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Составьте предложения по образцу.

Читайте также:
  1. B) Дополните предложения предлогами.
  2. Ex. 5.Преобразуйте предложения в Пассив.
  3. Ex.10. А. Дополните предложения, выбрав подходящие фразы, данные в скобках. Example: It is late to go to school.
  4. Ex.4. Поставьте слова в предложениях в правильном порядке
  5. He забывайте употреблять настоящее время вместо будущего в придаточных предложениях времени и условия после союзов if, when, as soon as, before, after, till (until).
  6. I. C. Переведите предложения
  7. I. Вставьте вместо точек глагол werden. Переведите предложения.

Образец: The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - 1930. - The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine was founded in 1930.

The Technological Faculty – 1930, the Agricultural Faculty - 1934, the Technical Faculty – 1950, the Faculty of Economics – 1962, the Law Faculty – 1992, the Custom College – 1996, the Institute of State and Municipal Management – 2000, the Institute of Risks Management and Complex Security - 2004.

5. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What institution is the OSAU?

2. Where it is located and how many faculties is it composed of?

3. What is the objective of our university?

4. How is the history of our university?

5. How many faculties are there in the OSAU?

6. What do the students have at their disposal?

7. The first- and second-year students study a lot of general subjects, don’t they?

8. How many students graduate from the University every year?

6. Составьте диалоги, используя следующие ситуации:

Situation 1

You are school-friends.

You are a student of the Institute of Management You are a student of the Custom College
1. - Hi, …! I haven’t seen you for ages! How are you?   2. - I am fine, too. As for me, I am student now!   3. - А я учусь в Институте Управления.   4. - Он находится в центре города. I study at the Faculty of the Organization of the Youth’ Activities. I am freshman.   5. I study философию, логику, культурологию, математику, культуру речи, англ. яз. What is you favorite subject?   6. They get the qualification of manager.     7. Bye-bye!   1. - Hallo, …! I am fine! And you?   2. - I am student, too! Я учусь в таможенном колледже. А ты?   3. - Where is your institute situated?   4. – Я тоже студент первого курса. What subjects do you study?     5. My favorite subject is English. Tell me please, какую квалификацию получают студенты после государственных экзаменов?   6. As for me, I shall get the qualification of customs inspector. I must go now! Bye-bye!

Situation 2

You are school-teacher and graduator from school.

You are a teacher at school. You are her graduator.
  1. I am glad to see you, too! Kaк твои дела?   2. Where do you study?     3. Is it a new one? 1. -Good morning, my dear teacher! Я рад(а) Вас видеть!   2. I am fine, thank you! Я студент сейчас.   3. Я учусь в Институте Управления.
You are a teacher at school. You are her graduator.
    4. Сколько кафедр в вашем институте?   5. What faculty do you study at?   6. I wish You good luck! 4. Yes, it is. Наш институт был основан в 2000 г. It is a new faculty of the Orenburg State Agrarian University.   5. В нашем институте 4 кафедры: кафедра коммерции, кафедра управления персоналом, кафедра государственного и муниципального управления и кафедра ОРМ.   6. Я учусь на факультете of the organization of the youth’ activities.     7. I am sorry to part with you!

Situation 3

Rector of the Oxford University – Doctor Smith Rector of the Orenburg Institute of Management Doctor Ivanov
1. – I am very glad to see you in our university, Dr. Ivanov!     2. It is beautiful and old, too. The Oxford University was set up in 1249. Я знаю, что ОГАУ является первым вузом в вашем регионе.   3. – There are (35 колледжей в нашем университете). Что является основной целью Института Управления ОГАУ?     4. There are 13000 students in our University. I want to show you the Oxford University. You are welcome!   1. Я тоже очень рада. Your university is very beautiful, I see.   2. – How many faculties are there in your University?   3. - Основной целью Института управления является обеспечение региона специалистами, способными управлять социальными и экономическими процессами. About 6000 students study at our University. 4. It is a pleasure.

7. Перескажите текст «Мой университет»

8. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

The Faculty “The Institute of Management”

Highly-qualified managers are in great demand in the Orenburg region. The Objective of the Orenburg State Agrarian University is to provide the region with specialists able to copy with contradictory social and economic processes and stimulate activities of both employers and employees.

The Faculty of the State and Municipal Management is one of the new faculties in the Orenburg Agrarian University. It was set up in 2000. There are 4 chairs in our Institute: the Chair of the State and Municipal Management, the Chair of Personnel Management, the Chair of Commerce and the Chair of Work’s Organization with Youth.

The students of this faculty study at the daytime department and by correspondence. During the academic year they attend lectures, classes, tutorials, seminars, do laboratory works and pass practices.

As it is necessary to combine theory and practice, the students have then practical training at the enterprises.

The subjects the students study are divided into general and special subjects. General subjects form the quality of their general education. There are some general subjects such as Theory of Economics, Higher Mathematics, Business Communication, Computing and many others. Humanitarian subjects are Philosophy, Logic, Culturology, Psychology, Russian Language and Culture of Speech. Much attention is paid to the studying of foreign languages: English and German.

As for special subjects, they are also numerous, e.g. Bases of Management, Office Work, Ethics of Business Relations, Theory of Management, Region Economy and Management, Finance and Credit and so on.

At the end of the whole course of study the students are to work on their graduation thesis and take degree examinations. Those graduators who have inclination for research may enter the post-graduate course and devote then their lives to science. Having passed all the exams students get the qualification of a manager.

Ответьте на вопросы.

1. You are a student, aren’t you? 2. What faculty do you study at? 3. What year student are you? 4. How many lectures do you have weekly? 5. What is you favourite subject? 6. Are you good at languages? 7. How many exams will you have in winter? 8. Do you work regularly or by fits and starts? 9. Are there any students’ scientific societies at you faculty? Are you a member of any? What research work have you done? 10. Are there sport societies and theatrical groups at the faculty? Have you ever taken part in an amateur performance? 10. Who is the brightest student in your group? 11. Are you good at English? 12. Are you weak or strong in Mathematics? 13. Do you attend classes every day?

10. Напишите своё расписание занятий.

11. Вы – студент первого курса. Скажите несколько слов о Вашем первом впечатлении (расписание, занятия, студенческие общества и т. д.)

12. Напишите письмо зарубежному другу о Вашей учёбе в институте.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 33 | Нарушение авторских прав

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