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lt;variant> vCat

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  1. Lt;variant> two hundred seven


<question1> Аударыңыз: occupation

<variant> Вид деятельности

<variant> Автобус

<variant> кваливикация

<variant> лес

<variant> здание


<question1> аударыңыз: judge

<variant> Судья

<variant> Деньги

<variant> Жизнь

<variant> Пригать

<variant> Кушать


<question1> Қате жазылған сөзді тап.

<variant> Notifiaton

<variant> After

<variant> Room

<variant> Horse

<variant> Great


<question1> Сөйлемді аяқтаңыз: He ordered his son open the___

<variant> Window

<variant> Time

<variant> Plate

<variant> Close

<variant> Dark


<question1> Аударыңыз: mistake

<variant> Қате

<variant> Кітап

<variant> Ал

<variant> Құпия

<variant> Ыдыс


<question1> Болымсыз мағынасын тап: I have

<variant> I have not

<variant> I have do

<variant> I will

<variant> I am

<variant> I do

<question1> Дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз: Where is she?

<variant> She is outside

<variant> She is book

<variant> She is student

<variant> She is small

<variant> She is plant

<question1> Сұрақ қойыңыз: Books are inside

<variant> Where are the books?

<variant> Who like books?

<variant> Why do you like books?

<variant> Do you read a book?

<variant> Did you give me books?

<question1> Антонимін табыңыз: Outside

<variant> Inside

<variant> Everywhere

<variant> Anywhere

<variant> No more

<variant> No body

<question1> Аударыңыз: work

<variant> Жұмыс

<variant> Өмір

<variant> Гүл

<variant> Келеді

<variant> Уйде

<question1> In a hurry сөзінің аудармасы:

<variant> Асығыс

<variant> Үстінде

<variant> Барады

<variant> Алып кел

<variant> Тұр


<question1> Саналмайтын зат есімді табыңыз.

<variant> Air

<variant> Apple

<variant> Glass

<variant> Dollar

<variant> Toy


<question1> Берілген мақалды толықтырыңыз: Knowledge is a …..

<variant> Power

<variant> Time

<variant> Money

<variant> Everything

<variant> Strength

<question1> Сөйлемді дұрыс аударыңыз: This girl is beautiful

<variant> Мына қыз әдемі

<variant> Мына қыз ұзын

<variant> Мына қыз ақылды

<variant> Мына қыз аласа

<variant> Мына қыз ұсқынсыз

<question1> ‘an’ артиклі қолданылады

<variant> Actor

<variant> Wall

<variant> House

<variant> Yard

<variant> Pupil

<question1> Саналатын зат есім

<variant> Book

<variant> Air

<variant> Milk

<variant> Water

<variant> Rain

<question1> Берілген әріптерден дұрыс кұрылған сөзді табыңыз: c,h,a,t,c,

<variant> Catch

<variant> Teach

<variant> Chact

<variant> Ctach

<variant> Chate

<question1> King сөзінің антонимі

<variant> Queen

<variant> Angry

<variant> But

<variant> And

<variant> Kind

<question1> Сөз құраңыз t,m,o,r,o,w,o,r

<variant> Tomorrow

<variant> Romorwot

<variant> Torromow

<variant> Morwotro

<variant> Wortmoro

<question1> Nurse сөзіне жақын мағыналы сөзді көрсет.

<variant> Patient

<variant> Winter

<variant> Hour

<variant> Clock

<variant> Window


<question1> Сөйлемді толықтыр.

<variant> … winter we play hockey.

<variant> In

<variant> For

<variant> Under

<variant> Into

<variant> Have


<question1> Бірінші курс студенті. дұрыс аудармасын тап.

<variant> A first year student

<variant> A first student

<variant> Year a first

<variant> Student

<variant> First year


<question1> I learn French language. Аудармасын тап.

<variant> Мен француз тілін ұйреніп жатырмын.

<variant> Мен француз тілін өте жақсы білем.

<variant> Мен Францияға көшіп барам.

<variant> Мен французбын

<variant> Менің ағам француз


<question1> Сөйлемді аяқтаңыз. There are.....days in a week

<variant> seven

<variant> one

<variant> fifty

<variant> two

<variant> eleven


<question1> Жауаптың дұрыс вариантын таңдаңыз:

Who is the main figure in the emblem of the USA?






<question1>Мына сөйлемдерге дұрыс көмекшi етiстiк қойыңыз. My flat __big.

<variant> is

<variant> are

<variant> to be

<variant> am

<variant> have


<question1> Мағынасына қарай сөлемдi аяқтау."___is Aigul? "."Very well, thanks."

<variant> how

<variant> why

<variant> where

<variant> what

<variant> when


<question1> drive етістікті аударыңыз








<question1> «inside» сөзінің антонимін тап:

<variant> outside

<variant> hot

<variant> about

<variant> clean

<variant> sunny


<question1> Созылынқы оқылатын әріп;.

<variant> w

<variant> y

<variant> u

<variant> g

<variant> x


<question1> «F» әріпінен кейін келетін әріпті көрсет;

<variant> g

<variant> m

<variant> j

<variant> h

<variant> p


<question1>Ағылшын тілінің алфавитынде неше дауысты әріп бар;

<variant> 6

<variant> 7

<variant> 5

<variant> 3

<variant> 1


<question1> «о» әріпінін оқылуы; «mother»?

<variant> [o]

<variant> [u]

<variant> [au]

<variant> [i]

<variant> [ou]


<question3> Отбасы тақырыбына кірмейтін сөзді табыңыз

<variant> friend

<variant> wife

<variant> daughter

<variant> mother

<variant> father


<question3>«nice» сөзінің синонимін тап;

<variant> fine

<variant> blue

<variant> red

<variant> big

<variant> white


<question3> Артық сөзді табыңыз

<variant> husband

<variant> engineer

<variant> economist

<variant> doctor

<variant> teacher


<question3> «сөйлеу» сөзінің аудармасын табыңыз

<variant> to speak

<variant> to say

<variant> to retell

<variant> to listen

<variant> to admire


<question3> Артық сөзді табыңыз

<variant> businessman

<variant> grandmother

<variant> parents

<variant> son

<variant> father


<question3>Артық сөзді алып тастаңыз;

<variant> fine

<variant> blue

<variant> red

<variant> big

<variant> white



<question3> Есімдікті табыңыз: (Біздің) institute is situated on Baidibek street.

<variant> our

<variant> his

<variant> her

<variant> my

<variant> its


<question2> Артық сөзді тап:

<variant> like

<variant> supper

<variant> dinner

<variant> lunch

<variant> breakfast


<question2> Артық сөзді табыңыз:

<variant> school

<variant> supper

<variant> dinner

<variant> lunch

<variant> breakfast


<question3> Сөйлемді аударыңыз: Мен күзді ұнатпаймын:

<variant> I do not like autumn

<variant> I like autumn best.

<variant> I like autumn

<variant> We do not like autumn.

<variant> She likes autumn.


<question3> Етістіктін дұрыс вариантын табыңыз

The students … 3-4 classes every day.


<variant> have

<variant> must

<variant> having

<variant> to have

<variant> has not


<question3> Предлогты дұрыс қойыңыз.

Please translate this text … Russian


<variant> into

<variant> out

<variant> for

<variant> under

<variant> by


<question3> Артық сөзді табыңыз:

<variant> daily

<variant> snowy

<variant> rainy

<variant> cloudy

<variant> sunny


<question3> Артық сөзді табыңыз:

<variant> daily

<variant> snowy

<variant> rainy

<variant> cloudy

<variant> sunny


<question1> Берілген әріптерден дұрыс кұрылған сөзді табыңыз: c,h,a,t,c,

<variant> Catch

<variant> Teach

<variant> Chact

<variant> Ctach

<variant> Chate


<question1> King сөзінің антонимі

<variant> Queen

<variant> Angry

<variant> But

<variant> And

<variant> Kind


<question1> Сөз құраңыз t,m,o,r,o,w,o,r

<variant> Tomorrow

<variant> Romorwot

<variant> Torromow

<variant> Morwotro

<variant> Wortmoro


<question3>Eat сөзінің аудармасын тап.



<variant>Вид деятельности

<variant>Домашние животные



<question3> Отбасы тақырыбына кірмейтін сөзді табыңыз

<variant> after

<variant> wife

<variant> daughter

<variant> mother

<variant> father


<question3> «window» сөзін аударыңыз

<variant> окно

<variant> стол

<variant> стена

<variant> дверь

<variant> потолок



<question3> "Big Ben" дегеніміз не?

<variant> clock

<variant> theatre

<variant> museum

<variant> university

<variant> school


<question3> Тексті оқып, дұрыс вариантын таңдаңыз;.

A Family.

The Tomsons are a family. Hellen Tomson is five. She is a nice girl. Ben and Betty are her parents. Ben is a teacher. Betty is a doctor. Peter is Hellen’s brother. He is a student of the University. Ben has a friend. His name is Jack. Jack is a businessman.

Hellen Tomson is ….

<variant> a nice girl

<variant> a doctor

<variant> a teacher

<variant> a businessman

<variant> a mother


<question3> Тексті оқып, дұрыс вариантын таңдаңыз;.

A Family.

The Tomsons are a family. Hellen Tomson is five. She is a nice girl. Ben and Betty are her parents. Ben is a teacher. Betty is a doctor. Peter is Hellen’s brother. He is a student of the University. Ben has a friend. His name is Jack. Jack is a businessman

Ben is Betty’s ….

<variant> husband

<variant> son

<variant> brother

<variant> friend

<variant> father


<question3> Тексті оқып, дұрыс вариантын таңдаңыз;.

A Family.

The Tomsons are a family. Hellen Tomson is five. She is a nice girl. Ben and Betty are her parents. Ben is a teacher. Betty is a doctor. Peter is Hellen’s brother. He is a student of the University. Ben has a friend. His name is Jack. Jack is a businessman.

Hellen is Betty’s ….

<variant> daughter

<variant> son

<variant> aunt

<variant> doctor




<question3> Тексті оқып, дұрыс вариантын таңдаңыз;.

A Family.

The Tomsons are a family. Hellen Tomson is five. She is a nice girl. Ben and Betty are her parents. Ben is a teacher. Betty is a doctor. Peter is Hellen’s brother. He is a student of the University. Ben has a friend. His name is Jack. Jack is a businessman.

Ben is a ….

<variant> teacher

<variant> doctor

<variant> economist

<variant> businessman

<variant> friend


<question3> Тексті оқып, дұрыс вариантын таңдаңыз;.

A Family.

The Tomsons are a family. Hellen Tomson is five. She is a nice girl. Ben and Betty are her parents. Ben is a teacher. Betty is a doctor. Peter is Hellen’s brother. He is a student of the University. Ben has a friend. His name is Jack. Jack is a businessman.

Peter is a ….

<variant> student

<variant> teacher

<variant> doctor

<variant> economist

<variant> businessman


<question3> Тексті оқып, дұрыс вариантын таңдаңыз;.

A Family.

The Tomsons are a family. Hellen Tomson is five. She is a nice girl. Ben and Betty are her parents. Ben is a teacher. Betty is a doctor. Peter is Hellen’s brother. He is a student of the University. Ben has a friend. His name is Jack. Jack is a businessman.

Jack is ….

<variant> Ben’s friend

<variant> student

<variant> teacher

<variant> doctor

<variant> economist


<question3> Тексті оқып, дұрыс вариантын таңдаңыз;.

A Family.

The Tomsons are a family. Hellen Tomson is five. She is a nice girl. Ben and Betty are her parents. Ben is a teacher. Betty is a doctor. Peter is Hellen’s brother. He is a student of the University. Ben has a friend. His name is Jack. Jack is a businessman

Betty is ….

<variant> a doctor

<variant> teacher

<variant> student

<variant> economist

<variant> businessman


<question3> Тексті оқып, дұрыс вариантын таңдаңыз;.

A Family.

The Tomsons are a family. Hellen Tomson is five. She is a nice girl. Ben and Betty are her parents. Ben is a teacher. Betty is a doctor. Peter is Hellen’s brother. He is a student of the University. Ben has a friend. His name is Jack. Jack is a businessman.

Peter is ….

<variant> Hellen’s brother

<variant> Ben’s friend

<variant> Betty’s doctor

<variant> Jack’s brother

<variant> Betty’s husband


<question3> Тексті оқып, дұрыс вариантын таңдаңыз;.

A Family.

The Tomsons are a family. Hellen Tomson is five. She is a nice girl. Ben and Betty are her parents. Ben is a teacher. Betty is a doctor. Peter is Hellen’s brother. He is a student of the University. Ben has a friend. His name is Jack. Jack is a businessman.

Ben and Betty are ….

<variant> Peter’s parents.

<variant> Peter’s friends

<variant> Peter’s doctor

<variant> Peter’s teacher.

<variant> Peter’s grandparents.


<question3> Тексті оқып, дұрыс вариантын таңдаңыз;.

A Family.

The Tomsons are a family. Hellen Tomson is five. She is a nice girl. Ben and Betty are her parents. Ben is a teacher. Betty is a doctor. Peter is Hellen’s brother. He is a student of the University. Ben has a friend. His name is Jack. Jack is a businessman.

Ben is ….

<variant> Peter’s father

<variant> Peter’s friend

<variant> Peter’s doctor

<variant> Peter’s brother

<variant> Peter’s teacher


<question3> Тексті оқып, дұрыс вариантын таңдаңыз;.

A Family.

The Tomsons are a family. Hellen Tomson is five. She is a nice girl. Ben and Betty are her parents. Ben is a teacher. Betty is a doctor. Peter is Hellen’s brother. He is a student of the University. Ben has a friend. His name is Jack. Jack is a businessman.

Hellen is ….

<variant> Peter’s sister

<variant> Peter’s friend

<variant> Peter’s doctor

<variant> Peter’s brother

<variant> Peter’s teacher


<question3> Тексті оқып, дұрыс вариантын таңдаңыз;.

A Family.

The Tomsons are a family. Hellen Tomson is five. She is a nice girl. Ben and Betty are her parents. Ben is a teacher. Betty is a doctor. Peter is Hellen’s brother. He is a student of the University. Ben has a friend. His name is Jack. Jack is a businessman.

Jack is ….

<variant> businessman

<variant> a doctor

<variant> teacher

<variant> student

<variant> economist


<question3> Тексті оқып, дұрыс вариантын таңдаңыз;.

A Family.

The Tomsons are a family. Hellen Tomson is five. She is a nice girl. Ben and Betty are her parents. Ben is a teacher. Betty is a doctor. Peter is Hellen’s brother. He is a student of the University. Ben has a friend. His name is Jack. Jack is a businessman

Ben’s son is Hellen’s …..

<variant> brother

<variant> sister

<variant> doctor

<variant> teacher

<variant> friend


<question3> Тексті оқып, дұрыс вариантын таңдаңыз;.

A Family.

The Tomsons are a family. Hellen Tomson is five. She is a nice girl. Ben and Betty are her parents. Ben is a teacher. Betty is a doctor. Peter is Hellen’s brother. He is a student of the University. Ben has a friend. His name is Jack. Jack is a businessman.

Betty is Ben’s ….

<variant> wife

<variant> sister

<variant> doctor

<variant> friend

<variant> teacher


<question3> Тексті оқып, дұрыс вариантын таңдаңыз;.

A Family.

The Tomsons are a family. Hellen Tomson is five. She is a nice girl. Ben and Betty are her parents. Ben is a teacher. Betty is a doctor. Peter is Hellen’s brother. He is a student of the University. Ben has a friend. His name is Jack. Jack is a businessman.

Peter and Hellen are ….

<variant> a brother and sister

<variant> friends

<variant> students

<variant> a wife and husband

<variant> parents


<question3> Тексті оқып, дұрыс вариантын таңдаңыз;.

A Family.

The Tomsons are a family. Hellen Tomson is five. She is a nice girl. Ben and Betty are her parents. Ben is a teacher. Betty is a doctor. Peter is Hellen’s brother. He is a student of the University. Ben has a friend. His name is Jack. Jack is a businessman.

Peter’s parents are ….

<variant> Ben and Betty

<variant> Ben and Hellen

<variant> Jack and Betty

<variant> Jack and Hellen

<variant> Hellen and Ben


<question3> Тексті оқып, дұрыс вариантын таңдаңыз;.

A Family.

The Tomsons are a family. Hellen Tomson is five. She is a nice girl. Ben and Betty are her parents. Ben is a teacher. Betty is a doctor. Peter is Hellen’s brother. He is a student of the University. Ben has a friend. His name is Jack. Jack is a businessman.

Hellen is ….

<variant> five

<variant> four

<variant> six

<variant> ten

<variant> eleven


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 116 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Lt;variant> two hundred seven| edit] Treatment of Shigellosis

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