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Мери Вуллстонкрафт Шелли

The Addams Family | Семейка Адамс | Прочти проклятый текст | Срежь конфетку | Прикрепи хвост ослу |

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  1. Вопрос 39. Философия Шеллинга


5. True or False: trick-or-treating developed during the 1930s as a means to control young people's Halloween night pranks. True

Правда/Неправда: «Обычай, согласно которому на праздник Хэллоуин дети стучатся в двери и требуют угощения» появился в 1930е годы как средство контроля над розыгрышами молодых людей на Хэллоуин.


6. Why did people first begin dressing up in costume for Halloween?

They didn't want neighbors to know they were begging, so they disguised themselves.

People thought if they dressed as ghosts, real ghosts would leave them alone.

People wanted to scare their neighbors for the fun of it.

Почему люди начали переодеваться в костюмы на Хэллоуин?

Они не хотели, чтобы их соседи знали, что они попрошайничали, и поэтому переодевались.

Люди считали, что если они переоденутся в духов, то настоящие духи их оставят в покое.

Люди хотели ради смеха напугать своих соседей.



7. If you stare into a mirror at midnight on Halloween, you will see what?

Your death.

Bloody Mary.

Your future spouse.

Если ты вглядишься в зеркало в полночь на Хэллоуин, то что ты там увидишь?

Свою смерть

Кровавую Мери

Своего суженного


8. In Scotland, what vegetable was traditionally carved into a jack-o-lantern? turnip

В Шотландии какой овощ традиционно использовался для вырезания «Джека-фонаря»? Репа


9. One Halloween custom in the United States involves collecting money for what organization?

World Wildlife Fund

Humane Society of the United States


NB! Many trick-or-treaters collect money instead of candy on Halloween and send it to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), an organization created to help the world's children.

Одна из традиций на Хэллоуин в США предполагает сбор денег для известной организации. Для какой?

Всемирный фонд дикой природы

Общество по гуманному обращению с животными

ЮНИСЕФ, Фонд ООН помощи детям

NB! Многие «ряженые» собирают на Хэллоуине деньги вместо конфет и посылают их в ЮНИСЕФ, организацию, которая помогает детям по всему миру.


10. What fruit took center stage in many Celtic divination rituals?




NB! Due to their association with female deities and the pentagram shape appearing in their core upon being sliced in half, apples were often the focus of Celtic traditions. Halloween activities like bobbing for apples, drinking apple cider, making candy apples and handing out apples to trick-or-treaters comes from this Celtic tradition.

Какой фрукт занимал центральное место в кельтских ритуалах гадания?




NB! Из-за ассоциаций с женщинами-богинями и формы пентаграммы, появляющейся при разрезе на половину, яблоки часто становились центральным объектом кельтских традиций.

11. It's fun, but a little scary to go into the Haunted _______ on Halloween. House

Это весело, но немного страшно ходить в _________ с приведениями на Хэллоуин. Дом


12. I have two cats and a dog. What should I do with them on Halloween night?

Let them greet the children

Fight with them to keep them from getting outside

Dress them up and take them out too

Put them in a bedroom and close the door (correct)

У меня 2 кошки и собака. Что мне следует сделать с ними на Хэллоуин?

Пытаться не выпустить их на улицу.

Переодеть их и взять с собой.

Закрыть их в спальне.


13. What remains when a witch is crossed with an iceberg? A cold spell!

Что получится если скрестить ведьму и айсберг? Холодное заклятье


14. Why do spooks speak in Latin? Because, it is a dead language!

Почему приведение говорит на Латинском языке? Потому что, это мертвый язык.


15. I am the beginning of the end,

and the end of time and space.

I am essential to creation,

and I surround every place. What am I? The letter e. End, timE, spacE, Every placE

Я начало конца,

И конец времени и пространства.

Я важна для творенья,

И я окружаю все.


16. What's black when you get it, red when you use it, and white when you're all through with it? Charcoal.

Что черно, когда берешь его, что краснеет, когда используешь, белеет, когда полностью использовано? уголь


17. I have four legs but no tail. Usually I am heard only at night. What am I?

A frog.

NB! The frog is an amphibian in the order Anura (meaning "tail-less") and usually makes noises at night during its mating season.

У меня четыре ноги, но нет хвоста. И часто слышишь ты меня в ночи. Что я? Лягушка

NB! Лягушка – бесхвостая амфибия, которая обычно издает звуки во время брачного периода.


18. If you break me

I do not stop working,

If you touch me

I may be snared,

If you lose me

Nothing will matter. Your heart

Если разобьешь меня

Не перестану я работать,

Дотронься до меня

и я поймано в ловушку,

потеряй меня

и ничего тебе не надо. Сердце


19. You heard me before,

Yet you hear me again,

Then I die,

'Till you call me again. An echo

Слышал ты меня уже,

И снова слышишь ты меня,

Затем я умираю,

Пока не окликнешь ты меня. Эхо


20. What does man love more than life,

Fear more than death or mortal strife

What the poor have, the rich require,

and what contented men desire,

What the miser spends and the spendthrift saves

And all men carry to their graves? Nothing

Что любит человек больше жизни,

Боится больше смерти или смертельного конфликта.

Что бедные имеют, богатые нуждаются,

И что удовлетворенные желают,

Что скряга тратит, а мот сберегает,

и что все берут с собой в могилу? Ничего



21. What happens when you throw a yellow rock into a purple stream? It makes a splash.

22. Why didn't the skeleton cross the road? He didn't have guts.

23. What do skeletons say before they begin dining? Bone appétit!

24. What do ghosts serve for dessert? Ice scream

25. Why do witches fly on brooms? Vacuum cleaner cords aren't long enough.

26. When is it bad luck to meet a black cat? When you're a mouse

27. What was the witch's favorite subject in school? Spelling

28. What do you call a friendly dead Egyptian? A chummy mummy

29. What did the ghost buy for his Haunted House? Home moaner's insurance

30. What's a monster's favorite play? Romeo and Gouliet

31. It walks all day on its head. What is it? - A nail in a horseshoe

32. Name the thing that touches only one person yet bounds two people together - Wedding Ring

33. Definition of Syntax - Tax paid by the sinners at the church.

34. What are the houses in France usually made of? Houses in France are generally made up of Plaster of Paris.

35. What the residents of Moscow are called? - Mosquitoes.



Tricks (Pranks & Games)

1. Read the Cursed Text

The people of Grave's End just discovered that someone -- or something! -- has messed with the town's famous historical marker. It might have been bewitched by a legendary pirate ghost that haunts the village! Oddly, many villagers can still read the sign. Can you?

What's Going On: Reading hexed text is easier than it looks, right? Language experts aren't entirely sure why, but one theory is that we don't usually read words letter by letter, we read them as whole units. So keeping the first and last letters of jumbled words in the right positions helps us decode them. Using short words and predictable language and mixing in words that are spelled correctly are also thought to have an effect. Does that make sense?


On tihs sopt in 1708, the rseidnets of Grave's End fuoght a btatle agiasnt the priate Captain E. Ville Dewar and his wckied cerw. The btatle wnet on for tirheten dyas and edend Octoebr 31, wehn the ctizeins sank thier sihp. Smoe say the veengful Captain apaeprs ervey Haloleewn to cuase msicheif in the twon. Msot cizitnes rfesue to bleeive in the ghsot leegnd, clalnig it "nnonesse."


2. Orange contest

For this contest 8 people are needed (two teams). Pass the orange without the help of your arms. Hold it between you chin and chest and pass the same way. Don’t use your hands! The fastest team wins. (better at PT)


3. Horrified Alphabet

For this contest 2 people are needed. Read the English/Russian/Belarusian Alphabet as though you’re reading a horror story/ watching a horror movie.






4. Feeding Contest

For this contest 4 people are needed. Feed your partner with a zephyr without using your hands. The one who manages it quicker wins!

5. Creatures

Create a new creature, which nobody has seen before. Give name to it. Use different part of animals.


6. What Am I?

Pin or tape Halloween-themed pictures on each guest’s back (without the guest seeing what it is). While others can only give yes or no answers, each guest must guess what he or she is.


7. Gestures

One of the “trickers” shows 5 gestures the “victim” should guess. If answer is a correct one, the “tricker” gives a humorous explanation.

a) Calm down, don’t worry. Humorous answer: the typical spooky ghost pose.

b) That’s it! How clever you’re! Humorous answer: the witch flew that way.

c) Can’t you see it’s so simple! Humorous answer: the magic spell is due to appear.

d) OK(the USA). Zero(France). Money (Japan). Humorous answer: the fresh eyes were sooooooooo tasty.

e) Protection from bad luck (South America). Texas football team logo (the USA). Heavy metal forever! Humorous answer: Devil promised to be there. Or Devil is with you.

d) Hitchhiking. Good (every country). One (Europe). Go to hell (Australia)! Humorous answer: the way to stop a vampire to say “The dinner is served”


8. Cut the sweets

You need a rope with sweets on, a pair of scissors and a scarf. The “tricker” ties the eyes of the victim, spins him/her. Then leads to the rope with the sweets and asks to cut them. The holders of the rope may lower the rope or put it higher.


9. Find them all

You need a scarf, 10 clothespins and a couple of people of course. The “tricker” puts clothespins on one of the participants, the other has a scarf on his\her eyes. The task is to take off all 10 pins.


10. What I’ve got in my pants (pockets)

You need some scraps of paper with the Halloween related phrases, a small box or packet to put them in. And people to play of course. The participant starts with the phrase “ I’ve got in my pants (pockets)…. ” and then reads out what’s on his/her scrap of paper.

Scraps: dead silence, sleepy hollow (Сонная Лощина), Macbeth, residence evil (обитель зла), кощеева смерть, ступа с Бабою Ягой, Gollum and his Precious, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, silent hill, Casper the Friendly Ghost, magic wand, fire dragon, Shrek, stinky troll…..


11. Confessions

You need 2 packs of cards: 1) the beginnings of the sentences; 2) the endings of the sentences. The packs are tossed. The participants first take a card from the first pack, read it out with the intriguing tone and then take a card from the second pack and read it out. The beginnings and the endings are a pure “mystery” matching.


Cards with the beginnings of the sentences:

1. Every full-moon to my bedroom comes a……

2. In my childhood I’ve dreamt of becoming …………….

3. Recently I’ve learned that I’m an illegitimate child of ……………….

4. I want to have children from ………………..

5. I presume that the title “the most gorgeous creatures on Earth” should go to ……

6. I’m trembling with fear every time I hear someone mentioning ……………

7. Right at midnight I turn into ……………………….

8. I’ve subscribed to twitter …………………………

9. In my childhood my parents gently/tenderly called me ……………………..

10. I think that our monitor (supervising teacher) is in reality a …………………….


Cards with the endings of the sentences:

1. Shrek

2. Freddie Kruger

3. Gollum

4. Banshee (female ghost-moaner)

5. Living dead

6. Poltergeist

7. Merlin Manson

8. Grim Ripper

9. Loki the God of Mischief

10. Werewolf


NB! банши - фольклорный персонаж: привидение-плакальщица, чьи завывания под окнами дома предвещают обитателю этого дома смерть


12. How much do you remember?

Remember five horror movies about Halloween.


13. Say it right

You need a candy and a couple of boys. The “tricker” asks the participants, if they have any problems with their speech. After that the host says the task, which is quite simple – to introduce themselves, but only with a candy in their mouth. Every time the task is getting more difficult: the number of words and candies multiplies (Name, Name and Date of birth, Name, Date of birth and Occupation ……). The winner is the one who can speak clearly with several candies in.


14. Vampire’s Dinner

You need 3-4 participants, some scraps of paper and pens. You all know that vampires bite in order to drink blood. Now you have some paper and write 2 parts of the body you like. Put the papers into a special packet. The “tricker” tosses the papers. The participants in turns take a paper out, than they are ordered to stand to each other with the described parts of the body. The task is to hold a minute in that position.


15. Spooky Bag

You need a bag or a box covered with the cloth, several objects with a strange structure to the touch. The participants are to guess what they are holding in their hands. The “tricker” should give a spooky description to what can it be.


16. Stick the Donkey’s Tail

You need a big picture of the donkey, a tail and a scarf. The “tricker” ties the eyes of the participant, spins him/her and leads to the picture. The closer the participant to the target the better. The participant gets a small prize.


17. What’s on your mind?

You need pieces of music and a hat. The “tricker” goes with the hat to each person, holds it above the head and the other “tricker” plays any track of music (on the cellphone).


18. Twist your tongue

1) Bobby Bippy bought a bat.

Bobby Bippy bought a ball.

With his bat Bob banged the ball

Banged it bump against the wall

But so boldly Bobby banged it

That he burst his rubber ball

"Boo!" cried Bobby

Bad luck ball

Bad luck Bobby, bad luck ball

Now to drown his many troubles

Bobby Bippy's blowing bubbles.

from mid-Willamette Valley theater


2) How many cans can a cannibal nibble

if a cannibal can nibble cans?

As many cans as a cannibal can nibble

if a cannibal can nibble cans.


3) Double bubble gum, bubbles double.


4) But a harder thing still to do.

What a to do to die today

At a quarter or two to two.

A terrible difficult thing to say

But a harder thing still to do.

The dragon will come at the beat of the drum

With a rat-a-tat-tat a-tat-tat a-tat-to

At a quarter or two to two today,

At a quarter or two to two.

from a college drama class


5) Der Braumeister zu Zipf zapft zehn Fässer Zipfer.


6) Balach beag bìodach a' bocadaich air bàrr baraille. (Scottish Gaelic)


7) It's a braw bricht moonlicht nicht the nicht. (Scottish)


8) Kleine Kinder können keine kleinen Kirschkerne knacken.

Kleine Kirschkerne können kleine Kinder keine knacken.


9) Сев в такси спросила такса: "За проезд какая такса?"

А таксист ответил так: "Возим такс мы просто так-с."


10) Сделан коплак не по-колпаковски, сделан колокол не по-колоколовски. Надо колпак перколпаковать, перевыколпаковать. Надо колокол переколоколовать, перевыколоколовать.


11) Говорит попугай попугаю: "Я тебя, попугай, попугаю!"

Попугаю в ответ попугай: "Попугай, попугай, попугай!"


12) Корабли лавировали, лавировали, да не вылавировали.


13) Мишки гризли мышку грызли, но не загрызли мышку гризли.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 36 | Нарушение авторских прав

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