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Blood pressure

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Heart in figures

In children and in adults the heart contracts with different frequencies: in children under one year between 100 to 200 beats per minute, in 10 years - 90, and in 20 years and over 60-70; after 60 years the number of beats faster and reaches 90-95. Among athletes runners during the race to sports heart rate can reach up to 250 per minute, ended a run - heart gradually calms down, and soon established its normal rhythm.

With each contraction the heart ejects about 60-75 ml of blood, and for a minute (at the average rate cuts 70 per minute) - 4-5 L. For 70 years of the heart produces more than 2.5 billion of cuts and pumps about 156 million liters of blood.

The heart, like any other work, measured by the product of the weight of lifted a weight (in kg) by height (in meters). Let's try to define his work.

During the day, if a man does not do the hard work, the heart contracts over 100,000 times, for the year - about 40000000 times, and over 70 years of life - almost 3 000 000 000 times. What an impressive figure - three billion abbreviations!

Now multiply the frequency of cardiac contractions on the rating of blood, and you will see what great number of its it sucks. By making a calculation, you will see that for hours heart pumps about 300 litres of blood per day over 7000 l, a year - 2 500 000 and over 70 years of living - 175 000 000 liters of Blood that pumps the heart is in the person's life, you can fill 4375 railway tanks. If heart pumped not blood and water, pumped from them for 70 years, the water could create a lake with a depth of 2.5 m, width 7 km and length of 10 km

The heart is very significant. So, at one blow, work is done with the help of which you can lift a weight of 200 g to a height of 1 m For 1 min heart would raise this burden on 70 m, i.e. at a height of almost 20-storey building. If you could use the work of the heart, for 8 hours would have been able to raise man to the height of the building of the Moscow University (about 240 m), 30-31 day on top of Chomolungma, the highest point in the world (8,848 m)!


The rhythmic work of the heart creates and supports the difference of pressure in the vessels. During contraction of the heart blood pressure is pushed into the artery. During the passage of blood through the vessels of the pressure energy is spent. Because the blood pressure decreases. In the aorta he highest 120-150 mm Hg, in the arteries of 120 mm Hg, in the capillaries to 20, and in the hollow veins from 3-8 mm Hg to the minimum (-5) (lower atmosphere). The law of physics fluid is moving from an area of higher pressure to the site with more low.

Arterial blood pressure is not constant. It pulsates to the beat of the heart: in the time of systolic pressure increases up to 120-130 mm Hg (Satelitni pressure), and during diastole is reduced to 80-90 mm Hg (detaliczny). These pulse pressure fluctuations occur simultaneously with pulse fluctuations of the arterial wall.

Blood pressure in humans measured in the brachial artery, comparing it to its naturally.


In the cuff pressure gauge pump air while the pulse at the wrist, will not disappear. Now brachial artery is compressed large external pressure and blood is not flowing. Then, gradually releasing the air from the cuff, I watch the appearance of the pulse. At this point, the pressure in the artery becomes slightly higher than the pressure in the cuff, and blood, and with it the pulse wave is starting to get a picture to the wrist. Indicators gauge at this time and will characterize the blood pressure in the brachial artery.


Pulse. When the contraction of the ventricles blood emitted into the aorta, increasing in system pressure. Wave which arises at this in its wall, propagates at the speed from the aorta to the arteries. Rhythmic vibrations of the walls of arteries. Caused by increased pressure in the aorta during systole, is called the pulse. The heart rate can be defined in the places, where large artery fit close to the body surface (wrist, whiskey, sides of the neck).


Human lung - paired organ of respiration. Lungs are in the chest cavity. They have a half-cone shape. Lungs have costal, diaphragmatic and medial surface. All organs located in the middle between the lungs (heart, aorta, and a number of other blood vessels, trachea and main bronchi, esophagus, thymus, nerves, lymph nodes and ducts), constitute the mediastinum (mediastinum). On the mediastinal surface of both lungs has a recess - gate lungs. They include the bronchi, pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein.



The right lung has three lobes and the left lung has two lobes. Each lung is covered pulmonary pleura and lies in the pleural sac. The inner surface of the wall of the chest cavity is covered by the pleura. Outside each of the pleura has a layer of glandular cells that produce the pleural fluid in the pleural gap (the space between the wall of the chest cavity and lungs).


Each share of the lung is composed of segments. In the right lung is typically 10 segments (3 segment in the top part, the 2 segment in the middle lobe, and the 5 and the segments in the lower lobe) in the left lung - eight segments (segment 4 in the upper and lower lobes).



Lung tissue within the segment consists of lobules. Lobules pass into acini. Acinus comprises alveoli.

In alveolar gas exchange occurs between the blood and ambient air. Number of alveoli in the adult is 600-700 million, a newborn baby - from 30 to 100 million


Thus, air is delivered to the alveoli via the bronchial tree, starting with the trachea and further split into main bronchi, lobar bronchi, segmental bronchi, lobular bronchi and bronchioles end, alveolar bronchioles and alveolar ducts.


The average height of the right lung in men - 27.1 cm in women - 21.6 cm, while the cross - 29.8 and 23 cm, respectively. The average weight of one adult lung ranges from 374 to 1914 grams. Total capacity ranges from 1290 to 4080 ml, and the average is 2680 ml.

Children lung tissue pale pink. In adult lung tissue gradually darkens due to respirable coal particles and dust.

Abundantly supplied with light sensitive, autonomic nerves and lymphatic vessels.




Distinguishes - отличает


Forcing - заставляет


Ventricle - желудочки


Chambers - камеры


semilunar valve - полулунные клапаны сердца


valves - клапаны


BLOOD PRESSURE - кровяное давление


lungs - легкие


respiration - дыхание


comprises - включает



Дата добавления: 2015-11-13; просмотров: 49 | Нарушение авторских прав

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