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Прочитайте и переведите диалог.

Читайте также:
  1. A) проанализируйте модели образования слов, прочтите и переведите слова и словосочетания, созданные на их основе.
  2. I. C. Переведите предложения
  3. I. Вставьте вместо точек глагол werden. Переведите предложения.
  4. I. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на время сказуемого.
  5. II Прочтите и переведите следующий текст.
  6. IX. Прочитайте визначення та заповнити прогалини зі словами в дужках. Зверніться до глосарію.
  7. Test 3. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени.

TST Systems was looking for candidate for an opening position of a Commercial Director. Three applicants came for an interview after they had submitted their Resumes. The third and the most successful was Mr Klimenko. Here we are presenting the interview with him.

Good morning, sir.

– Good morning. Come in, come right in. Mr Klimenko, isn't it? Please take a seat. Tell me, how long were you in your last job with Alpha?

— Five years. I am only leaving because the firm is moving to Sevastopol, but I think a change will do me good.

— What do you know about our company? Have you got any questions to me?

— I know that this is a very promising company, so I'd like you to inform me what will be the major focus of efforts in the next few years?

— We plan to expand our activity on English-speaking countries, mainly on England, to buy equipment and technologies from them and run training programs here. We need a team of creative persons to make our company competitive in the world market.

— What responsibilities and obligations do you suggest during the first year?

— Well, first of all to be responsible for our contacts with English partners, to buy good equipment and generally to be skillful in negotiations. You will have to travel very much.

— Yes, I see.

— So tell me what are your three main strengths?

I think they are: reliability, loyalty, energy.

— Are you a leader, an entrepreneur by nature?

— Yes, I think so, because I make contacts with people very easily.

— All right. Now, Mr Klimenko, I am quite prepared to offer you a job with us. You have excellent references from your previous job. Any questions?

— When do you want me to start, sir?

— In a week, if possible.

— I am afraid I can begin working only since October 10.

— No problem. We'll be seeing you on the 10th then?

— Yes, certainly. Thank you very much. Goodbye.

— Goodbye.

an opening position вакансия
submit представить (на рассмотрение)
fill in the application form заполнить заявление (анкету)
the major focus of efforts основные усилия
to expand activity расширить деятельность
run training programs программа обучения специалистов
creative persons творческие личности
competitive in the world market. Конкурентоспособный на мировом рынке
skillful in negotiations уметь вести переговоры
strengths достоинства, сильные стороны
an entrepreneur предприниматель
references отзывы, рекомендации, характеристики


Грамматический материал

Настоящее время группы Continuous

Present Continuous - выражает действие, продолжающееся в данный момент.

Образуется из вспомогательного глагола be в настоящем времени и Причастия I смыслового глагола.

I am learning English Am I learning English? I am not learning English
You are learning English Are you learning English? You are not learning English
He is learning English Is he learning English? He is not learning English
She is learning English Is she learning English? She is not learning English
It is learning English Is it learning English? It is not learning English
We are learning English Are we learning English? We are not learning English
They are learning English Are they learning English? They are not learning English
  The telephone is ringing. Звонит телефон.
  You are listening to the morning news. Вы слушаете утренние новости.
  "Where's Bob?" "He's having lunch." Где Боб? – Он обедает.
  Who's calling, please? Кто говорит? (Кто звонит?)
  "What are you doing?" "I'm watching the telly. Are you?" – Чем занимаешься? (Что делаешь?) – Смотрю телевизор. А ты?

Сравните: Present Continuous — Present Simple

"I can’t understand them. What language are they speaking?" "Scottish." – Я их не понимаю. – На каком языке они говорят? – На шотландском.
"What languages do you speak? "French and German.?" – На каких языках вы говорите? (Какими языками вы владеем?) – На французском и немецком.

Некоторые глаголы, выражающие состояние и не употребляющиеся в Present Continuous: be, have (got), see, hear, know, understand, remember, like и другие.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 41 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Прочитайте и переведите текст устно к зачету.| Telephone Conversation with the British Firm

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