Критерии оценки ответа на экзамене.
How you spend your time. | Questions for discussion | Questions for discussion |
- Уровень владения языком (активной лексикой и грамматикой) конкретного УМК (Cutting Edge III). Правильное и сознательное использование разнообразных моделей. Количество фраз, соответствующих пройденным моделям.
- Логически связное и чётко структурированное высказывание по теме. Содержание, отвечающее теме или ситуации.
- Владение техникой пересказа. Умение отличать главное от второстепенного (сжимать длинное в более краткое без потери ключевых слов и идей).
- Степень свободы: умение быстро продуцировать неподготовленные высказывания с использованием изученного материала, адекватная реакция на вопросы преподавателя. Персонализация высказываний (собственные, оригинальные идеи и мнения).
- Предварительная оценка (работа в течение года, качество выполнения тестов, в том числе экзаменационных).
Module 6 (Card 7 and Card 9).
News and Media.
Newspaper article, to surf the TV channels, to watch much TV, favourite (TV / radio) programme, to be on, the right amount of commercials, live sports coverage, children’s programme, to include violence, long complicated murder mysteries or thrillers, series / soap opera, sit-com, talk show / chat show, interviews with politicians, game show, documentary, TV presenter, host / hostess, cameraman, journalist, newsreader, news reporter, to cover events, news agency, advert, phone-in radio programme
Astonishing / astonished, interesting / interested, boring / bored, worrying / bored, shocking / shocked, upsetting / upset, confusing / confused, embarrassing / embarrassed, surprising / surprised, exciting excited, disappointing / disappointed, pleasing / pleased, terrifying / terrified
Events: (natural) disaster, lucky escape, injury, election, incident, discovery, crime, assault, assassination, terrorist attack
Extreme adjectives: brilliant, tragic, furious, fascinating
- What media do we get news from? What news agencies do you know?
- What mass medium is the most efficient (the fastest and the most reliable)?
- Is news always one hundred per cent true? Why?
- How do you prefer to get the news? Why? Do you like ‘infortainment’ news programmes?
- Why is it important to know the latest events?
- What is the most important / interesting story in the news at the moment?
- What are your TV priorities? What is the secret of success of these channels / programmes? What do you usually feel when you watch TV?
- Why are commercials so annoying? Can TV do without them? What is their positive side?
- Why is TV one of the best ways to relax for many people?
- What are the disadvantages of the series?
- Why do many people like listening to the radio?
- What radio stations offer phone-ins? Have you ever tried to call to such a programme? Why?
Дата добавления: 2015-11-13; просмотров: 28 | Нарушение авторских прав
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