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Content review

Content review | Understanding the passage | A Content review | Programs and programming languages | Contextual reference | Making predictions | Time sharing versus batch | Understanding the passage | Content review | Locating information |

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  2. A Content review
  3. A Content review
  4. A Content review
  5. A Content review
  6. A Content review
  7. A Review of the Manager’s Job

Write the appropriate words for the following definitions.

1. a computer typist

2. responsible for reporting malfunctions in the system

3. translates outlined solutions to computer instructions

4. writes specifications that outline solutions to problems

5. must be a good leader and a rational thinker

6. writes programs that run the CPU and control its functions


As you read this passage, stop to answer the marginal questions. Do not use a dictionary until you have read the whole passage and have tried to work out the meanings of words and expressions.

The electronic computer began life during the Second World War as a high-powered calculating machine for dealing with complex mathematical problems, but in the

1 intervening means: intervening1 forty years it has changed a

b betoeen then and now great deal. The vast majority of computers

c previous nowadays are used for relatively humdrum2

2 c«gSandh ^exciting and tasks> SUch aS St0rinS> classifying, sorting,

new or ordinary and monotonous? cataloguing and retrieving information of all

3 what does this refer to? kinds. This3 has become possible because of

4 a si^ce0"'6* aS mean$ the cheapness of mass-produced chips; as4

b while the technology improves,5 the chips work at

5 what are the two effects ever-increasing speeds, allowing more work

mentioned here of improved,....,

technology? to be done in the same time, and memories

become 'larger', which really means

6 Cramming = pushing cramming6 more data into the same tiny


7 do you think a spin-off is planned Much of this development is a spin-off from

or unexpected?., r,

the space programme, and from work on controlling missile systems. The problems involved in controlling fleets of missiles are

8 Find an antonym for huge in the so huge8 that a massive research effort goes
previous paragraph..^ producing powerful computers to carry

out the necessary calculations at the speed

9 which effort? needed; eventually this9 effort should provide

benefits in civilian life. Already one effect is the accurate weather forecasts produced with

I o which refers to...? the aid of large 'supercomputers', which10

benefit oil exploration, airlines, the construction industry and many others who need to plan for different weather conditions.

II in this context trend means: The trend11 is to use this increased power to
b [dea bring the computer closer12 to the user.

c general direction Instead of programming computers in

12 l^S^cJS^SSr comPlex binary codes' Programming

languages have become closer to normal business or scientific language. A large part of the computer is taken up with programs (operating systems) which, invisibly to the

users, translate their requests into the electronic logic which the processor will obey. Other parts of the same programs turn the computer's results back into human-readable form; often this includes attractive 45 charts and graphs as well as words. Already this has reached the point where 'fourth-generation languages' are common. The

13 what does these refer to? majn feature of these13 is that a user no

14 say = for example longer needs to, say,14 work out how to 50

15 In this context merely means.",,,,., «.r

a first search a large database; he merely specifies

b on|y the layout of the database, and the kind of

display it should produce, and the database

16 The rest = everything else management system does the rest.16 Other

fourth-generation packages are available for 55 designing spreadsheets (used for business planning and forecasting), producing viewdata screens, and many other

17 what does these refer to? applications. The main feature of these " is

their ability to produce 'user-friendly' 60


Some new kinds of input and output devices are appearing. Much new software uses a mouse for input; voice synthesisers ('talking computers') are appearing, and spreading to 65 new fields, such as microprocessors in cars and other machinery.

18 Give a synonym for ultimate. The ultimate18 objective of much

contemporary research is artificial intelligence - machines which communicate 70 with us in a natural language such as English, and which can devise their own methods of solving problems, instead of needing detailed programming. Already many experimental

19 what do you think tackle means? computers can tackle19 problems as 75

complicated as a game of chess, or recognising an unfamiliar object from a

20 what does it refer to? description of it.20

The long-term outcome of all these developments is that there will not be a need so for specialised programmers, except for the comparatively small number engaged on systems design. Almost anyone will be able

21 a tailor makes clothes to fit exactly. t0 produce software tailored21 to their own

So what does tailored to mean? r. _..,

requirements. Even in large companies, the 85

majority of office workers and sales staff will

use local networks, only communicating with much larger mainframe networks when necessary.

Networking is gaining in popularity, and is likely to become even more important. This is rather different from simply connecting many keyboards to one mainframe. In a network, each terminal is a computer in its

22 in its own right = by itself own right,22 sometimes with as much

memory as older mainframes. Several computers may share expensive resources, such as hard disks and printers, and they may also be connected via telecommunication links to other local networks. These links may be over very long distances, using

23 How do network terminals differ satellites as well as telephone lines. 2i Thus24

from main frames with numerous.. c..

keyboards? the members or an organisation can all have

24 Thus = in this way computing power where they need it, on
Whlch way? their desks, with the ability to share common

databases, and send each other messages and reports rapidly via electronic mail; they may no longer need a separate and specialised computer department. Some of the microcomputers now used can do multi­tasking; for example, a manager might use a word processor to write a report, a graphics

25 what do you think splice means in pr0gram to produce diagrams, splice25 the

this context? f o t- o j r

two together, and produce high-quality printout, all on one small computer. The latest microcomputers, with laser printers, provide the chance to produce high-quality finished documents, illustrated, without needing the services of an artist, and without much specialised training; this is known as desk-top publishing.

The growth of the computer will affect our lives in many ways, apart from business. We may see a life-style based on the electronic

26 a cottage is a small house in the cottage. 26 People (both men and women)

country. Why does the writer use °:,..

this word? may stop commuting long distances to

27 instead of what? offices, and work at home instead,27 using

microcomputers to write reports, articles and books, sending them via telecommunication links to central computers when finished, and sending messages via electronic mail. This will lead to a change in life-style, because the

work can be done whenever it suits, not just
in 'office hours'. Many people will live in
smaller, more rural communities, as they will 135
no longer need to live in suburbs close to
their work. Most households will have access
to viewdata systems, so that they can order
the shopping, carry out financial
transactions, and plan holidays, from the uo

comfort of their homes.

In education, too, the computer will bring

28 Give a synonym for profound. profound28 change. Computer databases can

store far more information than one teacher could possibly know, so most learning will 145 take place via computer terminals, and schools will be able to concentrate more on social skills and personal development.

29 Nature = qualities and The nature29 of work is changing because of

the revolution brought about by computers. 150 Factories will be staffed partly by robots;

30 Those means people or robots? those30 who work in them will be concerned

with operating, programming and
supervising the robots, not doing menial and
repetitive production-line tasks. The 155

flexibility of computers means that machines can make articles tailored to what people want or need; it will not be so necessary to produce millions of identical products in

31 Give two instances of the changing order tO justify the COSt of the tools.31 More 160
nature of work...,,,.,, i. i r

goods will be available than ever before, although fewer people will be needed to

32 in this context provided means produce them. Provided32 a means is found
b supposing that of sharing wealth thus created equally, the

c on condition that vast majority of the population will have 165

much more time to enjoy life.


A — that is, the machine generates its

Abacus An ancient instrument used for own logic.

calculations. It consists of beads which Assembler A systems program which is

are moved from left to right. (Unit 2) an intermediary between the machine

Access (verb) To get information which and the commercial programs which

is on a storage medium such as tape, are written in a high-level language,

disk or main memory. (Unit 11) (Unit 21)

Access arm A device which positions

the recording heads of a disk drive so B

that they can obtain data from a disk. Backup system A system which

(Unit 15) provides a service when service is lost

Address The identification of the from another source. For example,

storage locations in primary memory. cards are used as a backup system in

(Unit 11) case of loss of data from disks or

Algol A high-level programming tapes, (Unit 13)

language used for mathematical and Basic A high-level programming

scientific purposes. An acronym for language which is used mainly for

ALGOrithmic Language. (Unit 21) writing programs in conversational

Algorithm A straightforward sequence mode. An acronym for Beginner's

of steps or instructions used to solve a All-purpose Symbolic Instructional

problem. A program is an algorithm. Code. (Unit 21)

(Unit 21) Batch A set of jobs which do not require

Analog A computer that can simulate interaction with the computer from a

different measurements by electronic terminal and are all processed in one

means. It continuously works out computer run. The input may come

calculations. (Units 2, 6) from cards, disks or tapes. (Unit 22)

Applications program A program Binary Pertaining to a pair; in computer

written in a high-level language. It is terminology it refers to 0 and 1. (Unit 19)

designed to do a specific type of work Binary arithmetic Arithmetic which

such as calculate a company's payroll. uses only two numbers, either 0 or 1.

(Unit 21) (Units 10, 19)

Applications software Programs Binary digit A digit in the binary system

designed to solve a specific problem which is either 0 or 1, usually referred

e.g. payroll. (Unit 5) to as bit. (Unit 19)

Arithmetic-Logical Unit (ALU) One of Binary system A number system which

the components of the CPU. It is made is based on two numbers 0 or 1, it is

up of electronic circuitry which used by digital computers. (Unit 19)

performs the actual arithmetic and Bits Binary digit which is either 0 or 1.

logical operations asked for by a Eight bits equal 1 byte. (Units 7,11,

program. (Units 9, 10) 15, 19)

Arithmetic unit The same as Block A physical group of data records

arithmetic-logical unit. on a tape or a disk. A number of

Artificial intelligence Machine which blocks form a file. (Unit 14)

emulates human processes, e.g. by Block diagram A diagrammatic

breaking a task into parallel sub-tasks representation of the sequence of

which are processed independently of events to be followed in solving a

each other, without explicit instructions problem. A synonym for a flowchart.

(Unit 18)

BPI (Bytes Per Inch) A measure of the density of a tape. (Unit 14)

Breakdown Same as computer breakdown. (Unit 23)

Bugs The errors in a program. (Unit 18)

Bubble memory Consists of creating a thin film of metallic alloys over a board. When this film is magnetized, it produces magnetic bubbles, the presence or absence of which represents bits of information. (Unit 12)

Byte A group of 8 binary digits or bits which are considered as one unit. 1024 bytes equal 1K. (Unit 11)


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