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Sergey Korolev

Разное - Сочинения на английском - My visit to the theatre

To begin with I*d like to say that the theatre is a great means of promoting culture among people. It*s often called " the Temple of Art " because it educates, relaxes, entertains and shows us how wonderful the world around us is. There is a great variety of theatres in Moscow and the most difficult things for the theatre - goers is to decide which theatre to go to. Some theatres are more popular with the public than others that*s why it*s almost impossible to get tickets when a good play is on. If you managed to get tickets, you will enjoy the performance from the very beginning to the end. I*ll never forget my first visit to the Ballshoi Opera House. My friend and I wanted to see the famous ballet the Swan Lake by P.E. Chaikovsky, the great Russian composer. We bought the tickets in advance. It was an evening performance and we came half an hour before the show. We bought a play bill and find out what the cast was. We were glad to know that the leading parts were acted by the talented young dancers. Than my friend and I took our seats in stalls not far from the stage. Though it wasn*t the first night but there was a full audience at the theatre. Soon the lights went down and the curtain went up. As soon as the music started the public cheered enthusiastically and began to applaud. From the very first minute I was deeply impressed by everything I saw on the stage and followed the play with the great interest. The setting and dancing were exelent. The customs were fine and the scenery and the music were brilliant. The ballet seemed to me as the beautiful fairy tale and the atmosfere was really magical. I couldn*t take my eyes off the stage. After the first act we went to look over the theatre. We saw boxes, the orchestra pit, the dress – circle and the gallery. There were many portraits of opera – singers and the ballet dancers on the walls of the foyer. I was especially charmed by the " Small Swans* dance ". When the curtain fell of the end of the performance there was a storm of applause. The dancers were presented with flowers. The performance was a great success with the public. In a word my first visit to the Ballshoi Opera House gave me unforgettable impressions!

Sergey Korolev

Sergey Pavlovich Korolev was the Founder of Practical Cosmonautics. Academician Korolev is a famous scientist and a founder of practical cosmonautics. He was the chief constructor of the first Earth sputniks and spaceships.

Korolev was born in 1906 in the small Ukrainian town of Zhitomir into a family of teachers. He spent his childhood with his grandparents in the town of Nezhin where he studied at home with a teacher. He was interested in maths, literature and he read a great deal.

In 1923 Sergey Korolev joined a Glider Pilots’ Club where he learned to construct gliders and to fly them. In 1925 Korolev entered the Kiev Polytechnical Institute where he studied aviation and maths, but in the evening he had to work for money.

After two years in Kiev Korolev came to Moscow and entered the Moscow Higher Technical School. During the Great Patriotic War he constructed a jet engine for aeroplanes and rockets. The first man-made sputnik of the Earth was a result of hard work of hard work of scientist Korolev.

Sergey Korolev died in 1966.

For his brilliant work in the name of science and progress he was awarded two Gold Stars of the Hero of Socialist Labour. People will always remember the names of those who opened a new era in the conquest of outer space, and the name of Korolev is one of them.

The Weather in England (1)

The English say «Other countries have a climate, in England we have weather*. It happens because the weather changes more often than in other countries. British winters are mild and springs are cool because of the winds that blow from the Atlantic Ocean. They blow 2 days out of every 3.

In spring sunshine and showers follow each other so often during the day that an umbrella or a raincoat is absolutely necessary in England. The weather changes so frequently that it is difficult to forecast. It is not unusual for people to complain that the weathermen were wrong.

The weather in spring is generally mild but sometimes the days are really fresh. Spring is the season when nature awakens from its long winter sleep: the temperature grows, the sky becomes blue, and the sun grows warmer. Everything is full of new life again. The days grow longer and warmer; the ground gets covered with green grass.

Summer is the hottest season in England. The sunrays become hot, the days are long, and the nights are short and warm. It's time for holidays, when people go to the seaside for sunbathing and swimming. It usually gets hot in July. The summer nights are short, but they are wonderful.

As for autumn it isn't so nice. It's a season of winds and beautiful sunsets. The leaves turn yellow and reddish and fall to the ground and the birds migrate to warm countries. In autumn the days become shorter. A spell of sunny weather in September is called Indian summer or «Golden Autumn». In England September and October are warm and dry, but November is the foggiest month. Late autumn is generally an unpleasant season. Everything begins to take a different colour. The trees look bare. The flowers have faded away. The sky is overcast with low clouds. Everything looks gloomy.

In winter in England they can hardly forecast their weather. Sometimes it rains and sometimes it snows. In England it isn't so cold in winter as in our country and they don't get so much snow as we get here in Ukraine. The rivers in England never freeze, that's why children there go skating very seldom. When there are 8 degrees of frost in England everyone complains of hazards.

Погода в Англии (1)

Англичане говорят: «В других странах — климат, а у нас в Англии — погода». Это происходит потому, что погода изменяется чаще, чем в других странах. Британские зимы умеренны, а весна прохладная из-за дующих с Атлантического океана ветров. Они дуют каждые два дня из трех.

Весной солнечная погода и проливные дожди следуют друг за другом так часто в течение дня, что зонтик или плащ являются абсолютно необходимыми в Англии. Погода меняется так часто, что ее трудно прогнозировать. Это обычное явление, когда люди жалуются, что «прогнозисты» сделали неправильный прогноз.

Погода весной в основном мягкая, но иногда дни действительно холодные. Весна — это время года, когда природа пробуждается от своего длинного зимнего сна: температура становится выше, небо становится голубым, солнце становится теплее. Все вокруг снова полно новой жизнью. Дни становятся более длинными и теплыми, земля покрывается зеленой травой.

Лето является самым жарким сезоном в Англии. Солнечные лучи становятся жаркими, дни длинными, ночи короткими и теплыми. Это время отпусков, когда люди едут на побережье, чтобы позагорать и поплавать. Действительно жарко становится в июле. Летние ночи коротки, но прекрасны.

Что касается осени, то она не настолько прекрасна. Это сезон ветров и красивых закатов. Листья становятся желтыми и красноватыми и опадают на землю, птицы улетают в теплые края. Осенью дни становятся короче. Непродолжительный период солнечной погоды в сентябре называется бабьим летом или золотой осенью. В Англии в сентябре и октябре тепло и сухо, но ноябрь является самым туманным месяцем. Поздняя осень — это вообще неприятный сезон. Все меняет свои цвета. Деревья выглядят голыми. Цветы завяли. Небо пасмурное, с низкой облачностью. Все выглядит мрачным.

Зимой в Англии трудно предсказать погоду. Иногда идет дождь, иногда — снег. В Англии не так холодно зимой, как в нашей стране, и у них выпадает не так много снега, как у нас на Украине. Реки в Англии никогда не замерзают, именно поэтому дети там очень редко катаются на коньках. Когда в Англии 8 градусов мороза, каждый считает это стихийным бедствием.


So many countries, so many customs.

Every nation has its own customs and traditions. The combination of the words tradition and custom means a usual manner of doing something, a belief of principles, of conduct passing from generation to generation. All of them should be taken into notice, because they are in the key position for each country.

To begin with, in the world of information where people from different countries have to communicate with each other having a command of foreign languages takes the first place. It helps people to extend their mental outlook, to know more about customs, habits, way of life of people from other countries.

Secondly, all traditions and customs are really different. On the one hand, there are some which are famous all over the world. Bowler hats, drinking tea and talking about the weather, for example. Every person is aware that they are specific for the British. On the other hand, not all people know that the red color has an important, rooted meaning for the Chinese. It is a visual expression of happiness and joy. So it is their first consideration in all celebrations, including weddings. Even the bride`s home is decorated in red on the wedding day.

In addition, the greater part of people prefers traveling during holidays. Sometimes between people of different nations during their communication emerge various misunderstandings about their conduct. If you don’t know some traditions of the country, it can lead to offences; it can even sow seeds of discord between nations. So before going somewhere abroad it’s better to learn at least the most important points of culture of the country.
In conclusion, there are a lot of nations in the world and a great amount of different customs. Some of them can be beyond one’s mentality. But people should respect and claim their attention to all traditions, because they mean not only way of life, but also culture and history.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 40 | Нарушение авторских прав

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