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C) quite a long

Читайте также:
  1. Quite understanding his mistrust, she shews him her handful of
  2. Quite, a little, rather, very, extremely
  3. Quot;I am beginning to be appreciated," he cried; "this is from some great admirer. Now I can finish my play," and he looked quite happy.
  4. Sentiment) Not at all, not at all. Youre quite right, Mrs
  5. UNIT 103 Quite and rather
  6. Xiaomi, often described as China’s answer to Apple, is actually quite different

13. I don't know what to do. If’s... problem.

C) rather a difficult

14. We had... time at the disco yesterday.

B) a really nice

15. We can finish the rest of the bread at....

A) breakfast

16. We always get lots of... there.

B) food

17. In England most children go... at the age of five.

B) to school

18. We need to prevent the pollution of....

A) environment

19. Why do they always play... music?

C) such a terrible

20. I need to buy....

C) a loaf of bread

21. I’ll be back in.

B) an hour

22. Would you like … pie?

B) an apple

23. I don't like....

C) a rainy weather

24. You can always reach me by ….

B) telephone

25. She is on... at the moment.

A) the telephone

26. They married, but... wasn't successful.

D) the marriage

27. The... produced at our factory in Scotland.
c) goods are

28. I'm looking for.. to cut this string.

D) some scissors

29. I heard it on....

C)the radio

30. Police were talking to each other by....
a) radio

31. We haven't had a holiday for... time.
c) such a long
32. I would like to see... that you have recently bought.
d) the house

33. Six months … a long time to spend in hospital.

B) are


After that I’ll show you round the school. В) Після цього я покажу вам школу

After you leave school you should continue practicing English. А) після закінчення школи вам слід продовжувати заняття англійською мовою

Although he has his own car, he often uses buses. Б)Хоча у нього є своя машина, він часто їздить автобусами

But for the revolution the king would have been…. Г) якби не революція то короля би не стратили

By three o’clock he had answered only half the letters he had received that morning. Б) до 3 години він відповів тільки на половину листів, які отримав того ранку.

Do you now if I can change…. б)ви знаєте, чи можу я поміняти своє замовлення на рейс

Every time I ring him up he is not at home. A)Щоразу, коли я йому телефоную його немає вдома.

Everybody knows that it is not an easy matter to study any foreign language. А) Усі знають, що вивчення іноземної мови – справа непроста

Foreign language clubs give a lot for developing the general outlook of our pupils/ В)Клуби іноземної мови чимало дають для розвитку загального світогляду наших учнів.

Im tired. You might have helped me, you know В)я втомився. Знаєш ти міг би допомогти мені

In more than 200 years the usa constitution has been… А)За більш ніж 200 років в конституцію США вносились поправки 26 разів

It was obvisious that nobody intended to do anything Б)було очевидно що ніхто не збирається нічо робити

It was raining all day long and we had to put off our meeting. А) Увесь день ішов дощ, і ми вимушені були відкласти нашу зустріч

It will be raining when we get there. В)Коли ми приїдемо туди, буде падати дощ.

It would be silly to go out. It is raining cats and dogs. А) Було б нерозумно виходити. Ллє як з відра.

Lets warm him not no be late Г)давайте попередемо його, щоб не запізнювався

ll be looking through these magazines while you are enjoying the music А) Я переглядатиму ці журнали в той час коли ви насолоджуватимесь музикою

ll be most interested to meet the teachers and to discuss their plans. А) Мені буде дуже цікаво зустрітися з учителями й обговорити їхні плани.

Many birds fly to the south in autumn Б) Багато птахів відлітають на південь восени

Mr smith was sure that prisoners of conscience… Г) містер сімт був впевнений що в’язнів сумління утримували принаймні в 70 країнах

My friend showed me which exercises he had done. А) Мій друг показав мені, які вправи він зробив.

No matter what I did nobody paid any attentionА) Що б я не робив ніхто не звертав на мене ніякої уваги

Olena translated a lot of foreign letters at the office previous week. А) Попереднього тижня Олена переклала чимало іноземних листів в офісі.

Please keep this for your son А) Будь ласка збережіть це для свого сина

Reading the book he remembered …. А)Читаючи цю книгу він згадував своє дитинство

They ll be packing tomorrow when she comes А) Вони складатимуть речі завтра, коли вона прийде

They spend their holidays in the country. А)Вони проводять свої канікули в селі.

They told us that had been standing in the rain for an hour waiting for a bus. В) Вони сказали нам, що стоять під дощем вже годину, чекаючи на автобус.

This is The boy you wanted to speak to. А) Це хлопець, з яким ви хотіли поговорити.

This is the sholl we study at А) Це школа де ми вчимося.

To arrive at the station in time…. Г)Для того, щоб прибути на станцію вчасно, мій брат взяв таксі

Was Washington the first city in history to be…. А)Чи був Вашингтон першим містом яке збудували для урядів?

We all agree that it is better late than never. А) Ми всі згідні, що краще пізно ніж ніколи.

We didn’t know he had written a new book. А) Ми не знали, що він написав нову книжку.

What are you wearing to the party? Б)Що ви вдягаєте на вечірку?

What is the weather like today А)Яка сьогодні погода?

When he telephoned we were having dinner Б) Коли він позвонив ми обідали

While studying the book I came across a lot of interesting facts Б)Вивчаючи цю книжку я натрапив на багато цікавих фактів

Would you help me to carry this heavy suitcase? Б) Ви б недопомогли мені нести цю важку валізу?

Hardly had they entered the hause when…. Б)Вони ледве встигли зайти до будинку як розпочалась сильна гроза

He does read English books in the original. В) Він таки читає англійські книги в оригіналі.

He doesn’t often write sentences on the blackboard А)Він не часто пише речення на дошці

He found the book very interesting. Б) Він вважав, що книга дуже цікава

He knew that Nina was in Kyiv. Б) Він знав, що Ніна була у Києві

He knew why she had been to Lviv for several times А) Він знав, чому вона кілька разів була у Львові

He said that he had passed the exams sucssesful. Б)Він сказав, шо склав екзамен успішно

He was sure his friend would make much progress in English. В) Він був упевнений, що його досягне значного успіху у вивченні англійської мови.

Help yourselves to sandwiches, please. А) Пригощайтесь сандвічами, будь ласка.

Her father teaches History at our school. Г) Її батько викладає історію в нашій школі

Homework is done by me in the evening. Б) Домашня робота виконується мною увечері.

I arrived only a fortnight ago А) Я приїхав тільки 2 тижні тому.

I bought this watcs seven years ago and presented it to my brother. А) Я купив цей годинник сім років тому і подарував його братові.

I came across the term I didn’t now А)Мені зустрівся термін, якого я не знав.

I can‘t say that I liked the book very much. Б)Я не можу сказати, що книжка мені дуже сподобалася.

I don’t remember when I last had my hair cut Б) Я непамятаю коли я останный раз підстригалась

I don’t think I have ever seen….. В) Я недумаю, що колись бачив її такою засмученою.

I finished work at five oclock the day before yesterday. А)Позавчора я закінчив роботу о п’ятій.

I guess you are right in a way. Г) Я вважаю, що ви якоюсь мірою маєте рацію

I had done my lessons when my parents came Б)Я зробив уроки, коли мої батьки прийшли

I hаve now this students,,,,, А)Я знаю цього студента вже 3 місяці

I know what the film is about because…. Б)Я знаю про цей фільм, тому що я прочитав книгу

I like the letter to be send at once Г)Я б хотів, щоб листа відправили негайно.

I like to wach the planes take off Б)Я люблю спостерігати, як злітають літаки.

I never n ow her to be angry А)Я не знав, що вона може бути сердитою

I propose that the problem should…… Б)Пропоную, щоб цю проблему включили в порядок денний

I saw a man go past but I didn’t look at him В) Я бачив як якийсь чоловік проходив мимо але я не подивився на нього

I still cant belive it….. В)Я все ще неможу в це повірити. Мій велосипед вкрали вчора.

I suggest that this film be developed at once В)Я пропоную щоб цю плівку проявили відразу

I was afraid you misunderstood me proposal. А Я боялася, що ви неправильно розумієте мою пропозицію.

I was glad to find my lost book under the table В)Я зрадів, коли знайшов свою загублену книжку під столом

I was hurrying to the canteen when I met you. А) Я поспішала в їдальню, коли зустріла вас

I was reading a difficult English book at than time А)Я читала складну англійську книжку в той час

I was told that he had olready come В)мені сказали шо він вже прийшов

I went to the swimming pool and so did my friend А) Я ходив в бассейн і мій друг також

I will help you to plant trees next week А)Я допоможу Вам садити дерева наступного тижня

I wish you could have joined us on the …… А) шкода що ви не змогли приєднатись до нас на екскурсію

I would be wiser to drive slowly Г)було би розумніше їхати повільно

If I am not late,well catch him at home А)якщо я незапізнюсь ми застанемо його вдома

She was happy to find the necessary dictionary in the language room. А) Вона булла щаслива що знайшла потрібний їй словник у кабінеті мови.

Tell him he should work more with the dictionary Б)скажи йому, що йому слід більше працювати зі словником

That was the suit I had bought in Paris. А) це був той костюм, котрий я купив у Парижі

The delegation arrived in London yesterday at dawn. Г) Делегація прибула до Лондона вчора на світанку.

The delegation of American pupils was welcomed by everyone at our scool. Б) делегацію американських учнів вітали всі у нашій школі

The father always wanted his son….. Б)батько завжди хотів щоб його син став менеджером

The ice will melt as the sun comes out. а)Лід розтане, як тільки вигляне сонце.

The parents did not allow their son to play with other children and he looked very sad/ А) Батьки не дозволяли синові гратися з іншими дітьми і це його дуже засмучувало

The police weren’t able to catch the suspected Б)поліція не змогла спімати підозрювано

The two missing explorers have been found safe and sound. Б) Двох зниклих дослідників було знайдено живими й здоровими.

The weather was fine and children asked their sister to go with them to the park. Б) погода була гарною, і діти попросили сестру піти з ними в парк.

There was much foolish talking Б) Було багато пустих розмов

There will be a lot of people at the meeting today А)Сьогодні на зборах буде багато людей

They discussed many articles from these French magazines last week-end. Б) Вони обговорили чимало статей ыз цих французьких журналыв минулого вихыдного.



Заповніть пропуски одним з нижчеподаних варіантів:

1. This is... problem she has ever had. в) the greatest

2. I... my parents since last Christmas. a) haven't seen

3. Let's go out. It... any more. б) doesn't rain

4. I usually... this fence once a year. a) paint

5. Victor... any mistakes in the text, did he? a) didn't make

6. I already... my things and I am ready to go. 6) have packed

7. People... English all over the world. 6) speak

8. The children... their homework now. a) are doing

9. We... to Odessa for our holidays last year. г) went

10. Here is my report. I... it at last. г) have finished

11.I am busy at the moment. I... on the computer. в) am working

12. Can you help... friends? г) your

13. Tom and... wife have got two children. г) his

14. What's... first name? г) your

15. Where is my umbrella? I left... in this corner. 6) it

16. My brother gave... a very interesting story to read. в) me

17.... is our neighbour here. г) She

18.... like to spend their summer holidays at the seaside. в) They

19. Does... go to London? г) he

20.... arrives according to schedule. 6) It

21.... likes to travel by air. г) She

22. It was really a... boring journey. a) quite

23.I sent the letter a week ago and they haven't received it.... 6) yet

24. I think dogs are... than cats. 6) more intelligent

25. She has... job of all. в) the most difficult

26. A hare is... than a frog. б) quicker

27. I'm not so... as a horse. a) strong

28. My hag isn't very в) heavy

29. She speaks in... voice than the last time. a) a loud

30. China has got... population in the world. в) the largest

31. We are going for a walk. Who (want) to go with us? г) wants

32. When we came out of the water we... on the grass. a) laid

33. If you had known the truth you... to make Smith come to me. 6) wouldn't have been able

34. If I... him yesterday. I would have discussed the question with him. г) had seen

35. Tom is proud... his father. a) of

36. He... the play before he saw it at the theatre. г) had read

37. He said that he... all his exams by the 25th of June. 6) will have passed

38. When I got to the theatre the play... already.... в) had started

39. When he... the people in the hall he couldn't say a word. 6) saw

40. If you... my sister tomorrow, tell her the news, please. a)see

41. If I... free tomorrow I will have a walk in the park. 6) am

42. Who... in this cottage? г) lives

43. The two towns... by a railway next year. в) will be connected

44. Do you want the letter... tomorrow or just now? в) to be written

45. The problem is easy enough for... to solve at once. 6) me

46. She proved... a well-read person. 6) to be

47.... on the hill he could see the whole town. г) Standing

48. The student... the article asked me to help him. г) translating

49. My friend can't speak English... I couldn't take him to the international conference last month. a) that's why

50. Martin gave... his cell phone. 6) us

51. This is... way. г) the shortest

52. If you use pictures and slides your report will be much... 6) more interesting

53. When you... some news let me know. 6) get

54. He... the report tor today's seminar. a) hasn't prepared

55. He found that the lady was not so young as he... a) expected

56. When she was young she two foreign languages. a) was taught

57. Your room is bigger than.... 6) theirs

58. He likes... such stories. г) to be told

59. My sister likes to... the table but she doesn't like to wash dishes. в) lay

60.I don't know......... 6) where your umbrella is



Виберіть правильний варіант речення, трансформованого з активного стану в пасивний:

1. Pineapples... in Hawaii. в) are grown

2. The book... from the library a month ago. в) was borrowed

3. The police... of an accident already. We expect them any minute. 6) was informed

4. The answer... to you next week б) will be given

5. This book... in New York last year. a) was published

6. This department store... this year, let's go shopping there. г) has been built

7.I am sorry but this room... now. a) is being occupied

8. The bridge... long ago. 6) was built

9. The book... now. г) is being translated

10. The game... because of bad weather. a) was put off

11. We will learn the results of the game when they... on the radio. a) are announced

12. A little present... to each of the guests yesterday. г) was given

13. The telegram to his office... now. a) is being sent

14. The bill... to your room in an hour. 6) will be sent

15. The room... by my brother now. г) is being cleaned

16. A new dress... for my sister tomorrow. a) will be bought

1 7. The book... by students now. в) is being discussed

18. This portrait... by a talented painter last year. 6) was painted

19. Our trip... because of bad weather last week-end. 6) was finished

20. His letter... as soon as the manager finds out the necessary information. a) will be answered

21. This camera... in Japan. 6) is made

22. Many new houses... in our city now. г) are being built

23.1 can't say anything because my words... against me. в) will be used

24. If I... this job, I'll be very much satisfied. 6) am given

25. Usually breakfast here... at 8 o'clock. 6) is served

26. She... a box of chocolates for her birthday last week. a) was given

27. They said that the new school... in that area. г) would be built

28. Stamps... in 1840 in Great Britain. 6) were introduced

29. She came back to town where she.... г) was born

30. The building... recently and looks impressive. a) has been repaired

31. Many readers have read this novel with interest ever since it was published. г) This novel has been read with interest by many readers ever since it was published

32. They told the mother not to worry about her sick boy as he was out of danger. б) The mother was told not to worry about her sick boy as he was out of danger

33. Peter was late for the party, so when he went into the room they had introduced all guests to each other. а) Peter was late for the party, so when he went into the room all guests had been introduced to each other.

34. When I went into the cinema, they were showing the film. г) When 1 went into the cinema, the film was being shown

35. They have been built a new stadium opposite our house lately. б) A new stadium has been built opposite our house lately

36. We will send you this report as soon as we have fixed all the dates finally. а) We will send you this report as soon as all the dates have been fixed finally)

37. It's not really our house yet. We haven't paid for it. в) It's not really our house yet. It hasn't been paid for

38. As the building was dangerous, they had knocked it down at last. в) As the building was dangerous, it had been knocked down al last,

39. Their mother had told them a lot of stories before they went to bed. б) A lot of stories had been told them, before they went to bed.

40. Somebody had locked up the house for a year before they moved in. в) The house had been locked up for a year before they moved in.

41. They will have published the book by August. а) The book will have been published by August.

42. They are doing nothing to restore the building at present. в) At present nothing is being done to restore the building.

43. After they had shown us the house, all guests had a walk round the garden. б) After we had been shown over The house, all guests had a walk round the garden.

44. All local newspapers have just announced their engagement. а) Their engagement has been just announced by all local newspapers.

45. I hope that they will have prepared the room by the guests' arrival. г) I hope that the room will have been prepared by the guests' arrival.

46. They had taken the wounded woman to hospital before the police arrived. в) The wounded woman had been taken to hospital before the police arrived.

47. If you had written the article earlier, it could have already been published. a) If the article had been written earlier, il could have already been published.

48. He says by next spring they will have built these houses in our city. г) He says by next spring these houses will have been built ill our city.

49. After they had published Ins ten novels, he became famous. б) Alter his ten novels had been published, he became famous.

50. She said that she had already washed the clothes. a) She said that the clothes had been already washed.

51. This suit looks shabby. Sure. I have already worn it for three months. б) This suit looks shabby. Sure, it was already worn for three months.

52. We'll have repaired your TV by the end of the week. a) Your TV will have been repaired by the end of the week

53. We haven't discussed the book yet, let's do it now. в) The book hasn't been discussed yet. let's do it now.

54. By the time yon arrive there; they will have already sent the invitation. б) By the time you arrive there, the invitation will have already been sent.

55. He knew that all his friends had read this book already. а) He knew that this book had already been read by all his friends.

56. We were so glad to find out that they had taken 50 our students to the international conference. г) We were so glad to find out that 50 our students had been taken to the international conference.

57. He had translated the letter by the time they asked for it.в) The letter had been translated by the time they asked for it.

58. They have already sent for the doctor. We expect him any time. а) The doctor has already been sent for. We expect him any time.

59. He will have passed all his exams by the end of the next term. a) All his exams will have been passed by the end of the next term.

60. They reported the fire to be burning out of control. б) The fire was reported to be burning out of control.



Знайдіть правильний варіант перекладу з англійської мови на українську

1. Не knew why she had been to Lviv several times. а) Він знав, чому вона кілька разів була у Львові.

2. I was glad to find my lost book under the table. в) Я зрадів, коли знайшов свою загублену книжку під столом.

3. Не doesn't often write sentences on the blackboard. а) Він не часто пише речення на дошці.

4. Many birds fly to the south in autumn. б) Багато птахів відлітають на південь восени.

5. Her father teaches History at our school. г) її батько викладає історію в нашій школі.

6. They spend their holidays in the country. а) Вони проводять свої канікули в селі.

7. Не does read English books in the original. в) Він гаки читає англійські книги в оригіналі.

8. She was happy to find the necessary dictionary in the language room. а) Вона була щаслива з того, що знайшла потрібний їй словник у кабінеті мови

9.I was afraid you misunderstood my proposal. в) Я боялася, що ви неправильно зрозуміли мою пропозицію.

10. We all agree that it is better late than never. а) Ми всі згодні, що краше пізно, ніж ніколи.

11. Foreign language clubs give a lot lor developing the general outlook of our pupils. в) Клуби іноземної мови чимало дають для розвитку загальною світогляду наших учнів.

12. The delegation arrived in London yesterday at dawn. г) Делегація прибула до Лондона вчора на світанку.

13. Не found the book very interesting. б) Він вважав, що книга дуже цікава.

14. Olena translated a lot of foreign letters at the office previous week. а) Попереднього тижня Олена переклала чимало іноземних листів в офісі.

15. They discussed many articles from these French magazines last week-end. б) Вони обговорили чимало статей із них французьких журналів минулого вихідною.

16.I finished work at live o'clock the day before yesterday. а) Позавчора я закінчив роботу о п'ятій.

17. The weather was fine and children asked their sister to go with them to the park. б) Погода була гарною, і діти попросили сестру піти з ними в парк.

18. I bought this watch seven years ago and presented it to my brother. а) Я купив цеп годинник сім років тому і подарував його братові.

19. It was raining all day long and we had to put off our meeting. а) Увесь день ішов дощ, і ми вимушені були відкласти нашу зустріч.

20. The parents did not allow their son to play with other children and he looked very sad. а) Батьки не дозволяли синові і гpaтися з іншими дітьми, і це його дуже засмучувало.

21. I'll be most interested to meet the teachers and to discuss their plans. а) Мені буде дуже цікаво зустрітися з учителями і обговорити їхні плани.

22. I will help you to plant trees next week. а) Я допоможу Вам садити дерева наступного тижня.

23. There will be a lot of people at the meeting today. а) Сьогодні на зборах буде багато людей.

24. I'm going to work at school after I graduate from the university. а) Я збираюся працювати у школі після того, як закінчу університет.

25. This is the boy you wanted to speak to. а) Це – хлопець, з яким ви хотіли поговорити.

26. Every time I ring him up he is not at home. а) Щоразу, коли я йому телефоную. його нема вдома

27. I guess you are right in a way. г) Я вважаю, що ви якоюсь мірою маєте рацію.

28. After that I show you round the school. в) Після того я покажу вам школу.

29.I came across the term I didn't know. а) Мені трапився термін, який. я не знаю.

30. Не knew that Nina was in Kyiv. б) Він знав, що Ніна була у Києві.

31. I saw a man go past, but I didn't look at him. в) Я бачив, як якийсь чоловік проходив мимо, але я не подивився на нього.

32. The two missing explorers have been found safe and sound. б) Двоє зниклих дослідників було знайдено живими й здоровими.

33. It would be silly to go out. It is raining cats and dogs. а) Було б нерозумно виходити. Ллє як з відра.

34. The building is now a circus, it used to be a cinema. а) В цій будівлі зараз цирк. раніше там був кінотеатр.

35. Help yourselves to sandwiches, please. а) Пригощайтесь сендвічами, будь ласка.

36. She pretended not to hear me. г) Вона вдала, що не чує мене.

37. Would you help me to carry this heavy suitcase? б) Чи не допоможете мені віднести цю важку валізу?

38. They don't want anyone else to come. б) Вони не хочуть, щоб приходив хто-небудь ще.

39. Let's warn him not to be late. г) Давайте попередимо його, щоб не запізнювався.

40. What makes you think so? г ) Що змушує вас гак думати?

41. What are you wearing to the party. б) Що ви вдягаєте на вечірку?

42. It will be raining when get there. в) Коли ми приїдемо туди, буде падати дощ.

43. Please keep this to your son. а) Будь ласка, збережіть це для свого сина.

44. It was obvious that nobody intended to do anything. б) Було очевидно, що ніхто не збирався нічого робити.

45. There was much foolish talking. а) Це була надто дурна розмова

46. Although he has his own car, he often uses buses. б) Хоча у нього є своя машина, він часто їздить автобусами.

47. No matter what 1 did, nobody paid any attention. а) Що б я не робив, ніхто не звертав на мене ніякої уваги.

48. Even if Jane did say so, we can't be sure that she was telling the truth. а) Навіть, якщо Джейн і говорила так, ми не можемо бути впевненими, що вона казала правду.

49. Hardly had they come out when it began to rain. г)Ледве вони знайшли вихід, як почався дощ.

50.1 don't remember when I last "had my hair cut. б) Я не пам'ятаю, коли я останній раз підстригалась.

51.1 went to the swimming pool and so did my friend. б) Я пішов у басейн і мій друг зробив те саме.

52. It would be wiser to drive slowly. г) Було би розумніше їхати повільно.

53. The ice will melt as soon as the sun comes out. а) Лід розтане, як тільки вигляне сонце.

54. That was the suit 1 had bought in Paris. а) Це був той костюм, котрий я купив у Парижі.

55. They told us that they had been standing in the rain for an hour waiting for a bus. г) Вони сказали нам. що простояли під дощем вже годину і ще чекають на автобус

56. I'd like the letter to be sent at once. г) Я б хотів, щоб листа відправили негайно.

57. The situation seems to be changing. б) Схоже, що ситуація змінюється.

58. I've never known her to be angry. б) Я ніколи не бачив її сердитою.

59. By three o'clock he had answered only half the letters he had received that morning. б) До 3 години він відповів тільки на половину листів, які отримав того ранку.

60. Mr. Brown has never had to punish his children. г) Містеру Брауну ніколи не було потреби карати своїх дітей.




Choose the right word and word combination

I. Small... are very often service industries. a) businesses

2.1 want to find a new secretary, so I'll call an employment... в) agency

3. The... industries don't produce material goods. 6) service

4. More than 80 per cent of all business... are not from sole proprietorships. в) receipts

5. Less than 20 per cent of European businesses are partnerships or... г) corporations

6. Sole proprietorships... only a small part of all business receipts. a) account

7. Is this bank owned publicly or...? 6) privately

8. There are three... of business ownership. д) forms

9. Partnership very often receive... from the government. в) tax benefits

10. Limited partnership is a common form of ownership in... a) real estate

II. Partnerships have many.... one is that they receive tax benefits from the government. в) advantage

12 … are the partners with unlimited liability. д) general partners

13 …has the authority in management but he is not known to public. a) secret partnes

14. A secret partner takes part in... в) management

15. General partners have... г) unlimited liability

16. One advantage of a partnership is that it offers a multiple source of... 6) capital

17. A partnership can bring much... to the partners. г) profit

18. What kind of... is better: buying stock or buying real estate? г) investment

19. To attract greater financial... the company issues the stock. a) resources

20. A university can be... corporation. 6) nonprofit

21. The partners didn't put the same... into business. в) amount of capital

22.The group of people from different countries are going to... a corporation. г) to establish

23. The Red Cross is an international... organization. a) charitable

24.I want to buy some... in IBM and General Motors. 6) stock

25. An educational... usually reinvests all its money. д) institution

26. We are going to interview three... or the position. 6) applicant

27. If you need applicants fo-rlhis position,... in a special section of the local newspaper. a) to advertise

28. Personnel office will help you to find a new... г) employee

29. All the information about the staff of the firm can be found in... 6) personnel office

30. She has a good... for the position: a college degree, good work experience в) employer

31. All.... banks make loans to borrowers. г) commercial

32. If you are an applicant for the position, you have to write your… д) resume

33. Don't ask him... questions it will be impolite a) personal

34. Organization structure shows... between each position and positions above and below. д) relationships

35. A sales manager has direct...over a salesman. 6) authority

36. As a rule a... usually does not give orders to other departments. в) a staff department

37. When the business gets more...there is a need for staff departments. a) complex

38. My friend..... of sales manager. 6) to hold a position

39. The... of staff departments is to do different services. д) task

40. My friend works in a...... he is responsible for the company product. 6) a line department

41. An accounting helps... the activity of a business. г) to measure

42. Do you know the effect of your last...on financial condition of the firm. д) transaction

43. Accounting records provide... for stock-holders, independent analysts. a) data

44. The second type of ratio helps the company... its current financial position. в) to evaluate

45 is one the two main records which most of the businesses prepare regularly. a) income statement

46. The... of the company includes real estate in California. в) ownership

47. I am sure of the... of this transaction. 6) efficiency

48. Our company's current... is very high. д) profit

49. They... from the association with that corporation. a) to profit

50. …funding is a financing formed by borrowing. г) debt

51. They have borrowed much money and they have to pay a big.... 6) interest

52. Financing by shares is called... funding. в) equity

53. That is a very profitable deal, for that purpose we need extra.... r) funding

54. You can sell your shares and.. a) bond

55. The current assets of a company usually include cash and.... 6) inventory

56. As a result of this deal we' 11 have greater... than outflow. в) inflow

57. Federal government and to supervise all national banks. в) to charter

58. International cooperation between banks makes it possible…imports and exports. 6) to finance

59. It is possible to convert American dollars to Swiss francs in …department. г) foreign exchange

60. The of Germany is the mark. в) currency



Рівень 1

... arrives according to schedule. Б)It;

... is our neighbour here. г) She;

... like to spend their summer holidays at the seaside. В)They;

... likes to travel by air. г) She

... on the hill he could see the whole town. Г)Standing

A don't know….. Б)where your umbrella is;.

A hare is... than a frog. Б)quicker.

Can you help... friends? г}your:

China has got... population in the world. В) the largest:

Do you want the letter... tomorrow or just now? в) to be written;

Does... go to London? Г)he;


He... the play before he saw it at the theatre. г) had read;

He... the report for today's seminar. a) hasn't prepared;.

He found that the lady was not so young as he.... В)had expected;.

He likes... such stories. г) to be told;.

He said that he... all his exams by the 25lh of June. г) would have passed:;.

Here is my report. I... it at last. Г) have finished;

I... my parents since last Christmas. А) haven't seen;

I already... my things and 1 am ready to go. б) have packed;

I am busy at the moment. 1... on trie computer. В) am working;

I sent the letter a week ago and they haven't received it.... Б) yet

I think dogs are... than cats. б) more intelligent;

I usually... this fence once a year. А ) paint;

If I... free tomorrow 1 will have a walk in the park. б) am;.

If I... him yesterday, I would have discussed the question with him Г) had seen;.

If you... my sister tomorrow. tell her the news, please А)see;

If you had known the truth you... to make Smith come to me. б) wouldn't have been able

If you use pictures and slides your report will be much.... б) more interesting;.

It was really a... boring journey. в) rather;

Let's go out. It... any more. А)isn't raining;


Martin gave... his cell phone. б}us;.

My bag isn't very............... В)heavy:

My brother gave... a very' interesting story to read. в) me;.

My friend can't speak English... I couldn't take him to the international conference last month. А)that's why;

My sister likes to... the table but she doesn't like to wash dishes, в) lay

People... Еnglish all over the world. Б) speak;

She has...job of all. В) the most difficult:

She proved... a well-read person. б) to be;

She speaks in... voice than the last time. б)a louder;


The children... their homework now. А) are doing;

The problem is easy enough for... to solve at once. б) me;

The student... the article asked me to help him. Г)translating;

The two towns... by a railway next year. в) will be connected:

This is... problem she has ever had. В) the greatest

This is... way. г) the shortest

Tin not so... as a horse. а) strong;

Tom and... wile have got two children. г) his

Tom is proud... his father. А)of:

Victor... any mistakes in the text, did he? А) didn't make;.

We... to Odessa for our holidays last year. г) went;

We are going for a walk. Who (want)……to go with us? г) wants:

What's... first name? Г)your;

When he... the people in the hall he couldn't say a word. б) saw:

When I got to the theatre the play... already.... В)had started;

When she was young she... two foreign languages. a) was taught;.

When we came out of the water we... on the grass. a) laid: б) lay:

When you... some news let me know. б) get.

Where is my umbrella? 1 left... in this corner. Б) it:

Who... in this cottage? Г)lives

Your room is bigger than.... б) theirs;


Рівень 2

A can't say anything because my words... against me. В)will be used;

A little present... to each of the guests yesterday. г)was given;

A new dress... for my sister tomorrow. А)will be bought;

After they had published his ten novels, he became famous. Б) After his ten novels had been published, he became famous.

After they had shown us the house, all guests had a walk round the garden. Б)After we had been shown over the house, all guests had a walk round the garden.

All local newspapers have just announced their engagement. a) Their engagement has been just announced by all local newspapers.

As the building was dangerous, they had knocked it down at last. в ) As the building was dangerous, it had been knocked down at last


By the time you arrive there, they will have already sent the invitation. Б) By the time you arrive there, the invitation will have already been sent.


He had translated the letter by the time they asked for it. b) The letter had been translated by the time they asked for it.

He knew that all his friends had read this book already. а) He knew that this book had already been read by all his friends.

He says by next spring they will have built these houses in our city. Г) He says by next spring these houses will have been built in our city.

He will have passed all his exams by the end of the next term. а) All his exams will have been passed by the end of the next term.

His letter... as soon as the manager finds out the necessary information, Б)is answered.


I am sorry but this room... now. a) is being occupied;

I hope that they will have prepared the room by the guests' arrival. r) I hope that the room will have been prepared by the guests* arrival

If I... this job. I'll be very much satisfied. Б)am given;

If you had written the article earlier, it could have already been published. а) If the article had been written earlier, it could have already been published.

It's not really our house yet. We haven't paid for it. b) It's not really our house yet. It hasn't been paid for.


Many new houses... in our city now. г) are being built;.

Many readers have read this novel with interest ever since it was published. r) This novel has been read with interest by many readers ever since it was published.


Our trip... because of bad weather last week-end. б) was finished:


Peter was late for the party, so when he went into the room they had introduced all guests to each other. а ) Peter was late for the party, so when he went into the room all guests had been introduced to each other.

Pineapples... in Hawaii. В)are grown;


She... a box of chocolates for her birthday last week. А) was given:

She came back to town where she.... г) was born;

She said that she had already washed the clothes. а) She said that the clothes had been already washed.
Somebody had locked up the house for a year before they moved in. b) The house had been locked up for a year before they moved in.

Stamps... in 1840 in Great Britain. б) were introduced;


The answer... to you next week. Б)will be given;.

The bill... to your room in an hour. Б)will be sent;

The book... by students now. В) is being discussed;

The book... from the library 'a month ago. В)was borrowed:.

The book... now. Г)is being translated:.

The bridge... long ago. Б)was built;.

The building... recently and looks impressive. a) has been repaired;

The game... because of bad weather, a) was put off;

The police... of an accident already. We expect them any minute. a)have been informed;

The room... by my brother now. Г)is being cleaned:

The telegram to his office... now. А)is being sent;

Their mother had told them a lot of stories before they went to bed. 6) A lot of stories had been told them, before they went to bed.

They are doing nothing to restore the building at present, в) At present nothing is being done to restore the building,

They had taken the wounded woman to hospital before the police arrived. b) The wounded woman had been taken to hospital before the police arrived,

They have already sent for the doctor. We expect him any time. а) The doctor has already been sent for. We expect him any time.

They have been built a new stadium opposite our house lately. б ) A new stadium has been built opposite our house lately.

They reported the fire to be burning out of control. б) The fire was reported to be burning out of control.

They said that the new school... in that area. г) would be built

They told the mother not to worry about her sick boy as he was out of danger. б) The mother was told not to worry about her sick boy as he was out of danger.

They will have published the book by August. a) The book will have been published by August.

This book... in New York last year. А)was published;

This camera... in Japan. Б)is made.

This department store... this year, let's go shopping there. г)has been built;

This portrait... by a talented painter last year. Б)was painted:

This suit looks shabby. Sure, I have already worn it for three months, a) This suit looks shabby. Sure, it has already been worn for three months.

Usually breakfast here... at 8 o'clock. б) is served:


We haven't discussed the book yet, let's do it now. в}The book hasn't been discussed yet. let's do it now.

We were so glad to find out that they had taken 50 our students to the international conference. г) We were so glad to find out that 50 our students had been taken to the international conference.

We will learn the results of the game when they... on the radio. а)are announced;

We will send you this report as soon as we have fixed all the dates finally, а) We will send you this report as soon as all the dates have been fixed finally.

We'll have repaired your TV by the end of the week, a) Your TV will have been repaired by the end of the wee

When I went into the cinema, they were showing the film. г) When I went into the cinema, the film was being shown.



РІВЕНЬ 3 Знайдіть прав. вapiaнт перекладу з анг. мови на укр.:

A bought this watch seven years ago and presented it to my brother. а) Я купив цей годинник ciм років тому i подарував його братові.

A came across the term I didn't know. б) Я знайшов термін, який мені невідомий.

A don't remember when I last had my hair cut. б) Я не пам'ятаю, коли я останній раз підстригалась.

A finished work at five o'clock the day before yesterday. а) Позавчора я закінчив роботу о п'ятій.

A will help you to plant trees next week. а) Я допоможу Вам садити дерева наступного тижня.

After that I'll show you round the school. в) Після того я покажу вам школу.

Although he has his own car, he often uses buses. б) Хоча у нього є своя машина, він часто їздить автобусами.


By three o'clock he had answered only half the letters he had received that morning. б) До 3 години він відповів тільки на половину листів, які отримав того ранку.


Even if Jane did say so, we can't be sure that she was telling the truth. а) Hавіть, якщо Джейн i говорила так, ми не можемо бути впевненими, що вона казала правду.

Every time I ring him up he is not at home. а) Щоразу, коли я йому телефоную, його немає вдома.


Foreign language clubs give a lot for developing the general outlook of our pupils. в) Клуби іноземної мови чимало дають для розвитку загального світогляду наших учнів.


Hardly had they come out when it began to rain. в) Щойно вони вийшли з дому, як почався дощ.

Help yourselves to sandwiches, please. а) Пригощайтесь сендвічами, будь ласка.

Her father teaches History at our school .г) Її батько викладає icтopiю в нашій школі.

Не does read English books in the original. в) Biн таки читає англійські книги в оригіналі.

Не doesn't often write sentences on the blackboard. а) Biн не часто пише речення на дошці.

Не found the book very interesting. б) Biн вважав, що книга дуже цікава.

Не knew that Nina was in Kyiv. б) Biн знав, що Ніна була у Києві.

Не knew why she had been to Lviv several times. а) Він знав, чому вона кілька разів була у Львові.


I guess you are right in a way. г) Я вважаю, що ви якоюсь мipoю маєте рацію.

I saw a man go past, but I didn't look at him. в) Я бачив, як якийсь чоловік проходив мимо, але я не подивився на нього.

I was afraid you misunderstood my proposal. в) Я боялася, що ви неправильно зрозуміли мою пропозицію.

I was glad to find my lost book under the table. b) Я зрадів, коли знайшов свою загублену книжку під столом.

I went to the swimming pool and so did my friend. б) Я пішов у басейн i мій друг зробив те саме.

I'd like the letter to be sent at once. г) Я б хотів, щоб листа відправили негайно.

I'll be most interested to meet the teachers and to discuss their plans. а) Meні буде дуже цікаво зустрітися з учителями й обговорити їхні плани.

I'm going to work at school after I graduate from the university. а) Я збираюся працювати у школі після того, як закінчу університет.

It was obvious that nobody intended to do anything. б) Було очевидно, що ніхто не збирався нічого робити.

It was raining all day long and we had to put off our meeting. а) Увесь день ішов дощ, i ми вимушені були відкласти нашу зустріч.

It will be raining when we get there. в) Коли ми приїдемо туди, буде падати дощ.

It would be silly to go out. It is raining cats and dogs. а) Було б нерозумно виходити. Ллє як з відра.

It would be wiser to drive slowly. г) Було би розумніше їхати повільно.

I've never known her to be angry. б) Я ніколи не бачив її сердитою.


Let's warn him not to be late. г) Давайте попередимо його, щоб не запізнювався.


Many birds fly to the south in autumn. б) Багато птахів відлітають на південь восени.

Mr. Brown has never had to punish his children. г) Містеру Брауну ніколи не було потреби карата своїх дітей.


No matter what I did, nobody paid any attention. а) Що б я не робив, ніхто не звертав на мене ніякої уваги.


Olena translated a lot of foreign letters at the office previous week. а) Попереднього тижня Олена переклала чимало іноземних листів в офісі.


Please keep this for your son. а) Будь ласка, збережіть це для свого сина.


She pretended not to hear me. г) Вона вдала, що не чує мене.

She was happy to find the necessary dictionary in the language room. а) Вона була щаслива з того, що знайшла потрібний їй словник у кабінеті мови.


That was the suit I had bought in Paris. а) Це був той костюм, котрий я купив у Парижі.

The building is now a circus, it used to be a cinema. а) В цій будавлі зараз цирк, раніше там був кінотеатр.

The delegation arrived in London yesterday at dawn. г) Делегація прибула до Лондона вчора на світанку.

The ice will melt as soon as the sun comes out. а) Лід розтане, як тільки вигляне сонце.

The parents did not allow their son to play with other children and he looked very sad. а) Батьки не дозволяли синові гратися з іншими дітьми, i це його дуже засмучувало.

The situation seems to be changing. б) Схоже, що ситуація змінюється.

The two missing explorers have been found safe and sound. б) Двоє зниклих дослідників було знайдено живими й здоровими.

The weather was fine and children asked their sister to go with them to the park. б) Погода була гарною, i діти попросили сестру піти з ними в парк.

There was much foolish talking. б) Було багато пустих розмов.

There will be a lot of people at the meeting today. а) Сьогодні на зборах буде багато людей.

They discussed many articles from these French magazines last week-end. б) Вони обговорили чимало статей із цих французьких журнаглів минулого вихідного.

They don't want anyone else to come. б) Вони не хочуть, щоб приходив хто-небудь ще.

They spend their holidays in the country. а) Вони проводять свої канікули в селі.

They told us that they had been standing in the rain for an hour waiting for a bus. в) Вони сказали нам. що стоять під дощем вже годину, чекаючи на автобус.

This is the boy you wanted to speak to. а) Це - хлопець, з яким ви хотіли поговорити.


We all agree that it is better late than never. а) Ми вci згодні, що краше пізно, ніж ніколи.

What are you wearing to the party ?б) Що ви вдягаєте на вечірку?

What makes you think so? г) Що змушує вас так думати?

Would you help me to carry this heavy suitcase? б) Чи не допоможете мені віднести цю важку валізу?


Рівень 4 Choose the right word and word combination


.....are the partners with unlimited liability. general partners

.....has the authority in management but he is not known to public. secret partnes

...fundingis a financing formed by borrowing. equity

...is one the two main records which most of the businesses prepare regularly. income statement


A am sure of the... of this transaction. Efficiency

A partnership can bring much... to the partners. Profit

A sales manager has direct...over a salesman. authority

A secret partner takes part in... Management

A university can be... corporation. Nonprofit

Accounting records provide... for stock-holders, independent analysts. Data

All the information about the staff of the firmcan be found in... personnel office

All.....banks make loans to borrowers. Commercial

An accounting helps... the activity of a business. to measure

An educational... usually reinvests all its money. institution

As a result of this deal we'll have greater... than outflow. inflow

As a rule a... usually does not give orders to other departments. a staff department


Do you know the effect of your last...on financial condition of the firm. transaction

Don't ask him... questions it will be impolite. Personal


Federal government.....and to supervise all national banks. to charter

Financing by shares is called... funding. equity


General partners have... unlimited liability


I want to buy some... in IBM and General Motors. Stock

I want to find a new secretary, so I'll call an employment... в) agency

If you are an applicant for the position, you have to write your… resume

If you need applicants for this position,... in a special section of the local newspaper. to advertise

International cooperation between banks makes it possible.....imports and exports. to finance

Is this bank owned publicly or...? Б)ivately

It is possible to convert American dollars to Swiss francs in...department. foreign exchange


Less than 20 per cent of European businesses arepartnerships or... г)corporations

Limited partnership is a common form of ownership in... a)real estate


More than 80 per cent of all business... are not from sole proprietorships. В) receipts

My friend works in a......he is responsible for the company product. a line department

My friend......of sales manager. to hold a position


One advantage of a partnership is that it offers a multiple source of... Capital

Organization structure shows... between each position and positions above and below. relationships

Our company's current... is very high. profit


Partnership very often receive... from the government. tax benefits

Partnerships have many.... one is that they

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