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The Procedure of the Lesson

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  4. Additional Material to the Lesson
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  7. Basic Lesson Plan Beginning with Section III

The Photo of the Plan of the lesson

Date: 14 April 2014

Group: 8 “B”

Teacher: Bakytova Perizat

Level: Intermediate

Theme: Watching Tv

The aim:

1. Communicative-to present language and speech material on the title “Watching Tv”

2) Educational:

· To enlarge pupils’ outlook, to present knowledge about the culture of the country of the studied language.

· To raise pupil’s interests in learning about Travel.

· To enrich learners’ knowledge about English grammar.

3) Developing:

Developing-to develop pupils’ cognitive mechanisms, exactly

Intellectualization avoiding emotion by focusing on facts and logic


· To check home work(ex10p43, learn by heart new words, ex 9 p44 in this task children should write about characteristics about animals)

· To read the text “Do you know that…”,understand the meaning of the text and complete the chart below

· To speak about animals and answer the question:p.50 Ex.2

· To do Ex.5 p.50,in this task children should match the words correctly.This exercise helps repeat the last words


Aids: textbook smart board, cards, and blackboard.

Literature: “Solutions” intermediate level, Jane Hudson, Tim Falla, Paul A Davies. teacher’s book, workbook,


The Procedure of the Lesson

Stages The strategy of the Lesson
Introduction Greeting Warm-up activity Checking home task Main part. Presentation of the new theme“Money and finance”. Vocabulary Listening Speaking Concluding the lesson Perizat’s greeting was about 1-2minutes. It was in the following order -Good morning, children! -How are you? -Who is on duty today? -What is the date today? -What is the weather like today? -Who is absent? Lesson started with high mood. Perizat could create a good rapport with learners.     In the stage of warming-up activity Perizat gave to learners some tongue twisters. Pupils tried to read it as quicker as they can. It was very useful for learners to train their speech. 1.Peter Piper Picked a peck of pickled peppers A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers Where is the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? 2.Betty bought some butter, but the butter Betty bought was bitter, So Betty bought some better butter to make a bitter butter better, But the bitter butter makes the better butter bitter. 2. In order to check up home works of pupils she at first asked what exercises were given to home. What was your home task for today? Are you ready? Now, let’s check Perizat on the lesson could assess everyone and when children had mistakes she tried to correct as quickly as possible. By listening each other’s mistakes children tried not to do mistakes.   Perizat gave a riddle for pupils which answer will be “Money”. It was good start to lesson. In order to lead in the new theme she asked question as “How do you think about what we will talk today?” Then she presented a video “Obama turns on money printing machine”. Then asked learners about what they had understood. After, Perizat introduced new theme by using interactive board.   Then Perizat introduced each new word concerning to money with its translation and with examples. In the 2 ex on page 84. Pupils had to complete the text with the words in the box. It was easy for children as their level is high. In order to increase learners’ listening skills Perizat had given students listening tasks, ex 3 and 4. Perizat clearly explained how to do these tasks. For speaking part of the lesson she used ex.5. In this exercise pupils talked about spending and wasting money by answering each other’s questions. They could make a dialogue according to the given questions.   Perizat could conclude the lesson by asking questions as Do you understand our new theme? Do you have any questions? Children asked their questions concerning with the theme. Then teacher evaluated students andgave them home task. Home task was in work book ex. 2 and 3 page 76.  
Advantages Disadvantages
  Teacher Perizat could achieve educational and developing aims during the lesson. Learners understood new theme and new vocabulary. She used simple language in order to make it understandable for learners. She explained each exercise’s task.   During the process of checking home tasks Perizat did not correct mistakes of learners. She did not manage time, she missed 5 minutes. In some sentences she used incorrectly plural and singular forms of the things.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 47 | Нарушение авторских прав

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