rise. Eg. John’s sister entered the room.

2. Enumeration and homogeneous members of the sentence form separate syntagms and take Low-Rise until the final element which takes Low-Fall.

Eg. We greet them, shake hands with them and ask them to sit down. The ladies talked about the weather and the latest fashion.

3. Adverbial group at the beginning of the sentence forms a separate syntagm and takes Low-Rise. Eg. A few minutes later we heard a ring at the door.

Adverbial group at the end of the sentence does not form a separate syntagm and is usually unstressed or partially stressed.Eg. We are going out tonight.

4. Apposition forms a separate syntagm and takes the intonation of the preceding sense-group.

Eg. Betty Smith, my wife’s niece, lives with us.

5. Parentheses at the beginning of the sentence

a) do not form a separate syntagm if the speaker doesn’t attach any importance to these words.

Eg. Well, I do.

b) form a separate syntagm, take Low-Fall, Low-Rise or Fall-Rise if the speaker attaches importance to them. eg. Well, I do. To tell the truth, I don’t want to go there.

Parentheses in the middle or at the end of the sentence do not form a separate syntagm and are unstressed or partially stressed.

Eg. I’m not good at languages, you know. You know, of course, he is my brother.

6. Direct Address at the beginning of the sentence forms a separate syntagm and takes Low-Fall in formal speech and Fall-Rise in friendly conversation.

Eg. Children, listen to me. Mary, will you join me?

Direct Address in the middle or at the end of the sentence doesn’t form a separate syntagm and is unstressed or partially stressed.Eg. That’s all right, darling. Glad to see you, Ann.

7. Author’s Words preceding direct speech form a separate syntagm and take Low-Fall or Low-Rise.Eg. He said: “The play is perfect”. She said: “The acting was excellent”.

Author’s Words following direct speech

a) don’t form a separate syntagm and are unstressed or partially stressed if they are short.

Eg. “I’m not ready”, he said.

b) form a separate syntagm and repeat the intonation of the preceding sense-group if they get longer. Eg. “I’m sorry”, again repeated the landlord.

8. Alternative Questions form two syntagms with Low-Rise in the first sense-group and Low-Fall in the second one. Eg. Has she a niece or a nephew?

9. Disjunctive Questions form two syntagms with

a) Low-Fall in the first sense-group and Low-Rise in the tail when the speaker is not certain of the facts and the answer is expected.

Eg. I ran you up yesterday. You were meeting your wife, weren’t you? – Yes, I was.

b) Low-Fall in the first sense-group and Low-Fall in the tail when the speaker is certain of the facts and the answer is not expected.

Eg. I saw you at the station. You were meeting your wife, weren’t you? She looked so young and happy.

10. Subordinate clause forms a separate syntagm and takes

a) Low-Rise preceding the principal clause eg. If you want to have a rest, go to the country.

b) Low-Fall following the principal clause. Eg. Go to the country if you want to have a rest.

11. The word “please”

a) at the beginning of the sentence is stressed but doesn’t form a separate syntagm.

Eg. Please repeat the word after the speaker.

b) in the middle of the sentence can be both stressed and unstressed but doesn’t form a separate syntagm. Eg. Will you please switch on the recorder?

c) at the end of the sentence is unstressed, doesn’t form a separate syntagm and follows the intonation of the preceding one. Eg. Will you read a bit louder, please?


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