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Part 7. Prestigious universities in Britain and the USA

Читайте также:
  1. a)The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  2. About Eating Out in Britain
  6. B) Make up five true and five false sentences about the pre-school system in Britain. Compare your answers with your partner.
  7. Britain in brief


respect – уважение; признание; почёт, почтение

importance – важность, значимость, значительность; значение; влиятельность

because of – вследствие, из-за (чего-л. / кого-л.)

society – общество

quality – качество

to seem – казаться, представляться

remote – далёкий, не связанный близко или непосредственно (с чем-л.); не имеющий отношения (к чему-л.)

privileged – привилегированный

to refer to – ссылаться на, указывать на

to distinguish – проводить различие, находить отличия; различать, распознавать

to make an impression – производить впечатление

employer – наниматель, работодатель (человек или организация)

advantage – преимущество

to apply for a job – подавать заявление о приеме на работу

own – свой, собственный

staff – штат служащих; служебный персонал; кадры; штаты

dining hall – столовая

chapel – часовня

to arrange – 1)располагать; расставлять; размещать 2) устраивать, организовывать

quad - четырёхугольный двор (колледжа, в Оксфордском университете; окружён зданиями со всех сторон; в середине двора квадратная лужайка)

tutorial = supervision - консультация, практические занятия с руководителем [tutor or supervisor]

essay on / about - эссе; реферат

to expect – 1) ожидать 2) предполагать

to prepare – готовить(ся), подготавливать(ся)

schools - экзамены на ученую степень (в Оксфордском университете)

tripos - трайпос - публичный экзамен на степень бакалавра с отличием в Кембриджском университете (tripos -стул на трёх ножках, который некогда предназначался для экза­менующегося)

graduate - выпускник, окончивший университет

to convert – превращать

Oxon – Оксфорд, Оксфордский университет (употребляется на письме после названия учёной степени)

Cantab – Кембридж, Кембриджский университет (употребляется на письме после названия учёной степени)

Ivy League - "Лига плюща" (объединение 8 старейших привилегиро­ванных учебных заведений на северо-востоке США: Корнельский университет в Итаке, где преподавал русскую и западноевро­пейскую литературу Владимир Набоков, университет Брауна в Провиденс, Колумбийский университет в Нью-Йорке, Дартмутский колледж в Ганновере, Гарвардский университет в Кембридже, Принстонскии университет в Принстоне, Пенсильванский университет в Филадельфии, Йельский университет в Нью-Хейвене)

to include – включать (в себя), содержать (в себе)

ivy – плющ

to be famous for – быть известным (чем-л.), славиться (чем-л.)

selective – 1) выбирающий, отбирающий 2) избирательный

admission – допущение, принятие; приём (в учебное заведение, клуб, общество)

training – обучение, подготовка

consistently – постоянно

to rank – 1)ценить, расценивать 2) котироваться, занимать какое-л. место

international affairs – международные отношения

engineering – 1) техника 2) технология 3) разработка; проектирование; конструирование 4) машиностроение 5) строительство

fine art – изобразительное искусство

nursing – медсестринское дело

dentistry – стоматология

to be able (to do smth.) – мочь, быть в состоянии (делать что-л.)

expensive – дорогой, дорогостоящий

tuition fees - плата за обучение

although – хотя; несмотря на то, что

scholarship – стипендия

available – доступный; имеющийся в распоряжении

to educate – воспитывать, обучать; давать образование

chance – шанс, возможность

well-paid – хорошо/высоко оплачиваемый

none – ни один из (общего числа)

status - статус, общественное положение

prestige – престиж


A prestigious university is one that has respect and importance because of its high position in society or the quality of its work. The universities of Oxford and Cambridge in Britain and Ivy League universities in the US are prestigious universities. To many people, these universities seem very remote places where only the very privileged can go.

Oxbridge is a word made from the names Oxford and Cambridge and is used to refer informally to the universities of Oxford and Cambridge together, especially when they are being distinguished from other universities. Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest universities in Britain. They are generally also thought to be the best universities to get a place at. An Oxbridge degree makes a good impression with many employers, and graduates of these universities may have an advantage when applying for jobs. Upper class families have traditionally sent their children to Oxbridge, and many prime ministers and politicians went there. Students to Oxbridge are chosen after an interview in the college they want to go to. Each college has its own teaching and research staff, and its own buildings, including a dining hall, a library, a chapel, and rooms for students to live in during the term. Laboratories and lecture rooms are centrally provided by each university. The buildings of an Oxbridge college are often arranged round a quad. Until the 1970s colleges were single-sex, but now almost all are mixed. The teaching system is different from that at most other universities. Students have tutorials, called supervisions at Cambridge, at which they read their essays to their tutor, who is a specialist in what they are studying. There are usually no more than one or two students at a tutorial. Students also go to lectures that are arranged by the university and open to all students. Terms are short and intense, and students are expected to prepare for them in the vacations. Final examinations at Oxford are called schools, and at Cambridge the tripos. Undergraduates at Oxford and Cambridge study for a BA degree, but after a period of time graduates can convert their BA to an MA (Oxon) or an MA (Cantab) without doing any further study.

Ivy League universities include Harvard University, Yale University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Brown University, Princeton University, and the University of Pennsylvania. The name Ivy League comes from the ivy that grows on the old buildings of the universities. Harvard is especially famous for its faculties of law and business. Yale is highly selective in its admissions and its graduates include U.S. Presidents Gerald Ford, George Bush, and Bill Clinton. Columbia University has a high reputation for training students to become doctors, journalists and teachers. Cornell University was the first U.S. university to admit women and the first to be divided into colleges offering different degrees. Dartmouth is consistently ranked as one of the best liberal arts colleges in the U.S. Brown University includes centres for geological, astronomical, and educational research. Princeton is known for its studies in international affairs. The University of Pennsylvania is famous for its schools of business, education, engineering, fine arts, law, nursing, and dentistry. Ivy League institutions have a very high academic reputation, and many more people want to attend them than are able to do so. They are very expensive, with high tuition fees, although scholarships are available to help students who cannot pay for themselves. People who are educated in the Ivy League have a good chance of finding a well-paid job. Many other colleges and universities in the US offer a high standard of education but none has the status and prestige of the Ivy League institutions.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 84 | Нарушение авторских прав

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