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Björn Engdahl’s Swedish Course
The Swedish language has got two kinds of phonetical accents - the acute and the grave accents. The acute accent is the same as in many other languages. The tone is falling as in the English word speaker. This accent is employed in words of one syllable and in a few words of two or more syllables.
The grave accent is the one characteristic for the Swedish language, and it occurs in most words of more than one syllable. Here, the tone is falling too, on the first syllable, but the second syllable starts on a higher pitch than does the first, and a strong stress occurs. Most Swedish polysyllabic words have the main stress on the first syllable and the grave accent on one of the following syllables.
I will mark polysyllabic words employing the acute accent with an apostrophe (') behind the stressed syllable.
Words using the grave accent are marked with a star (*) on the main stress syllable, and if needed, an apostrophe behind the syllable with the higher pitch
The following curve illustrates the pitch of the grave accent with the Swedish word *tala = to speak.
Here are some a couple of endings, all of which use the acute accent, stressed on the last syllable. It's not important that you memorize these endings at the beginning. Just learn to recognize them as you come across them.
ang, -ant, -at, -ent, -eri, -ess, -ion, -ism, -ist, -log, -nom, -tris, -ur, -ör, -ös
Vowels: (all comparisons to English refer to the British pronunciation)
a | [a:] [a] | as in father - ta = to take as the the o in brother - katt = cat |
o | [o:] [o] | no exact English counterpart, but somewhat like the u in German rufen - ko = cow like German u in und - hon = she |
u | [u:] [u] | no English counterpart, tongue position as for y but lips even more rounded - hus = house somewhat like English er in letter, but lips rounded - brunn = a well |
å | [å:] [å] | similar to English saw - båt = boat almost like English song - sång = song |
e | [e:] [e] | like the first part of the English here - se = to see like English net - fett = fat |
i | [i:] [i] | similar to English ee in see, mouth more straightened - fil = file almost like i in did - in = in |
y | [y:] [y] | similar to French rue and German müde, but lips more rounded and protruded - sy = to sew the same but shorter, somewhat like German müssen and French lu - sytt = sewn |
ä | [ä:] [ä] | before r similar to the first part of English hair - där = there. Else less open like French chaise - träd = tree before r like a in English carry - stjärt = bottom. Else like [e] - lätt = easy |
ö | [ö:] [ö] | before r almost like i in bird - för = for. Else similar to French deux - söt = pretty before r like [ö:] befor r but shorter - dörr = door. Else like [ö:] but shorter - röst = voice |
Consonants (I only write those whose pronunciation differs from the same letter in English)
d | [d] | as in English but put your tongue against the upper part of your teeth. |
g | [g] [j] | as in great when preceeding a,o,u,å or unstressed e as English y in yes before e,i,y,ä,ö and after l and r |
j | [j] | as y in English yes |
k | [k] [k] | as in English k before a,o,u and å Somewhat like the ch in choose without the initial t-sound, or similar to German Ich |
l | [l] | almost like English l, but with your tongue more to the front in your mouth |
q | [k] | as English k |
r | [r] | a roled r |
t | [t] | similar to English t but with your tongue against the back of your teeth |
w | [v] | as English v |
x | [ks] | never [gz] as in English example, always [ks] |
z, s | [s] | as English voiceless s |
Certain combinations:
[s] | ch, sk (before e,i,y,ä,ö), sj, sch si and ti (before -on), skj, stj, -ge and rs | Either you could pronounce it as sh in shall, but you could also use another sound similar to German ch in nach but softer. |
[j] | gj, lj, hj | as y in English yes |
[k] | tj, ch (sometimes) | see k above |
[g] | ng | as in English sing |
[gn] | gn | as it says |
[gk] | nk | as it says |
[k] | ck | as ck in English sick |
[n] | rn | as n but with the tongue slightly further back in the mouth |
[t] | rt | as t but with the tongue slightly further back in the mouth |
That's it, quite a lot to remember, wasn't it? But don't learn everything at once. Go back when you have finished a few lessons.
Lesson 1
Hej [hej] | Hi |
Hej då [hej då:] | Good bye |
God morgon [go:d *mårån] | Good morning |
Tack [tak] | Thank you/Please |
Tack så mycket [tak så: *myket] | Thank you very much |
Varsågod [vaså:'go:d] | You're welcome / Here you are |
Ja [ja:] | Yes |
Nej [nej] | No |
Ursäkta [u:'säkta] | Excuse me / Pardon |
Förlåt [fö:r'lå:t] | I'm sorry |
Bra [bra:] | Good / Well |
Jag [ja:g] | I |
Du [du:] | You (sing.) |
Han [han] | He |
Hon [hon] | She |
Den [den] | It (common gender) |
Det [de:t] | It (neuter) |
Vi [vi:] | We |
Ni** [ni:] | You (plur.), formal you sing. and plur. |
De [de:] / most common [dåm] | They |
**Nowadays, ni isn't used very much as formal sing. We usually address everybody with du.
There is a Swedish pronoun man which is used in common aspects such as Man kan inte göra allt = One can't do everything.
Numbers 0-10
noll [nål] | |
ett [et] | |
två [två:] | |
tre [tre:] | |
fyra [*fy:ra] | |
fem [fem] | |
sex [seks] | |
sju [su:] | |
åtta [*åta] | |
nio [*ni:o] | |
tio [*ti:o] |
Nouns 1
The Swedish nouns are divided into two genders, neuters (n) and common genders (r). In most cases, you can't tell whether a noun is a neuter or a common gender. You'll simply have to memorize the gender for each noun you learn. However, there are a few rules, with help of which you'll easier remember it. One of them tells that all nouns having to do with people or professions are common gender.
Neuters use the indefinite article ett and common genders use en. The pronoun det (it) is similarly used for neuters and den (it too) is used for common genders.
Some nouns
ett barn [et ba:rn] | child |
en flicka [en *flika] | girl |
en pojke [*pojke] | boy |
ett fönster ['fönster] | window |
ett bord [bo:d] | table |
en man [man] | man |
en kvinna [*kvina] | woman |
en bok [bo:k] | book |
en telefon [tele'få:n] | telephone |
en stol [sto:l] | chair |
en dörr [dör] | door |
ett vykort [*vy:kot] | postcard |
en penna [*pena] | pen(cil) |
ett rum [rum] | room |
ett badrum [*ba:drum] | bathroom |
ett hotell [ho'tel] | hotel |
ett frimärke [*fri:märke] | stamp |
That's it, what could you do now?
You could enter a shop saying
God morgon, en penna tack! Hej då
Not much but you would be perfectly understood! If you want to produce more advanced sentences, you have to learn some verbs.
Verbs 1(The infinitive and the present tense)
Verbs are the key to every language. Just by mentioning äta you will be understood. (You wouldn't be looked upon as a very intelligent person though.)
In Swedish, a verb employs the same form in all persons, whereas English for example uses different forms for different persons. Thus, the verb vara conjugates as follows in the present tense:
Jag | är (compared to English> | I | am |
Du | är | You | are |
Han | är | He | is |
Hon | är | She | is |
Den | är | It | is |
Det | är | It | is |
Vi | är | We | are |
Ni | är | You | are |
De | är | They | are |
As you can see, this is very easy. Therefore you only have to learn one form for every verb in each tense.
Most Swedish verbs are regular, but the most frequently used are irregular.
Regular verbs, infinitive and present tense
All polysyllabic Swedish verbs end with an a in the infinitive. (Others, those of one syllable end with any vowel.) There are two conjugations of regular verbs - group 1 adding an r to the stem in the present tense and group two adding er to the stem. The Swedish word corresponding to the English to in to go for example is att.
Group 1: | Verb: | Tala (to speak) | Group 2: | Verb: | Köpa (to buy) |
Stem: | Tala- | Stem: | Köp- | ||
Present tense: | Talar | Present tense: | Köper | ||
Group 1: | Verb: | Älska (to love) | Group 2: | Verb: | Hjälpa (to help) |
Stem: | Älska- | Stem: | Hjälp- | ||
Present tense: | Älskar | Present tense: | Hjälper |
And as I said before, the verbs conjugate in the same way in all persons.
Almost all irregular verbs form their present tense as does groupe 2.
skriva (to write)
skriv- + er =
han skriver = He writes
se (to see)
se + r =
hon ser = she sees
Tala (1) = [*ta:la], Talar = [*ta:lar]
Köpa (2) = [*kö:pa], Köper = ['kö:per]
Skriva (i) = [*skri:va], Skriver = ['skri:ver]
Diskutera (1) = [disku:'te:ra], Diskuterar = [disku:'te:rar] (diskutera = discuss)
Some verbs:
Tala (1) [*ta:la] | to speak |
Prata (1) [*pra:ta] | to talk |
Studera (1) [stu:'de:ra] | to study |
Älska (1) [*älska] | to love |
Köpa (2) [*kö:pa] | to buy |
Hjälpa (2) [*hjälpa] | to help |
Skriva (i) [*skri:va] | to write |
Äta (i) [ä:ta] | to eat |
Vara (i) [*va:ra] Present tense = är [ä:r] | to be |
Heta (2) [*he:ta] | like "to have the name" |
Ringa (2) [*riga] | to call |
Se (i) [se:] | to see |
Now that you know some verbs and nouns, you could construct more advanced sentences such as
Jag heter Björn Engdahl = My name is Björn Engdahl
Han köper en boll = He buys a ball
Exercise - Translate the following sentences into Swedish
A boy writes a postcard
They help a woman
You (sing.) love a man
She studies Swedish (=svenska)
We buy a stamp
You (plur.) see it. (ref. to the table)
Lesson 2
och [ok] | and |
inte [*inte] | not |
Sverige ['sverje] | Sweden |
här [hä:r] | here |
där [dä:r] | there |
nu [nu:] | now |
idag [i'da:g] | today |
lite [*li:te] | a little |
bara [*ba:ra] | only / just |
mycket [*myke(t)] | a lot |
svenska [*svenska] | Swedish |
England ['egland] | England |
engelska ['egelska] | English |
Hur står det till? [hu:r stå:r de til] | How do you do? |
pengar ['pegar] | money |
eller ['eler] | or |
Nouns 2
In English, German and French e.g., the definite form of a noun is constructed by a definite article. The definit form of the noun table for example, is obtained by adding the - the table, German - Der Tisch, French - La table etc.
In Swedish, the definite form is obtained by attaching a suffix (ending) to the noun. The suffixes are -(e)n for common genders and -(e)t for neuters. The e is often dropped when the noun ends in a vowel.
The noun | sg. indefinite | sg. definite |
book | en bok | bok en |
girl | en flicka | flicka n |
boy | en pojke | pojke n |
rose | en ros | ros en |
house | ett hus | hus et |
table | bord | bord et |
eye | öga | öga t |
en 'djungel - djungel n
en 'doktor - doktor n
ett 'fönster - fönstr et
ett 'kapitel - kapitl et (meaning chapter)
ett rum - rumm et
I will write the full forms when we come across a noun that differs from the rule.
Nouns normally keep their stress in the definite form.
*flicka - *flicka n
ho'tell - ho'tell et
'bok - 'bok en
Some more nouns
ett hus [hu:s] | house |
en teve [*te:ve] | television |
mat (c.g.) [ma:t] | food |
vatten (neu.) ['vaten] | water |
ett land [land] | country |
en stad [sta:d] | city |
en affär [a'fä:r] | shop |
en station [sta'son] | station |
ett huvud [*hu:vud] | head |
en arm [arm] | arm |
ett ben [be:n] | leg / bone |
en bil [bi:l] | car |
en båt [bå:t] | boat |
ett tåg [tå:g] | train |
ett flygplan [*fly:gpla:n] | plane |
Some prepositions
på [på:] | on |
i [i:] | in |
från [frå:n] | from |
av [a:v] | of / by |
om [åm] | about |
till [til] | to |
med [me:d] | with |
Some more verbs
gå (i) [gå:] | to go |
göra (i) [*jö:ra] present tense gör | to do / to make |
bo (2) [bo:] | to live |
ligga (i) [*liga] | to lie, be situated |
det finns (i) [de: fins] (present tense) | there is / are |
svänga (2) [*sväga] | to turn |
förstå (i) [fö'stå:] | to understand |
Forming questions
In English, you often form a question by rewriting with do. That is NOT possible in Swedish. Instead, you reverse the word order (as in English Are you fine?). Often you use a question word as well.
Question words
vem [vem] vilka ['vi(l)ka] | who (sing.) who (plur.) |
vad [va:d] | what |
var [va:r] | where |
vart [vat] | where (to) |
hur [hu:r] | how |
vilken / vilket ['vi(l)ken] / ['vi(l)ket] | what / which |
varifrån [va:ri'frå:n] | where...from |
varför ['varfö:r] | why |
Varifrån är du? | Where are you from? |
Vad heter hon? | What is her name? |
Vem är du? | Who are you? |
Vilka är de? | Who are they? |
Var bor du? | Where do you live? |
Vart går du? | Where are you going (to)? |
Varför gör vi så? | Why do we do like that? |
Vilket land bor ni i? | What country do you live in? |
Vilken stad bor ni i? | What city do you live in? |
Köper du bollen? | Do you buy the ball? |
Exercise - Translate the following sentences into Swedish
Are you from Sweden?
Does he love food?.
Where is the house situated?
How do I go to the station?
Is there a shop here?
I am from England.
Lesson 3
Jag skulle vilja... [ja:g *skule *vilja] | I would like to... |
höger ['hö:ger] | right |
vänster ['vänster] | left |
rakt fram [ra:kt fram] | straight forward |
norr [når] | north |
söder ['sö:der] | south |
öster ['öster] | east |
väster ['väster] | west |
flera ['fle:ra] | lots of |
många [*måga] | many |
den här / denna [den hä:r] / [*dena] | this (com.g.) |
det här / detta [de: hä:r] / [*deta] | this (neu.) |
de här / dessa [dom hä:r] / [*desa] | these |
den där [den dä:r] | that (com.g.) |
det där [de: dä:r] | that (neu.) |
de där [dom dä:r] | those |
Note that the definite form of the noun is to be used after den här / de där etc. and that the indefinite form is to be used after denna/detta and dessa.
Numbers 10-100
elva [*elva] | |
tolv [tålv] | |
tretton [*trettån] | |
fjorton [*fjotån] | |
femton [*femtån] | |
sexton [*sekstån] | |
sjutton [*sutån] | |
arton [*atån] | |
nitton [*nitån] | |
tjugo [*ku:go] | |
tjugoett [ku:'et] | |
tjugotvå [ku:'två:] etc. | |
trettio [*treti] | |
trettioett [treti'et] etc. | |
fyrtio [*föti] | |
femtio [*femti] | |
sextio [*seksti] | |
sjuttio [*suti] | |
åttio [*åti] | |
nittio [*niti] | |
hundra ['hundra] |
Nouns 3 - Plural indefinite
The plural form of Swedish nouns isn't as easy as that of an English noun, where you just add an s. Swedish nouns are more like German nouns. We attach different suffixes for different nouns. In some cases, you could tell what suffix be added just by looking at the noun, and in some cases you just have to memorize the suffix for each noun.
Here are the endings:
Common genders -
en flick|a - flera flick or
en gat|a - flera gat or (=street)
en ros - flera ros or (=rose)
en pojk|e - flera pojk ar
en dag - flera dag ar (=day)
en rad - flera rader (=row, not quarrel)
en doktor - flera doktorer (=doctor)
en bok - flera böcker
en stad - flera städer
en sko - flera sko r (=shoe)
en man - flera män
Those were the common genders, the neuters are much easier.
ett äpple - flera äpple n (=apple)
ett fönster - flera fönster
ett träd - flera träd
ett fängelse - flera fängelse r (=prison)
ett fakt|um - flera fakt a (=fact)
ett ög|a - flera ög on (=eye)
ett ör|a - flera ör on (=ear)
Plural definite
Well, that was the plural indefinite, and now we're coming to the plural definite! How do you think that is formed? You're right, by adding a suffix of course! But don't worry. It is not very complicated at all.
sing. indefinite | sing. definite | plur. indefinite | plur. definite |
en flicka | flick an | flick or | flickor na |
en pojke | pojk en | pojk ar | pojkar na |
en sak | sak en | sak er | saker na |
ett barn | barn et | barn | barn en |
ett öga (irregular) | öga t | ög on | ögon en |
ett äpple | äpple t | äpple n | äpple na |
ett rum | rumm et | rum | rumm en |
The pronunciation could in some cases be more important than you think. For example such a small difference as *anden and 'anden completely changes the meaning of the word. *Anden means the spirit and 'anden means the duck. Quite embarrassing for a priest to say the holy duck instead of the holy spirit, isn't it?
The pronunciation of the plural isn't very difficult. All words having to syllables after having added the plural suffix employ the grave accent. (Not the irregular ones with umlaut - they employ the accute accent).
*flicka - *flickor
'dag - *dagar
'bok - 'böcker
All others, those with more than two syllables keep the stress as it is in the singular.
filoso'fi - filoso'fi er (=philosophy)
The definite suffixes -na and -en don't change the pronunciation.
Some more nouns:
en restaurang -er [restu:'rag] | restaurant |
en not|a -or [*no:ta] | bill |
en dryck -er [dryk] | drink |
en frukost -er ['frukåst] | breakfast |
en lunch -er [luns] | lunch |
en middag -ar ['mida] | dinner |
byxor (plural) [*byksor] | pants |
en skjort|a -or [*sota] | shirt |
en tröj|a -or [*tröja] | sweater |
en hand -er+ [hand] | hand |
en fot -ter+ [fo:t] | foot |
ett mynt - [mynt] | coin |
en biljett -er [bil'jet] | ticket |
en tunnelban|a -or [*tunel'ba:na] | underground |
en buss -ar [bus] | bus |
As in German and French, the adjectives inflect depending on the number and gendrer of the noun they describe. There are also, as in German, a weak and strong inflection. The weak inflection is used after Denna / Det här etc. The strong inflection is used after en, ett and after words that don't tell the gender of the noun.
Weak inflection:
stor(=big) | Singular: | Plural: |
com.g: | Den här stor a bollen | De här stor a bollarna |
neuter: | Det här stor a huset | De här stor a husen |
Very easy! You just add an a after the adjective and pronounce it with the grave accent on the syllable preceding the a. Note that you have to use the pronoun den / det / de if you want to put a noun in the definite form which is preceded by an adjective.
The big boy = Den stora pojken (Not juststora pojken)
The big house = Det stora huset (Not just stora huset)
Strong inflection:
stor(=big) | Singular: | Plural: |
com.g: | en stor boll. | två stor a bollar |
neuter: | ett stor t hus | två stor a hus |
Not very difficult either. You add a t on neu. sing. and a on all plurals. A few irregular forms do exist however.
en röd boll - ett rött hus(röd=red)
en liten boll - ett litet hus
en intresserad kvinna - den intresserade kvinnan - två intresserade kvinnor (intresserad=interesting)
en bra bok - ett bra hus
Some adjectives
stor [sto:r] | big |
liten [*li:ten] | small |
vacker ['vaker] | beautiful |
trevlig [*tre:vlig] | nice |
ful [fu:l] | ugly |
snäll [snäl] | kind |
röd [rö:d] | red |
gul [gu:l] | yellow |
blå [blå:] | blue |
grön [grö:n] | green |
rosa ['råsa] (doesn't inflect) | pink |
vit [vi:t] | white |
svart [svat] | black |
ren [re:n] | clean |
smutsig [*smutsi(g)] | dirty |
Exercise - Translate the following sentences into Swedish
He has a big head.
I see many yellow shirts.
We live in a red house.
Why do you have 52 blue hands.
The nice girls are very beautiful.
I would like to pay for this nice dinner.
Lesson 4
detsamma [de'sama] | you too |
också ['åkså] | also |
därför ['därför] | that's why... |
vilka ['vi(l)ka] | what, which (plur.) |
vems [vems] | whose |
hit [hi:t] | here (direction, hither) |
dit [di:t] | there (direction, thither) |
nästa [*nästa] | next |
i morgon [i*mårån] | tomorrow |
igår [i'gå:r] | yesterday |
efter ['efter] | after |
en klock|a -or [*klåka] | watch, clock |
en timm|e -ar [*time] | hour |
en minut -er [mi'nu:t] | minute |
en sekund -er [se'kund] | second |
en mamm|a -or [*mama] | mum |
en papp|a -or [*papa] | dad |
en mor -mödrar [mo:r] | mother |
en far -fäder [*fa:r] | father |
en bro|r -der+ [bro:r] | brother |
en syst|er -rar [*syster] | sister |
ett syskon - [*syskon] | sibling |
ett språk - [språ:k] | language |
ett bröd - [brö:d] | bread |
en morfar [*morfar] | grandfather (mother's side) |
en mormor [*mormor] | grandmother (mother's side) |
en farfar [*farfar] | grandfather (father's side) |
en farmor [*farmor] | grandmother (father's side) |
en somm|ar -rar [*såmar] | summer |
en höst -ar [höst] | autumn |
en vint|er -rar ['vinter] | winter |
en vår -ar [vå:r] | spring |
gilla (1) [*jila] | to like |
springa (i) [*spriga] | to run |
ge (i) [je:] | to give |
beställa (2) [be'stäla] | to order (food etc.) |
betala (1) [be'ta:la] | to pay |
veta (i) [*ve:ta] present tense: vet | to know |
resa (2) [*re:sa] | to travel |
åka (2) [*å:ka] | to go |
bli (i) [bli:] | to become, be |
komma (i) [*kåma] | to come |
lång [låg] | long |
kort [kåt] | short |
snabb [snab] | fast |
långsam [*lågsam] | slow |
dyr [dy:r] | expensive |
billig [*bilig] | cheap |
rolig [*ro:lig] | funny |
tråkig [*trå:kig] | boring |
dålig [*då:lig] | bad |
brun [bru:n] | brown |
grå [grå:] | grey |
halv [halv] | half |
Making a statement negative in Swedish is very simple. You just insert the word inte (=not). Where should you insert it then? Well, it depends on what you want to emphasize in the sentence, but the following rule is quite general, and should work in almost all cases.
Jag äter - Jag äter inte
Jag skulle vilja äta här - Jag skulle inte vilja äta här
Gör du det? - Gör du inte det? - Gör inte du det? (Emphasizing that you aren't doing it)
Skulle du vilja äta här? - Skulle du inte vilja äta här? - Skulle inte du vilja äta här?
Genetive - Possessive Pronouns
The Genitive is formed very easily in Swedish. You just add -s to the noun. Note that there shall be no genitive apostrophy as in English. If the noun already ends with -s or -z, no additional -s is added in the genitive.
Eriks bok - Eric's book
Anders bok - Anders' book
Bilens färg - The color of the car
Pojkarnas vänner - The friends of the boys
The possessive pronouns have, as in French and German, different forms depending on the the number and gender of the noun.
sing. com.g. | sing. neu. | plural | |
Jag | Min [min] | Mitt [mit] | Mina [*mi:na] |
Du | Din [din] | Ditt [dit] | Dina [*di:na] |
Han | Hans [hans] Sin [sin] | Hans [hans] Sitt [sit] | Hans [hans] Sina [*si:na] |
Hon | Hennes [*henes] Sin [sin] | Hennes [*henes] Sitt [sit] | Hennes [*henes] Sina [*si:na] |
Den | Dess [des] Sin [sin] | Dess [des] Sitt [sit] | Dess [des] Sina [*si:na] |
Det | Dess [des] Sin [sin] | Dess [des] Sitt [sit] | Dess [des] Sina [*si:na] |
Vi | Vår [vå:r] | Vårt [vå:t] | Våra [*vå:ra] |
Ni | Er [e:r] | Ert [e:t] | Era [*e:ra] |
De | Deras [*de:ras] Sin [sin] | Deras [*de:ras] Sitt [sit] | Deras [*de:ras] Sina [*si:na] |
Carl och hans pappa bor i Sverige. - Carl and his dad live in Swden
Carl bor i Sverige med sin Pappa. - Carl lives in Sweden with his dad.
Lisa, Anne och deras pappor bor i Sverige. - Lisa, Anne and their dads live in Swden
Lisa och Anne bor i Sverige med sina pappor. - Lisa and Anne live in Sweden with their dads.
Det här är min bok - Boken är min = This is my book- The book is mine
Är det där vårt hus? - Ja, det är vårt = Is that our house? - Yes, it is ours.
Det här är dina saker - Dessa saker är dina = These are your things - These things are yours
Objective Pronouns
In the sentence The men love the cars, you can't tell whether it is the men or the cars who love by just studying the forms of the nouns. Though, this word order automatically makes clear that it is the men who love and the cars who are loved. Thus, "the men" are the subject and "the cars" are the direct object. Some languages, German for example, have different forms for the direct objects. (Der Mann sieht den Ball - Der Ball sieht den Mann) The only place where English uses an objective form is the pronouns. If I said Her I love, there would be no doubt what was meant, though you normally would say I love her. The Swedish objective pronouns are:
Subject | Object |
Jag | Mig [mej] |
Du | Dig [dej] |
Han | Honom [*hånåm] |
Hon | Henne [*hene] |
Den | Den |
Det | Det |
Vi | Oss [ås] |
Ni | Er [e:r] |
De | Dem [dem] is almost always pronounced [dåm] |
Telling the time
If you want to know what time it is, you ask:
Vad är klockan? = What time is it?
Or as a whole phrase:
Ursäkta mig, vet du vad klockan är? = Excuse me, do you know what time it is?
Then, if you're lucky you'll get a response like this:
![]() | Den (klockan) är tolv. |
![]() | Den är fem över ett. |
![]() | Den är kvart över två. |
![]() | Den är fem i halv fyra. |
![]() | Den är halv fem. |
![]() | Den är fem över halv sex. |
![]() | Den är tjugo i sju. |
![]() | Den är kvart i åtta. |
Note that in Swedish, it is "half to", and not as in English "half past".
1 - 9:30
2 - 1:40
3 - 10:35
4 - 5:15
5 - 12:25
6 - 3:20
1 - Don't you love me?
2 - Don't you love me either? (either = heller)
3 - Do you have our boring books in your big house?
4 - Is he coming to us next summer?
5 - I would like to reserve that nice table for the two of us.
6 - I wouldn't like to give him my money.
Lesson 5
mer(a) ['me:r(a)] | more |
mest [mest] | most |
än [än] | than |
lika...som [li:ka] [såm] | as...as |
för...sedan [fö:r] [sen] | ago |
om [åm] | in (time) |
i [i:] | for (time) |
under ['under] | during |
innan [*inan] | before |
ett år - [å:r] | year |
en väg -ar [vä:g] | way/road |
Adjectives - Compare
The comparative forms of a Swedish adjective is formed in almost the same ways as is an English adjective. In English, you can either add - er and -est (high, high er, high est), or you can say more and most (boring, more boring, most boring). In Swedish, you add -are and -ast where possible, and otherwise, you say mer and mest.
kort- kort are - kort ast
intressant - mer intressant - mest intressant
vacker - vackr are - vackr ast
trogen - trogn are - trogn ast (=faithful)
liten - mindre - minst
dålig - sämre - sämst
bra - bättre - bäst
stor - större - störst
lång - längre - längst
hög - högre - högst
mycket - mer(a) - mest
den kort a bilen
den kortare bilen
den kortast e bilen
den vackr a bilen
den vackrare bilen
den vackrast e bilen
den dålig a bilen
den sämre bilen
den sämst a bilen
ett litet barn
det lilla barnet
Mitt hus är lika stort som ditt. - My house is as big as yours.
Verbs - The Imperfect and the Perfect tense
Swedish is very similair to English in constructing the past tenses. And the tenses are also employed pretty much the same way in both languages. The perfect tense consists of the present tense of the verb ha (to have) + the supine form of the main verb. As in English, you get the past perfect by using the imperfect form of ha instead of the present tense. The imperfect is formed by attaching a suffix to the stem.
Group 1+2:
Ireggular verbs:
Verb: | Stem: | Imperfect: | Supine: | Perfect: | Past perfect: |
tala (1) | tala- | tala de | tala t | har tala t | hade tala t |
ringa (2) | ring- | ring de | ring t | har ring t | hade ring t |
köpa (2) | köp- | köp te | köp t | har köp t | hade köp t |
vara (i) | var- | var | var it | har var it | hade var it |
springa (i) (=to run) | spring- | spr a ng | spr u ng it | har spr u ng it | hade spr u ng it |
komma (i) | komm- | kom | komm it | har komm it | hade komm it |
ha (i) | ha- | ha de | ha ft | har ha ft | hade ha ft |
göra (i) | gör- | gjorde | gjort | har gjort | hade gjort |
bli (i) | bli- | bl ev | bli vit | har bli vit | hade bli vit |
äta (i) | ät- | å t | ät it | har ät it | hade ät it |
se (i) | se- | s åg | se tt | har se tt | hade se tt |
You can take a look at my List of irregular Swedish verbs.
Exercise - Translate the following sentences into Swedish
1 - I was in Sweden ten years ago.
2 - For how many years have you been here?
3 - What did you do before you came here?
4 - I had bought the ten biggest cars before they saw me.
5 - He ran the shortest way to the better of the two restaurants.
Lesson 6
Vocabulary - Numbers 101 -...
(ett) hundraett [hundra'et] | |
(ett) hundratvå [hundra'två:] etc. | |
två hundra | |
två hundraett etc. | |
tre hundra etc. | |
(ett) tusen ['tu:sen] | 1.000 |
två tusen etc. | 2.000 |
en miljon [mil'jo:n] | 1.000.000 |
en miljard [mil'ja:d] | |
en biljon [bil'jo:n] | |
en biljard [bil'ja:d] | |
en triljon [tril'jo:n] | |
en triljard [tril'jad] | |
Note: When counting we always say ett, tjogoett, hundraett etc. But if the number is followed by a noun we use the en -form.
en bil - ett fönster = one car - one window
tjogo en bilar - tjugo en fönster = 21 cars - 21 window
År nittonhundra ett = In 1901
brinna (i) [*brina] | to burn |
en eld -ar [eld] | fire |
ta (i) [ta:] | to take |
kosta (1) [*kåsta] | to cost |
ett brev - [bre:v] | letter |
någon(t), några [*nå:gån] | some |
en gång -er [gåg] | time (four times e.g.) |
tänka (2) [*tänka] | think |
viktig [*viktig] | important |
person [pe'so:n] | person |
läsa (2) [*lä:sa] | to read |
The present participle
a burning fire - en brinna nde eld
a walking man - en gå ende man
bli - bli vande (The original verb was bliva and could be used today as well)
ha - ha vande (The original verb was hava)
ta - ta gande (The original verb was taga)
I am helping you - Jag hjälper dig.
He is eating food - Han äter mat.
The past participle
The past participle is used in phrases like I am seen, an interested woman etc. As you can see, in English form used to construct the past participle is the same as the form used in the perfect tense. That is not the case in Swedish. Here we used the supine to construct the perfect tense, and that is also the only time when the supine is used - for the perfect and the past perfect. The past participle, however, is formed like this, note that it has to be inflected as an adjective:
Älska - Älska d - Jag är älska d - Barnet är älska t. - Vi är älska de.
Ring|a - Ring d
Köp|a - Köp t - Sakerna är köp ta.
Verb | Supine | Past participle |
Skriva | - Skriv it | - Skriv en - Brevet är skriv et |
Komma | - Komm it | - Komm en |
Se | - Se tt | - Se dd - Vi är se dda |
The passive form
The letter is being written by me - Brevet blir skrivet av mig
The letter was written by me - Brevet blev skrivet av mig.
The letter has been written by me - Brevet har blivit skrivet av mig.
The letter is being written by me - Brevet skriv s av mig.
The letter was written by me - Brevet skrev s av mig.
The letter has been written by me - Brevet har skrivit s av mig.
Expressing the future
Jag kommer att hjälpa dig någon gång - I will help you some time.
Vad ska vi göra idag? - What are we going to do today?
Jag tänker/ämnar hjälpa dig - I intend to help you
Exercise - Translate the following sentences into Swedish
1 - To be loved is very important.
2 - Whose book is read the most?
3 - This book will be written next summer.
4 - What are you going to do next spring?
How do you say these years in Swedish?
1 - 1765
2 - 1997
3 - 1588
4 - 1173
5 - 1021
Lesson 7
kunna (i) [*kuna] | inf. of can - to be able to |
vilja (i) [*vilja] | inf. of want to |
få (i) [få:] | to be allowed to / get |
skola (i) [*sko:la] | inf. of shall, will |
måste [*måste] (present tense) | have to / must |
mörk [mörk] | dark |
ljus [ju:s] | light, bright |
extrem [eks'tre:m] | extreme |
titta på (1) | to look at |
säga (i) [säja] | to say |
alltid [*alti:d] | always |
aldrig [*aldrig] | never |
ingen(t,a) [*igen] | no |
noggran [*no:gran] | careful |
måndag ['månda] | Monday |
tisdag ['ti:sda] | Tuesday |
onsdag ['onsda] | Wednesday |
torsdag ['tosda] | Thursday |
fredag ['fre:da] | Friday |
lördag ['löda] | Saturday |
söndag ['sönda] | Sunday |
Modal Auxiliary Verbs
Modal verbs are verbs who tell in what way a certain action is carried out. Some examples of modal verbs are shall, must, want to. In Swedish, the modal verbs conjugate very irregularly:
Infinitive | Present tense | Imperfect | Supine |
kunna | kan | kunde | kunnat |
vilja | vill | ville | velat |
skola | ska(ll) | skulle | skolat |
få | får | fick | fått |
An adverb is a word that tells in what way an action is performed. It can hence be an indicator to a verb, an adjective or another adverb. In English, adverbs have the suffix - ly. In Swedish, the suffix is -t.
She walks slow ly | - Hon går långsam t |
She walks extreme ly slow ly | - Hon går extrem t långsam t |
She is extreme ly beautiful | - Hon är extrem t vacker |
Word order, advanced phrases
Some conjunctions:
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