The real-time virtual scene player
The player is the frontend of the IO technology, and provides the foundation necessary for an immersive user experience. The player runs the scenes at the host platform.
The players main tasks are:
- Load and setup of the entire scene, so it is ready for user interaction.
- Translation of user input (keyboard strokes, mouse input, etc) into messages that affect the engine state.
- Generating frames at interactive rates to provide worldclass visual feedback.
The players modular design and abstracted internal interfaces makes it easily portable to new host platforms. At present, only a PC version exists, but other targets are currently under consideration.
The player supports all major 3D and sound API's, and is thus a flexible, state-of-the-art platform for content delivery.
Other Glacier features
(Glacier's list of features is huge and growing. This list is very incomplete.)
- Localization module - Standalone, web-based localizer, enabling concurrent construction of localization information from remote places.
- Render API's: OpenGL, Direct3D, Glide and software.
- Real-time shadows - as objects move their shadows change accordingly.
- Real-time lights (including volumetric light) - light sources illuminate objects as they pass by.
- Real-time mirrors.
- Advanced Collision detection - precise at polygon level.
- Real-time inverse kinematics - for lifelike animations.
- Pre-rendered lights and shadows for detailed and realistic backgrounds.
- Advanced dynamics - Real-time calculated cloth and hair on characters, plants, hanging bridges etc.
- Rigid-body dynamics - Makes possible realistical falling objects and even articulated bodies.
- Pathfinding - 2 kinds: Automatic path finding in 2D and predefined(defined by convex objects) pathfinding in 3D.
- Scripting Language - A flexible, object-oriented script that can be assigned to custom programmed objects and thereby enable them to participate in the AI-state machine. The usage of scripts allows behavior to be changed at runtime.
- 3D sound effects - includes occlusion, reverb/reflection effects through A3D/EAX APIs.
- Direct music support, for interactive music.
- Multiple cameras - for instance special cameras for zooming, sniper-like effects as well as different strategies for a "virtual camera man".
- A standard library containing a large amount of functionality.
- Advanced 2D API for user interfaces including common windowing controls. Uses 3D hardware for accelerated special effects.
- Level-of-detail (LOD) support.
- True dynamic geometric environments. Everything can be changed on the fly.
- Robust object oriented design, that makes the task of adding new features almost trivial.
- Advanced culling algorithms for optimal performance.
- Bezier patches for curved surfaces and scalability.
- Math library (supports for example quaternions, a linear algebra library for 3D calculations and various intersection tests).
- Graph objects - for easy viewing of realtime calculations.
Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 68 | Нарушение авторских прав - 2015-2025 год. (0.005 сек.)