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Going shopping

Читайте также:
  1. A: What on earth are all these ski-caps doing here? Weren't we going to get someone to take them off our hands as a job lot?
  2. Ask questions about what these people are going to be. Use these words: musician / actor / secretary / businesswoman / doctor / journalist
  3. B) Mr. Bell is going on holiday. You have to write sentences about his holiday plans. Use the words in brackets to write the sentences.
  4. CHAPTER 32. Going
  5. CHAPTER 33. Going!
  6. Comments on the Foregoing Texts
  7. Cover the dialogue and say how long Alice is going to stay in the United States.

At a Provision shop

Exercise 1. Look at the pictures below. What items of food or drink are sold in each type of container? Write as many names as you can under each picture.

Exercise 2. What shops would you go to buy these products? Match the products and the shops.

a jar of cream a loaf of wholemeal bread a carton of yoghurt a bunch of grapes a nice piece of cod a jar of pickled onions a box of soft-centred chocolates a joint of beef a few sticks of celery a block of ice-cream a head of cabbage or some broccoli a 500 g tin of beans a packet of salt a package of butter a kilo of ham a dozen buns a stick of chocolate   fishmonger’s   confectioner’s   grocer’s     baker’s     butcher’s     dairy   greengrocer’s

Going shopping

My husband hates to go shopping. In our family I usually do it. Saturday is my shopping day but I buy fresh bread every day. I buy meat and fish once a week. There is always a wide selection of meat and sausage at the butcher’s not far from our block of flats. I usually buy fresh, frozen or smoked fish at the fishmonger’s. I also buy cereal products, flour, different spices, mayonnaise and margarine at the dry grocery.

I usually go to the market to buy fruit and vegetables. In winter we buy potatoes, carrots, beetroots, garlic, bananas and oranges. In summer we often buy watermelons raspberries, strawberries and other berries. I must admit the prices on foodstuffs in Kyiv are rather high and they are constantly going up. Sometimes I find it difficult to make both ends meet.

Yesterday my husband and I went shopping. I made a shopping list and indicated what and how much to buy. First we bought rye bread, rusks and rings at the baker’s. Then we dropped in at the confectionery. We wanted to buy waffles, biscuits, liqueur bonbons and marmalade. We also called at the supermarket. We ran out of coffee and wanted to buy it. We bought natural coffee in grains, because I prefer it to instant coffee. We also bought a packet of bay leaf, a tin of condensed milk, two packages of processed cheese, a jar of pickled tomatoes, a packet of spaghetti. First we chose the items, put them into the shopping cart, then at the cash-desk we paid money, got our change and left the shop.

On our way home we bought a good-sized head of cabbage at the greengrocer’s.

Exercise 3. Fill in the missing words:

1. At the supermarket all foodstuffs are sold __________ -__________.

2. She has put all her ___________ into the shopping-bag (shopping cart/trolley).

3. He paid money at the __________- __________.

4. At the __________ one can find a wide choice of meat on __________.

5. They sell oil, various spices and cereals, tea and coffee at the ___________.

6. The ___________ indicates the ___________ day the store is supposed to sell this item.

7. We have already bought grapefruits and oranges at the ___________.

8. The goods are attractively and tastefully ___________ on long lines of ___________.

Exercise 4. Translate into English:

1. Вчора я купила шинку та варену ковбасу в ковбасному відділі, а сьогодні я бачила не дуже дорогу копчену ковбасу.

2. В рибному магазині завжди гарний вибір риби. Там можна купити свіжу, морожену, копчену або солену рибу.

3. Мій чоловік купив сьогодні там лосося, оселедців і баночку шпротів.

4. Риба та рибні продукти користуються широким попитом у людей.

5. В м’ясному магазині завжди є свіже м’ясо (баранина, телятина, свинина, яловичина, курятина, індичка та ягнятина).

6. Хлібний відділ – праворуч. Там завжди є свіжий хліб, булки, сухарі і бублики.

7. Хліб можна купити протягом всього дня.

8. Ми вже купили солодощі, коробку шоколадних цукерок з начинкою, тістечка і пакет цукру “піску” в кондитерській.

9. В магазині широкий вибір молочних продуктів в продажу. Тут можна купити молоко, сметану, вершки, масло, маргарин, плавлені сирки, домашній і твердий сир.

10. Купи, будь ласка, у бакалії спецій, пачку солі, пакетик перцю, баночку гірчиці і пляшку оцету.

11. Я збираюся купити огірки, квасолю, цвітну капусу, часник і баночку солодкої консервованої кукурудзи в овочевому магазині.

12. Продавці поводяться з покупцями дуже ввічливо. Вони їх уважно вислуховують і відповідають на всі запитання.

Exercise 5. Give the English equivalents:

1. Ти коли-небудь була у новому універсамі на розі нашої вулиці?

2. Там дуже зручно робити покупки, бо можна купити всі необхідні товари і не потрібно йти до іншого магазину.

3. В цьому продуктовому магазині всі товари попаковані і досить багато касових апаратів і тому немає черг.

4. – Давай візьмемо візок. Між іншим, де тут продаються овочі?

- Немаю уявлення. Я тут вперше.

5. – Що ви хочете із м’ясних продуктів?

- Я хочу купити фунт нежирного бекону.

- Цей шматок підійде?

- Так, я візьму його. І скільки все це разом коштує?

6. Якщо продукти скоро псуються, вони повинні бути продатовані.

7. Не забудьте подивитися на дату на етикетці.

8. Я ще не купила олії.

9. Давай купимо гречаної крупи. У нас закінчилася гречана крупа.

10. – Вибачте, ви продаєте маргарин?

- Так, але я боюся ми продали весь маргарин.

- Нічого не поробиш. Я хотіла б також баночку солінь.




Do this questionnaire to decide whether you are fashion conscious or you are a fashion victim:

  1. How much time do you spend in front of the mirror in the morning? a) More than five minutes. b) Less than five minutes. c) I prefer not to look in the mirror in the morning.   2. Why do you like your clothes? a) Because they are comfortable. b) Because they say something about the sort of person I am. c) I don’t like my clothes.   3. What do you usually wear? a) Jeans and a T-shirt. b) Whatever’s in fashion. c) What I feel like wearing.   4. When you meet someone for the first time, what do you notice first? a) Their eyes and hands. b) Their shoes. c) Their character.   5. You see a pair of trousers you want. They are beautiful – but you haven’t got much money. What do you do? a) I forget about them. b) I don’t buy them but I dream about them. c) I buy them and I don’t eat for a week.   6. The colour in fashion this year doesn’t suit you. What do you do? a) I wear it anyway – it’s in fashion. b) I don’t wear it. c) I don’t care about what’s in fashion. 7. When was the last time you bought something to wear? a) Less than three days ago. b) More than three days but less than six months ago. c) I never buy clothes. My mum/ dad/ wife/ husband/ boyfriend/ girlfriend buys them for me.   8. Why did you buy it? a) Because I liked it. b) Because it’s fashionable. c) Because I need it.   9. What do other people think about your clothes? a) They think they are smart. b) They think they are strange. c) They never notice my clothes.   10.What do you refuse to wear? a) Clothes that are in fashion. b) The clothes my mum/ dad/ wife/ husband/ boyfriend/ girlfriend buys for me. c) Clothes that are not in fashion.   11.When you read a newspaper, do you turn to the fashion pages? a) Yes, I always read the fashion pages. b) I sometimes look at the pictures. c) What fashion pages?   12. How would you describe your style of clothes? a) Fashionable. b) Not fashionable but “me”. c) Style? What’s that?    
1. a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 2. a) 2 b) 3 c) 1 3. a) 1 b) 3 c) 2
7. a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 8. a) 2 b) 3 c) 1 9. a) 2 b) 3 c) 1


4. a) 2 b) 3 c) 1 5. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 6. a) 3 b) 2 c) 1
10. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 11. a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 12. a) 3 b) 2 c) 1



What it means:

You scored 12 to 19: You probably don’t know what this questionnaire is about. You think there are more important things in life than fashion, but perhaps you are a bit lazy, too. How about going shopping yourself – your mother/ father/ wife/ husband/ girlfriend/ boyfriend has got enough to do!

You scored 20 to 28: Clothes are not the most important thing in your life, but you know what suits you. You have a very personal style but it is always the same. Why don’t you take some risks and try a different style for a change? You are too serious – fashion can be fun!

You scored 29 to 36: You are a fashion victim! Do your friends ever walk on the other side of the road when they go out with you? You know a lot about fashion, but you need to choose the clothes that suit you. There are more important things in life than clothes – try speaking to people and you will be surprised to find that they are nice, even if they are wearing the wrong shoes.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 65 | Нарушение авторских прав

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