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Financial transaction terminalTerminal used to carry out an individual's financial business—e.g., an automated teller machine (ATM).

What makes a workstation? | From Analog to Digital | DSP Evolution | Some examples of factory robots | Historical shortcomings | Manufacturing complexity | THE IMPORTANCE OF SOFTWARE | GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE USA | USA history, customs and traditions. | FAMOUS PEOPLE OF COMPUTER SCIENCE |

firmware Instructions on a ROM chip.

first-level decision In a nested loop, the independent decision, whose execution does not depend on the other decisions.

fixed expenses Expenses that do not change from month to month.

fixed-length word A word that consists of a specific number of bytes.

flash memory Nonvolatile memory chips arranged on a credit-card size circuit board that acts as another disk drive.

flat file Another name for a table in a rela­tional data model.

flat-screen display Computer displays that use non-CRT technology to display com­puter output on a flat screen.

floppy disk Disk made of Mylar plastic and covered with iron oxide particles for use with the personal computer.

flowchart A pictorial form of an algorithm that can easily be converted into a com­puter program.

footers A text entry operation that allows the display of special information at the bottom of each page.

footnotes A word processing operation that allocates spacing at the bottom of a page for cited references.

FOR loop A pre-test loop in BASIC that is controlled by a counter variable.

forecasting model A process that uses cur­rently available information to predict future occurrences.

formal documentation For the systems analysis and design process, the data dic­tionary and list of data elements; for a software package, the user's manual and other written descriptions.

formatting The process of organizing the sectors and tracks of a floppy disk; in word processing, the process of setting up a document in a particular form.

formula Values in the spreadsheet com­bined with other constants to define the relationships among the spreadsheet val­ues.

fourth-generation languages (4GLs) Advanced computer languages that make prototyping possible by not requiring the user to develop a complete logical plan before solving a problem on the com­puter.

frames In desktop publishing packages, holes left in the text for graphics, draw­ings, and photographs.

Freedom of Information Act of 1979 Law that gives individuals the right to inspect information of concern to them held in U.S. government data banks, and requires that certain data about federal agencies be made available to individuals and organi­zations for inspection.

freeware Software packages that can be obtained for free or for a small fee.

full-duplex mode A mode of communica­tion between computers in which both computers can send at the same time.

function In a spreadsheet, a specific opera­tion; in programming, a short program stored in computer memory that can be accessed by the program as needed.

function (built-in) A specific numeric or string operation in BASIC that can be accessed by the programmer as needed.

functional electrical stimulation (FES) A field of research seeking ways to help paralyzed individuals walk again using computers.

gallium arsenide A semiconductor material that transmits electrons five times faster than silicon.

gateway A combination of hardware and software that connects two dissimilar computer networks. It allows a LAN user to access a mainframe network without leaving his or her PC.

general ledger Record that contains all the firm's financial transactions.

general-purpose computer A computer that can be used for many purposes.

general-purpose DSS A decision support system that can be used to solve various types of problems by the user developing a model and then manipulating variables to simulate results.

general-purpose languages Languages used to perform tasks ranging from computing payrolls to computing satellite orbits.

generic operating system Personal com­puter operating system that runs on many different makes of computers.

geographical information system (GIS) A computer system used to work with geo­graphical entities, such as states, counties, or census blocks.

gigabyte (GByte) The largest commonly used measure of computer storage, equal to 1 billion (230) bytes of storage.

global change In a spreadsheet, a change made by the user to change all cell widths.

GOTO statement A transfer statement that is avoided in structured programming.

graphical user interface (GUI) A GUI uses icons to represent commands and data.

graphics adapter board Computer hard­ware that supports color and graphics.

graphics digitizing tablet Electronic table capable of transmitting free-hand draw­ings to the computer.

graphics software A group of programs for visual presentation of information or for creation of new and different art forms.

hackers Individuals who gain unauthorized access to a computer for fun or challenge.

half-duplex mode Communications between two computers during which both computers can send and receive information but only one computer can send at a time.

handheld portable A battery-powered, pocket-sized personal computer.

hard copy A printed version of what appears on the video screen.

hard disk A scaled-down version of a mainframe disk pack with metal disks that is used for storing information from a personal computer.

hard-disk card The combination of a hard disk and a controller card.

hard sectoring A sectoring plan that is defined by the use of additional index holes.

hardware The electronic part of the com­puter that stores and manipulates symbols under the direction of the computer soft­ware.

hashing The process of converting the pri­mary key on a record into a relative address.

Hayes compatibility Whether a modem uses the same commands as a Hayes modem, which has become the industry standard.

head crash The result of the read/write head making contact with the magnetic disk, leading to the destruction of the disk and any data on it.

head window The area of a floppy disk that is in contact with the read/write head.

headers A text entry operation that allows the display of special information at the top of each page.

Hercules Graphics Card The add-in board necessary to display high-resolution (720 X 348) monochrome graphics on the monochrome monitor.

hexadecimal (hex) number system A num­ber system that uses the digits 0-9 and the letters A-F to represent the numbers 0-16.

hierarchical data model A data model in which each element has only one parent or owner—similar to an organization chart.

Hierarchical Input/Process/Output (HIPO) technique A process used in the system design stage to develop the high-level design of the recommended software sys­tem.

hierarchical structure Division of long lists of files into subdirectories that are easier to keep track of. Also called a tree structure.

hierarchy chart A chart that breaks the software package down into smaller pieces until a program can be written to implement each piece of the package.

hierarchy of operations The order in which arithmetic operations are carried out.

high-level languages Languages combining English words with a specific grammar to give the computer instructions.

Home key A key on the numeric keypad that is often used in word processing packages.

horizontal scrolling In a spreadsheet, the horizontal movement of the columns across the screen.

host computer In a star network configura­tion, the central computer to which all other computers are linked.

liub ring The part of a floppy disk where the disk drive clamps onto the disk and rotates it.

luman-factors engineering See ergonomics.

hypertext Information retrieval software that stores information in discrete nodes that can be reached from any other node, allowing users to move about within the data baseaccording to whatever mental connections they make.

IBM compatible PC A computer with the ability to run software written for the original IBM PC or one of its successors.

icons Pictures that represent various opera­tions on the computer.

if-then rule Used in an expert system that, together with facts, create the knowledge base.

IF-THEN statement In BASIC, a state­ment that implements a one-alternative decision.

IF-THEN-ELSE statement In BASIC, a statement that implements a two-alterna­tive decision.

image scanner A device often used in desktop publishing that allows images to be scanned and converted into a digital form that can be included in a document.

impact printer A type of printer that uses some form of hammer to press ink onto a page.

implementation The process of installing the information system that has been designed and acquired or programmed.

index hole A hole in the vinyl cover of a floppy disk that indicates to the computer the current position of the disk in its rota­tion.

indexed sequential access method (ISAM) A method of storing and retrieving records from secondary storage.

indexing A system of keeping track of records in a data base using record num­bers.

inference engine The deductive part of an expert system that uses the information in the knowledge base to make suggestions or ask additional questions.

informated factory A workplace where computers perform operations and supply workers with information on the process­ing operations.

information Data that has been processed into a form that is useful to the user.

information society A society in which the majority of the workers are involved in the transmittal of information.

information specialist A person who works with a personal computer to perform such wide-ranging tasks as word processing, data base management, and spreadsheet analysis.

information system Within an organization, a system that converts raw data into information that is useful to managers and other interested parties.

information technology The use of com­puters for information and productivity.

initialize The process of setting one or more values to some beginning value.

ink-jet printer A nonimpact printer that forms symbols by spraying dots of ink on the paper.

input Receiving the data to be manipulated and the instructions for performing that manipulation.

input crime A computer crime in which the user changes, fabricates, or manipulates data when they are entered into the com­puter.

INPUT loop A pre-test loop in BASIC that inputs data as long as valid data are received.

input/output (I/O) The process of instruct­ing the computer, feeding it data, and receiving processed information from the computer.

input/output symbol In flowcharting, a parallelogram that is used to designate the input and output operations.

Input/Process/Output (IPO) table A table for each module of a software package, showing the input to the module, the pro­cessing that takes place in the module, and the output from the module.

insert mode A word processing mode in which new symbols that are entered are inserted to the left of the existing sym­bols, pushing the existing material to the right.

Instruction-time (I-time) The period in the execution process in which the instruction is fetched and decoded.

integer field A data base field that will contain a number without a decimal.

integrated circuit (IC) The combination of transistors and circuits on a chip.

Integrated Service Digital Network (ISDN) Digital network of the future that will dramatically increase telecommunications transmission capabilities.

integrated package Software that contains some or all of the most commonly used packages and a procedure to access the various packages.

interblock gap (IBG) On magnetic tape, the space between blocks—where the tape starts and stops.

internal commands Operating system com­mands that do not require that the system disk be in the active drive.

internal memory The part of the computer used to store instructions and data inter­nally.

internal modem A modem that is located in a slot inside the computer in the back.

interpreted language A high-level lan­guage that must be converted into machine language as each statement is encountered in the execution process.

interpreter A translator program that con­verts high-level language statements into machine language statements.

inventory control A process that keeps track of raw materials, goods in process, finished goods, and other supplies for a company.

investment analysis package Packages to keep track of investments and help choose the best way to invest money.

invisible backlog A backlog of jobs that have not been submitted to the MIS department for analysis and design.

Job Control Language (JCL) An English­like computer language that allows the user to communicate with the operating system.

Josephson Junction A super-fast electronic switch that works at temperatures close to absolute zero.

Kbit 1 Kbit equals 1,000 bits.

Kbyte 1 Kbyte equals 1,024 bytes.

keyboard An input device made up of keys that allow input of alphanumeric and punctuation characters.

keywords Words that are a part of the syn­tax of a language.

knowledge base In an expert system, the facts, judgments, rules, intuition, and experience provided by the group of experts.

knowledge engineer A specialist who can convert an expert's knowledge into the rules and facts in an expert system.

label For a spreadsheet, a combination of letters and numbers that defines a cell; in programming, a number that allows refer­ence to a statement in the program; in BASIC, any string constant enclosed in quotation marks.

LAN operating systems Systems that oper­ate at a level above the basic operating system to allow users access to software and files on the file server.

laptop computer A portable computer designed to fit on one's lap or some other nonpermanent surface where no AC power is available.

laser disk A form of optical storage that uses laser technology to read information from the disk.

laser printer A nonimpact printer that uses a laser beam to write dots on a drum coated with light-sensitive material that transfers ink to the paper.

last-record check Terminating a loop when a value is found that matches a predeter­mined termination condition.

leased lines Special high-speed telephone lines that are leased from the telephone company for the express purpose of car­rying data between computers.

letter-quality Printer output that is equal in quality to that produced on a typewriter.

library routines Short, preprogrammed standard procedures—e.g., finding a square root—that are stored in the com­puter, separate from the program being run, and available as needed.

light pen An input device that allows the user to select a command by pointing it at a portion of the screen.

line graph A type of analysis graphics that shows relationships by connecting points on the screen.

line numbers Numbers between 1 and 99999 that are used to identify the lines in a BASIC program.

link-editor A part of the operating system that links the object code to any neces­sary library routines.

liquid crystal display (LCD) A flat-screen display composed of a thin layer of liquid crystal molecules placed between two sheets of glass and separated into sec­tions. An individual liquid crystal mole­cule can be made opaque by applying a voltage to it.

list A column of numbers or strings of characters.

local area network (LAN) A network of personal computers within one building.

local change A change made by the user in a spreadsheet to change the width of only a designated group of cells.

logic Step-by-step solution in computer pro­gramming.

logic bomb A computer crime in which a disruptive program executes whenever a certain command is given.

logical field A field whose format can only be true or false (yes or no).

logical record A piece of information in a block of records stored on tape.

loop The repetition of one or more actions.

loop termination decision A decision that determines where a loop will terminate.

low-level languages Languages at the com­puter's level, such as machine and assem­bly languages.

luggable PCs Portable personal computers that weigh over 10 pounds, require AC power, and are portable from desk to desk.

machine language A computer's binary language, which is a very specific lan­guage that details every computer opera­tion as a series of zeroes and ones.

macro A facility in a spreadsheet that allows the user to do an operation once and then to save that series of keystroke; by assigning a name to them.

magnetic disk A metal or plastic disk coated with ferrous oxide particles, on which information can be stored via a magnetic bit pattern.

magnetic link character recognition (MICR) The input procedure, used to process checks, that reads characters printed on the checks that have been printed in magnetic ink.

magnetic (mag) tape A form of secondary storage composed on thin Mylar tape coated with ferrous oxide particles, on which information is recorded in binary form by selective magnetization of spots on the tape.

magneto-optical technology A combination of magnetism and optical principles used in erasable optical storage.

mail-merge A function of word processing that prepares form letters by combining letter with different names and addresses

mainframe A very large and fast compute that requires a special support staff and; special physical environment.

main memory See internal memory.

main program In a top-down designed program, the top-level program that manages the modules that perform the actual work in BASIC, a list of the general procedures (the GOSUB instructions) to be carried out; followed by subroutines containing the detailed logic.

maintenance For an existing program, the process of fixing bugs, adding features, altering parts of the program, and per­forming other activities to keep the pro­gram current; in the systems analysis an design process, keeping the new system's hardware and software running smoothly and up-to-date after installation.

management information system (MIS) An integrated user-machine system for providing information to support opera­tions, management, and decision-making functions in an organization.

many-to-many relationship In a data model, the situation in which multiple fields are related to one another.

massively parallel computers Computers that speed up data processing by performing many different operations at one time

math coprocessor A special chip that supersedes the CPU to handle the various arithmetic operations needed in many mathematical calculations.

megabyte (Mbyte) Measure of computer memory equal to 1 million (230) bytes of storage.

megaHertz Unit of measurement or the clock speed of a CPU.

memory manager A type of utility soft­ware that causes the extended memory to emulate expanded memory.

menu A list of commands or requests for data.

menu driven A software package that uses a menu to allow the user to make selec­tions of commands or to enter data.

microchip See chip.

microcomputers See personal computers.

microfloppy disk A floppy disk that is less than 4 inches in diameter and is usually contained within a hard plastic cartridge.

microprocessor A computer chip that is programmed to control a machine's actions; also, a CPU on a chip.

microwaves High-frequency radio transmis­sions that can be transmitted between two earth stations or between earth stations and communications satellites, which are commonly used to transmit such things as television signals.

mind tool Another name for a computer.

minicomputer Computer size between a mainframe and a personal computer.

model A simplified version of the system that allows the analyst to understand the system's important parts.

model base In a decision support system, a collection of models used as needed to arrive at a solution.

modem A communications device that modulates computer signals into outgoing audio signals and demodulates incoming audio signals into computer signals.

module A separate program that performs a specific task and shares data with the other modules to lead to an integrated system.

monitor A cathode ray tube output device that shows the output on a video screen.

monochrome monitor A one-color monitor.

mouse An input device—about the size of a mouse and connected to the computer by a long cord—that allows input through movement over a flat surface.

MS-DOS A single-user, single-task generic operating system for use on IBM compat­ible PCs; currently the most popular disk operating system.

multiple-access network A local area net­work in which all users can transmit at any time, but collision-detecting software is necessary to control transmissions.

multimedia The traditional PC along with a VCR, optical storage disk, compact disks, and high-fidelity stereo that will provide interactive, full-motion video.

multiscanning monitor A computer moni­tor that can display the output from ana­log VGA or from any digital graphics adapter.

nanotechnology The ability to build com­plex objects on a molecular scale using atom-by-atom precision.

natural languages Languages that use everyday terminology and grammar to communicate with the computer.

near-letter-quality output A quality of dot matrix print, created by a 24-pin print-head, that is close to that created by a daisy wheel printer.

nested decisions In BASIC, one decision depending on another decision.

nested FOR loops In BASIC, an inner FOR loop within an outer FOR loop.

network A combination of two or more computers with a communications system that allows exchange of information between the computers.

network data model A data model in which each element may have more than one parent or owner.

neural network Computer processing using multiple processors that are "trained," through repetition, to handle some task without an extensive, highly specific pro­gram.

neuron The many chips in a neutral net­work.

node The location of a computer or termi­nal in a network or electronic mail sys­tem.

noise pollution A condition caused by con­tinuous noise in the home or workplace; sometimes associated with continual use of computer printers in a small space.

nondestructive fetch A process in which data can be retrieved from any address without destroying the data.

nonimpact printer A printer that uses some device other than a hammer to form symbols with ink on the paper.

noninterlaced monitor A monitor that paints each line during each pass, which results in a sharper screen image.

nonprocedural language A computer lan­guage that does not require the user to develop a logical procedure but only to answer questions or make choices from a menu.

nonvolatile memory Memory that does not disappear when the power is removed from the computer.

notebook PCs Portable, full-power personal computers that can run on either AC power or rechargeable batteries and are similar to laptops but are generally lighter.

numeric field A field with the ability to store numeric information and make cal­culations.

numerical constant A positive or negative number that is placed in a memory cell.

object code A machine language program that is actually executed by the computer.

object-oriented language A language based on the concept of sending messages using icons.

object-oriented programming systems (OOPS) Systems that use objects (self-contained items that combine data and algorithms) that cooperate in the program by passing strictly defined messages to one another.

office automation See office information system.

Office information system (OIS)A machine or machines combined with a communications system and users to effi­ciently handle the job of obtaining, orga­nizing, storing, retrieving, and preparing needed information; also called office automation.

one-alternative decision A decision for which if the condition is true an action is taken but if the condition is false no spe­cial action is taken.

one-dimensional array A list of numbers or strings.

one-to-many In a data model, the situation in which one field is related to multiple other fields.

one-to-one In a data model, the situation in which one field is related to only one other field.

online services Companies that provide a wide range of computerized information to their subscribers.

operating environment A program that overlays the operating system to allow a menu-driven operating system, multitask­ing, or the use of windows.

operating system The primary component of systems software; manages the many tasks that are going on concurrently within a computer.

operator In BASIC, a symbol for one of the five arithmetic operations.

optical character recognition (OCR) A process that reads characters in a special font into the computer.

optical disk A form of secondary storage that uses lasers and pits in a reflective surface to store information.

optical mark reader An optical character recognition system that picks up black pencil marks on a special answer sheet and compares them to the correct answers.

optical storage media Secondary storage using laser disks.

optimization The use of a mathematical technique to find the best solution to a model.

optoelectronic technology Laser light used to transmit data at the rate of 1 billion bits per second.

order processing A module that a retail or wholesale operation uses to make sure that customers' orders are filled in a timely manner.

OS/2 A single-user, multitasking generic operating system for use on some IBM compatible PCs.

outline processor An operation that aids the user by automatically numbering the various levels of an outline.

output The result of the processing as dis­played or printed for the user.

output crime The theft of processed infor­mation for resale, extortion, or the crimin­al's personal use.

outsourcing A process that involves turning over the entire responsibility for the infor­mation system to an outside group.

overflow area In ISAM, an area of storage to which new records are added when the original storage area is filled.

packet switching In a wide area network, dividing long messages into smaller data units to be transmitted more easily through a network.

packets The smaller data units that long messages are divided into for packet switching.

page description language (PDL) In a desktop publishing package, the operation that combines the user's text and graphics into a final page format.

page printer A laser printer capable of printing an entire page at a time.

paint packages Graphics packages that are used to develop artistic creations on the computer screen.

paragraph indention A function of a word processing package that allows an entire paragraph to be indented.

parallel conversion The conversion of one system to another in which both systems run in parallel before the conversion is completed.

parallel form The processing of data 8, 16, 32 bits at a time.

parallel processing A form of computer processing that allows multiple instruc­tions to be processed simultaneously.

parallel storage device A secondary stor­age device on which an entire byte is encoded in one operation.

parallel-data computers Computers capa­ble of simultaneously performing the same operations on many different data items.

parallel-process computers Computers that divide a problem into many smaller parts, each of which is solved by a separate processor.

parent In a hierarchical data base, the data element that is linked in a superior fash­ion to other elements called children.

parity bit On magnetic storage devices and in communications, an extra bit that is used for error-checking.

password A secret combination of letters, numbers, and/or symbols that is used to ensure that only the legitimate user can access a computer with the given user number.

password policies Specific company poli­cies designed to protect data and software through responsible use of passwords.

path name The name of the current subdi­rectory preceded by all subdirectories "above" it separated by backslashes.

payroll A list of employees to be paid and the amount each is paid by the organiza­tion.

peer-to-peer configuration A LAN config­uration in smaller networks in which the emphasis is on users sharing files. Each computer can function as both a server and a workstation instead of as a single dedicated file server.

pen-based computing A form of input in which the user writes directly to the screen.

personal accounting packages Software designed to help keep track of an indivi­dual's or even a small business's finances.

personal budgeting package A group of programs that includes checkbook accounting and home budget planning.

personal computer Small, one-user com­puters that are relatively inexpensive to own and do not require a special environ­ment or special knowledge to use them.

personal financial management package Software designed to help the individual monitor his or her finances.

personal identification number (PIN) A secret numerical password used to access a bank account from an automatic teller machine.

personal productivity software PC applications software, so-called because it allows individuals to increase their productivity.

PgDn key A key on the IBM compatible PC keyboard that facilitates large down­ward movements of the cursor.

PgUp key A key on the IBM compatible PC keyboard that facilitates large upward movements of the cursor.

phosphor A phosphorescent compound coated on the inside of a computer screen to make it light up.

photomask A procedure, similar to the making of a photographic negative, used to imprint an electronic circuit on a chip.

physical record The actual amount that is read by a tape drive before it stops at an interblock gap; made up of one or more logical records.

physical security The protection of the computer hardware from natural and human damage.

pie graph A type of analysis graphics that demonstrates the manner in which some quantity is proportionally divided by showing those divisions as pieces of a pie.

piping The ability to send output from one program to another program, where it becomes input.

pixel A picture element made up of a dot of light on the screen.

plotter Nonimpact hard-copy output device that uses moving pens to draw charts and graphs on various types of paper, vellum, or transparencies.

pocket PCs Portable personal computers are about the size of a large calculator and replace traditional address books, calculators, and appointment calendars. They are battery powered and do not usually include a disk drive.)

pointer system An indexing system in which the value associated with each ele­ment in a list points to the next element in the list.

port An entry line to the computer.

port protection device An extra level of security, at the entry level to the com­puter, that requires the user to have an additional password and that can camou­flage the computer's answering device.

portable computer A computer that can be transported.

post/test loop A loop in which the loop ter­mination decision comes after the body of the loop.

pre/test loop A loop in which the loop ter­mination decision comes before the body of the loop.

predefined process symbol A symbol used to designate a procedure that is part of the flow of control but requires a separate flowchart.

preprocessor A small computer that con­trols the terminals and RJEs to relieve the CPU from this responsibility.

presentation graphics Graphics software packages that allow the presentation of data and information in a more under­standable or dramatic form.

Presentation Manager A graphical inter­face incorporated into OS/2.

primary key The one field or combination of fields that uniquely identifies a record among all records on a data base.

primary storage See internal memory,

primitives Basic graphic objects such as points, lines, and circles used in designs.

print spooler A word processing function that allows text to be printed while other

text is being entered or edited.

PRINT zones In BASIC, zones 14 spaces wide that control the exact spacing between labels and variables.

printer An output device that places words and symbols on paper.

printer codes Instructions that the printer uses to convert the special characters for underlining, boldface, and subscripts.

printer driver In word processing, a soft­ware package that handles the conversion of special characters in the document to symbols the printer can use.

problem definition The first step in the systems analysis and design process; the process of defining the problem to be analyzed and the system to be designed.

procedural language A computer language that requires the programmer to use a log­ical procedure to perform some task.

processing The conversion of data into information.

processing block One or more statements that handle the input, output, and calcula­tion functions in a program.

processing crime Manipulating software so that it or the data it is processing are used to steal, sabotage, or fudge results.

processing/internal memory unit The part of the computer where data are stored and manipulated.

processing symbol In flowcharting, a rec­tangle used to designate any type of processing operation.

program A series of instructions to the computer.

program file A file made up of a list of program statements.

program flowchart A pictorial form of the logic needed to solve a problem.

program generator A prototyping tool that allows the user to generate computer code in a high-level language without having to actually write the code.

program mode Mode in which program statements are entered into the computer with formal line numbers that indicate their sequence of execution; the program is not processed until the user enters the RUN command.

program statements Line-by-line state­ments in a computer program.

programmable decisions Day-to-day opera­tional decisions based on basic rules and policies set at higher management levels.

programmable read-only memory (PROM) A ROM chip that can be programmed by the user.

programming The process of writing a series of instructions for the computer to follow in performing some specific task.

prompt A signal on the screen, indicating that the computer is waiting for a com­mand or data.

proportional spacing A text print that cre­ates different amounts of space between different letters.

proprietary operating system Personal computer operating systems that run on only one type of computer.

protocol The set of rules two computers follow when communicating with each other.

prototyping Creating a "quick and dirty" prototype of software to get around the lengthy systems analysis and design pro­cess.

pseudocode A written form of an algorithm that can easily be converted into a com­puter program.

public domain Noncopyrighted software, which may be copied legally.

puck A stylus on a digitizer tablet used in computer-aided design.

pull-down menu A menu that uses icons to represent various commands or operations and appears as needed.

pushover mode Seeinsert mode.

query language A computer language asso­ciated with the use of data base manage­ment packages that allows a user to request information.

queue The use of a waiting line by operat­ing systems to execute jobs according to their level of priority.

RAM-resident program A program that, once run, remains resident in RAM and can be called up during the operation of another program.

random-access memory (RAM) The sec­tion of memory that is available for stor­ing the instructions to the computer and the symbols to be manipulated.

range In a spreadsheet, a part of a row, a part of a column, or a rectangle of cells.

read-only memory (ROM) The section of memory that is placed in the computer during the manufacturing process and remains there even after the computer is turned off.

read/write head The part of a disk or tape drive that handles the actual transfer of information to or from the disk or tape.

real field A data base field that will contain a number containing a decimal.

real-time conference A form of teleconfer­encing in which all participants are logged onto the system at the same time.

real-time processing Used when several users are competing for the same resource - e.g., an airline reservation sys­tem.

record A collection of fields with informa­tion that usually pertains to only one sub­ject (person, place, event, and so on).

record number The physical position of a record in a list.

redundant arrays of inexpensive disks (RAID) Replaces the larger disk packs with a "gang" of 5'/4-inch disk drives similar to the ones used in personal computers.

reel-to-reel magnetic tape A form of mag­netic tape that runs between two reels and is used in minicomputer and mainframe applications for secondary storage.

reformatted The realignment of a para­graph's margins after material has been deleted.

register A temporary holding place for a particular instruction, data item, or piece of information.

relational data model A data model in which elements are represented as being parts of tables, which are then related through common elements.

relational operator In BASIC, one of six arithmetic operators that handle compari­sons between constants and variables or between variables.

relative address The location of a record in secondary storage relative to all other records.

relative copy A copy of a formula being moved that retains the original formula structure but changes that formula to match the location of the new cell.

remark (REM) In BASIC, a statement that is added to explain a program and its logic to other users.

remote job entry (RJE) site A batch job entry site that is separate from the CPU.

repetition block A block of statements that handles the repetition of one or more actions.

repetitive strain disorder Musculoskeletal problems resulting from extensive use of a VDT.

replace mode The word processing mode in which current symbols are replaced by new symbols.

report generator The part of a data base management package that handles the reporting of information in whatever order the user desires.

request for proposal (RFP) The process of requesting that vendors submit a proposal on a hardware or software job.

reserved word In BASIC, any one of almost 160 words that cannot be used as variable names.

resist A chemical that is used to build up each layer of a chip.

resolution The quality of the picture on a monitor as defined by the number of pix­els on the screen.

reverse polarity Reversed electrical current; when a computer system with normal polarity is plugged into such an outlet, an explosion and damage will occur.

reverse Polish notation (RPN) A method of organizing arithmetic operations that places the operators before the values.

reverse video On a computer screen, dark letters appearing on a light background instead of vice versa.

RGB monitor A monitor that uses a Red/ Green/Blue technology to show colors.

right justification The addition of extra space in a line to make the right margins line up.

ring network A computer network that links multiple computers in a circle or ring with no host computer.

robotics The use of machines to perform physical tasks in place of humans.

robots Automated machines. (Also see robotics).)

root directory The starting, or main, direc­tory for creation of a hierarchically struc­tured file system.

rotational delay time The time it takes for the appropriate sector of the disk to come under the read/write head.

row A series of values placed horizontally.

scanner A device used to translate a page of a document into an electronic form that OCR software can understand.

scatter diagram A type of analysis graph­ics that uses a symbol such as the asterisk to plot the relationships between values on the horizontal and vertical axes.

scheduled report A report generated by the MIS on a regular basis, containing sum­mary reports of the results of the data processing operation.

scrolling For word processing, spreadsheets, or telecommunications, the up and down or left and right movements of the text or cells on the screen so that additional material can be seen.

search and replace In word processing, the operation of searching for and replacing a particular character string with another string.

second-level decision In a nested loop, the dependent decision, whose execution depends on the other decisions.

secondary keys Fields or combinations of fields that are not necessarily unique to a record but that can be used to find a group of records.

secondary storage Storage area outside of the computer, used to hold an overflow of information or to save information when the computer is turned off.

sector A pie-shaped section of a floppy disk that is used to divide the tracks on a floppy disk.

security software packages Software designed to protect a computer system through various methods.

seek time The time it takes the read/write head to move to the correct track on a disk.

self-documenting language A computer language that does not need comments or

other documentation.

semiconductor A mineral that conducts electricity only under certain conditions.

sentinel value A record value that signals the end of the loop in a last-record check.

sequential access A form of access in which the records are accessed in the same order in which they are physically stored.

sequential access file A file organization system used for records that need to be accessed in the order in which they were physically stored.

sequential storage device A secondary storage device that stores information in such a way that information must be read in the same order that it is written onto the device.

serial form The processing of data one bit at a time.

serial machine A computer that can pro­cess only one instruction at a time.

serial port The connection between the computer and the modem cable.

serial storage device A secondary storage device on which the data are stored one bit at a time.

shareware Software that is made available to users for a nominal fee or donation.

shell A software application working with MS-DOS to allow a graphical interface, multitasking, and the use of windows.

simplex mode Communications between computers, in which the communication can be in only one direction.

simulation The process of exercising a model using multiple values to determine the outcome under different circum­stances.

smart machine Computer-based machine that can make decisions and provide information.

soft sectoring A sectoring plan that depends on the personal computer in use and on the disk operating system.

software The programs that direct the activ­ity of the computer.

software package A combination of one or more computer programs and documenta­tion describing the programs and their use.

software piracy The unauthorized copying of software for either personal use or financial gain.

sonic tinnitus A condition involving loss of hearing and/or a constant ringing in the ears, resulting from long-term exposure to noise.

sorting The process of arranging records in ascending or descending order.

source program The original high-level language program written by the com­puter user.

special-purpose computer A computer designed for only one purpose.

special-purpose languages A language developed to handle a specific task.

specific DSS A decision support system that has been developed to solve a spe­cific problem; it is usually written in a high-level language.

speller A function of a word processor that checks the spelling of words in a docu­ment.

spike A voltage surge, such as lightning or some other electrical disturbance, that causes a sudden increase in the electrical supply. Delicate chips and other electrical parts can be destroyed.

spreadsheet A table having rows and col­umns of values, labels, and formulas that can be used to make calculations, plan budgets, make forecasts, and ask "What if?" questions about the data.

spreadsheet linking The capacity to link data and formulas in multiple spread­sheets so that a change in one spreadsheet is transferred to other spreadsheets using the same value or formula.

spreadsheet macro A sequential series of Lotus 1-2-3 commands that the user determines and thereafter can put into play by pressing the few keys that repre­sent the particular macro.

stacked bar graphs A type of analysis graphics that places multiple quantities on the same bar.

star network A computer network with one host computer, to which many smaller computers or terminals are linked.

start bit A bit at the beginning of a charac­ter in asynchronous communication that signals the computer that a character is beginning to be sent.

static electricity Electricity created in dry climates that can cause significant damage to data or electrical parts.

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MY FUTURE PROFESSION| Structured approachThe movement from a logical design to a physical design fol­lowing a set pattern of steps. Also called top-down approach.

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