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The Problem of pollution in Ukraine 1 страница


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Pollution is the contamination of the environment, including air, water, and land, with undesirable amounts of material or energy. Such contamination originates from human activities that create waste products. An industrial and intensively farmed country, Ukraine contains some of the most polluted landscapes in Eastern Europe. Pollution became evident in Ukraine with industrial development in the 19th century.

Air pollution is especially severe in many of the heavily industrialized cities and towns of south-eastern Ukraine, notably in Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhia. Coal-using industries, such as metallurgical coke-chemical plants, steel mills, and thermal power plants are major sources of high levels of uncontrolled emissions of sulphur dioxide, dust, unburned hydrocarbons, and other harmful substances.

Over one-third of the emissions into the atmosphere originate from automobile transport.

Almost all surface waters of Ukraine belong to the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov basins. The high population density, heavy industrial development, and relatively low freshwater endowment of those basins, and the low governmental priority placed upon environmental protection until very recently, have given rise to chronic and serious levels of water pollution throughout Ukraine. Widespread fear is growing in Ukraine that a substantial fraction of those water arteries are so polluted as to pose fatal health risks to the people who depend on them. About half of the chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides applied in the fields are washed off into rivers. Moreover, surface runoff from industrial territories is highly contaminated.

On 25 April 1986 the Number 4 reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power station was being tested. The workers, however, didn’t follow the safety regulations. The emergency cooling system was shut down and almost all of the control rods were removed from the reactor. At 1.23 a.m. on April 26 the reactor exploded. The huge concrete and steel top of the reactor was blown off and radioactive material was released into the atmosphere.

All the people who lived within 30 kilometres of the power station had to be evacuated. Helicopters crews flew over the burning power station and dropped thousands of tones of concrete onto the burning reactor. It took nearly two weeks before the reactor was completely sealed. But by that time a huge cloud of radioactive material had been blown across almost the whole of Europe by the wind. As far away as Italy and Wales grass was polluted when the radioactive dust was washed down by rain. Milk and meat from animals that ate the grass could not be used.

Chernobyl was the world’s biggest nuclear accident. More than thirty people died, and another two hundred became seriously ill from radiation sickness. But we shall never know how many people will die as a result of the accident. Scientists say that anything between five and sixty thousand people could die of cancer from the radiation that they received. What Chernobyl showed most clearly was that one country’s nuclear power stations are everybody’s problem.


The massive increase in public concern for protection of the environment has given a new prominence to the recycling industry, which covers everything from the collection of beverage cans and the reclamation of old car bodies to the treatment of industrial sludge.

Recycling is a processing of industrial and household waste (such as paper, glass, and some metals and plastics) so that it can be reused. The great advantage of recycling is that it saves a large proportion of energy needed to manufacture an article from the original raw materials. This is of paramount importance at a time when energy conservation is essential to reduce the use of fossil fuels which contribute to global warming – the greenhouse effect.

For instance, there is a 62 per cent energy-saving in the use of recycled scrap ferrous metal. The saving arises because the scrap is almost pure metal and the original impure ore.

Materials which are recycled are less expensive than primary raw materials and offer a considerable cost advantage to industry.

Recycling also avoids the need to dump large quantities of used materials in landfill sites, a process which is unpopular with the public and can have dangerous environmental side-effect. This is particularly important at a time when the cost of using good landfill sites has steady increased.

Above all, recycling is an important means of reducing dependence on finite natural resources. It offers the potential for averting the crisis often predicted by conservationists – a world eventually running out of raw materials.

Today, recycling is a major activity in the industrialized countries. Advanced technology is used to collect, sort and process materials that are discarded by industry or the public.

Technical advances mean that valuable metals from such complex equipment as computers and other electronic machines are recovered, instead of ending up on the scrap heap. Furthermore, used oils can be recycled as lubricants for industry and transport, while rubber from old types can be transformed into mats and carpet underlays.

Despite this activity, environmental pressure groups are highly vocal in their dissatisfaction with the scale of recycling.


Додаток 4

№ п/п Початкова форма Форма минулого часу Дієприкметник (дієприслівник) минулого часу Переклад
1. abide abided, abode abided перебувати, жити
2. arise arose arisen піднятися,виникнути
3. awake awoke, awakened awoken будити, прокинутися
4. bear bore born, borne нести, народжувати
5. beat /bi:t/ beat /bi:t/ beaten /bi:t(ə)n/ бити
6. become became become ставати
7. begin began begun починати
8. bend bent bent згинати(ся)
9. beseech besought, beseeched besought, beseeched благати
10. beset beset beset оточити
11. bet bet bet закладатися
12. bid bade, bid bid, bidden пропонувати ціну
13. bind bound bound зв’язати
14. bite bit bitten вкусити, кусати
15. bleed bled bled стікати кров’ю
16. bless blessed, blest blessed, blest благословити
17. blow blew blown дути
18. break broke broken (з)ламати
19. breed bred bred вирощувати, розводити
20. bring brought brought приносити
21. broadcast broadcast broadcast транслювати
22. browbeat browbeat browbeaten залякувати
23. build built built будувати
24. burn burned, burnt burned, burnt горіти,спалити
25. burst burst burst розірватися,вибухнути
26. bust bust (BrE), busted (esp AmE) bust (ВrE), busted (esp AmE) розбиватися, закінчуватися поразкою
27. buy bought bought купувати
28. cast cast cast кидати, відливати (метал)
29. catch caught caught ловити, піймати
30. choose chose chosen вибирати, обирати
31. cleave cleaved, cleft, clove cleaved, cleft розсікти
32. cling clung clung чіплятися
33. clothe clothed clothed одягнути
34. come came come приходити
35. cost cost cost коштувати
36. creep crept crept повзти
37. cut cut cut різати
38. dare durst,dared dared сміти, наважитися
39. deal dealt /delt/ dealt /delt/ мати справу з
40. dig dug dug копати
41. dive dived, dove (AmE) dived пірнати
42. do did done робити
43. draw drew drawn тягнути, малювати
44. dream dreamed, dreamt dreamed, dreamt мріяти, бачити сни
45. drink drank drunk пити
46. drive drove driven гнати, їхати
47. dwell dwelt, dwelled dwelt, dwelled жити, мешкати, зупинитися на якомусь питанні
48. eat ate eaten їсти
49. fall fell fallen падати, впасти
50. feed fed fed годувати
51. feel felt felt відчувати
52. fight fought fought битися
53. find found found знаходити
54. flee fled fled бігти, тікати, рятуватися
55. fling flung flung кинути
56. fly flew flown літати
57. forbid forbade, forbad forbidden забороняти
58. forecast forecast forecast передбачати, прогнозувати
59. forget forgot forgotten забути,забувати
60. forgive forgave forgiven пробачити
61. freeze froze frozen заморозити
62. get got got (BrE), gotten (АmЕ) отримати
63. gild gilt gilt позолотити
64. give gave given давати
65. go went gone йти,ходити
66. grind ground ground перемелювати
67. grow grew grown рости
68. hamstring hamstrung hamstrung підрізати (крила)
69. hang hung, hanged hung, hanged (по)вішати
70. have had had мати,володіти
71. hear heard heard чути
72. heave heaved, hove heaved,hove напружуватися, підніматися
73. hew hewed hewed, hewn рубати,тесати
74. hide hid hidden, hid ховати(ся)
75. hit hit hit вдарити, бити
76. hold held held тримати(ся)
77. hurt hurt hurt завдати болю
78. input inputted, input inputted, input вводити, ввести
79. interweave interwove interwoven вплітати
80. keep kept kept зберігати, тримати
81. kneel knelt, kneeled (esp AmE) knelt, kneeled (esp AmE) ставати навколішки
82. knit knitted, knit knitted, knit плести, в’язати
83. know knew known знати
84. lay laid laid класти, покласти
85. lead led led вести, очолювати
86. lean leaned, leant (esp BrE) leaned, leant (esp BrE) спиратися, спертися
87. leap leapt, leaped (esp AmE) leapt, leaped (esp AmE) стрибати, скакати
88. learn learned, learnt learned, learnt вивчати, вчитися
89. leave left left залишати
90. lend lent lent позичати, позичити
91. let let let дозволити
92. lie lay lain лежати
93. light lit, lighted lit, lighted освітлювати
94. lose lost lost губити
95. make made made робити
96. mean meant meant означати, мати на увазі
97. meet met met зустрічати(ся)
98. mistake mistook mistaken помилитися
99. misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood неправильно зрозуміти
100. mow mowed mown, mowed косити
101. pay paid paid платити, сплачувати
102. plead pleaded, pled (esp AmE) pleaded, pled (esp AmE) прикликати
103. prove proved proved (also proven AmE) виявитися
104. put put put класти
105. quit quit quit залишати, звільнятися
106. read read/red/ read/red/ читати
107. rid rid rid позбавитися
108. ride rode ridden їхати верхи
109. ring rang rung дзвонити
110. rise rose risen піднятися
111. run ran run бігти, бігати
112. saw sawed sawn, sawed пиляти
113. say said said сказати
114. see saw seen бачити
115. seek sought sought шукати
116. sell sold sold продавати
117. send sent sent надсилати
118. set set set встановити, встановлювати
119. sew sewed sewn, sewed шити
120. shake shook shaken трясти
121. shave shaved shaved, shaven голити
122. shear sheared shorn, sheared стригти
123. shed shed shed скинути
124. shine shone, shined shone, shined сяяти
125. shoe shod shod взувати(ся)
126. shoot shot shot стріляти
127. show showed shown, showed показувати
128. shrink shrank, shrunk shrunk скорочуватися, стискатися
129. shut shut shut закривати
130. sing sang sung співати
131. sink sank, sunk sunk зануритися
132. sit sat sat сидіти, сідати
133. slay slew slain вбивати
134. sleep slept slept спати
135. slide slid slid ковзати
136. sling slung slung підвішувати
137. slink slunk slunk відходити, відступати
138. slit slit slit розірвати, розкрити
139. smell smelted, smelt (esp BrE) smelled, smelt (esp BrE) пахнути, смердіти, нюхати
140. smite smote smitten вдаряти, вражати
141. sow sowed sown, sowed сіяти
142. speak spoke spoken говорити
143. speed sped, speeded sped, speeded прискорювати(ся)
144. spell spelled, spelt (esp BrE) spelled, spelt (esp BrE) писати або вимовляти по буквах
145. spend spent spent витрачати, проводити
146. spill spilled, spilt (esp BrE) spilled, spilt (esp BrE) розлити
147. spin spun, span spun прясти
148. spit spat (also spit AmE) spat (also spit AmE) плювати, сплюнути
149. split split split розщеплювати
150. spoil spoiled, spoilt spoiled, spoilt псувати
151. spread spread spread розповсюджувати(ся)
152. spring sprang (also sprung AmE) sprung виникати
153. stand stood stood стояти
154. stave staved, stove staved, stove пробити,запобігти
155. steal stole stolen красти
156. stick stuck stuck приклеїти
157. sting stung stung. вжалити, пекти (про біль)
158. stink stank, stunk stunk смердіти
159. strew strewed strewn, strewed сіяти
160. stride strode stridden ступати,крокувати
161. strike struck struck бити, бастувати
162. string strung strung нанизувати,натягати
163. strive strove, strived striven, strived намагатися
164. swear swore sworn присягатися
165. sweep swept swept мести
166. swell swelled swollen, swelled напнутися
167. swim swam swum плавати
168. swing swung swung качатися
169. take took taken брати, взяти
170. teach taught taught навчати, викладати
171. tear tore torn розірвати
172. tell told told розповідати
173. think thought thought думати
174. thrive thrived, throve thrived процвітати
175. throw threw thrown викидати
176. thrust thrust thrust штовхати
177. tread trod trodden ступати, виконувати танець
178. understand understood understand розуміти
179. wake woke, waked woken, waked прокидатись
180. wear wore worn носити (одяг)
181. weave wove, weaved woven, weaved плести, ткати
182. wed wedded, wed wedded, wed одружувати(ся), вінчати
183. weep wept wept плакати
184. wet wetted, wet wetted, wet змочувати, робити вологим
185. win won won перемогти, виграти
186. wind /waind/ wound wound заводити (механізм)
187. withdraw withdrew withdrawn взяти назад
188. withhold withheld withheld відмовлятися, утримуватися
189. withstand withstood withstand чинити опір
190. wreak /ri:k/ wreaked, wrought/rƆ:t/ wreak, wrought /rƆ:t/ наносити, нанести
191. wring wrung wrung скрутити, стиснути
192. write wrote written писати




Додаток 5

Англо-український словник


ability [əʹbiliti] n здібності

able [ʹeib(ə)l] adj 1.могти, бути здатним 2.здатний

about [əʹbaut] adv 1. навколо, prer. 1. довкола 2. про

absorb [əbʹsə:b, -ʹz Ɔ:b] v 1. всмоктувати, поглинати

academician [ə:kædəʹmi∫(ə)] n академік

accept [əkʹsept] v 1. приймати 2. признавати

accessories [əkʹsesəriz] n 1. аксесуари, принада

accidentally [͵æksiʹdenteli] adv 1. випадково

accomplished [əʹk∧mpli∫t ͵əʹkom] adj завершений, виконаний

according [əʹk Ɔ:diῃ] adv відповідно

account [əʹkaunt] n 1. рахунок 2. розрахунок

accurately [ʹækjurətli] adv точно

achievement [əʹt∫i:vmənt] n досягнення

acid [ʹæsid] n кислота

acquainted [əʹkweintid] adj 1. знайомий

acquire [əʹkwaiə(r)] v 1. придбати 2. засвоювати

across [əʹkr Ɔ s] adv поперек; prep 1. через 2. поперек

act [ʹækt] v діяти, приймати

actually [ʹækt∫uəli] adv 1. дійсно, фактично

addition [əʹdi∫(ə)n] n 1. додаток, прибавлення

administrative [ədʹministretiv] adj адміністративний, організаційний

admit [ədʹmit] v 1. допускати,приймати, вміщувати

adopt [əʹd Ɔ pt] v 1. всиновлювати 2. приймати 3.вибирати

advance [ədʹva:nse] n 1. продвижение 2. прогрес 3. підвищення; v продвигати

advanced [ədʹva:nst] adj 1. продвинутий, передовий

advantage [ʹədʹva:ntidʒ] n 1. перевага 2. вигода, позика

affair [əʹfeə(r)] n 1.справа; 2. любовний роман

affect [əʹfekt] v 1. діяти 2. стосуватися

affordable [əʹf Ɔ:dəbl] adj 1.той, що можна собі дозволити

afraid [əʹfrəid] adj 1. наляканий

after [ʹa:ftə(r)] prep 1. після, за, через

age [ʹeidʒ] n 1. вік 2. старість

agree [əʹgri:] v 1. погоджуватись 2. підходити

agricultural [͵ægriʹk lt∫ər(ə)l] adj сільськогосподарський

aim [ʹeim] n 1.ціль 2. цілити

air-sick ['eəsik] adj який відчуває нудоту під час перельоту

ale [ʹeil] n ель, пиво

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