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The test stand UAV of heavy-duty

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UDC 681.518.3

V.M.Synyehlazov, d.t.s., Professor (Institute of Aerospace Control Systems NAU, Ukraine)

Podolsky V.P. (PA "Kyivprylad", Ukraine)

The test stand UAV of heavy-duty

Analisis of APCS "Foundation" structure for automatic control of the UAV test stand for a heavy-duty base plates (AF) during their ascent to the specified height, hold for vibration testing and lowering the stops. The choice of software and hardware solutions in the implementation of PCS "Foundation."

The relevance of the study. Modern development of UAV architecture puts new requirements to equipment used in tests for structural reliability UAV, especially big carrying capacity.The high level of testing at present can be achieved through the use of modern information technology. Technical means are used for lifting foundation slabs stands did not provide the required accuracy, reliability and security. Therefore there is a need to develop an automated computer system that will provide the lift base plates UAV test benches in the policy regime, ie using tips m or automatically.

Problem. Ensure monitoring and control test bed UAV with high accuracy required for testing.

Coordinate space in the foundation of the UAV.

Remote control and automatic control of the position of the UAV foundation for long-term (continuous) tests.

Description UAV test stend. The test stand UAV consists of 3 base plates that host testing equipment and UAVs. Objects, position in space to be monitored and adjusted on The parking stops are located on the foundation or building structures according to the test case Figure 1 are:

- Base stand 136-2000;

- Base stand 137-2841;

- UAV 3 is indicated in Figure 1, is in an vertical position on vibroplatfom, mounted on a stand with base plates 136-2000 or can be placed in a horizontal position at two base plates stand 136-2000.

Foundation booth 136-2000 is a 2 base plates FP1 and FP2 - concrete blocks with dimensions 15000x8000x5500 mm and weighing 1100 tons each.

137-2841 Stand Foundation - a foundation slab, which is a concrete block with dimensions 5000x5000x4500 mm and weighing 260 tons can be used for a vibrotests of lowerloaded UAV.

Turned off FP parking emphasis placed on, which are established on power test room floor.

Working condition FP-FP rise vertically to the height of the lug 50 ± 10 mm.

The maximum allowable under the terms of the safe operation of lifting equipment OP is 100 mm.

Elevation FP stand 136-2000 provides 10 vertical pnevmooporamy (IDPs) with a maximum operating pressure of 7.5 MPa air and stand 137-2841 - 4 of IDPs maximum working air pressure 2.5 MPa.

Horizontal fixing OP is:

in stand 136-2000 - 30 horizontal pneumofooting(GPO) with a working pressure up to 0.5 MPa;

in stand 137-2841 - 8 GPO with working pressure up to 0.5 MPa.

Pneumomaintenance IDPs and GPO stands implemented using pneumoremoute136-1399.Each panel has 4 identical channel i.

Each channel provides:

- Reduction of air pressure supplied to the board, ranging

0,5... 7,5 MPa;

- Supply air pneumoamortization(PA) through pneumoflaper(EPA) 44-41-0118, normally closed;

- Control pressure to the pressure reducer and supply in PA;

- Control of pressure in the PA;

- Drainage of air from the PA through the valve;

- Drainage of air from the PA via EPA 44-41-0119, normally open

- Drainage of air from the PA through the safety valve.

WEI each OP stand 136-2000 connected to the 4th channel remote 136-1399 for asymmetric scheme:

1-channel - HBO № № 1,2,3,4,7,8,9;

2nd channel - VPO number 5

3rd channel - VPO number 6

4 Channel - VPO number 10.

Thus, the channel number 1 is basic, it IDPs are able to raise over AF stand stops. HBO channels 2,3,4 perform corrective action on FP.

Connect each GPO AF pneumoremoute accomplished symmetrical pattern.Channels № № 1,2 provides vibroisolation, adjustment provision and maintenance of AF in the longitudinal and channels № № 3,4 - crossways.

The stand each channel remote 137-2841 136-1399 connected to one IDPs. IDPs. IDPs and GPO at OP are symmetrical.


Figure 1.


Complex technology. Complex hardware CAM "Foundament" is a computer system, comprising: AWP operator based on the platform Intel, remote management subsystem on the basis of Advantech industrial computer plus its function as I / O Discrete and Analog signals cartoon RS-485 and pressure sensors, displacement sensors, control channels pneumofloper, equipment alarm.

Powered automated control system voltage is AC 187-242 V. The system is equipped with uninterruptible power supply that allows operation in complete loss of supply voltage without losing control.

Receiving and analyzing information on the status of FP by 20 ultrasonic position sensors 20 channels of analog current signal 4-20 mA. Receiving and analyzing information about the emergency and preemergency situation of FP performed with 12 ultrasonic sensors position to 24 channels of contact twoposition sensors.Control of the emergency is over 12 channels of control. Automated control system provides independent primary and backup channels receiving and processing information about preemergency and emergency provision of FP.Receive and analyze information on the pressure in the vertical pneumosuport FP is of 12 pressure sensors to interface with four channels R S -485.Management provisions AF power all previously mentioned sensors, light and audible alarm is on 114 telecontrol channels. Admission analysis and formation control signals is performed of industrial computers, which established the appropriate interface card. Industrial computer uses a real-time operating system QNX. Associated with industrial computer workstations (WS) provider via Ethernet, with which you can manage the process of testing and display of objects of state control.AWP operator performs all system settings PCS "Foundation" launch control modes selected, provides independent oversight and control subsystem of the emergency drain air.AWP operator operates under the operating system Windows XP Professional.

The measuring system consists of sensors displacement, pressure sensors, analog channels and digital media, industrial computer modules "Manual input sensor readings and the fact of the computer industry," manual of the necessary software for measurement data processing and issuance of stimulating signals (Figure 2).

Fig.2.Block diagram of the measurement system.


The most important and determining the accuracy of the coordinates of FP is to choose the initial position sensors FP. In this automated control system uses ultrasonic sensors are one of the leading companies in the industry Senix Corporation., To have little impact environmental factors.Next, the most important characteristic of the sensor is the output interface. When choosing between digital interface RS485 and analog interface preference was given analog as speed digital interface properly fixed and is 9600 baud. When the specified rate cycle survey and obtain information one sensor is at least 12 ms which is the maximum permissible value even when obtaining information simultaneously on all channels with a frequency of vibration of FP (1-3 Hz).In connection with the ultrasonic sensor was selected firms Senix Corporation T S-30S1-ISK with current output 4-20 mA.In this case, the speed of processing information on the status of FP speed is determined only by measuring the controlled distance. For the proper discharge of independent emergency channel selected ultrasonic sensor of the same company TS-30S1-SKSK. A feature of this sensor is that it has two outputs of preemergency and emergency that works as a decrease, and in excess of the measured distance above or below the set.

As pressure sensor pressure sensor selected Metran-100-DI-1160-02-MP4-T10-025-10MPA-M20-10-SHR22 Metran company that meets all the requirements for the parameters:

- Range of measured pressure (0.6... 10) MPa;

- Basic error limit permitted by ± 0,5%;

- Operating temperature -40... 70 ˚ C;

- Output interface - RS485;

Information from the sensors is processed industrial computers "Computers in the subsystem remote control.

Remote control subsystem has:

- 20 channels receive and process current signal 4... 20 mA;

- 24 channels of reception and processing of alarm sensors;

- 1 channel RS485;

- 44 channels power management sensors;

- 40 control channels elektropnevmoklapanamy;

- 27 control channels display that shows the status of each FP mode and other situations;

- 2-channel controls audible alarm..

Software for remote control subsystem based on industrial PC Manual developed under the operating system QNX real-time, using software tools QNX Momentics Professional Edition ver.6.3, which allows you to manage FP vibration UAV in real time.

Software for ARM operator used as a basic SCADA "QUANTUM 2000".



The architecture of automated process control test bench UAV large carrying capacity showed high precision recovery and stability maintenance of FP at a given height that guarantees the necessary conditions of vibrotest of UAV.

Lifting speed FP automatically over several times lifting speed in manual mode.

Security process test bench provided full automation control provisions FP and FP control and, consequently, the lack of staff at the FP frame.



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