1 nporpaMMHCT Bee b3hji noa cboh KOHTpojib, Ho BCTpeTHJICH c 33Ka34HKOM H HX OCTaJIOCb HOJIb.
0 nporpaMMHCTOB pyran cep^HTbiH uie(}), noTOM yBOJiHJi onHoro h CTano hx FF!!!
b) What if Dr. Suess wrote a manual?
If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
And the bus is interrupted as a very last resort.
And the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
Then the socket packet pocket has an error to report.
If your cursor finds a menu item followed by a dash, And the double-clicking icon puts your window in the trash, And your data is corrupted 'cause the index doesn't hash, Then your situation's hopeless and your system's gonna crash!
If the label on the cable on the table at your house, Says the network is connected to the button on your mouse, But your packets want to tunnel on another protocol, That's repeatedly rejected by the printer down the hall,
And your screen is all distorted by the side effect of Gauss, So your icons in the window are as wavy as a souse, Then you may as well reboot and go out with a bang, 'Cause as sure as I'm a poet, the sucker's gonna hang!
When the copy of your floppy's getting sloppy on the disk, And the microcode instructions cause unnecessary risk, Then you have to flash your memory and you'll want to RAM
your ROM.
Quickly turn off the computer and be sure to tell your mom.
A ecjiH 6u flOKTOp Cy33 nanncaji HHCTpyKiuuo?
Ecjih Bapyr naket nporpaMMHbjw Bac peujmtch o6o6paTb, H ot npepbiBaHHH iuHHa craHeT Bapyr 030pHnqaTb, EcjiH naMHTb c flHCKOBOflOM CT3HyT JllOTO BOeBaTb, BaM hh aeher, hh >»cejie3a, hh nokoa He bnnatb.
E cjih Bnpyr b Memo craH /iapTHOM Bam Kypcop HanHeT majiHTb, H flBOHHOH me/moic HKOHKy cpa3y MoxeT yaanHTb, H M03rw y 6a3bi jwhhmx nepeCTaHyT Bapyr BapMTb, 3 to 3H34HT, Bee nponano, 6e3B03BpaTH0, moxct 6biTb.
E cjih Hannncb Ha kopo6ke moxet jiejibHbiH aaTb cobct, H MbiuiHHbiH kobphk iiaxe nonkjiio ^HTbCH b Internet, A HecHocHbie nporpaMMbi BaM oTKaxyT aeJioBo, bhjmte jim, npOTOKOJI HM He nOflXOflHT. KaKOBO?
EcJIM BM/l y MOHMTOpa KaK B pa36MThie OMKM, M no njiocKOCTM 3KpaHa pacn^biBaiOTca 3Ha4KH, BbiKJiK)4aHTe cbom KOMnbK )Tep m MflMTe noryjurrb. H yBepeH, oh He CTaHeT JiaflMTb c BaMH. Ero...!
Ecjim ot pe3epBHbix KonMH npoxyflHTca th6kmh amck, H acceM6^epHbie BCTaBKM noBbimaiOT pe3KO pmck, Jlynwe Bbi coTpHTe riaMATb, OTnaawTe n3Y — Becnojie3Hoe xejie3o BaM, KOHe4HO, hm k ieMy.
F. Render into English
1.Ecjim BaM yaanocb HanHcaTb nporpaMMy, b kotopoh TpaHcjiATop He o6HapyxHji oiiih6ok, o6paTHTecb k cncTeMHOMy nporpaMMH- crry — oh HcnpaBMT owh6kh b TpaHCJiHTope.
2. QmaHHM peanbHyro BnpTyajibHocTb!
3. B npnpoae nporpaMMHpoBaHHa jiexHT to, 4to HeT cooTHOiueHHH Mexay «pa3MepaMH» caMoft oiiih6kh h npo6jieM, KOTopue OHa B^eqeT.
4.Koraa nporpaMMHCT HcnbiTbiBaeT 3arpyAHeHHfl npH noHCKe owh6- kh, 3to 3Ha4HT, 4to oh HiueT He TaM, me CJieflyeT.
5.Mo3r qeJiOBeKa o 6 mhho 3arpyxeH nwixib Ha 10% cBoeft moiuhocth: ocTanbHoe — pe3epB MR onepaunoHHoft cHcxeMbi.
6. Bbi4Hc;iHTejibHaA MauiHHa o6jiaaaeT npHTHraTenbHoft chjioh 6hji- nmpm hjih My3biKaJibHoro aBTOMaTa, aoBeaeHHoro ao Jiornqec- KOH 3aBepilieHHOCTH.
7. nporpaMMHCT, KaK noar, pa6oraeT ncwm HcianoqMTejibHo ronoBon.
8. 3aK0H BpyKca: ecjin nporpaMmhctckmh npoeKT He ymiaabmaeTCH b cpoKH, to flo6aB^eHHe pa6o4efl cmjim TOJibKo 3aaepxHT ero OKOH4aHMe.
9. rio^b30BaTejib He 3HaeT, 4ero oh xo4eT, noxa He yBHiiHT to, 4to oh nojiyHmi.
10. fl cjibiwy m 3a6biBaio. fl Buxy m 3anoMMHaio. H aeJiaio m noHHMaio.
11. Ha nycTOM awcKe moxho HCKaTb Be4HO.
12. fl nHiiiy Bee cboh KpHTH4ecKHe nporpaMMbi Ha acceM6jiepe, a KOMeaMHHbie — Ha (JjopTpaHe.
13. Eecn0Jie3H0 npn/iyMbiBaTb 3aiuHTy ot ziypaKa — Bezib aypaKH TaK reHHanbHbi.
14. Ecjih oTJiaaKa — npouecc yaaneHMfl ouim6ok, to nporpaMMMpoBa- HMe aojixho 6biTb npoueccoM mx BHeceHMfl.
15. Hto jvvi oflHoro — ouiM6Ka, ana apyroro — KOMnbK )TepHbie aanHbie.
1. 3aKOHbi MauiMHHoro nporpaMmmpobshkh.
a) JlK)6afl aeMCTByromaa nporpaMMa ycrapejia.
b) JlroGaa nporpaMMa o6xoahtch aopoxe m Tpe6yeT 6ojib- lumx 3aTpaT BpeMeHM, ieM npeanojiaranocb.
c) Ecjim nporpaMMa nojmocTbio oTJiaxeHa, ee Hy>KHo 6yfleT CKOppeKTMpOBaTb.
d) JIioGafl nporpaMMa CTpeMHTCH 3aH«tb bcio aoctynhyro namhtb.
e) UeHHocTb nporpaMMbi npflMO nponopuMOHanbHa Becy ee «BbWa4M».
0 CnoxHocTb nporpaMMbi pacTer ao Tex nop, noKa He npe- BbiCHT cn0C06H0CTM nporpaMMMCTa.
2. nocTynaTbi TpyM3Ha no nporpaMMMpoBaHHio.
a) CaMaa rpy6aa ouiH6Ka 6yaeT BbiHBJieHa, Jiwuib Koraa nporpaMMa npo6y.neT b npoH3BoacTBe no KpawHew Mepe nojiroaa.
b) KoHTpojibHbie nep(J)OKapTbi, KOTOpbie peuiHTejibHo He Moryr crouTb b HenpaBMJibHOM nop>WKe, 6yayr nepeny- tahbl.
c) Ecjim ha3haieh cneumanbhbifl qejiobek juin kohtpo^a 3a 4hctotoh HCXOflHOH HH(J)OpMaUHH, to hahaetcfl H3C)6peTa- Te^bHbifl huhot, KOTopbifl npHflyMaeT cnoco6, 4to5w He- npaBHJibHaa HH(J)opMauH«npouuia 4epe3 stot KOHTpo^b.
d) Hene4aTHbiH xaproH — 3to tot h3wk, kotopwm peuxH- TeJibHo Bee nporpaMMMCTbi B^aaeioT b coBepuieHCTBe.
3. 3akoh Heflcepa. Moxho c/iejiatb 3auumty ot aypaKa, ho to^bko he ot m3o6petate^bhoro.
4. 3aKOHbi HeHaaexHocTH AxH^6a.
a) KoMnbroTepbi hehaaexhbi, ho jikjah euue HeHaaexHee.
b) JIio6afl CMCTeMa, 3aBHcauuaa ot 4e^0Be4ecK0H HaaexHO- ctm, HeHaxiexHa.
c) H hc^ o ouih6 ok, KOTOpbie He^b3«o6HapyxMTb, 6ecK0- He4HO b npOTM BOBeC IMCJiy OUIH6 oK, KOTOpbie MOXHO onpeae^HTb — oho kohc 4 ho no onpeae^eHMio.
d) B nowcKH noBbiuieHHfl HauexHoc™ 6yayT BtaiaflbiBaTbCfl cpeacTBa flo fex nop, noKa ohm He npeBbicflT bejim4hhy y6bITKOB OT HeM36eXHbIX OUIH6OK HJIH nOKa KTO-HH6yflb He noTpe6yeT, 4To6bi 6bwa caejiaHa xoTb KaKaa-TO no- ^e3Haa pa6oTa.
5. TpeTHM 33KOH TpHfla. MauiwHHaH nporpaMMa BbinojiHaeT to, 4to bki eft npMKa3anw aejiaTb, a He to, 4to bw 6h xoTe;w, 4To6bi oHa ae;iana.
6. riepBaa komnmotephah skchoms Jleo Beftoepa. 3amiaflbibah ito-to b naMHTb 3BM, noMHHTe, Kyaa Bbi 3to nojioxHJiM.
7. PyKOBOflCTBO no CMCTeMHOMy nporpaMMHpoBaHMK) LUTeHH6axa. HHKoraa He BbiHRnaMTe b nporpaMMe ouim6km, ecJiM Bbi He 3Ha- eTe, 4to c hmmm aajibiue ae;iaTb.
8. 3aKOH BpyKa. YBeJiwieHMe iMCJia yiacTHHKOB npw noaroTOBKe ona3flbiBaiouueM nporpaMMbi TOJibKO 3aMe,(ymeT npouecc.
9. 3aKOHbi MHpa 3BM no r"o;iy6y.
a) HeroiHo cnjiaHMpoBaHHaa nporpaMMa Tpe6yeT b tpm pa3a 6onbixie BpeMeHM, 4eM npeanojiarajiocb; TiuaTenbHO cn;ia- HHpoBaHHan — To;ibKo b xiBa pa3a.
b) Pa6oTaiomafl Haa nporpaMMofi rpynna nHTaeT oTBpame- HMe k exeHene;ibHoft 0T4eTH0CTM o aocthrHyTbix pe3ynb- TaTax, nocKo^bKy oha cjihuikom hbho CBwaeTe^bCTByeT 06 OTCyTCTBMM TaKOBblX.
10. IlpHHUHn Illoy. Co3flaiiTe cncTeMy, KOTopoii cMoxeT no ;ib3oBaTb- ch naxe aypaK, m TOJibKo aypaK 3axo4eT eio no;ib30BaTbCfl.
1. C. Perron. Computers and Information Systems/Tools for an Information Age. USA, 1993.
2. A. Burgmeier. Lexis. Academic Vocabulary Study. USA, NJ, 1991.
3. R. White. PC Computing/How Computer Works. USA, 1994.
4. P. Duffy. Focus on Innovators and Inventions. USA, NJ, 1994.
5. L. Latulippe. Developing Academic Reading Skills. USA, 1994.
6. F. 0 'Dell. English Panorama. UK, 1998.
7.1. Sinclair. Collins Dictionary of Personal Computers. Moscow, 1996. 8. Webster's New-World Dictionary of Computer Terms. USA, NY, 1996.
. 9. Computer magazines: Byte, Computer, Webserver, «AoMauiHMM
KOMnbK>Tep» 1997—2000. 10. Reader's Digest. USA; Forum, USA.; English Learner's Digest, Kiev. 1997-2000.
Unit I.
Hobby, Addiction, or Future Job?........................................................................ 3
Unit II.
Computo, ergo sum.............................................................................................. 21
Unit III.
The Development of Computers....................................................................... 34
Unit IV.
Personal Computers............................................................................................. 51
Unit V.
Computer and Crime........................................................................................... 65
Unit VI.
Computer Security............................................................................................... 75
Unit VII.
Virtual Reality....................................................................................................... 88
Unit VIII.
IT Revolution........................................................................................................ 96
Unit IX.
Humor the Computer........................................................................................ 110
[1] Rule 1: Access to computers — and anything, which might teach you, something about the way the world works — should be unlimited and total.
• Rule 2: All information should be free.
• Rule 3: Mistrust authority — promote decentralization.
• Rule 4: Hackers should be judged by their hacking, not bogus criteria such as degrees, race, or position.
• Rule 5: You can create art and beauty on a computer.
• Rule 6: Computers can change your life for the better.
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