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Domestic advertising

The History of Advertising | The first advertising | Types and Functions of Advertising | Public opinion | Advertising in press | Advertising on TV |

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  7. Advertising in press


Domestic advertising (Kharkov region advertisements) has made a large skip during the last few years. When I was a child I could hardly see any advertisements in the streets, on buses, I couldn’t find price-lists in my post. But nowadays nearly once a week in my post I can find advertising commercial messages.


Today we can see many hoardings in the streets of Kharkov too. Walking along the main streets we carry our eyes from one signboard to another. I think that their placement is very successful. First of all, they are situated at the entrance of our town. People can learn information about Kharkov goods on the way to Kharkov. Secondly, the most essential part of hoardings are situated along two main streets: Klochkovskaya and Sumskaya. These are two the most busy streets of the town. In rush hours thousands of people look at these hoardings. To my mind, that is why outdoor advertising in Kharkov is well-developed and successful. All the hoardings are bright, effective, colorful and capturing.


Advertising in mass media is also very popular in Kharkov. Ads in the Internet is the youngest kind of advertising, may be of this, it is not the leader of mass media advertising. There are some sites with Kharkov advertisements but they are not numerous. There are some newspapers containing advertisements such as “Vecherni Kharkov” and “Nasha reklama”. I think advertising in press should be more well-developed. Many adverts in press are not colourful, there are no interesting ideas, only what and where to buy. I think that it would be better to print advertising newspapers on the paper of higher quality, using more colours. I know the price of such newspapers will rise and the price of adverts too. But we are really interested in such like information, we are interested in qualitative information and we will not mind the price. If advertiser is interested in promoting his goods qualitatively, brightly, effectively, he will pay any money he has, in case it will help in promotion of his products among the audience.


Advertising on TV has changed a lot. A few years ago it was just a “running line” consisting only of words. Nowadays it is not the same “running line” but it consists not only of words but also of emblems and logotypes but also rollicks. There are some interesting rollicks. For example, advertising of Kharkov MTS. I think it is one of the most successful because it is true to life, easy for understanding, and I am sure that every person was in such like situation in his or her life. But these rollicks are not ideal. There are some drawbacks. They are too long, some people can zap during it, and it wouldn’t be so effective. It is also a little bit unattractive because the situation is common. I think if the end of this ad would be another it would be more powerful. This is the only example of advertising on TV. But it needs to do much in the development of TV advertising in Kharkov and I hope that soon it will be a lot of professional advertisers with creative skills and individuality. Only after that every advertisement would be smart, expressive, unexpected, exciting, creating and individual. Another kind of advertising is samples. It is not well-developed. I think it is so because of the character of Ukranian people – to have as much as possible if it is free of charge. But sometimes we can meet young girls in the streets or in the supermarkets giving us samples of this or that product.


All in all ads are popular but not well-developed and not of high quality in Kharkov. That’s why advertising in Kharkov is the sphere which greatly needs to be changed and to be mastered.

I would like to finish my work speaking about new advertising techniques: endorsement and product placement.


When you watch a TV programme or a movie, you expect to see advertisements in the commercial breaks, but you are also probably receiving a large number of commercial messages during the film or progremme as well, thanks to a marketing technique called “product placement”.


For example, why do the “men in black” wear Ray-Ban sunglasses? The answer is that Ray-Ban did a deal with the film’s producers and followed it with a $ 10 million advertising campaign.


Also many advertisers ask famous, glamorous or successful people to give their approval to a particular brands or products – a technique known as endorsement.


After the end of her marriage to the UK’s Duke of York, Sarah “Fergie” Ferguson was asked by the American company WeightWatchers to appear in an advertising campaign for their range of slimming methods and products.


There is another example of endorsement. Sun Advertising, the Japanese advertising agency, has beaten its main competitor Top Ad, to win a contract to promote Tora’s new soft drinks range. They are going to launch a 10 billion yen TV advertising campaign – one of the biggest ever seen in Japan. The campaign includes an ad with the best baseball player from every major baseball team in Japan. Tatsuo Tokunaga, the director who dreams up Sun Advertising’s campaigns, says that the firm tries to capture people’s attention.


To my mind, they are more expensive than simple advertisements but more powerful. I think so because we usually trust outstanding persons, we want to look like them, we even copy them to some extent.





Advertising is an essential part of business. Ads are necessary either for the manufacturer or for the buyer. They are necessary for the manufacturer because they produce knowledge about it, create preferences, stimulate thoughts and actions about the product. Advertising is one of the most important factors in accelerating the distribution of the products. And it is necessary for the buyer because we learn information about the product from ads. Adverts are trustworthy because advertising cannot turn a poor product into a good one. But what it can do and it really does is to create an awareness about both old and new products.


So, civilization has made a great step in the development of advertising. It has turned into a powerful global network from primitive cries. I think that we can also name our present day era “the era of advertising”, because everything is advertised and everything can be found in adverts.






1. Aaker, A. D., Batra, R., & Myers, G.J. (1992). Advertising management (2nd ed.).

New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

2. Colley, R. (1961). Defining advertising goals for measured advertising results. New York: Association of National Advertisers.

3. http://www.allfreeessays.com/topics/influence-of-advertising-on-our-daily-life/0

4. http://textreferatov.ru/doc_referat/inostrannyi_yazyk/advertising_in_our_life/pg- 2.html

5. http://www.squidoo.com/influence-of-advertising

6. http://www.adstandards.com/en

7. http://www.blurtit.com/q4763897.html




У цій роботі розповідається про сутність реклами,її роль у суспільстві. В нашому житті ми на кожному кроці помічаємо рекламу у будь-яких проявах:чи то дивлячись телевізор,чи то читаючи газету.

Ви можете не усвідомлювати цього, але в більшості випадків ми схильні асоціювати себе з брендами. Ми також вважаємо, що бренди на які ми хочемо бути схожі, мають багато спільного з тим, хто ми насправді і допомогти визначити нашу самооцінку.


Питання, яке виникає,це те, що впливає на споживачів, та поведінку покупців? Відповідь на це питання-реклама. Як багато з нас купують під впливом реклами? Як багато з нас вирішують,щопобачивши оголошення?

Рекламне повідомлення,що надруковано в газеті чи журналі, трансляція радіо чи телевізійне дає людям інформацію і переконує їх купити конкретний товар або послугу. Сьогодні реклама може бути і через SMS, Інтернет, кіно, візки, стіни і рекламні щити. Крім того, буду ще більш середовища в майбутньому

Реклама грає важливу роль у створенні бренду, створення іміджу та “спілкування “їх із споживачами. Крім того, вона прагне до зміцнення нашої довіри і створює наш престиж. Крім того, ми вважаємо, що те, що ми купуємо розповідає про наше життя, відносини та ідеології. Зрештою, головною метою рекламодавця є продати і отримати прибуток. Проте, реклама сьогодні є не те, що це було в минулому. Що я маю на увазі під цим?

У минулому, рекламодавці використовували для формування свого повідомлення упор на сімейні цінності, культуру та соціальну відповідальність. Тепер, на жаль, здається, що лідирує вульгарна реклама. Незважаючи на те, що аудиторія змінилася з покоління в покоління, рекламодавець, основний інтерес якого і раніше залишається таким же, повинен звернутися до конкретної аудиторії та впливати на просування товарів і ідей.

Це, сумно, але факт в наші дні більшість оголошень засновані на вульгарної реклами, яка говорить зі споживачами на мові бажання, потреби. Оголошення сьогодні формується не державі зі споживачами, шоб отримати пряму вигоду від продукту або послуги, замість цього фокусується на емоційниму впливі, але моє питання до вас, чому компанії, згоджується з таким підходом? Зокрема компаній, які просувають канікули, парфумерію, взуття, ліки, роздрібний продаж, моди і напоїв, я твердо вірю, можуть зосередитися на невинністі і чистоті. Є над чим замислитися!


Реклама всюди, це потужна сила, яка формує ставлення та поведінку в сучасному світі. Реклама має глибокий вплив на те, як люди розуміють життя, світ і самих себе, особливо щодо цінностей і способів вибору та поведінки.






This paper describes the essence of advertising, its role in society. In our lives we notice every step of advertising in any dimension: whether the television, or reading the newspaper.

You may not realize this but most of the times we tend to associate ourselves with brands. We also believe that the brands we choose to relate to, have a lot to do with who we really are and help identify our self-image.
The question that runs through my head is what influences the consumers’ purchasing behavior? The answer to this is, “advertising”. How many of us get influenced by advertisements? Advertising is a message printed in a newspaper or magazine, broadcast radio or television sent to individuals to inform and persuade them to buy a particular product or service. Today advertising is also through SMS, Internet, movies, shopping carts, bus panels, shelters, walls, and billboards. Besides, there are more mediums to come. Advertising plays an important role in building the brand, creating the image and communicating it to the consumers. Also, it tends to strengthen our purchasing confidence and builds up our prestige. Furthermore, we believe that what we buy communicates a message about our lifestyle, attitude and ideology. At the end of the day, the advertiser’s aim is to sell and make profit. However, advertising today is not what it used to be in the past. What do I mean by that?
In the past, advertisers used to shape their messages focusing on family values, culture, and social responsibility. Nowadays, unfortunately it seems like vulgar advertising sells. Despite the fact that the audience changed from generation to generation, the advertiser’s main interest still remains the same which is to appeal to a specific audience and influence them by promoting products and ideas.
Advertising is a pervasive, powerful force that shapes attitude and behavior in today's world. Advertising has a profound impact on how people understand life, the world and themselves, especially in regard to values and ways of choosing and behaving.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 104 | Нарушение авторских прав

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