John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)
- The second half of the XIX century was characterized by a critical of the provisions of the German classical philosophy and political thought;
- There were attempts to avoid excessive (шектең тыс/чрезмерный) abstraction to the practical using of philosophical and political ideas;
- During this period, such philosophies as Marxism, positivism and the theory of elites were dominating.
Representatives: Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Friedrich Engels (1820-1895)
Characteristic features of Marxism:
- Rejection of overly abstract reasoning;
- Refusal to idealize classical German philosophy;
- Commitment to the practical implementation of the philosophical ideas;
- Interest in social and political issues;
- Development of formation approach to the historical development of society and the typology of (the slave system, feudalism, capitalism, socialism, communism);
- Development of the theory of scientific communism as an ideal society of the future.
The characteristic features of positivism (Latin word 'positivus' - positive):
- Critical of traditional philosophy as divorced (айырылған/оторванный) from reality;
- Philosophy must abandon the abstract language and rely on scientific methods (experience, experiment, etc.);
- The main purpose of philosophy is the generalization and systematization of these particular sciences objectively.
August Comte (1798-1857)
- Scientific knowledge, according to Comte, is the highest level of human development;
- The most valuable kind of knowledge is scientific (positive);
- Metaphysics on the contrary is the inaccurate, misleading and unhelpful;
- He called for a concrete social life to study, organize, and summarize it.
Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)
He introduced the term “social evolution”
- Three formulas to explain social evolution:
- Natural selection
- Struggle for existence
- Survival of the fittest
- The government should not interfere with the natural processes in the society: adjusted people will survive, and unsuitable will die. Only the strong will be able to reach higher levels of development;
- Socialism and communism - is impossible. People tend to: love of power, ambition, injustice, dishonesty;
- All attempts to speed up the progress of humanity through administrative measures only lead to a revival of the military type of society.
John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)
- He was the author of the concept of "System of Logic";
- The logic, according to Mill, is the theory of evidence;
- Logic should establish clear rules for truth - from the lies, true inferences (шешімдер/выводы) from the infidels (қате/неверные);
- Truth is consistent with the objective reality and the facts;
- All our knowledge is of experimental origin.
| Қазақша
| Русский
abstract reasoning
| міндеттеме
абстрактық ойлау
бас тарту
дәл емес
| обязательство
абстрактное мышление
вводящий в заблуждение приспособленный
5.Recommended readings:
- Алтаев Ж: Философия және мәдениеттану.- А., 2000
- Кішібеков С., Сыздықов Ұ. Философия. Оқулық. Алматы. 2000
- Тұрғанбаев Т. Философия. А, 2002.
- Ғабитов Т.Х., Құлсариева А.Т. Философия және мәдениеттану. А, 2002.
- Ә., Әбжанов Т. Ойлау тарихының белестері. – Алматы, 1994.
- Алтай Ж., Қасабек А. Философия тарихы. Алматы, 1999
- Ақназаров Х.З. Фиолософия тарихынан дәріскер курсы. – Алматы, 1992
- Бейсенов Қ. Философия тарихы. – Алматы, 1992.
- Философиялық сөздік. – Алматы, 1996
- Чанышев А.Н. Курс лекций по древней философии. М., 1993.
- Аль-Фараби. Философские трактаты.А.,1970
- Блинников Л. В. Великие философы. Словарь-справочник. М.: Логос, 1999. С.58-62
- Горфункель А. Х. Философия эпохи Возрождения. М.: Высшая школа, 1980.
- Лазарев В. В. Становление философского сознания Нового времени. - М., 1987
- Нарский И. С. Западноевропейская философия XVIII века. М.: Высшая школа, 1973
- Соколов В. В. Европейская философия XV-XVII веков. М.: Высшая школа, 1996.
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