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Modal Verbs (Biology, Chemistry)

Читайте также:
  1. A) The use of the Past Indefinite becomes obligatory with stative verbs.
  2. A. Put the verbs into correct past form
  3. A. Put the verbs into correct past form
  4. A. two past continuous verbs
  5. Active to passive with phrasal verbs PEG 302-6
  6. Adjectives and Adverbs
  7. Adjectives and Adverbs

I. Translate into Russian.

1. Most cells can be seen only when greatly magnified.

2. A developing embryo can be affected by a disease of the mother.

3. Heart trouble may be secondary to other diseases.

4. Essential elements have to be carried from one place to another.

5. They will have to diagnose that infection through serology.

6. They had to use a microscope to discern the virus.

7. Since blood reaches all parts of the body, it mirrors and reflects disease anywhere in the body and must, by its very nature, carry along in it some of the evidence and results of this disease process.

8. The process of reproduction could be repeated many times.

9. Scientists can identify different varieties of cancer cells under the microscope.

10. A word that can be used for all living things is organism.

11. The reproduction of an organism may be sexual and asexual, depending upon whether fertilization comes into play.

12. All life must have originated from a very few, perhaps even one self-duplicating nucleic acid molecule in the primeval seas. (primeval seas – первозданный океан)

13. Symbiosis may occur between two plants of different species, two animals of different species, or between a plant and an animal. The cooperative relationship is obligatory to both organisms: neither can survive without the other.

14. If biologists finally conclude that viruses are alive, then it will have to be admitted that a continuous intergradation exists between non-living and living forms of matter.

15. Early in the life of the human race, man had to become scientific and observe the relationships between natural phenomena; thus, for example, primitive men had to observe the relationships between the seasons and weather conditions.

II. Переведите на русский язык предложения c заменителями модальных глаголов.

1. Early in the life of the human race, man had to become scientific and observe the relationships between natural phenomena; thus, for example, primitive men had to observe the relationships between the seasons and weather conditions. 2. Important differences are to be observed in the oxygen compounds. 3. A solid is always to be thought of as a two-phase system. 4. Plants are able to synthesize their proteins out of carbon dioxide, water nitrates or ammonium salts, sulphates and phosphates. 5. Robert Boyle was unable to demonstrate an elementary substance. 6. Electronics is a young art, but it has already taken over many duties and more are yet to come. 7. The key to the constitution of matter is to be found in electricity or chemical physics. 8. In his researches Faraday was able to liquefy hydrogen sulphide, hydrogen chloride, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide. 9. Small quantities of arsenic are to be found naturally in a free state.


III. Переведите на русский язык и укажите на значение модальных глаголов с перфектным инфинитивом.

1. Gold may have been discovered before copper. 2. Henry Cavendish bestowed much attention upon heat, and might have anticipated Joseph Black's doctrines of latent and specific heat. 3. Sulphuric acid must have been known by the ninth century. 4. Glass is essential for our civilization. Without it the microscope and telescope would never have been discovered, astronomy, the science, would never have emerged from astrology. The fight against disease-producing bacteria could never have been waged. 5. According to the English scientist and chemist William Crookes, the atoms of the elements could have originated from the cooling of a primary substance — "protyle". 6. Metallic bismuth may have been known in antiquity. 7. Aristotle would have been greatly interested in modern theory of a substance. 8. The atomic theory of Dalton and later Kekule's theory of the benzene ring must have appeared to contemporary manufacturers as mere academic thesis of no industrial importance. 9. Carbon in the form of charcoal and soot must certainly have been known to prehistoric races. 10. Tin must have been known in very remote times.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 70 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Exercise 4. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.| Physical and mental ability or capacity.

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