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Do’’ for General Ideas

Читайте также:
  1. A general model for introducing new language
  2. A very unexpected turn of events has placed Putin and Russia in the driver’s seat in Syria and the Mideast.
  4. Agreement of the predicate with the subject (general notion, rules of agreement).
  6. Article 65. General principles of imposition of punishment
  7. As a general rule, uncountable abstract nouns are used without any article. The absence of the article has the nominating meaning.

Do or Make?

When ‘’do’’ or ‘’make’’ are used as main verbs it can be confusing to English learners.


We use the verb ‘’do’’ when someone performs an action, activity or task.

do a crossword
do the ironing
do the washing
do the washing up

‘’Do’’ is often used when referring to work of any kind.

do your work
do home work
do house work
do your job

Note!! - these activities do not usually produce a physical object.

Do’’ for General Ideas

Use the verb ‘’do’’ when speaking about things in general. In other words, to describe an action without saying exactly what the action is. This form is often used with the words ‘’something, nothing, anything, everything, etc.'’

I'm not doing anything today.
He does everything for his mother.
She's doing nothing.

Important Expressions with ’’Do’’

There are some standard expressions that take the verb ‘’do’’. The best solution is to try to learn them:

do business – вести дела, заниматься коммерцией

do the ironing – гладить (бельё)

do the washing - стирать
do the dishes/do the washing-up
- мыть посуду
do a favour
– сделать одолжение

do research- проводить исследование
do good – делать добро, приносить пользу
do harm - навредить
do well – чувствовать себя хорошо; преуспевать
do your best - сделать все возможное
do your hair -делать прическу
do your nails – делать маникюр


We use the verb ‘’make’’ for constructing, building or creating

make a dress
make food
make a cup of tea / coffee

‘’Make’’ is often used when referring to preparing food of any kind.

make a meal - breakfast / lunch / dinner

Note!! - these activities usually create something that you can touch.

Important Expressions with ‘’Make’’

There are some standard expressions that take the verb ‘’make’’. The best solution is to try to learn them:

make arrangements - организовать, подготовить
make a choice
- сделать выбор
make a comment –
сделать комментарий
make a decision
– принять решение
make an effort
– сделать усилие
make an excuse
– придумать оправдание
make a fool of yourself
– выставить себя на посмешище
make a fortune
– заработать состояние, разбогатеть
make friends
– завести друзей, подружиться
make a journey
– совершить поездку
make a mess
– устроить беспорядок
make a mistake
– сделать ошибку
make money
– зарабатывать деньги
make a noise
- шуметь
make a phone call
– позвонить по телефону
make a plan
– составить план
make a profit
- извлекать выгоду, получать прибыль
make a promise
– дать обещание
make a remark
– сделать замечание
make a sound
– издать звук
make a speech
– произнести речь
make a suggestion
– сделать предложение
make a visit –
нанести визит
make your bed
убирать постель




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